Waiia Publisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor aeration ocroenn it not race DyDON WARN As this is written it ie loner ally assumed thatthe govern mentwiliberehuaedwlthrela tivaeaselutheeiection lliae edto arfaw Iaeata mmtomntwdou lo the danger line even of minori ty government Atihe same time there seems definitely in beaome discontent miimtidmw PW This moat often is eased in terms of feeling at the Conservatives hare been in power too long More than one voter has told me twenlydour years is just too long GROUPS UNHAPPY Then there are other norms of people who for one reason or another are imha about the Roberts adrnlnlatra on Some housing developers for instance thwgn normally Con servatives are fed up with the red tape that has been holding them back And they blame this principally on the province In the north there appears to be strong feeling of being neglected And in the farm community there are pockets of diaskience centered on the belief that the government has not tackled tlte problems of agriculture either realistically or vigorously There has been no indication To Light that this discontentla strong enough in bring about any important upsets good number of those obn cerned probably inst wont bother to vote The fedinl for the most part Appelll to be one of disillusion ment rather than Inger As for can be ascertained there isnt much strong anger against the government The type of feeling that will cause former nipportere to vote and even work against it But still there could be enough oi it around to cause the loss of fewvaeata APAIIIY GENERAL general apathy that has been the ke snark of the cam paign sh mean that the enernl vote will be lower than other years and the margins of victory in many of the seats will be closer So that shifts in voting strength can be oi more signiï¬ ï¬ance than in the usual elec OIL Actually the greaiest import ance of this need discontent mind he loogterm almilloance which would materially influ once the next election presum ebly lotn years from now it the opposition parties are returned with materially improved strength it could be the start of final slide in this phase of Conservative govern ment in the province AROUND THE worm THnuGHT 1415 YEAR we was some 12 Snow HOW we outD ALL LIVE terTHEK HABITAT 57 mmva Vote As You Please But Vote On Tuesday People of Ontario will go to the polls Tuesday to choose their representatives in the next legislature following one of the quietest elections in the history of the province Their votes will decide which party will form government for the next four to five years Candidates have worked hard to de velop interest and enthusiasm but they have not had singielbig issue to fire theimagination of the people There have been no pipeline scandals no big fights over taxation and no inter pariy strife similar to those in Ottawa in short it has been polite campaign devoid of color Premier Robarls whose Conservative Party has been in office 24 years has stressed good government and the political expertise of his administra tion jllobert Nixon has promised to re duce the number of government depart ments with view to economizing in provincial affairs The New Democra tic Party has been critical largely of the administration but it has failed to un earth anything of sensational nature come Despite the obvious lack of interest in the campaign generally the people still face the responsibility of election Their votes will select the party to spendour money frame our laws and to handle all of our provincial affairs for years to Tuesday the aople will be su preme they will deci who will be the premier of Ontario It is human nature to criticize the gov ernment and high taxation orthe 0p position for shortcomings However if we criticize and do nothing about it through the vote then we have no one to blame but ourselves if we get less than we bargained for inthe seat of ad ministration Getting outto vote is citizens prim ary political duty The candidates themselves merit good turnout at the polls they have worked hard for sup port and they deserve election by the majority of eligible electors and not by small minority as is so often the case in elections of the past Vote as you please but please vote DOWNMEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner Oct 14 1937 Liber als headed by Frontier Mitcheli Hops burn returned to office in Ontario elec tion with 66 seats in Legislature atTo ronto including Rev Wallace Downer of Dun troon in DufferinSimcoo and Hon Wil liam Finlayson in Simcoe East In Con tre Simcoe Hon Dr Leonard Simp son of Barrie reelected with majority of 1300 over lion Earl Rows of New ton Robinson Conservative leader Mr Rowe had majority in Barrie of 158 In nisfil West Gwillimbury and Bradford but all municipalities to north of Barrie gave Dr Simpson majority For final rally Liberals got Barrie Armoury which was filledlo capacityyandpver flowed into Queens Park where speech es bylremicr Hepburn Dr Simpson Howard Allan of Churchill and Duncan McCuaig KC iliP were heard by loud speaker system Barrie Citizens ligand led by Professor Michael Angelo Hon Earl Rowe also held final rally in Barrie Armoury with about samesize crowd as Liberals Speakers included Mayorlierb Robertson ofBart rie Controller Ciau rod of To JohnFiCralg Ba ga Jamieson of Coili gwodd and Fred Gardiner of Forestllill village Aid erman William Garner headedcommit tee in drive to raise funds forartlficial ice machine in Blame Aron Others in ill Utih as manager D1 Frank Max well and Frank Rayner of Barrie Hockey Club Mayor Robertson Cecil Norris of KiwanisClub Norman man ager Bank of Nova Scolia Jack Rodg ers and John Wilson of Board of Trade Frank Craig and Art Pugh of us Club Conservatives elected only 23 parade of Liberals from downtown lyandgo outonlhedow Dr Norman Rogers Medical 0f oer of Health stated that folio epidemic was over in town arry Armstrong purchased property next door to extend his hardware store County Clark Thomas Simpson re ported that Ontario government took over BarrielAngus road to become new provincial highway Orii1ia Terriers moved into Mann Cup finals for Can adian senior lacrosseditle by eating Calgary Rangers 28 Premier Hep burn announced some changes in his cabinet but Hon Dr Simpson will con tinue as liiinister of Education Mon signor Sweeney 74 priest of St Marys Parish died of pneumonia He came to Barrie as curate in 1896 return ed as priest in19Zl ndale YMCA had 25 per cent increaa members JacobGrll Gaudaur fornier world7cham pion sculler died lat0 llia Other Editois Ellich TURNABOUT ONLY rain St Thomas Tim Journal gt group of 41 BaptistMethodist Lutheran and Presbyterian ministers de cided totake abreak ina seminar ithey were holding tnAtlanta Georg recent tospe to the world and see wha the world wassaying Jihey visited nightsth clubs incognitoof course was among other things that ight club dancer askednno= of the minister to unzip her costume Plain talk Afterthe tour the ministers regrouped to discuss what the had seen and heard It would be nice think thatthe night club entertainers would rocipr ate and find that what ministers are yingin the pulpit is just as fascinating to enter tainersas vhatiho world issaying in night spots xsto ministers nd they found that what theworld wassaying Slain Tanner Castro Deputy Wanted To Reform The World By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst In lighting enemies olliberly we find ourselves with strange heleilows just as in fighting Hitler wo alliedourselves with the aangulnary Stalin We explain such inconsistencies on our part on grounds of acces aity and our language in full of sayings to justify such actiona lt takes thief to catch thief any stick to heal At the same time uhen we find ourselvesjon the same side with someone we dislike we begin thinking that we can reform him improve him that contact with us will make nim respectable that come to think of it he isnt so bad after alL Franklin Roosevelt came to call Stalin uncle Joe and complained about Churchills unreasonable suspicinuanesa towards the Russians Something similar happened to Cite Guevara the romantic young revolutionarywhom the Bolivian claim to have killed Che Guevara was physician the son of awelltodoAngenti nianfami1y and he was obsessed by the misery of Latin America the starving children the peasants aged before their time the arrogant landlords owning estates as large as Con neotlout DOWN FROM HILL met him inliavana in 1959 Ha hadiust come down from his victories inthe hills against the troops of Juan Batista the dictator some looking like lintoreilo painting of Renaissance man in his long curisand rakish beard His eycs ahono with exhilaration and he was full of schemes and full ofioy lie was liven at obviously very bright and younger than his years liowanled to save the world to make it clean to give his fol low men all the lovely things university students think about liberty dignity love hope pride and freedom from hun ger fear and disease lie was very young and he wanted all these things to come about overnight He said it was an abomination to suggest that childs release from hunger should he gradual He thought he had worked out the implications at what he was Ellie flame Examina is anyone Street Berrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart Intent Ottawa and for pay Sulncription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $2340 yearly Sin copies me By mail $2340 yearly VOntarlo mm year motor throwoil Sislyear Mail out da Ontario $14 year Out side Canada Britishposses $16 ear and M0 Canteen St Montreal WI 1m West Pen der St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers ssoï¬ialiv he Canadian circulations The Canadiau Press is ex elusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred tied to it or The Asaocaied Presser Reuters and also the local new published therein Guevara was hand saying lie knew that what he wanted he said meant expro priating nationalizlng curbing the rich and the privileged for eign and native alike Che Guevara knew that the Quassc OPINIONS MiaWeld tortls an current Inlet translated from the FreerHaulage press of Canada Greeley IA Vol de Tat in the of hit Robert Cildie leader the NDP the people olQuebec are not concerned about con stitutional probleml Some people speak more and more about oonrtlmtlonal diangu he raid but those who would be called on to brtn about this revolution to Whale in it know with about it They preocmpy themselves very little with the various options har ï¬nned gab they Ede to their ems nomic battle hir Cliche is too per cent right The people ignore all these constitutional proh lama How on the other hand could they understand some thing at all this when the elite tbelf cannot find sin glo suitable solutionl As the NDP leader says the reform ofsoclely is reform that is much more meat than that of the con stitution Because what the people want is the improvement of their status chance to live decently This objective will be reached by economic measures not by on over throw or the mustiA the eco forelgnera he planned to dkpos sess would turn against him But he was convinced that lhuy would turn against him whatevv or he did because he said being rich they worcbound to oppose any rocking oi the boat in which they occupied such luxurious cabins But could he do it Was it not too big task lic would have Russias help he said Oh yes Russian communists bad faults but the Cuban revolution was pure and its purity might prove catching Moscow might be reformed and return to its orig inal revolutionary ideals and the brotherhood of all revolu tionaries told him he was naive romantic lie answered he would rather die that way THE LIGHT TOUCH Finds By EAL BOYLE NEW YORK AHThings columnist rnlght never know if he didnt opl dream of in Spain is that its simpler to find one there Spain has some 1500 castles buttho plumbing of many is still as medieval as their battlementa Prosperity Note pawn ahop on First Avenue here posts thla sign ita no crime to be broke The crime is to be broke when you can hook something The carnal is able to endure travel across dry desert wastes so well partly because he is able to manufacture his own water simply as he ploda along He can convertthe fatty ump on his back into oldst gallons of water lunnber of otherr creating have this handy metabolic gift The on math for exauwl nevot drinks water luuluumsr lliuuuWaoH conruvuous anowirvc AT ous mm rurnvor as uuNtoP st uAnnIE SHOWN AT 530 310 Things Columnist In His Mail but lnys eggs that have an Ropercent moisture content Quotable notablos More free time means more time to waste The worker who used to have oniyeiittle timcin which to getdrunkand beat his wife now has time to get drunk beat his wifeand watch leievlsion Robert Hutchina The biggest objects in Mill that arent tied down are icebergs One mammoth berg sighted oft Antarlica in 1956 measured zoo miles long and 50 wide it was estimated it would aatislyfor lifetime the ice cube needs of all the worlds martini outliers who like their drinks on the rocks Folklore io killa wart rub it with penny Hang wolf teeth around childs neck and it will grow up to be fear less if you recite the Lords Prayer backward at mid night the odvtl will appear to you WWW CANADAS FINEST ENTERTAINMENT mnmuouuoum from WIIIEAML one or run near snoortao summon rassoornwrar gthnluld one Side Quebee la EdenThe fed oral and provincial govern menu are at grips tion For hla wntrtbutlon the fedesll minister finance has just enunctnled Ottawas tinendllpollty and provide for substantial reduction in expenditures to reduce the deficit According to bfr Shara the asunlrya key problem the immediate future is to find way to prosper ty The minister spoke of campaign of persuaaion the government could undertake to have unions and stabilise employers put check on sub increases including the Irleo paid to office execu tives The same suggestion could apply to the personnel of various governments Some civil servants have astronondcol salaries The more government services the more civil servants there are and the higher go gov ernment expenses How much be added tothe experse account for the incessant coming and going oi rnian tors and civil servants from one country to the other from one continent to anoth er Cultural and other exchanges also add to the bill it is question of finding the golden mean so that tho TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72Mlli with inlla predicts that next years budget will taxpayer does not constantly find hlmseil seated between two chairs it is to be hoped that the appeal of the federal minister of ï¬nance will be understood in all circles and by all governmeniavOCL BIBLE TllOUGHT nae are mnmulell com plalnera Iulklng alter their on tulle and their mouth apeaketh lent nleillnl words having mens persons in admiration be cause of advantage Jude Doesnt this verso make the Bible sound like 1965 publiv cation BIRITE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES SI III on Drugs PHONE 7282429 DeliveryAt No Extra Charge Keep Things Going In Ontario VOTE T0 REELECT ART EVANS HIcHwnv 2627 WIDENINGVPROJECT In the upper picture Art Evans is talking loa construction worker on the Bayfield Street part of the road donios proloot Below heinspectslconstnietion of new bridge near Midllurst The provincial government is absorbing the entire cost of this largevscaie projectOVER ONE MILLION DOLLARSlr And the citizens of Barrie have Art Evans their able representative at Queens Park to thank for the Enormous gt Conservative Sponsored by the Shncoelcentre ProgressivoCooservnlive Assoclatiun