JOSEPH atom up 171nm Dr Molnar What uw barmaile ll it deter mkiIL People had banana long Shalom they knew the dillerence between detersent and lundlul of sand Anythlng that nurses expose sive drynms or irritation ol the hours can cause WE little flap ol lDrn skin at the nail edge Detergents powdered or llq Eiuideandoittosnmelgt°wle So can strong soaps household chemicals on the palatal blenehes waxes polishes cleansers Irritation from gritty mate wrlnls of all sorts can do it Working the soil in the garden oan do it Carola rrranltniltg can break the skin and eause hangnnlhall polish and removers bother some people The drying rllect ol the solvent is considerable Dryness irritation and all sorLt oi trivial injuries can cause them ll you identify cause in your own case and can avoid it fine But the more usoiul bit of hilormation is to lrnow what to do when hangnsil develops Dont pull at it Dont bile it off common error Either way lwuwill usually mil some skin oose The proper course is to cut oil with manicure scissors the mo skin and let the place Dear Dr ltlolnerr have friend who says she has ringing in her ears all the time but wont go to the doctor because she is afraid She says she is healthy Can you tell her what to dotM For heavens sake whats she slraid of Ear noises are extremely common usually harmless but annoying She should go to her doctor to make certain that hers are not dan gerous type metastasis Detergenlsvcilllj Cause Hangnails mammth lulhtbbln£lndllllflfll Dear Dr Molnar My son is months lid and cannot more than live or six mil ear belnre he becomes sick and vomita He has this way slnce he was live months old have taken him severul doctor but they be not helped hintMn 11 Some individuals are truly susceptible to motion BESS For adults it inpossible to take elleetlvo medlceélou before starting trip would hesitate to use such med ication with child Theres an old trickthin wlil cause some raised eyebrows ol placing an ordinary bmun paperbagnexttotheskinol tbechestlhuvenoideawhytt works but have known it to do so it cant hurt to try it BWWE Dear Dr Molnar What is emeritan Lootlcad 3y navel protruding and was that was what it was Is surgery the only answerIE the lining or the inner sbd men is the peritoneum Folds of it mntzining lat form sort or an apron This apronlike fatty protective portion called lilflr prob ge of your nay ably is an umbilical hernia with omentum perhaps pressing through the hernia Surgery In probably the only answer these hernias tend to become worse as ymrgrow older Mihul any arm spa pa on of five years ago taking cook tail wltlr dlnrrerlM Assuming that there has been no serious residual damage to the liver there would be no harm NEWS OF CHURCHILL By MES SAUNIER Mrs Dr Dobson of Peter boro formerly Jessie Bell niece of the late Hodgsoo storekeepcr spent inst Thursday with Miss Mary Sloan Brenda Alien Toronto Pam eln Allan Guelph University Wendyleli Toronto University and Sharon Constable York he gionol Nursing Centre spent the weekend with their parents Ralph Rowe son of Rev Lioneland Mrs Howe who has entered the try at Wycliffe College was visi in this com munity Sunday PRESENTATION Mr and Mrs Ronald Allan opened their home to former neighbors of Mr and Mrs Gregg Davis Friday night An enjoy table evening was spent playing euchre Mrs Carman Illndle read an address and Cyril Spence presented two steprm end tables and towel set to the guests of honor on bdrall ol thegroupr Mr and Mrs Davis are now living in the village of Gilford HARVEST SERVICES Kasurak of Amherst berg student for the ministry at Wyclifle College brought an impressive message on thanksa giving at the Harvest service at St Peterfs Anglican Church Sun day morning Mr Kasrrrak also told of his work on the mission field in British Columbia The church was tastefully decorated with the when flowers The combined choirs or St Peters and St Pauls supplied the music BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs May Hutchinson Toronto was guest of honor at party Saturday marking her 75th birth day Her family of lo daughters were hostesses at Churchill Com munity Hail where over 100 re latrves were received Allending besides her daughters were to of Mrs Huichinsonsfl grand dtildren ï¬ve greatgrandchlld ren sister Mrs Ettle Mac Mlllanol Toronto all her nieces and some cousins Members of the lamin came from Windsor Sudbury Homepayne Guelph Fergus Toronto Barrie Cooks town and Churchill Mrs Ronald Allan at this village is daughter TNAUGURAL MEETING ACW Mrs Wheeler andMiss Mary Sloan from St Peters Mrs Haidenhy and hlrsthlclercher of St Pauls and Mrs Arthur Reid St Judes Thorn ton attended the Toronto Dioce san Anglican Church Women irr aupural meeting in Toronto Oct The main auditorium was fili ed to cepacity and many dele gates were seated in the gallery The keynote address was given by Mrs Margaret Norquay wile ot the United Church minister in the Italian district in Toronto on omen in the Churdr and in Community panel discussion The New Loo Church Wor Following dinner on installe tlon service took place at St James Cathedral MARY SLOAN NIGHT ple of St Peters honoured Miss Mary Sloan with special night The committee contacted as many of the old CGIT and GA as could be remembered as well no the presert GA and WA members Sunday 5001 pupils and choir lrlends old and new and all those who owed debt to Mary or her years of service in church work The evening opened with ang song of Irish times with Eileen Kennedy at the piano Mrs Maude Filzsimons oi Beaverton wile of Rev Wfli rarrr Fitzsimons showed slides of their recent trip to Ireland Rev Ailanllaldenby called sinpris ed Miss Sloan to the front where she was presented with cor sage by the Warden of St Peters Thomas Pitzsirnmlns Then followed briel service Elken by Mr Haldenby and Miss Lillian Sloan making Mary is lile member of the Womans Auxil iary Miss Betty Akers and Miss June Farrhead presented scrap book ol memories The members of the controll tee Mrs Grace Haldenby Mrs Margaret die and Mrs Dor othy Frhsimnnns presented purse wrth money and led the gathering in song especially composed to Mary During lunch there was much visiting and rerrunlseing Several had brought picturesand two girls who married bakers brought suitably decorath cake Close to 109 attended from Cannington Willowdale Blylii King City Clookstown bedroy Barrie Phelpmm Strand Seashore and Markham Historical Research was the theme of the September meeting of Womens Institute Beautiful slides of Mexico taken by Mrs Craig Hunter were shown by mnvener Mrs William Johnston and Mrs Allen Baldwin The comparison was striking between the rich and the poor The roll call answered by to members was wear your oldest piece of jewellery and tellabout it fine array of buttons was on dis play Several ltems of business were not acted on because of the small attendance decision rammed madam Fredd the re er French viousiy hdopted crimes ay MRS nanny to Mrs Don Prince whose motto er posed autay number from here attended Barrie fair and some showed with its andwon seveml prizes Crarghurat WI wonlirst prize for their exhiblt Womens In stitute 703irthdayr Some of the school pupils from here werrtto Eopo Thursday Mr and Mrs Caston are erl byfcanon leon Panel members were Mrs June Marks wellknown controller at City Hall and Mrs GEM Liv ingstone member of the United Nations 0n the lighter side four ladies dressed in old costumes enacted to WA meeting of yesteryear while four other ladies in modern attire eotnrds andmlnisklrts and weerlngthe high hair styles at today staged no ACW of 1961 hulldlnglhglrvnew Alh Horseshoe Valley road notthe snow Valley road as was stated lault weak McOnacken an Hardy attended an L0 rneeilnz in Orillla Mrs Craig Carol and Mark of Hamilton visited over the weekend at Craigs Caston is at the home of Mrs Mowforlh Mrr Cream is patient in Royal Victoria Hospltal On May Sept 29 the poo Sincere sympathy is expressed carrotcriterion oséxsa gt BylAY Eat dealer Nelher the vulnerable lolm AQios OADBT QD JIM was MST on use use noon on entitle you scum summer mucous contWat Norï¬m Pun iv INI PI Openingleadciglrlotrpndu Moat plnvln find it dilllcult to moment hniid butany one willing to rnrdertaka the task quickly dkeovess that the rillI liculty is more imaginary than snowman noun to is and when the aminprlate hand comes up there is nothing more to do then apply simple arithmetic Ior exairipletako thh desl where South is in seven no trump And West leads spade Dedarer starts with twelve sure trick and is strong favorite to make the thirteenth The only real danger is on Inrfavornblo hands Declarezotartrbyceshbrglun 193d and linen hearts discov sterted wlth douhlet on in and of Mongolia and simul ering htdulprocsr that taneotulylearniris lint West Marital with two livooard will Aiter then cashing the ace clubs he plays the Hit and one of diamonds Wat showing not on the seenad proving that East started with four diamods The count oi the hand new connrlete East started with pre cisoly two spades two hearts four diarooods and hence five clubs to which he has only one lcltt Doubieehecldng this West started with lite spndu live hearts one diamond and hence onlytwo clubs This knowledge important because Southth otherwise be tempted oowto take duh items or hlstliirtecnlh trick move that would be disastrous as well as at variance with the lemon laets Afttx cashing the queen of diamonds and rlhcurdlng soluh South lends club towards his liJ and confidently Ways the king mm me warm the king will catch the queen isrucoeoouirv ms CLOWES By MRS KEITH LEES Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Percy Bonney were Shaw Mr and Mrs Don Shaw and daughter Sabrina Toronto Mnand Mrs Robert lloy Clare moat Isaac Shaw Hawkestone Mr and Mrs Everett Eoey enge and family spent the past weekend as guests of Mn and Mrs Duikar Slratlord Mrs Leslie Moore will be hoo tesa lorGlowe Womens liï¬l tute Oct 10 Erngram Citizen ship and Education motto to be given by Mr Bidwelb Roll call name the wt president when you joined andwhat you remember of the first meeting lunch Mrs Simpson and Mrs ll Dicker cnowu Hut ay Mite nuwsnroris Misses honnie Partridge and Jeanette lerrney are enrolled at Lakest Tleacbus College Toronto Jim Partridge is attend ing Ontario Agriolutural Cylieg Guelph Congratulations to dense ning awards at the Barrie hibition last week Scoring the lrlgiieat numbér of points in the arts crel and needleka section Mrs Gougr was presented vl plaque byIlarryAdamsoernea sing representing Unitedlnvest meoLs Services donorsolthe award Mrs Gongh is aiife at the home or ihelrleadet Iwilh 12 memberspreseol They member of Crown Hi1 Womens Institute Anniversary services wdlhe observed at Crown Hfll United Churdr Oct 15 Special speaker Time observich ll him and by lun lor end Senior choirs twisted by soloist Bruce Owen Barrie Mr and Mrs Roy Newsoh are happy to announce the birth of their first granddaughter born to Mr and Mrs Don Newson Sudhirv visitormin Mr and Mrs Bowdon have been Mr and glrs Waller Wilson olltlvervlaw in and Mrs Lloyd Connell at Newton Robinson apd lllr and Mrs Andrew Hebh of Guelph Willism Vernon is patient in Stevenson Memorth Hospital Mr and Mrs Bowden vial ted Mr and Mrs Hstvey Bed ford at Stroud on Sunday lapk Policy of Sarnla spent lew days nthishame here last Week The Happy Hookers ole The Hollows will be starting their fall meetings Oct 10 at 130 p111 at Mrs Fern Grays home Everyone interested la welcome Mrs John Foneart was in Base Borden demonstrating Weaving recently cnossriiuo neat ALIA1N Marleen Barnes and James Blunt Toronto were weekend guests at the Barns home The New Flos AlH girls met have started on their fsleeplng to be at the home of Mrs Adrian De Backer will be Dr Findlay of Collier omc HURSL Stop trying to take advantage of my good nabrre and no you cannot leave ten minutes early ACROSS LRevered main DOWN LTeii 23210 Cure 4Valued Theater attendant rv Quiete 2L Greek letter AILYCROSSWOltD Mlfliflizilfll awnIntrin allow napInna Iï¬lï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬llflll lflflllllï¬ mop mzmxnm Mom 44 Salary to Expert United Church Barrie 7M pm There will be special music at both services SECKET AGENT x9 iuurnuones DONALD DUCK xiloomoxnc norms Garrtrenl project nextmeeling annuals Buzz shwrsrt Muses AND Kristen GRANDMA YEPTHE MANUFACTURER MADE lTOUTOFALUMINUM THEY DECIDED TO TAKE THE WORK OUT OF WEIQHTUFIING we use mammal or is SAYS HERE mesa HUMMINGBIRD is 32 save HAvsvou FLIPPED WHAT ABOUT THE comero Ear youron THE Philip PLATE ATE lTON THE WAY TO CLASS THIS mums xh MMSWA