STROUD OLDTIMER TESTS PLOW Decline oi horses on the farm is deplored by William Reid 92 retired Stroud armor and railroader who said it takes much more skill to plow behind team than guide tractor Mr Reid is shown with an 1691 plow which he demon straicdut his Stroud homo re cently tor Shripkin 1n nlsiil columnist tor the Exam iner Exandner Photo NEWS 1112 BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER m1 County Welfare ï¬bre costs tor simcoe County cost $38927353 tor the tint seven month at this year it pas shown by rcport given Simeon County counoB Thurs by Gordon Mason weitare admlnls rator The largest item was WNW for direct welttlre tor unemploy uble persons 593131 tor cru ioyable needing assistance and 337192 or 707 nursing home patients Dlsassing the matter oi as sisting erwloynble people Mr illasons report said Some members muy ho eonccrnedvby tbenumber oi cmpioyabic per sons shown in our reports Even it person is assisted once he is itsth hence an unfavorable impression is given We also have cmployable persons with poor work records whom neither thc icon $38927853 For Seven Months Council Told Canada Manpower will reler nor employer will consider These people presenta problem but tor the sake at their children asst lance has to be granted ii any municipalities are hav ing wiuter works program we would appreciate thc opporunity oi cooperating with lhcm in re errdng possible employee There were 1573 unemployablu recipients given weitnre who use lkted as heads of families 4873 dependents and 1086 single adults Employa blcpusons given aid hidird ed badsot lumiiics 2031 dependents and 110 single adults 01 the $38917 total cost or seven months the county pays 88845032I and the balance is paid by his government includ ing 60 per cent or direct welfare cost The administration cost is shared on an anal basis Elmvale win Pick Centennial Queen ELMVALE stall Elmvaics ccntenniai queen Vfll be selected at on entertainment and variety show which will be held this evening as one or the special natures oi the Elmvnlu tall fair The show will follow this utter noons program which inciudcd vschool parade with floats wes tern horse show and baby show Numerous prizes have been ot Iercd by business tirms tor the duren Menntimn floats are being pre pared tor napalm centennial parade planned Ior Saturday ut 1140 p111 Cecil French presi dent said there has been good response to an appeal tor Iloats and an outstanding parade is ox pccted it will lorm at the Elm vaie High School at noon and proceed trom there to the air grounds Collingwood Collegiate Band will participate plaque uculling attention to the Eimvaie Elos centennial projecta floor By PATRICIA hlcCflACKEN Sympathy oi the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Glunn Eidwell tune Betty Bowman nnii Pammy in the passing at their infant son and brother Jcl trey in Sick Childrens Hpspitai Toronto Jeffrey was the grand son of Mr and Mrs Alan Bow man and Mr and Mrs Gordon Bidwell and greatgrandson of Mrs Wortiey Mrs Eidweli Sr illlCl Alex Bowman Sr all of Shanty Bay Funeral service was conductedlby Rcv Flynn and interment was in West Oro Baptist Dinaeh Cemetery Mr and Mrs Frank Hale re turned home Fridny Irom wérthieewcek holiday in England Mrs Hawes is home alter spending our months in lor onto hospital also Mrs Caldwell is home after three months in Barrie hospit Grades and pupils of the for shoals in ON township lel at Thursday morning or three days at Expo Prin cipa George Cooper Miss hevison and Mrs Emms ac WORLD NEWS ill BRIEF Humbic Mrs Neiin demonstra EXPORT DECLINE CAUSES OTTAWA 0P Trade Min Istcr Winters Thursday listed three reasons for the export decline last August irom the same month in 196$ in Oom mons reply to George Hoes PC Northumhorland Mr Win tors said wheat flow was halted or tune by the Grant takes Shipping strikeAlso the auto mobile industry was in model changeover time and August ot 11160 was an extraordinarily good export month NEW HANK ACT RULES OTTAWA OP Interest disclosure regulations under the WW Bank Art will take effect On 16 Finance Minister Sharp said Thursday in Commons reply to Marcel Lanbert PC Edmonton West That will he published in the Canada Gazette of Oct 11 CURB 0N SMOKING ADS WIIAWA GBBarry Math er NDP New Westminster introduced bill in the Com rcgulate Thursday that would regulate cigarette advertising 1din and television In explanation holore the bill given iirst readingMr purpose is to all01 the Board or Broadcast Cover is to regulate cigarette adverr sing in the interest at public health N0 PENSION DECISION YET UIIAWA CPLNo decision pas been made on the introduc ion or legislation to increase at civ se Revenue Minister Be for the arena will be unveiled The province ot Ontario and Fed cral government assisted with their share the centennial grnnis SULKY RACES Sultry horse racing and live stock judging niso are planned tor Saturday with special live stock parade at 430 prn Simcoe Countys dairy princess who will qualityrlo compete in th provincial dairy queen contest will be held at the conununity centre in the evening Bill John son and the Country Showman will provide music or the clas ing dance Sponsored by the Fins Agricul turni Society Elmvale Inirs back to 1559 and annually truct people and exhibitors from miles around At one time the sponsoring organization was known as The hlcdonte and Flos Agricultural Society Eimvale Councillor Cecn French now heads the active ex ecutlve which has worked tor months in preparation lor the current talr Earl Elliott and Don Bertram urn vice presidents Mrs Marlene Tinney secretary treasurer and Reg Bertram is immediate past pesidcnt and one oi the directors Other directors Include Joseph Dyer George Graham Alvin Greenlaw Cinder FMcluilden Frank Coughlin John Wapies itoham Fiegchnn Pameli Bertram Lambic Spence Mrs William Terry and Mrs Joseph Dyer Associate directors include El wood Langman Jim Hancock Bill Hondiey Vern Beardsall Don Bell Grant Ritchie Andrew Fleming Gordon Turner Fron cis Fleming Alex Spence Wail ace Greeniaw Waiter Kitserriet ry Mrs Howard Grier Mrs Earl Conn and Mrs Charles Mc Faddenr COUNTY News compunicd the pupils Miss Marion Atkinson Have lock spent weeks holiday re cently with her sister Mrs Aus tin Kendall Sympathy is extended to Mrs Jack Henson in the passing at her mother Mrs Stacey of Bar ne Shanty Bay Womens Institute were recent guests at Crown Hill W1 at the home or Mrs Gordon Atkinson Mrs Nix Strand was speaker and her topic was the convention at Guelph Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Groves nee Marilyn Bigeiow who were married in St Thomas Anglican Church Sent 23 Mrs Treddinuick England has returan home alter spend ing two weeks with her son and daughterindoor Mr and Mrs Peter Treddinnick PRESENTATION community party in honor at Mr and Mrs Waiter Sutton was held in the hall Mrs Palli was MC tor the occasion Walter and Elsie were presented Shanty Bay son told the Commons burs day TENDERS CALLED NORTH BAY CF Tend ers Were calicd Thursday for the construction 01 long awaited $1500000 North Bay West Ferris overpass It is hoped work can start in Nov ember HATCHESUNGED OWEN SOUND OF coroners jury recommended Thursday that safety hatches that can only be operated by authorized personu installed an alt hospita dows Thejury was inqu ng into the death oi Bayearold George Jackson who died two days alter 14foot all from the window of his fourth tioor hospital room FIRSTSOD TURNED NORTH BAY Sod was turned Thursday for North Bays iirst lowrental housing development the $553000 pro ject provides or the construc tion of 36 semidetached houses General contractor is Headway Builders of Port Arthur NEWSPAPER SOLD GRANDYV Que La Voix dc lEst Granbys only daily newspaper and its radio station CHEF have been pur chased by La Socicte Communiv ca acompany With widespread newspaper and broadcasting interests in Quebec province The newspaper was owned by Lu Von EstLimItee It has Monday to Saturday circula tion iy usher toi with set of dishes tablecloth and silver dish Douglas was given pen and Henry pocket watch Mr and Mrs Sutton and soils have moved to Vancouver St Barrie SHANTY BAY III The first meeting oi the newly ionrned 4H Club at Shanty Bay was held recently at tho home or Mr and Mrs Dickenson Nancy Dickenson is the loader and Mrs Dickensonassistant leader Executive members are president Sheila Smith vice president Judy Pirimmer spcretary Lynn White trea surer Susan Simpson repor ter Caro McCracken Ten members were present to begin the project Sleeping Gar ments Meetingsarehdtl Mon day evenings at the home of Mrs Dickenson apron 11 MRS sawrsm HI CLUB The tirstmccting of 4H horne making club was held at the leaders home Mrs Nciliy Mrs Drybrough is assistant lender Oiticers are president Christine Milligan secretary Nancyl Belt repnrier Jackie tcd flower arrangements The second meeting was held at Mrs Nedlys Discussion included hovwto he guestpacking suitcase and howtn write thankyou letter Mr and Mm Douglas Hughes and daughters were at theMc Lean Doweil wedding Septr30 at St Elizabeths Anglican Church Toronto Douglas was cousin Hugh Mc Lean Mrs Roll is home alter surjery in the hospital at New market mine held its Iirst meeting of the season at Ronnie this sells Sunday evening Oct with 15 present Bev Geddcs gave an address to the group Baxter Seeking Assessment Unit BAXTER ShamA decision on whether new regional as sessment office is to be placed at the municipal building here or elsewhere is awaited by Essa oiticiais The Essa building has the ac commodationeavailabledor the oiiicewhich is now located at Aiiision town hall The county has been intormed the town needs the space tor other use and new premises are sought in Alliston there has been demand that accommodation be provided to keep the regional oltice in that town ItiSup to the nty council saidiin we have theupace BEETON StaII Registra tion is being taken here tor at tendance at hockey conchos clinic under the sponsorship of the Slmcoe County Community Recreation Service in cooper ation with the Ontario depart ment ot education Cards are required to be rd Evans Will Visit Christian Island BRADFORD Stall Mem hcr olthe Ontario Legislature or Simcne Centre Arthur Eva ans MPP will be special guest at christian Islands Indian nes crvotion on Monday Oct which will be the second day of the annual achievement daypro gram Exhibits at lndian handcralis art sewing garden produce and baking will be shown in the reservation hall The Mundny program includes pamde baby judging contest bcnuty contest and costume wards Golden lake group will present centennial pagetmt Mr Evans was invited as he has shown much interest in the development oi the Georgian Bay islands as Iuturc tourist attraction Wood chopping and log sawing contests are planned Newton Robinson To Hold Parade NEWTON ROBINSON Stall Bradlord Vest Giviilimbury and district committee centennial parade will be held at Newton Robinson on Saturday Oct at pm special church service and entertainment also ls plan ned for Sunday Oct Bowelands here will pa icipete in special treepisnting oerc mony to mark the occasion Kenneth iupling chairman reports good showing or floats is assured tor the parade Other events include vaudeville enter tainmunt dances and contess PEACE risronr FAILS CAIRO AP At initia tives to halt Yemens civ appeared seriously imp Vlhursdayralter peace mis returned to this Egyptian capi tal following Iutfle Zihour stay in the Yemeni capital oi Sana where demonstrations were held against its presence Army elements have opposed Egypts plan to pull out troops it sent to Yemen to back Miran forms in their war with the monarchists they over threw in 1962 THISVITAL YOUNG RELIGION many paths ONE GOD manyicolours ONE RACE many countries ONE WORLD rim nu mm million purl around tho world ioauym be uniï¬cation not mind is will at God tor our one my will on ounun hiltan cl what yet an icon for Inmate 0pm mum is loin Joan1mm liegistrntions Now Being made For Hockey Clinic Ilt Beeton Under the sponsorship of the Ontarios Metnpnantï¬overnor Hon EanLRowe who livesst turned to the Simon Countyot line 01 Pete Cavill director by Friday Oct 20 minimumoi to is required and mnxlr mum at to will be allowed The clinic scireduicdtor Fri day Oct 27 Irom to pm at Bect0n Arena will he three day affair with second dases on Saturday morning and third on Sunday afternoon Instructionwili be given in the basictuodnmentaisot hockey and coaching tochniqnevxnndr methods Opl Roy Wethcrby and Cpl John Walker will vbc the lnstruciors and registration lee at $5 is required The community programs div ision ol the department of edu cation cosponsnrs assists inthe development of recreation and adult education programs by working with municipal recrea tlou committees and voluntary organization The division has field start or 14 representatives and seven program specialists who are prepared to provide an advisory service oi counselling and guidance STARTS IIT in man inning motion pictun mr Aimd HORROR CASTLE an out of bikini whutyou nun mo itl WIID BIKINI DONI DELAY SEATS NOW ON SALE THE Sittll SIORY luvum HEltS cowl PHONE 721M681 46 BUNtDP 5110 uAititIE SPECIAL Marius SATURDAY DNE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY AT PM DOORS OPEN Atizrao EVERY CHILD WHO EVER WANTED DOGr AND IItl THROUGH THE NIGHT GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT SHOW EVER 4mm CANADAS FINEST ENTERTAINMENT Allistoï¬ High School Debentures APPIOVéd ALLISTON Stall Plans for the construction of new $1550 000 addition in Banting hlemor 131 High Sdrool are being ad financed vanoed with the necessary up prom tor tho issuing ut debena tun coming from the various numtcipaliiies witth the ma The latet to give its appro ral is Essa township council which borders AllISIOn on the north copy at the molution sent here by Hamid Bell Em Clerk as moved by Councillors Kenneth Blanchnrd and Fred Ross said That the council of the township ot Essa approves the capital expenditure by the Alliston District High School PlowinolVIatch lit Cookstown Is Boosted COOKSTOWN Stat Keith Robinson o1 Cooksan iron the Ontario plowing championship in 1905 against lield at 21 skilled plowmen with Bob Arm strong Brampton placing sec ond This success enaidcd this pair of Ontario plowmen to trav el west last year where they computed in contest hcid ut Chiiilwucli British Columbia Both have been boosters tor the coming match in Simeoo County in the world plowing contest hold in Norway last year Can ada was represented by Donald Dunkcid o1 €laremont Ontario and Dr Carl Willis of Cornwall PEl 71th were accompanied on the trip by Kcn Bawden oi St Thomas past president of the Ontario Plowmcns Associa tion The pair made creditable showing in competition with 42 plowmen trom 22 countries Win lncrdwas Ero ltauttainen oi Fina an iPlowing enthusiasts in this area were pleased the match is lobe held in Simeon County Oct 11 to 14 at site north of Thornton Cookstown Wellington County has been chosen tor the loottmatch which le be held at the Gilchrist farm near Guelph while the 196 match will go to Branttord near Paris Ont rnv nxnrnricn warn ADS PHONE 7mm MIDNIGHT Shocking Raul Incndibll hill TRUE Untithde Iavo rites Exposed for the ï¬rst time ERING TRUE 0F IIIE ANGELS FIRST SHOWING 0F HELLS ANGELS AT PM ALSO 9r WONDERFUL sronv on IN COLD PLUS ADDED CARTOONS ALE CHILDREN Tile about 15 miles trom Board at upproxirnatciy $1650 000 in obtain In Addition to the Danika Memonni High School by cash grants from the Rovinco ot Ontario and deben ture issue not exceeding $1150 000 and guarantee tho payment of that portion the debenture payment requircd eadr year as stimulated by taking the propor tion which the equalized assess ment of that part at the muni cipality wi 11 the Allislon iligh Sdlool unrln is to the total equalized assessment oi the whole tbeAllislon High School DLstrlct Besides part of Essa the area includi chumscth tow ship Tossorontio Cookstonn Eccton Adjaia and others The 1567 Icvy ogainstthese iotalicd $550000 of which chumsclh was assessed for $131705 with Ailiston out no $126401 and then Essa at $14 954 Adjalu at $01312 and Toss orontio at $50182 Bectous shure was SZIJYIB Toilean $18441 Muimur $22 DRIVEIN THEATRE mun Ill m1 mm on or Inn lion SILIIZ Cookstmid 3mm and icst Gwillimbury HEM tong discussed and subject sharp debate the new addition is necessary to till an urgent need or more accommodation Some had advocated mutruction of an entirely new school but utter oansidcrahly study at the situation it became apparent this would be more costly Our high school rate was up some 10 mills this year and dont know had this isgoiug to do to taxes remarked an Essa ratepaycr who added real irevthat the necessary nccomino datiou has to be provided but there should be some way of getting more oi the cost 011 real astute Essa ratepayers in tho Bunta Collegiate section also paid moro school taxes this you Construct tion of the new 1nstvicwSccond nry School was done to meet the need tor more accommodation tor school pupils in this growing Area no My Tonight Sch tr Sun Moron suusn snug VALDO RAY MUNSEY HAMMER VALLEY THUNDER ANNETTE FABIAN GHOST INVISIBLE BIKINI TOMIIIY IIIRK NANCE SINATIIA EONIS KARLOFF onions HURONIA DRIVEdNTHEATRE SATUR tittit in AIRUNRIISINHERB iiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiii mill Grumman I10 iliyiieiun DUSN Tl DAY 5U DAY twin tittiiiil iiu mums msmmmnmnpiircmnwmu IIIn It DAWN SHOW suqur JE THESIS Winonanumerous rtEileiiEtiSnlltiiHHMiiiiUilitiill moon tilMtllPlCiiiRES innum Inlflflu lUDtYEhgï¬lLMmhï¬lk GHMDIIIIilTitilEErisJEIIRI ma FIRST SHOW AT 630 Last complete show at riuwnanprm leE MURPHY eRuDEï¬icK CRAWFORD to mount rmtotflmtonuorl SATURDAYMATINEE Ar FOR FUR HER INFORMATIO