Aids Emphysema ro GOOD Breathing Exams By romn MOLNEN em DeIr llr Meme htte been dnint hrellhittl Ixercllel ler emphyeerne let period et two month Mx bmthinl tr met ly improved end do net beileve lt lI JuIl Incidence underrioed the the exer eleee llwld help keep the emphyeeme rem flutesj werle but hut not expected em to laser he dlemmtort II the have thed cempletned at this In ble or mere yem hetore doctor reelized whet ind htoet had talented on nerve Mn GP Delightlul newet No hmth in exercises are not intended lGCeruln mum her man eznn me 7Hemd 1m 9m llFathel Mlehln no to prevent the emphyeeme rem getting wane hul melt deï¬nitely ere intended to rneke yaur breathing lmpmve Emphyeeme lea el elem llctty in the luv nerlmt lung in much llke sponge wlth vest number or elvenlt or they Ill eeu in which oxy TELEVISION ll musterth the MM etyeant in excth let urban elem but te en meltd eltce hum home Al lute numb at me my tea been eele mm one II see him It mlhy enteil II yen clued mm ee much etr out at the tuna ll yell uhele mean you eunet em II llltlch treeh It in when on breetite Prev the emphyeeme Nm lulu Wm lhlt te rem further hreIttdown ot the III nee end III tea at Ih iy IA expeilir depende meet tmportenthy en eveth my preveettee by keeping the letIo ï¬ll2n ltieeoL litHear mun him thl put were It emed en elves heceuee It is only tn all recent years that we have come to recemixe emphyseme tor it beenextlernely peeve lent lung ailment whlell can he Illevteted tellheu not cured tt we epptx ioéet treetment em to en llv mus end proper reelhtnl one at the meet helpful For greetelt comfort end beet reeuile It in absolutely Impen ttve that the pattern do his pert The teeter can do only so much Iol him Mr Dr Helen heve catIIin who telll me the he tour er in hurt ettuke week end the elle is very till Intent he wron but didnt think It wee pmthle to heve Ia nunyheert Itteehr and live trritetten ot these tuna Giving up mold is meet Avoldlnl reekielreteritin dime includlnl to be bumsten ot lntectlm ll my in ohviene end it they do occurprempt treltment ll ntuIL The breathing exercllu how ever ere destined te live you mulmum intake or rm lli willlln the elpebllltlee ot your lmpeired lunar tn lplte of the PROGRAMS BUFFAID BARRY VI BUFFALO BUFFM TORONTO ll HAMILTON me muddle lFell The Cat esnnrtn smeltr 1hm end Home llllewklye lfltll 14m Hlulnk llthhy ll SClntnh Cult 15 ll lhel we the enmuu thwaslhmm mo Melt elate Go llDrvu mle llzlh IAnl 8th Chlldm TGto enEu llMek moo ZTop CIA lNm Iro 70 ï¬lm rezoe Hlnhed Jr esnmm 1Povev Imam lt9 vMIIW SATURDAY SEPT It MORNING AND AFTERNOON llm Allen than The 211mi tMom chl 1411 Konl Mulder Nln esupermen the me 1116th SATURDAY 8E 30 EVENING lNewl 1Mbtll DAï¬er llLthlI hotel we eMelwut Gm 7FboIbu nwerld or Speru llDennll lIll llenm 100 5th bRoree rme eMmte tlzom sun znennr Men SBuxe Bunny llHobo ewe 24min vetley my iMxt ln 5pm tctunnel luporu Lstlnzny llsuper Heron em zI Dulm leertnte nee Iue sMovll llsuwu me zMovte 5411mm llEocley lhlovlo Girls Girls Glxll Luann me 01an Insetten uatne zhtovte mu Coleen nhdel Lxulblntu GNnulld Ill IGleuen 1le elrtn Chepeml Hinton 7way Th0 Conqueeer gain ewe Inher 8m IPN Mm 16 my stone Three so WWW wtxx leef te Spain on MI Mm Wlhbotlt SW SUNDAY Dcl MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo rrm mme nine Hpeetmnl ecem 73 emu rm uuouy zcvmn smut rteper cepen Jinks Hour llCItllednl me LNwl eum leme cm 1su 7minute llllIllen helmI llmnn Book ecuem mm mu We llOpntlnenul Min 17 51 DWlfll Yw Wen uroo ecuzeenl or annw cone In Albtlnl me lHlnld LI Sudden Um 1Movte Pltee urn rlar Welfw 110 TelWW will mm mum fin shutout Ste lllï¬lfln Period 11 la 8pm Ale no uooelun 7215 ee llLellen no 11311 Shun lLflW of mu necltne to kneel whether coulin te reeliy ill er in ulklnl up eeme Iymplthy or kyle In But you can he sure that she ttnt hlvtnl heert unclereel coroner oceluiens She may he hlv flipped belts or verleur flutterinxe the hurt reel or irnIzlnery ht they arent heart Ittack She may have Angina Pecte Dur hlolnu Some once HOURS tobd lt fltl he quieter to raw bu ttee whole NH to cook it beelnee eeektex kill pay such sue Plan Open Tennis Match mï¬hwï¬ ï¬‚lurldly or In open Wm don tournement next yen uhellenzed the rut the world to join tn mm emeteurim The ceundl et the Britt Lean Mnte Federation in tnternetlonll ruler approved ruolutkm applet ell dullnctlons between pretw eionele end mutate It needs only the tunnel epprnvel member eluhe It the Ltlteenmlet meeting In December The ehelteole jeopardize the whole Metre at Wed nu Wee Illlh ruvL murmurum 301135 36lll reamv nnce ilme SalIt lapgungu due as We lemme fllï¬iifliiiflfl HIIIIï¬HIIIV afll Integrable JULIET eons DONALD DUCK mewoou IVE GOT SHE PROBABLY THINKS WHY CAUSE THE NURSE SAVE HlM ILL BEAT IT OUT THE BACK DOOR ASl USUALLY DO AND HEAD ME OFF mmremrmcwmnmlv PHILWHATIF LAILDAC UALLYLOOKONMVFACEWLL 15 $IOK ILL FOOL HER BY DUCKING OUT PEOBABLVCHEER AFTER ALITHESE VEAIE YOUD THINK Momma our 23Mde ONewe WeeLllu Challenle Sport Heed Grimm lllue lel 1lelony Selle 90019 try Hum Kill me Fm Ind ltw 1mod Dver It IMull Hill Malnil ITBA FCvnlereme PM llep Unto My me Theme BMarlne My HM TM NIllvn High mm mm SUNDAY 0m EVENING 11well deepenl 530mm when er eamn Anne ym ï¬fe mm rem Luanne Cw Chï¬wm Wu 1mm 114ml llm um evalth ll lel 400 zMtke Dalme Lcnmmunleete eseceee stare Love LDC ll51lpu Heron euo were Lan or Communal pm Foethelt mama maul FMMO 11mm emum 1Pem Menu 711nut4mu llMeye HIM AND HIS CRAZY WATCHl HE KEEPS ll GOOD NITEMOM DO Ybu EEALlZE ms AFTER TWO OCLOCK 100 News were Spark SAetldenhl Femily eHoneymeenen ISeotmd Hundred lLltlell Pmm UNCLE 1Newe Wellher Spam ZMonklel 3DOII MESS kl aw 0y mm pcum rot gt 530 zorLwlenerseu um 1Newl 4m Waler Spam lGentle Bell ilGenue Ben mvrle con memlt At kPontthllzlk 1144 In am 800 312 Sulitvm ILL In AM eNuu Weather Lewd Lemme 9f Sflmlelovo all eLllctlle mu 113 Fulï¬l 1730 ï¬nk Mower Inin lPetI xellarl Blnee mun 11Het une emm Pele 11er TUESDAY OCT MORNlNGAND AFTERNOON 1mm antdlnl um zCancenhlllfln BevelLy lllllhtllle steel my 7Movle In lupnm emery wine trnmt gem lnanenn eva Bank MONDAY OCT MORNING AND AFTERNOON llanle Mlh lune militant lose emmmtnuon lEemlly nulbuttu mum Kuzl UH rlmm norm MtDARLtNGi em zNew sNewt WeItlter 5M1 WORM Lsummer Semester llMoal Newl eMavte Clad eMeet mug 141mm nMm mony Saidlu 111m Wu 7Dlhllne irPuiunhllly eGood Morning IAlldy Gfllfllll lEtiwe Ynur Mother In aw FTumn Armle mlo ZHnllywoad Swen 3H Allele Tlme entck vn nyk 711135 Game aMr end we nlurlm Cnnfldcnll 1200 11mm rLuncneen mt 71M zmu When on 11 wmd 1Wlmlw 0n IIII World we emvmmutm vaema Help ec ll llGchwmelflnonn no pukingaw In 11pm nornoun em zmnemu ecxllon meerlm mo eAe nn wottn mm ezoe 70le or Our um lLove nut premiered word wined Gene zen 20mm eHme Pen 7nmm one 9le19 In Connie llPefll Item llne Hiollywood wee ssd Alien ill emtx Ven nyke Autumn Mira me ecnpum Kentrec lldettuhflpllu cums mm It Itlntvenily or in All Marital Prenatal Servant matted plhronto Todl emu 2Amther went Ike Geirere1llmltfl mum EMF CW 25m ludumnt 1Year Dan ecmue Oelnerl eneu IUnele anew 7Cmmlnder ltonr llmvre plte Your Meve you 11aelllwtnkl emiun enema 1Genenl Mint Hemme pom that none 51 emu of nut iflWï¬m Hummus MUGGS AND SKEVETER