SUMMER RESORTS comers son SALE SUNNIBILI and COMNIAL Prefab SUMMER COIIAGES More than 75 floor plans vars It has sites to choose tram Avail able in Vacation or All Weather speciï¬cations 100 miles free da Ilveiy from factory Guaranteed erection service Terms if you own your pun lot Write for lnlormatlon 50c cov ers coat of auiilustrated eats ioguea and pos ge JAYMARK BUILDING PROJECIS DWIGHT LAKE OF BAYS ONTARIO Hiaway 35 Opposite School ARTS FOR SALE he Canadian WASHER C7 DRYER lbs capacity Eliminates clothesline Laundry ready to iron $l7450 No special plumbing necessary hilly guaranteed McFadden Furniture and Ap Iiance Park LId OPDrMON To Fill AiI TO EM SATURDAY 96 PM lots at Free Parking Hayfield St Hwy 27 mm ITS IIERE THE FAMOUS SHERIDCK MANNING PIANO lo ditlerent designs Iinlshes Just one heautllul tone KEENANS MUSIC STORE Dunlap SI ROBINSON HARDWARE have good selection at colour television sets sleraoltili to card players radios AM and FM transistors 31 DUNIOP ST WRECKING is Homes Stores Materials coming to this yard dressed lumber windows doors etc Located at Highway Ii Concession Oro Operated by National Budding Deraolltion telephone 4872301 NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at line broadloorn DDMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and prism it as Collier sr phone miiii Tarn RECORDER Philips model all and lot Turner matched pair stereo microphones Two AIILA hi ll epeskrrs Telephone 728le DEER RIFLE izto savage holes shells lrl goodcondluon Telephone masts so coon sTovr the sale in good condition Also Ila cord or is dry maple suitable rnr cophstote or tireplsco Telephone vessels none roncnn Alr rurnrccs tet sale in good eondllion For no Laet particulars telephone 72a uli BIGNKJOB BALE to iv white esrdborrd Example ApL to heat House for sue etc Mallhie st Barrie cxsnrlner enrlnesr orilce 72823 rug and and minus oak Inn chair Telephone nilma Gas ohm inrils nearly new ganglith condition Eelephono not it or unit plum new to chicken crates used twice st Simona Izlgtl men slat bed wring Sflfld condition bi Marshall inner spring mattress mam GUN Remington model cal iber no Do semi automatic Lydian rear sight lute new 29 Illnld $20M hind store so Dunlap st ANTIQUES Antique thuretnzmes as 24 Telephone WLIS alter please NIGHT Table to double bed Mount Gumbel fIlter sod th bar rod Big Bay Point Painswlclr CITIZEN Band my radio ybase with eaten mobiles with antennas $350 Teitplmne 064407 alumni mam tor sale medium used one wtnter ILW cement mixer in condition with TDD tdr Telephone mamas 1ng BASS Guitar picku cellent condition New refill ï¬ilng and paint loh hildoirht blue body Zrclnzl lequervd neck white tree 70 cash or best otter Telephone viae557 ALMOST NEW portable stereo re cord player and records tor sale Good price Telephone mews on its Genenl Electric nelrirep sin treezer compartment aulcrns tie derrort nrlnxe Genetrt EI etrlc range pushbuttnn walmllil iann andstorage tio both in ex cellent condition Tia0011 NEWSPAPER MATS Site 12 Ill Ideal lnl Halli chicken 0011 In garages etc perfect iasulrtor Only etch Apply arrrte Examlrier simian sass mow rtedueed awash all eMngULnamlne rn cerners er tor Sula televisions and stereos llrlt price on needles our Vaduum cleaner bars and several other items sinrer nI narrie memo Ilsab navy duty stoves $20 nsngeltes 3a televisions tla cribs is hlgli chairs bells mattresses dressers tables chairs clothing and hundreds or other new and used articles Open it to hnd weekends rgaln barn Moonstone Teles hone Moonstone 11m OLD VIOLIN nnliuTlsllL copy dl ltriisn Gin Paolo Mllglni man In 1639 and In abseluteiv mint poudltloli This in strument is work at art to vialln connoisseur Possessea lovely mellow tone but still clear snd brilliant typical of Mag nl mplele with gerutlaa Su and new Made in Paris France and or fluTIIU to snatch the tnauurnent ARTICLES WANTED EMS for id ambit KIAl mm erneit lamp eluciu lclle books AnIIque Cellar 125 an ARTS rah SAL FRUITS VEGETABLES lam Wealthy liars use but cl 55¢ II Slalom mil ulrnmr rues tor ante rsrly reds best on ins haunt Tsle phone mam 0rd E0 Comb Ir fill pm on seats era titpot let your at barns live it most ere wholere prim by III bout Ilium Mala mm Banleinpnn ad tor still midi nu Phone narya malt BOATS AND MOTORS wm amp outboard motor Wt it aluminum raMop hast Isainn tor ulstt II Telephone Taoma issrr Bond mun tor Idle months we can poodle or all beats it to la teet Telephone dis1m ivzltltlotmi cabin Butler lsVs with 15 bp lohoam raptor sleep rally eeaipped ruse sold Dill tarantu Can bl seen at Carleya Malina slso loss under dov Windsor sadsn completely overhwied ready tor winter driv 50 Telemann 1185960 DOGS avers GnuiaN Shepherd pups tor sale male and tennis weeks old Telephone narrate Ilsim streams CANAruns tor ssle sip replete esmrtes lteasonsbls price For further Incarnation Telephone metal or nanNaluI pups for pair re lstered ll weeks old choice of ltcr Telephone More for lur ther dlulls runms to le 116 week old nieer toarited or brown While she block Nick Ind nirue DEER llnuNn tor pale mate yess old plil itcep till November Also bleak and Ian pups weeks old Telephone stsyner ut 5641 slmLaNn loNlt brown wdth silver rains and tau complete with Heidi and all riding equipment lllue 1an winner nus not any Point Palnswielt between and run BLUE annual for sale irrrla and small also Mughfl rlnr very reasonable Now is the than to ptantl Telephone 72am CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT TITAle or rent by week rieeps rcsponrlblc arm only Telephone soils FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service PHONE BARRIE 7234751 lCeliectr or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91th NO CHARGE 71 hours any days week RR Formead Ontario License Neisocot Nick Malling mp WANTED Ccdrr rsllr tur term mum ltili Dalstn area nilms or 71s FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dz Service CaaeINew Holland Davtd Brown Eeottv lIS BURTON AVE 77412373 CASH TRADE TERMS FEED SEED 8t GRAIN unamrv ct lily tor nla Apply to Robert bieGrsth Telephone mm POULTRY 8r CHICKS remind anty nsy lea ENS ror rate one year llyltil Good lot meat 50 each Keith glsisser Rn strand Phone Isle LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SHADY LAWN FARM uttering eer viceole Ile bears no guts also snorthorn bulb hiss Sprouts telephone mum Iirtanriw imam saddle ponies ind horses also ponies Must sell is no stable room Telephone mums or rid5117 REGISTERED Yorkshire bred and open guts choice hreodinr stock or all ages aernsrd Mayer int illlnestng telephone 7zaoasl HORSES BOARDED Pasture and board available tor horses Experienced handling Teie phone stains AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE VIAU RAMBLER gt r7 couch ByronGraham Motors 119 BRADFORD Si Barrie 7284061 Our name means great deal 1959 CHRYSLER further hoteloration to bola utter ran we mo Telephone Jul9765 tibia best nller full power Milli ed Telephone £14438 after it one real VALIANT Convertible vo standard transmlulnn 11955 Ilaflls ends motor Excelleii body and top nersonsoie price Telephone moor siter tenured vno engine or interior Trleahons mason alter par 1963 CHEVROLET doors ltlnilud radio EX condition Telephone tlL motel in tery and tires Baldwin ilig Bay noutl lulu lett st Gulf coined CLASSYFIRED Vans ArrLu wnllb beets carrots grey and white Telephone Teasoil TREES SHRUES Sellinll Automatic in good condition For list New motor new point Ind rldlo 1562 uLDSMoDlLE starrirs convlh isso noun models semi cur isliiimoit vs iedsn sutornr good condition needs Ionic body wont road hair AUTOMOTIVE caisson sate us cunt bum rod Elia blsek top rï¬lï¬ltfe whsek overdrive in pilen reiepbm model slur mm rod and Ride 5Ath commode fllxtlld Bl kitle Emblem Coltth Lina IMIIIIII me ponds Home In eeod in older nu new dutch and no ill will litmus lob Teia phone WM II MIL isss cwnuc nun mend good condition must seu Ilse or best offer Telephone mam anrr 30 fun or all Al bulletin ee Raldflhmo liter Tim is cnlvaLLl driure Malibu sedan ill motor sutomtie nditl thit mil Liluv man Mr tinder lull Minty Lad car must sell will Inc trade Callingloud st memo ms METEOR Conterilble men with white top nri powered sou motor IIIIchllc wheel row tinted Kim radio tonnsltev cl Dominion Rafa tires new tires Private ads will accept trade In an be noticed 12649 due maul evenings TRUCKS FORSALE isto INTERNATIONAL moo with engine it tr body with bub solid min suitable for cattle or at rmohtfltloned engine and remission ready tor work SIM 61144 TRUCKS WANTED WANTED lvso or 1951 alertpint Vs Ion truck midltion cl motor doesnt matter Telephone stroud ids1m after par Ind slidy Saturday AUTO REPAIRS MOFFATI Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped at Stalled To Service Any Malta OI Cull Our Expert Mechanics ARE STILLON THEJOB To own RELIABLE SERVICE To SMALL CAR OWNERS lilclfattlilercurylltti 81 ESSA RD 7285553 SNOWMOBILES SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Sales For TheBest Deal Bell Ewart will THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Service RAYVIEW MARINE Lakeshore Dr Barrie meals liPERSONALS MANY MORE DATES AND LOT MOREFUN Dating by ComputerSend asc Ior Ininrmatilln and Application to Cupid Computer Dating Serv ice National Head Ollicc 62 Richmond St Dept 0X TORONTO Ontario atriumLit BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop St West 7184980 lbs in raurTï¬ drinkins Problem she want help anon lily time mils TZSISTS hï¬tngrtlgsbno yféiqwirt your tor es Tadpied for appointment DWI wrNNnn of polished air Steve Kohalr 151 st Vlrtcent street Barrie The Filter Queen draw at the hurt Fair TRANSPORTATION available lerve Lenny 545 not Eaterls loo High WAV 140 91m Rexdale 30 Ellir Kcele and Wilson me neturn too Highway 5th eiepnone assHM Lam hlcNALLit Centr street Anzus will not bl held re sponsible for any ulch contracted In my me after till date 09w her 1961 without my written consent LOST FOUND soar Gold hitches nedritiuh ilc Spealupg Medal vicinity st Monicas School newnd Telephone mom EQUIPMENT LOST red test set possibly picked up by children Saturday September 30th on John SLreet below Bradford Reward Telephone mim to HELP WANTED MALE HELP MALE CLERK Written applications are invited by the undersigned or the posi tion of Clerkin the Barrie Pub lic Works Office Applicant shoal motion as to personal education and experience Salary schedule and lull em ployee benefits in ellect GIGG City Manager PCI Box 400 Due to Excellent working conditions and security Apply Mrs Elsie Fer guson Highway400 CONTIN WILL BRING RESULTSI ENTAL lNN nroeeiient MALE HELE vqurtc start is 10 34 Caretr opportunity to be trained in allrphues of allied manua meuL Ebtcellent starting salary Special consideration given to those withlutomobile No perieocdnecessary Telephone Mr Hamilton miss SALES TRAINEE rtunity for young man to earn sales Train lllg program with excellent hen eflts day week 37 hours Apply to DeVILBISS CANADA LIMITED annals on LocaL AECIPTANCI compsn rat quires arserel trainee lllepbona M5945 SALESMAN Required for Wden huntiure sad Appliance Perl no Good rrl sry and Mind oohdtuops Apply in person OPPORTUNITY ltlecilanlc or apprentice hmwiedse ot sutonrsttc trsnsnus sion writes Apply air Trans mit Halmi Ifler bolls 128 some lemmasnu required lot luel oil company itepiy in nwn lundurltlng stating pastex er tenor and salary explrlfld to or on Barrie msmlner All replies held in strtrt eonlldenezt Framing Carpenter Wanted study work for right man Teleplnno 726W liter no PIN SEilERS Wanted at Holiday nowi roll or part tints Telephone Teacm Dump Truck Drivers also Front End Loader Permanent rinployrnini Awly In person to penni norm Anna 51 iiannran hurt to work in stock room and ahlppins department on tween the ares pt 25 and re itra sortable wages and good enmpany benelttsApW Inowll handwn ina giving complete minor to box Ml Dame Examllvcr Class Motor Mechanic help wanted by General iiolorr neslerrbip class Motor birchn le company benctlu top writer Apply to Sunk innarer Clark Motors orlllts ass1222 FEMALE HELP WANTED DO YOU ENJOY MEETING AND SERVING THE PUBLIC II soIhc dtW DRIVEIN wants you We are looking for pleasant girls to work as car hostesses Iiill or parttime No experience necessary We pro vide unilorms transportation and adequate wages CALL NOW 7280941 ARE YOULOOKING FOR INTERESTING REWARDINGV EMPLOYMENT THE Is DRIVEIN is look ing for responsible Women to work In the kitchen full or part time We provide adequate va ges transportatinneaud pleasant surroundings No experience necessary CALL NOW 728094 HOUSEWIVES MOTHERS SINGLE GIRLS Full or parttime positions ava able in our downtown eliice in the gilt order department Call Miss McPhee 7286151 SIIORTionDBK coon waitress required days week Telephone vac06M between and and pro wanknss required 21 years or over upellencn preferable but not essential Apply in person Bryahors liintor Hotel mom LADY FOE IIEIP Ill slur and home live in me wool andboasd sno renumernilon Pretenny someone with can Apply Box cat Bani iarsnurern mlaue companion and assistant to Irl elderly lady Live In with board and room supplied Good home tor actlva pcnsoner ot eld erly lady Telephone Till4794 ev enings msmi will CA ll chill one TRESS Required Eor OCTOBER EiSCIeIIeanégésfï¬ $150 VIPER HOUR ShortHours NADA MANPOWER CENTRE loLuetewaNrao tloL Heterwmrro FWD Companion couple live In er raavsses tor itsr for dell red MEI interaction mm mm for at lumen and ï¬nnr It sane Apply In or ate it Ls in Years simuliiilsinni¢ In wansass sum tun Windwardmo tetaitrlot Er rumcar Nvlll or turn nnlod to renter stroke Dlt tent Triephoas TieM tor fintau womaiiols HM CASHIER Plenum mute experienced mred Apply Claudius Tire uuv stratum tor um hottes iteentul duties and can tor adhesion children stun live In Telephone Teami evenings Grub pr wooui wanted to and and candle ms to days nesti Iy cu limiter Ponrltry and Lid semid llapholil ualali WANTED robotcit bar st italicy Bowl pleasant wetting conditions excellent were for someone with initiative are Psilis sudden or telephone WE Asthma boys nix Illla is to II In Me up In SAL make money early under direct mosrvistod by experienced sales eounsellorr Apply batlie Examiner Balunlly mllyr LADY Ivmw even second Dri dsy lor clearrlru listenleer ro on red Telephone moods liter LADY neutrino tor ielrohonlrrs tron our downtown oflirv coal ins appointrarnls pinlime rrn ioyrnent it to par Telephon zoom l3 AUCTION SALES 10 ltslr wanna MALE FEMALE HELP IIField Representative To assist the Society In demon in volunteer mnmltteu Central Ontario tor fundvrairlna and public Inlortnafloo pro grams Good salary and benefits Auto mobile provided Write THE CANADIAN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM SOCIETY 45 Charles Street East TORON TC Ontario attention Rnu Morrison SPARE TIME WORK person with car to deliver newspapers ap oitinlateiy so miles day In Barrie area Must be available at pln slit days per week Write In Post Oliice Box 512 Barrie EMPLOYMENT WANTED CHILD cant grades to an lemd my hum Monday to flu ï¬lial Damllnionofhtofl Aldo batty re er shops ctr Telephone M41 Permanent Position Wanted noeirkrepinr payroll general outer worltr 15 years numeric llm arrrueal Meremea Telephone 7M leoz TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS GAIL Tilt1114 JERSEY DISPERSAL to be sold anuca wvm this son at the Clillwieu Road on the first VERSCHOYLE under cover or the Farm located mile west of road south oi the VILLAGE OF SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 1987 RM 51 cows of above averagesize and type that produced an average tillimo lbs of milk in loose housing milking parlor sat up in the last year l7 daughters of Marin Milestone Radiant 17 daughters of Mario Moderplece daughters of Don Head III so lresh or due about salt Ihne lobred DCIILIEN yonrlings ahdcalvés An outstanding opportunity ducersior your herd Milking equipment and tree at be offered Cataloguesron request or at DR THOMSON Sal SIC Fair Street WOODSTOCK Ont ZEHR osazuo newsman AND ilkboy to secure young prolitabltl pro stalls along with the milk quota the sale Manager Phone 5mm ROSS Auctioneers 461ml HICKSDN COIITEIICTBBIDGE 91 by JAY Ed Note Our apologies tor yesterdays error the wrong bridge hand appeared lor accom panying article You are declarer with the West hand at Six Spades North leads the queen of heartsgltow would you play the hand WEST use aAQiolz 7th VA5 V3 K18 A52 lt35 +aso2 You are declarer willithe West hand at Three Notrump North leads the jack of hearts How would you play the hand WEST EAST AAJB A10963 qics oar 32 uriclat angst 315 You can mak usule of the contract by winning Iheheart VIIII the ace driwlngtllmp5 ruliiiig heart and then lead ing low club from dummy iii South loliows with the ten or queen you win with the king and can lose only club trick so assume he follows low When you now finesse the eight North is bound tohand you the twelfth trick even though he wins with the ten Whatever he returns you get either it roll and dis card or afrea finesse ill disi monds or clubs You can also accomplish your EINT ES lHE PLQWING ii ti pm 32AxDUNLOPwSTRIEET WEST BARRIE TELEPHONE 7282468 BECKER purpose by leading the Jack of clubs from dummy instead of the deuce and in fact this play givcsyeu aehauce to make an overtrick if South tips the queen 2You cant be sure of the outcome but there isoillyone correct wily to play the hand Win the heart with the ace and return club It South goes up with the ace the contract ls made provided the clubs are divided normally that is 33 or 42 So lets suppose that South ducks holding the Mood Will the club and lead dla mond ducking in dummy This play makes the contract it the suit is divided in the normal expeetaney There is Iar greater chance or linding the diamonds divided in 66 per cent oithe time than lindinl Vtha clubs divided SS i36 pei cent at the time diamond at trick two because that would bring you to only eight tricks even if the soil were divided You have to lead club from dummy first cause North may win the club with the ace and return heart in which case you ll needva 33 club division This is not healthy prospect but all you canvtben do is hope for the best The approach to the play is simply matter of combining percentages with logic You may not make the contract by play ing in the way suggested but it otters by far the best chance TQTTENHIIM By MRS more Mrs Florence McDougaI of Maple Creek Scale is Visiting at the home of her cousins Mrs Harry Potter Harvey Simpson and other members at Clear Lake Hunt Club made their shnuai trip Sunday making sure everything is in order for tile deer huntlhg 5935 Congratulations Vtc MlZ and Mrs Tom Feelier on the birth or it daughter Mr and Mrs Tom Barnett of Toronto spent Sunday with the farmers parents Mr audMrs Barnett Misses Shirley McClain and Betty Thomson have taken posv itiorls WIULIJBIIIIS in Toronto Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson to thadeath oftheir lriend Mrs Ed Byarmau Congratulations to Mr and rs Bert Malice who celebrat ed their 50thdeng anniver sary Oct Communion service Sunday morning III the United church was conducted by the pastor Rev G2 Saunders He was assist ed byiltev Mr Lute otrthe IEEéiIIIII stilfl The Womens Instituteheld suceesstui euchre and draw in the TOWN Hell when 22 tables at era participated You cant afford to give up mi mm WAT my II II LEGAL Notids commie To run ammo static IPAL some by THE CORPORADON or mom or BARBIE FOR ma APPROVAL avinlv ships Inns ORIZING THE Wool or SPECIAL mulch ma STORM AND SANITARY semen TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation the Ciy cf Barrie has Applied to The hitqu Municipal Board for approval oi Ils pro poled Bydaw 67106 given tint and second readings on the nth day at Sepianber 1967 as set out below and being hylaw to be passed pursuant to the provistotu of Section no of The Municipal Act to lnipose special capital charge for storm and sanitary Sewage ANY person interested may within twentyone days alter the date at first ptblicatlon Iile with the Clerk ot the City of Barrie notice of his abiedlon to the approval of this application The OntarinMunlclpal Board may approve oi the said appllcrk line but before doing so it may appoint time and place when any objection to this application will be considered Noticeef any hearing lhat may be held will be iven med an when iy persons who have DAZISD AT THE CITY OF BARRIE this 7th day ol October 1967 Straughsn City Grrk Box 400 BARRIE Ontario avLAlvleaan 61406 ByIaw of the Corporationol the City is Barrie to provide for the Itrpolltioo at special capital charge for storm and sanitary sewage WHEREAS it Is provided by section 379 950 1960 Chapter that the Councils of local municipalities may with the approval at the Ontario Municipal Board by Bylaw deï¬ne the class or classes OLDIIIIdflIES to be erected or enlarged alter the cllectiva date of the Bylaw that impose or may impose heavy load on the sewer system or water system or both at the municipalin by reason at whidi oxpenditlaes are or may be required to provide additional sanitary or storm sewer or water supply capacity that In the opinion of Council would not otherwise be required and may knpose upon the owners at such buildings special drama or drarges over and above all other rates and charges to pay for all or part oi the cost to providing the additional capacity AND WHEREAS the said Section 379 provides further that Ihé Bylaw may piovide that the charge or charges impon under It are lien upon the land on which the building is erected and may be collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as provided by the Assessment Act for the colledlon of real pro perty taxes AND WHEREAS it is provided further by the said Sedlon 379 that the dime or diarges to be imposed under the Bylnw may be made payable do an application for building permit or at any time hereafter AND WHEREAS all residential buildings in the City of Harris not being onefamily dwelling is semiddaehed dwelling duplex dwelling or converted dwelling having not more than two dwelling uniu therein all nonresidential building intha City of Barrie having more than 3000 square led 01 gross floor area and all combined residential and nonresidential buildings having more than two dwelling units or more than mm square feet at gross floor area erected or enlarged pursuant to building permit issued subsequent to the lat day of January 1967 may impose heavy load on Lhe sewage system of the Corporation of the City of Barrie by reason of which expenditures may be required to pm vide additional sanitary or storm sewer capacity whitish til opinion oi Counciiwculd not otherwiSe be required ANDIVHEREAS it is expedlert to knpose special diarge upon the owners ottbe buildings whinh impose or may impose heavy load on the sewer system aforesaid subject to the exceptions set out in Subsection of Section 379 1150 1960 chapter his to pay part at the cost of providing the additional capacity AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has by its order dated the day of 1967 approved of this Bylaw NOW HEREFORE the Council oi the Corporation rd the City at Barrie enacts as follows In this BynLaw combined residential and nonresidential Building learn building containing imre than two dwelling units and ill inside floor area devoted to purposes other thandwel lintg exceeding 3000 test which is notaccessory to dwelling unit or units only bl dwelling unit means one room or group ailments in one building used by one family for residential occirpaney having food preparation and sanitary facil ities and private entrance from outside the building or fresh commit hallway or stallway inside the building tci nonresidential building means building containing no dwelling units dt residential building means buildng containing three or more dwelling units It is the opinion at the Council of the Corporation at the City of Barrie that all residential buildings as herein defined in the City of Barrie and all combined residential and honresidential buildings in the City of Barrie eroded or enlarged pursuant to at building pennit issued subsequent to the lst day at January 1967 have andmsy impose heavy load on the sewer system oi the Corrï¬iration oI the City ol Barrie by reason or which expenditures are or may be required to provide additional stormor sanitary sewer capacity which would not otherwise be required supper to the provisions oI Subsection of Section 379 ESQ1960 displer TAG there is hereby imposed upon the owner ofever residential buildingrarrdvevery combined residential and rioriresldentiai building in the City of Bank the erection and enlargement at which building permit was or is issued subsequent to tlidli day of January 1967 charge of Fifty Dollars $5000 for each dwelling unit the emotional whim is authorized by the permit it in calculating the charge under Subsection each resident lsi building or residential part at combined residential and non residential DIIIICIIDKIIIE dwelling unit shallhe exempt and not included lathe calculation ll Ailcharges imposed under this By lawshall be calculated by Ilse Building Inspector oi the Corporationpf the City of Harris at the time of the issuance of lilo building permit or in the case at building permits Issued prior to the date of enactment oIIIua Byelaw forthwith after sudi date and the Building Inspector aitali certify the amount at the charge to the ireasureroi the Corporation of the City of Barrie alliteIreaslltershali at Prepare special roll showing ii This name at the owner iii description of thalahd on which thebuliding is erected or enlarged or altered and ili The amount at the charge imposed under Sec lion hISenda notice to the owner at leastfilteen days before the next sitting at the Court of Revision at width an appeal from the chatge may be heard setting out the lnlormalionrontalned on the roll prepared under clause at ofthis Subsection and also the time and place at the said sitting of thoICourtoiRevlsion II The charges lhiposerl by this Bylaw are lien upontlio land on which the building is eroded and shall be collected the Treasurer in the shine mannerand With Illelsame runedles as provided by the Assessment Act lotthe collection of real property By force PODvIIiE trial passing hereof and upo receiving the approval of the Ontario Mlnuclpal Board ilrri and second Iiineille iltntlaypt Sentinel17 irn tribune ï¬t