Remember lIow llYllSTllil liliitS ELECTRIC For Better Electrical Work lARM coMERCIAI RESIDENTIAL DYllSlllll Imus 14 Victoria 7164439 Welcome to Innisfil We are anxious to make oursclvca available to our many irlends and customers nhcn coming to the llllEllllilllllllilt Ptflillllli ltlilllill We will hope to see you at III Simeon County Exhibltr Building or at the Dcknlb llybrlIhCarn Ltd cxilIIIiI or it you wish to see our hatching growing or laying facilities on Highway 11 two miles south oI Strand ni lunlsiil Beach Road PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STROUD ONTARIO Beatty Excavating 4363347 RR NO LEFROY Specialixing ln farm ditches ponds and pile driving All pipes dragllne and ibulldozer work You can rely on Beatty Excavating RR No Lefroy 4363347 Welcome Plowmenv Visitors Youngs Iiiii Foodiiner We invite visitors to our Toad market In troud Shopping Centre lOlh Line lust north on ii Highwiy Gaorge Young John Young HOMES KITCHENS CAISWIBLIIMm Telephony 7051151964 mono snooqu osLscTIIIc ORLUMBING QBUILnINo IIIIIsrII 211A YOUNG STN of roMIerTNor ran oHAIIITTaurr lillMliltSLCliiIDITIIINION STROUD0NTARIO SERVICE AsstIs EQUAL 115 MILLION ALL CREDITUNION MEMarns ARE INVITED To we yassr omurno oAnc srohsonso av THEVGEQRGIAN BAY CHAPTER To as IIan ORllLlA 0N ocranII mu TICKETS AVAILABLE AT our OFFICE$356 pa pom mm 7261473 STROUDEV 17f llllSISliIij sins 5mm Prop Irwin Township of lnnisfil is pron the LJ to host Internatinal Millig or and we extend our warmest ow Tovuili who attend the matches Welcome To thdse win him INNISFII NOTES Regain Thesauri Oi Plowing InT9Wn$hiP aynas Holding the international plowing match in Inntstli during this Centeu year brings back to some oi rs recollections oi the early days of plowing matches in the township niepresene South Simcoe Plowmena Association dates backto the year the first inter national Match was held in the 9mmtyavwaesing when plow tioas were revived mg riTherSoIIth simooe Piowmen have held an annual competition ever since until thisyear when they have put off their match to plow at the International However piawmenwero hold ing matches before the Min hnn was termed One of Ihese likely be using hishighcut plow at the inter national Although 92 years oi sayahe feels he till mode it we say pftIIunkyoil William Reid of Craigvale now Strand remembers the first time he plowed in competition in 1894 He was in his teens and entered the it or under dag plowing in stubble to win the matd beahng fellow by the name Marshall Wice helHarotiIeI of Wilson who was killed in the First War He has plowed galnst other top plowmen oi the township all of whom are now dead Gilmour Reeves Walter and William Patterson Clark and Robettloyes most Bill or the highmt type at plow For some of the matches pimvrnemcamo from as far as Minaing bringing their plows and horses One year Mr Reid was riding horse to plowing match near Strand from the slim line where he Iived on his fathers farm The horse slipped as it was raining hard and foil in the ditch When he got to the iteof the matdIIit had been possible lays snncame anilthematohwaa Wit1 WENT on Ramona William Reid did not stay on the lawn but hecaane aaectlon man on the GILE at adally rate of pay of $100 two he put back intoyservlce if Mr Reid on handle it at hiatdz there are other caper meh bdorethe time of Reid and other matches of dis tinetion in tha early days but wecaniind no recordofthem lv Many matches were held at Chtrdliii and Mr Reid plowed with much more pay he saga lle marrierl and settled in Qralg vale where he and his wile oper ated the Post Oitice until it was closed and taken overbyï¬tzou Later the out as cell Streambut has ace been torn doWn The Wilkimon plawwas pur chased by the late Herb Wallace and pa away Ina drive shed It became the property of Harold Wallace and when an ehaueh were Ioldnlter his death Mrs Wallace gave the ow to Mr Reid IIIho asked 0am calledoh Hmvefjlater oil theabeii in some at Thornton olheaa men tioned tor goodplowing were DRYQ and Georg hamlay Mr ï¬eld was knocked down thisamulet when aobolt Hot tigthhIg struck close by lmoc him olthiateotas he was it ag lirfllifldiid the frontver ianda He had no aiter elfeda trim the incident HeandNIIa hold itill live near the means at thaigvale although the hasbeen rebuilt The stables on the rear are still the same dept tint zmgorwaswended the treat Both are lngood in and enivxinz lite silt WatThee INTEIIIIIIIIIIIIIII INIIIIIIIIIII MATCH OOMPLIMENTS or VGeo Burton oouNcIu0n or INNIerI TWP VIor BurtonvComtructionShoud gas229s Renovation Remodelling v2 Â¥lilillllllllTS PllllllltY llllilll FRESH QUALITY zoos 4565620 Lotroy Welcome to Irnnisfil Visitors YE nouuo SERVICE Courtoisy Quality Senior rmsour ENTENNlALYEAR Sponsoregdr Haldane andGreenIoIIses Ltd Lofroy Out 1562024 Flowers all occasions Court sy of Wenthenli Electric ResidentioiCo mere Form Specialistsyyin sir llnstoliotIoniRepoirar rm ESTIMATES renown SERVSCE cam Healing