iMan Charged anus scanner Metro Md Centennial Pr oiefci UitAWA CHMayor Vd liam Dennison outlined Toron tos centennial project plans to parliamentary group Thurs day but got no commitment on the amount oi lederal ï¬nancial participation State sacratary ludy Latllarsh was among the group of Ontario MP nho listened to submission mm Toronto city group headed by the mayor Miss Lolilarsh has the next toilnai say in how much ot tho St Lawrence arts centre the icderal government will pay tor The cabinet will make the tidal decision Onen British Week TORONTO tCilA ninedny British invasion oi this city begins Oct 12 when Prime tilin isler Pearson otlicially opens British Week in the city hall square Royalty personalities and businessmen will tour and entertain Toronto and promote Erltains people produce and island way or lile Princess Margaret and her husband rm Snowdon Rt lion iii ONeill primc ming istor of Northern lreiond Sir Robert Bcllinecr lord mayor at Londoo and Alderman Mrs Vera lll Jones mayor oi lies tiiigs are among those who will visit Toronto DALTON Ont CmWeldon Rutledge ot Bancroit 0nt has been charged with en roles hunting alter companion was tataliy shot Wednesday during mono hunt two miles south of here Dead is Maurice Marquis 21 ot Dalton There were six in the hunting party Dalton is about 115 miles northeast ot Sault Ste Marie lll Eilects MONTREAL CEOA labor executive said Thursday that separation of Quebec from the rest oi Canada woutd wreck the provinces economy causing massive increase of unemploy merit serious decline in wage levels and reduction in the standards ol living oi all Quebecers William Dodge executive vicepresident ot the Canadian Labor Congress was speaking to estimated 700 delegates attendingthe biennial conven tion at the 200000member Que bec Federation of Labor The worst effect of all will be the destruction or the very thin FrenchCanadians are striving to preservetheir tuturentheir culture their lan guage and their national aspira tion he said Winter Holiday TORONTO iCPt Easter holidays are winter holidays now in the language at the Ontario department at educa tion They are not held at Easter eitherEaster Sunday is April 14but between March 16 and March 24 inclusive School boards in the Toronto area have been warning par ents not to plan tong holidays during the Easter weekend because children will be out at school on only two daysGoad Friday April 12 and Easter Monday April 15 The department has been considering for more than yeara proposal to fix the dates of winter holiday near the read of March Dan McLeod youthful aunt ot the Vancouver hippie news paper Oeorgia Straight is en gxged in court battle to get the papers ctiy business iiward TORONTO JCPI lranta totallhu 890300 tor youth talk arti and blenlunl program ner nnnoaneed Thursday by tbaPrvvtoca of OnurlaOouiicil for the Aria rant 812000 want to the National Ballet School while the National Theatn School received 80000 WILLIAM DENNISON Bid Rejected OTTAWA CPI It bid by the international Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to obtain ha lag rights tor craft and service workers at the Bell Telephone Co or Canada has been rejected by the Canada labor relations hoard board judgment issued Thursday said the union erred in placing the bargolnin unit at 9550 persons it loan that 11851 were involved The union had to prove aiority oi the workers involved had signed up with the lBElv helm vote could be obtained it had 46 signed cards not enough for malorl ly oi the enlarged unit Investment High SALISBURY tlteutersTho giant AngloAmerican Corpora tion said Thursday it would invest some £10000oao $30 000000 in project to establish virtually new nickel rnininl industry in Rhodesia The project was believed to involve the largest single investment in Rhodesia since the whiteminority govern ments unilateral declaration of independence irom Britain nearly two years ago Directs Studies CAMBRIDGE England CF Candianborn arehcologtst John Coles will be director of studies tor Prince Charles when the heir to the throne enters Cambridge University Monday tor the start at his ï¬rst term Prince Charles in is special izing in archeology and anthro poiosv Dr Coles 37 is director of studies tor the two subleets at Trinity College where the prince is entered Dr Cotes native oi Wood stock 0nt is graduate 01 the University at Toronto and Cam bridge He holds PhD irom Edinburgh University tic has been at Cambridge tor seven years ReportNo Injuries VANCOUVER CP Forty three Canadians were passen gers aboard the British freigh ter Lakemba which struck coral reel 45 miles west at Suva Fiji early Thursday report from Suva said all passengers had been taken off the freighter by the British cable rephirslllp Retriever No one was hurt and thexpasseni gers were to be town to Syd ney Australia by chartered aircraft Plants For Passe licenceyso that publication can resumeThe licence was sus pended by the vcity licence in spector on the grounds the pa per an obscene his the new Commonwealth rec intolhis and certainly we must The Ontario Folk Aria Conn ell was rded 1500 blctillural organizations received Knots tor the tint time Centre des Jeane da Sudbury iv an initial grant of $5000 to underwrite artistic program and to hire top pcotersional instructors The Studio do leanerin Otta wa was awarded oneyear grant ot $1500 to study the slhllity ol branching into tall tima community centre Rescue Hunters PORT ARTHUR CPtNo to hunters lost since Monday in dense blah 250 miles northeast ot the Lakehead were rescued Wednesday night otter being spotted by search plane The men loe Brlctcniohner and Peter Smith both in their late 20s were seen huddled on thc edge ol an unnamed lako near their original camp spot in the Hillsth area reaplona vtrom the Ontario lands and totem department picked up the two men who had lost their rearsoi direction and became lost after trachhig moose Being Phased Out OTTAWA dlan post otlica department plans no sudden eliminationroi railway mail cars as has been nnounced in the US but rail operations are being slowly phased out department oltictal liked to comment on Canadian portal rail servica in the wake ol the Americln announcement laid attrition has been our tech nique rather than outright elimination The Canadian department has simply eliminated certain rail way mail ears and run when thetr transportation patterns ha raid invest In Nickel QUEBEC CF industry Minister Maurice Beiiemare oi Quebeésald Thursday the vol ume of investment in Quebec now is the highest in its histo Mr Bellemare made the statement in an an attempt to end what he described as great nervousness in inancial circles over Quebecs political clhnate manulscturlng according to latest statistics amounted to $660300000in 1066 an increase of 102 per cent over 1065 Detied Orders NEW YORK AP The American Broadcasting Co said three at its top nawacas returned to work Thursday Peter Jennings an Ottawa native Marlena Sanders and Roger Sharp along with other members at tho AmericanFed oration at Television and Radio Artists had been out since Sept 21 in support ot strike an oci at oi Broadcast Association of Broadcast Employees Technician Consider Talks SCARBOROUGH England ReuteratBritain is consider ing lresh talks in Salisbury aimed at solving the Rhodesian independence crisis authorita live sources said here Thurs day They said no tirm decision has been made but it is push rctary George Thompson will visit Rhodesia at the end of this month VRetiiinsliome Lennon tasiLrhe Arch bishop of Canterbury returned Thursday night treat the United Ststes and delended the erltl etsm at the Vietnam war he expressed on his visit Reporter at the airport asked Dr Michael Ramsay it entered the controversy over the war while he was guest in foreign country These are poian have many times no Eamey said always said and say now wemust start by understanding the motive which drew America reverence those whohava given their lives in what they believed to be just curse Sell Pictures TORONTO CPLIt scrieaol watercolorslot Quebec by ever the Unit or can changed by another union the National he relttt was wise to have yer Mitiiiii sossssv VICTIMS Mr and Mn Willis llar Ilflllon du Pont tlank their yearoldson Lamont at Ml and Beach club In this photo made over the weekend Fire banditreritered the du Post as Tomnto artist William George Bldiardson Hind will be among pictures sold by Sothcbys ot London during British Week here Oct mo Sotliebya Iuctldns urn hold in North America by the tamed British tlrrn will present CPtTha Cllll He said not investment in tars detied union orders and maderln these temisdg00d maniaa late in Miami shortly aitcr midnight boimd the iamilyand their boiler and his wile with titt Pontl necktie and made all Willi million in cash jewels and rare coins AP Wirepliotot articles valued at close to it 000000 troin Oct 1620 Two paintings by Cornelius ltrlezhotl probably the best lrnown internationally of Canadas artists will be one tioned lrom the collection of Edmund dc Rothsdiiid Coming Soon The opening ot Central Ontarios largest boarding barns and indoor arena Watch tor our Grand Opening ad RR Barrie Till MERE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER lll ll Premium tare For Sonic lets TORONTO GP The presi dent oi Air Canada said Thurs day that subtonic lets will can time to carry mod ot the pas senger traliic or many years laconic GRMoGr oritotdathna dlan and Space Instittdl Sylwosium here that persons who choose supersonic 200 lol FEATURING trampoth will 05 ntlttm In He said most major Iirliiiu will hate to acquire some large mic Ilmnlt are capable development The moronic alri cratt wili help solve the air trattlc control problem and help maintain present basic lam structures Mr lchregor Ha said two largcJumbo subsonic aircradt are capadla ol landing at an airport within the same born and depositing more than 700 passengers HARDYoiinwooo mowers manufacturers of tine giitwaro ANNOUNCE the opening of now SHOWROOM at store 22 Wellington St in The Barrie Plaza RETAIL SALES HOURS triartlag Friday can 200 to 600 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1000 to 600 Sllurdny Fcaluring Made in Barrie Quality Glitlterns lilo available at Robinsons liardwua and and Steelar China ucrsn products salute Expo 67 with pictures Of many of the beautiful Expo pavilions youll see when you visit Montreal this year The AilMalt Lager KingsbeerLively and hearty with bright brisk taste new sure Would he conditiow Dow AlaThemetlow ate with the noel crisp comedic flavour Catch the Taste of Excitement Black Horse AlaGrab ï¬stful of pleasuregen ho long laantasta at fullybodied ales