NORTH lineman It could havoboen designat lsh Princess Alexandra war in her cousin Princess Margar threedny visit and Wince ed unoilidal Day or the Prin as in North America Brit PA the US Midwest on tour pttb mating British exports while ANN LANDERS ADVISES Frank Opinion Of Gonduc In Ranks Of Service Corps Dear Ann Leaders dont lrnow who the authoriti are that you checked with but my common sense tells me you were wrong when you said the WAC who got pregnant by married ottlcer did not receive dishonorable discharge How would the military authorities nsider such an act hnnnra le7 if over person deserved discharge she did Please check again and tell ur readers that the United tatcs Army does not reward such disgraceiul conduct by condoning it ilirarrk you Real American Dear ILAr Thank you lor writing The following letter should he of interest to you INVOLVED Dear Ann Leaders was interested in the letter item the reader who wanted to know if it was possible that her WAC lriend who was live months pregnant received discharge that wasnt dishonorable Please print this for her to see When was member oi the WAC my closest friend became involved with an enlisted man whom she did not want to marry Her secret was so close 1y guarded that nobody knew she was pregnant She looked little heavy and we all teased Irrefr about itbut she laughed it If it had not been inr the required annual physical believe she cordd have stayed in the service until the delivery date As it was she was separ ated train the service three weeks before the baby was bornJhehabywasrutupro adoption and my friend reen listed within 50 days which enabled her to keep her rank of Specialist Fourth Class am proud tirat the United States Army takes this enlight ened view toward outvolwed lock pregnancy They do not New Potatoes The Market make girl pay the rest oi her lite lor one mistakeAn Ex WAC TIME ADVICE Dear Ann hope the engaged couple will take your advice and say no to the girls parents them to move into an apart ment at the back of theirhome We had the same problem and it nearly broke In our mail riage My parents insisted we move in with them when we returned from our honeymoon They made it real easyono rent lust buy the groceries it was lina lor two weeks and then the trouble began They heard every argument Tom and had and came right in toraeree Mydadbeglanioboss Tom and give him all kinds of unwanted advice Whenever we had com pany my folks walked in and sat down When our son was horn my mother took over could hardly get near him This was the last straw We announced that we were mov ing into our own place My folks were soahurt they cried We moved anyway Two years have passed and can truthfully say we never knew real happiness with we got into place of our own So please Ann keep dishing out who are pressuriog VORED Bv ROYALTY Christina of Sweden was plcting visit in New York AP vimnboto WORLD BRIEFS DMMEMORATES PIONEEES SAULT SlE MARIE UP plaque commemorating the pioneers who built the ï¬rst school in nearby Koran Town ship lot years ago was unveiled ct was in Canada lor an un olliclai visit Danish Princess Anne was in Les Angela or built by Jamie Henry Gore an immigrant from England STEAL STUDENTS MONEY TARllUll TOWNSHIP MI Thlcvcs broke into the four room central public school Thursday and escaped with $145 in insurance money collech train students earlier in the week Tarbutt Township is about 25 miles castoi Sault Ste Marie that hardboiled but sensible advice And rcpeat that last sentenced oi advice to the engaged couple it was gem For You Beer For Hi will Chile dren owe their parents great deal but they are not obligated to keep thrn company for the rest of their lives OFF TO sins Thursday The log school was IODE CHAPTER Centennial Rose 35111 To ride in 19th Century Music Hall Humbert at body Sarah Arm mar Jones Chapter imper ial Order Doughtrrs oi the Em pirr met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs llauglp ton Codrlngton with Mrs tort Mhrgooo with him Port Mountain act as errhostess Arrangement or the Cbsp ters Centennial Rose Ball to be held Oct 20 at Embassy Hall Blake St were reported by the menus Mu it Harris and hits Harper Mrs Peter kln tidret converter amormced that tickets are available and carom again flats year is ex peeled Mrs Stcpbcnl iood oouvcner oi the dance paroyreported pleas tor theev eniogindiet me are oomr plated COUNTRY MUsrcuALL Decorating convenerltirs Harper Announced that onemorc work meeting at her Dreka St honre Oct in at pm complete arrangements for dec orathrg the Hell it will be trans toia ittb CENTENNIAL BUFFET Among the more than 150 guest attending the Centeirnlai Bullet at Knights of Coiundrus Hall Wednesday evenhsgmany were beautiful centennial cos tumes Mrs Buchanan wore astunning black beaded dress with bat and purse to match The hostess Mrs nghlhr depictedvLady Simcoe in her authentic period costume he cervrng guests MrsE Petrl moulx president of SL Marys Catholic Womens league wore poï¬ld print gown and Mrs Murphy president of the of Auxiliary wore arblue sateen gown with velvet and lace trim Dthectuests in costume in eluded Mrs Calvert Mrs William hchleer MraM Beau tioinlllrs Lr Hook dï¬ Ray Gariepy Mrs Hart Mrs Dusome and daughter Mrs LaPlante Mrs Note Mrs RobertCtlitoa Mrs Dumond Mrs McCarthy Mrs Mor on Mrs Wilson Mrs Jerry Padiicld piayad traditional selections on the pl ano during the supper hour Mrs Ross Saunders and her committee oonvcnedthe dellclt ious salads and meats trays The butiet was joint project of the Catholic Womens League and the Knights oi Columbus wrthproceeds tor the St Marys Church Budding Fund WEDDING GUESTS In the crty today to attend the wedding of Miss Vallee Chantler andDavid Shatford at Central United Church are Mrs Shatiord Hubbards NS Mrs Gordon King and Mrs Murray Wallace both of Halifax NS Dr andMrs Ger ald Sears and Mr and Mrs Ed Wiebe London Mr and Mrs Blainc Tyndall Wéstbrook Mr and Mrs Donald Sullivan Sar nra Mr and Mrs Ian Brumeil llamrlton Mr and Mrstames Collins Ottawa Mr and Mrs Kenneth SkellyI Peterborough and Mr and Mrs Norm Orser Drrliia Guesta from Tomato include twinbc Mrs Peter McCrcath Miss Mae nouslcbsllsrdtb and gold color cen abr therm Entertainment will be Provided by Wendy Hicks as Ocntsenlai Ross brass is optional for guests attending and may are expmt ed to near centennial ball gonna Guest speaker at the meeting was Bernard Travis grade izrtudent of St Josophs High Smool who was introduced by MrsA Varden and thanked by Mrs liarrn SEMINAR REPORT Bernard me an interesting and arme inform day United Nations Seminar held at tendon Ootr which be at tended moored by the Lady Sarah AMMWSJMEI droplet Members voted to donate mom eylothe iODE National Con termini Prolect an Xray ms chlncfor Korsa change in the date of the next meeting was announced it held Nov instead of Nov Premiere puns can Audrey unscrew Dr and Mrs VAlian Distiller Mr and Mrs Doug Cbantler Dr and Mrs Murrayurantler Mr and Mrs lohnBalrd Mr and Mrs William Jackson ltlr and Kenzle Mrand Mrs Doug Mur ton John hiurtonMr and Mrs Reg tiurtonMiss Janet Sehari Graham Scolt Mr and Mrs Thomas Scott Mrs Mary Strut iord Mr and Mrs Richard Smith Mr and Mrs Bower Tyn dall Mr and Mrs James Vick ers and Mr and Mrs ï¬oltand Wilson FRENDSHIPCLMB Thanksgiving was the ammo riate as well as seasonable theme of tirernceting oiSenior Citizen Friendship Club on Dot Angus boss was at the piano tnglead ingsin songwriter eluded tbsnksg ving by Stoner Barrie Recreational ector attended the session TheLClub is planning Pro grossch Eudrre to be held 00 18nttho Loyal True Blue Hall High St beginning at oclock This is open to all regardless at age nmvsnsrrr srunarrrs Miss Jan Tomlinson daughter oer and Mrs Tomlin son St Vincent Sq has return ed to theUniversity of Western Ontario where she is in her sec ond year General Arts Miss Susan Rodgers Welling ton St is in her third year Gen eral Arts at the University of Western Ontario where she is majoring in English Also in her third year Gen era Arts at the Unlversltyoi Western Ontario isMiss Gloria Jennett oiThoroton BM Edmunds son of Mr and Mrs Art Edmunds Letitia St has begun hlsfirat year Business Adnunlstratlon attlre University of Western Ontario sonorrnmsr some member of the Mental Health Association will be the speaker at the SoroptimistClubs Foun ders Day Dinnerlbe meeting m5 ForSeason 0i EatingPieasure New Ontario potatoesgnow on the market mean new season or eating pleasure Potatoes are the most common vegetable and are considered staple food in this part of the world Potatoésare not fattening It is the accompanying sauces and gravies that cause the calorie count to mount in fact the po tato has many virtuesuPotatoes one one of the cheapest sources of Vitamin and Thiamine that we have Before iresh fruit and vegetables were available all zmr round potatoes were prob bly the basic source of the ascorbic acid vitamin they can supply up to one half oithe daily requirement ew potatoes are more perish able than the later crop They should be bought only in quaa titles for short term use and should be stored at temperatures between 40 to 50 degrees There are three considerations when storing potatoes adequate cooling control of sprouting and maintenance of firmness This all means that freshly dug po tatoes should be stored in cool place and relatively rhi ho midity Every year Canadians throw away onequarter million pounds of potato eelings To eliminate some of waste slipofi the skins after cooking Peeling be iore the cooking process will waste to rope control the potato Here is recipe with hidden secret the moisture is supplied hymashed potatoes Beeanse they are mixed with icing sugar and because the flavor icl cocoannt goes through the whole nnxture no one is ever the wiser This is good pauper leftover mashed potatoes cocoannr CANDY ircupcold mashed potato cups icing sugar cups flaked cocoanut teaspoon salt flavorings food coloring semisweet chocolate Mix together mashed potatoes and icing sugar add cocoanut and salt Divide into three parts part add only vanilla flav orrng second part add green food coloring and peppermint flavoring third part add red food coloring and almond flav oring Drop by spoonfuls in wear edpoper and chill in the retrlg eratnr When lirm drizzlewith semisweet chocolate melted over hot water Store in refrig commas PomRan For that Christina Wlt nit withs pmfessiwrsl look see or SOON assunnronnmi ovn worry cnnrszrrms mm hologra P73402110 or Maple Avenue itsan Snappy sidebuttoning marks this shortcropped jacket in rich siennabrown suede lined with giant houndstooth woo short skirt Designed by Anne Kiein for Mallorys Fall 1967 collection the big news in this casual costumeis the maize to match the sottiy gathered th neat elasticized waistline beneath wide lea ther belt Jacket vhichbasi setin sleeves and standaway collar tops longsleeved tar tleneclr white cottonknitshlrt dt is smart comfortable cos tume for campus or sports spectating wear HARDYGLENW PRODUCTS imonufacturers ofiine thyme ANNOUN JE the opening oft new SHOWROOM atf store 22Welington St The Barrie Plaza RETAILSALES Hours starting Friday October or no to 600 Monday merey Wednesday on to 00 Thursday Friday no to Saturday FEATUKINGr Featuring Made in Barrie Quality Gilt items also available at Robinsons Hurdwareand and Steeles China HARD GLENWOD minim Oiiorgoodcnly salurdnyp underAM LAKEVIEwRESTAURAN res Dunlap Er oa soarrs 7295151 gt PASTR SHOP MILAND MRS FIERBACH Ph°te by IA Cflmr Email Afternoon Rites At StroudV Church litJames United Grurch in Stroud was the scene of double ring wedding ceremony when So can Elizabeth eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Black oi Strand was united In mar riage to lvan Roy Fierbach rec ondson of Mr and Mrs Man uel Flertrach Mooschom Man ltev Joan Huntley otticieted at the atremoonrttes8ept 23 Miss Glenda Meson presided at the organ and accompanied the soloist Mrs JanetWanless as she sang the laords Prayer and God Has Not Promised Skies Evor Blue The congregation sang Praiso My Sord the King of Heaven as the bride comedowrr the aisle escorted byher father who gave her in marriage lhc bride wore floorlength gown oi peau dc sole laslrtoned withn softly scooped neckline and lily point sleeves The slim skirt of the gown was accented will be held ihrnsday at 615 pm UNIVERSITY mDENrs Gerry Yates sonof Mr and MrsythornasaYatcerrnrfldele Ed has returned to the Univer sity oi Windsor where he is his second year Business Admin istration Scott Winchester son all Mr and Mrs John Winchester of Brookdalo Dr is studying En gineering at the University of Waterloo where he is in his sec ond year SORDBTTY F001 BOOTH The three local chapters of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority will be helping at the Woodham Steak bnrger booth at the International Plowing Match The booth is located oatfirst St at the Tent City in innisill Township SHANTY BAY GOLF liosiag day tor the ladies sec tion of Shanty Bay Golf Club concluded with potluck sup per iollowing the games on TuMday Winners of the after noons play included Mrs Shir ley Hawkins Mrs Pat Mossop Mus Belle Give and Mrs Gladys West Mrs Mary Partridge was hostess ei the supperattended by r5 guess Denote Minory or ramre om Gums Miss Isobel Scotti and Joseph Scotti from Montreal are the weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Saso oi Sunnldateiltd with chapel train of lace ex tending lrom the shoulders oi the gown BEXDAL ATTENDANTS Mis Jean Block sister of the brldcwas maid of honor An other sister Mlss Ruth Black and Mrs mile lineman sister of the bridegroom were brides nratds llrc attendants wore floors length gowns of peau do sole designed with sleeveless bodices and Empire misttines ltro maid oi honors dress was rose and the bridesmaids aqua blue They carried cluster bouquets of white pompon mums and roses Attending as groomsman was Emile therren brotherth of the bridegroom Ushers were thebrides cousins Eric Brown and Kenneth MCDonald RECEPTION Guests were received at the drurdr hall The mother of the bride received wearing two piece ensemble of peacock blue brocade complemonted by cor sage oi pink roses The bridegrooms mother as sisted wearing pink brocadao arcogsage of white Alter honeymoon to points in southern Ontario and United States the couple will make their new home at The Pas Manitoba Outmm guests attended from Bradford Toronto Ottawa Midland Grand Valley Barrio and from Moosehorn titan button AUCW Marks Thank Oifering Burton Avenue United Church Women held their general meet ing at Burton Avenue munch on Oct flora decorated candelabra and an open Bible termed the setting tor the thank oiiering service Mrs Roach led the lever tional Mrs Ganaway was soloist gt The guest speaker was Mrs lim Gilmore who for the past five years has beentn India with her husband and three mil dren doing missionary work The Gilmores have been mem bers of Burton Avenue united Church for many years and will be returning to india in one years time Flowers by telegraph anywhere across the world or across town Flowers can say so much Phone 7287713 today or stop our shop nextto ï¬rePortag Room created by your proleaslonll teldlorlst was roman rs unconstrth Notiriirg is quite so cheering to convalescent as fresh cut flowers or colourful plant 1W°ltgtIworrh DEPARTMENT srors