7593 rni Walial Publisher McPherson Published by Canadian diatrir£ttaluinrr William rum General Manager Managing Editor mason moon is rao My understanding of the dcdxmntiona policy was that Iwaatobeuneof sagasnaylteeIIvnlxll5l1 Quebec politicians who hope to use the separatism theme as means to streng then their own future should take parv llcular note of speech by Eric Kierans Mr Kierans president of the Quebec Liberal Federation says separatism from Canada would cost Quebec $2300000 000 in five years He contends that fewer than 5000 politicians thinkers and and bureaucrats would benefit whiletho rest of the population would suffer An economist and minister in the former Lesage Liberal Government Mr Kierans is convinced that an independent Quebec would lead our people down the road to poverty heavyi unemploy ment and misery Mr Kierans beliefs are supported by Patrick Nicholson parliamentary corre ondent of The Barrie Examiner Mr icholsonin column yesterday con tended that Quebecs chief problem is economic rather than political He inted to the growing fears of capital ism in the face of separatism talk of plans of big business to move from the province if the break with Canada is Achieved and of false hopes in Franceand General de Gaulle Mr Nicholson does not believe de Gaulle could come to the rescue of Quebec financially if separat ism were achieved It is obvious that more men of the DOWlleEMORY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Oct 1947 Three miles new asphalt paving will be laid rie streets by on plans drawnby Town Engineer Ni Brisco Revr andMrs ann honore yAnglican parishof North Essa at Ivy Orange Hall prior to departure for Islington Howard French Elmvale placed st with 897 points in North Simone DairyCalf Club VOntarioHydro named Doc Rothwell native of Gilford Special As distantRegions Dr Althouse Chief Director of Education for Ontario addressed Simcoe CountyLibrary Assocn in Barrie Fire ravaged Arnott Lak ing Venttage at Minet Point Lowe Wright of Indiana was theme speaker at fourth annual Community Leaders Conference ileldat Camp Rawley Port gt ctedJJyJIe Georg Morrison Wyevale and Miss Louise galley Barrie Cantaloupes weighing up to lbs were grown in Mrs Gra ilam Smalls garden at Stroud this sum Ovenden College opened 32nd Barrie with capacity number of studentson roll Fred Norrisand Steve Hines scored four runs each as Harris Motors pounded CNR to win lio ftballifin 3Fa Harry Couse and Doug Ramsay formed batteryfor motorment Pitcher Murray Eifoof railroaders was pounded hard In openittg exhibition pro hockey at Barrie Arena Buffalo Bisons beatDallas saw Barrie District Ministerial Assocn Coach Hap Emms announced the dcuxJ eeivedaphmulitoaay PEOPLE m2 JOINW cum amnesia Ar idiom on Aug German aephcrd bitch bad capedfrom her oratc at Barrie championship Show ro my the where had sent herwlth at handler and tied the show grounds at the fair grooms are had been gone since about am liarrlved in Barrie post huts andlheftratldldwlatololo the Barrie policewho in turn notified the OPP and radio sta tlon CKBB and the search be flit the Barrie police toured roond all the aide roads their kindness and concern was very touching Not to be outdone forr kindness was ltIrs Marlon Fall president of the Barrie Socls for Prevention of Cruelty to mats and she notiï¬ed everyone she knew who could hol locan our German Shepherd embers oi the Barrie Kennel Club rt icipants spectators and cl lens all showed their concern and kept watchiul eye out and men followed false leads to no avai lot of credit goes to the oiiicial photogra er at the Bole Oi Scotsman show Ed heaui eu went all out in the sons STORY who really hunt and was Big In Early By BOB BOWMAN Scotsmen played such big part in the development of Can ada that it Ls difficult to realize that they were excluded from the colouits until Scotland and England wercunited in 1707 However one group of Scots men led by Samuel Vctoh did attempt to found colony of their onninwhnt is now Pen nmn and they were planning In caillL Nova Scotlu or New Scouand1hey were driven out of there quickly by Span lnids andmosqultoes all of them fierce spas new mom Wm Economic Footer strongest Point Against Separatism stature of Mr Kierans should speak out against move that could hurt Quebec There has been entirely too much muddy thinking on the question Quebec is not entirely Frenchspeaking and never will be with 200 million Americans to the south and many other millions of English speakingvCanadians touching on its borders Separatism would not makeallbf Quebecs problems disappear it would create new ones most of them economic Surelythese aspectsshould be under lined by responsible politicians rather than the uncertain future of independ encet Perhaps Canada does need new constitution perhaps the should have more taxingpowers or more federal handouts things both political and economic that should be done to achieve stronger confederation Ontario alonewith its vast resources and development in the fields of business and industry could separate with less damage togitself than any other province in the nation But Ontario has tentaclesstretchihg from coast to coast and it too would suffer if it were to separate but much less than Quebec which depends so much on both Canadian and American dollars for ex istence Texans1L4 Copaco beat CGE 252 to win ladies softball final Rev Clements Minesing elected president starting lineup for opening game of Barrie Flyers Junior vs Dallas Texans Goal lim Strachan and Gilly Mayer defenceRay Garle Stan Long Ward Brandow centre illy St Pierre Whit Mousseau left wing Paul Meger Joe Lafrance Rusty Aikin right win Favero Bill Red rrett Promising newcomers are centre Jerry held from OwenSound and leftwinger George Ford from Toronto Campaign began for one million dollars to construct Barrie Memorial Hospital with John Mitcbinson aschairman=0fficosotupinllub79 with Frank Trimhle of Toronto as ector Only two members of Town Councrl voted against Barrie Arena Com sslo llowingSunda ckeyfand skating Town ofBarrie sent lamb purchased at Sheep Producersbaleto ondon England as Wedding present for Princess Elizabeth Morrison general manager of Gopaco made all arrangements Barrie Collegiate won Tudhope Cup at annualtrack=andfieid meet for GeorgianVBay area held this ear at Midian he ate Judge Tu 1920 and BClhas won than any other schoo past three years Bil Hogans running and Bill Hintons jumping were features for BCI provinces There are many Bruno Neverthelus Vetch eventu oliy succeeded in establishing colony called Nova Swtis where it is now After escaping from Panama he went to New York and married daughter of the prominent Robert Living stone family He must have bccn very good anlcsman because not long after that he went in London and persuaded Queen Aflncs ministers to drive the French and Spaniards from all of North America leaving Queen Anne sole empress of thc conti nenlh The British promised to send naval force and five regi and damage the future of Confederationurticaria of soldiers Uniorlunatov ly the plan never got into high gear because the ships and troops were sent to Portugal instead Thcn Vetch got Col Francis leckolson to go to London with lflvelViohnwk chiefs whom Queen Anne presented with Qatars PARK Ontario election Campaign Alnemick By DUN OHEARN TORONTOThis is the eighth Ontaelo election dzmpaign the writer has observed And it has one distinction Only one dis tinction It is the most anemic of them all The campaignto date at leasthasnt produced one fresh proposal of any impor tance one sign that the election will rmVult in any progress at all any basic progress Normally elections can be relied on to move us ahead The goal of oiiice spurs most lntcnsiveexamlnaldon of our public affairs and concentrated eiforts to corneup with answers to the problem of the1day Wm Elle Emir Examiner 16 anï¬ Street barrio Ontarlov Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment 0ttawaand for pay ment of postage in cash aDaiiy Sundays fund Statutorygllolidays exccpted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $7340 yearly ingla copies me By mail Barrie 32340 yearly Ontario year motor arrowoff 51 year Mail nut dc Ontario sinus $15 yea foreign $26 year National AdlLETtislng ver Aye 640 Cathcart so 507 120i WESt Pep Mem er of the Canadian Daily Newspaper blishcrs Assoclation th Canadiana Press and Audi nadian Press is al for republication of all news dispatches ln this paper cred ited to it orThcltssocatcd Pma ochuters and also the local news published therein LETIEngTO EDITOR fubdpful in Initial wards Ihegrouudniracoddmwlth magnificent clothes designed by Subercose and his men were ornnn oer favanrs were formed giving his calm chairmanoh these problems housing poilu nofreanoldttssslutheh urgently call world of 2067 and talking great some doubt whether he and his Bureau oi Mark OTTAWAitEPOill Claims Nestda the confused am happy shepherd was timid by apartyofiqutryha to get through fence heading back to flm gone ary In mm By PATRICK NICHOLSON spotted her on side street wk mm the single chased the Sitephfld 11° most sl ficant commodity in fencedin ma She came and Canadafu economic slaw lt Ind WLV accounts for onetcntb of our WNW WWW total exports by value So the mWPW mm drop at 12 cent in olof cign sales It crop year and Horn and food modeled the as per cent drop in sales to us in Barrie the lace of coupled with cent per human interest and To bushel decline in August are all the We 9i Benlund the matters causing grave concern than to lbw area efforts wheat rowan were there In WWW dflwiw fare present in the House of me ntioo Common in their hundreds of Deer editor would upproc thousandsin spiritwhen In late it it you could print this emergency debate was held on bellies in the best dog magazine this topic last week are is Mabel McGregor the triggers in our wheat Wood Itomscliif Kennels pile were our professed friends Emilie Ont and close neighbours who in their sclilah interests had his Ed Note Tho above letter ken moral undertaking to appearedinDoga In Canada slash the world wheat price nuguinc and we turned over thus enabling them to unload to no Barrio Emmetv by their surplna onio markets Frank Jones of Mldlasrit where we had prevtoualy sold out whim 15 itiniala ey rs Bah winters the minister 4mparlxlbia iortbcCenadlnn Wheat Board which handles our experts announced that now maximum and minimum prices for wheat on the international market had been agreed in the GATT negotiations at Geneva For No Manitoba northcrn wheat in store at the lakchend these would be 8235 mud 5195 respcctively in Cans ds Days theatre costumer inserted iir Winters The re anda would rcprcscnt 11 cent was so paciï¬c dafflï¬tï¬ increase over maximum and lab government decided to send minimum prices under the cur naval force to New England Tent international wheat agree on the understanding that the meat Hath pricet would be necessary soldiers would be Emhihflgï¬eglzhu it Vmwu VET 2131 is 331$er Ilhufy The international it was decided to cnpturancn Wheat agreement lapsed on dia from France The combined July 31 last and the new agree force under Nicholson and ment is scheduled to come into Vctchlandod ncar Port Royal eifcclnextlulyl in ihithia late in September 1710 toe the price plummcttcd by 21 The ommander or the gotE from the this in effect in prlng Shims midi iing Eldnn Voolliams the Conser Danicl dltugcr Sicur dc Sub vstlvc MP for Bow River case He not had too men in Alberta yumpcd lnta thp debate dcicnd ago not nearly 2000 to express the farmers view under Nicholson and Vetch and point and the Opposingt criti yct he held out until Oct ohm oi the governments short when the fort was surrendered conungs ARGUMEle PERSUASIVE He is promhlent among the small handful of MPs who are effective orntors of command ingprescuco nndblcssed With powerfulvnico and aiirstclsss brain ho is pleasure to listen to and persuasive in his argu meats Above all he presents web come contrast to thc mum blings of so many members allowed to march out with all the honors of war and British ships took them book to France Port Royal then became Annapolis Royalnamed for Queen Anneand has remained so ever since Acadia became Nova Scolla and Samuel Vetch was appointed its first British governor lassCartier landed read pro ared essay On this Hochelaga Montreal occasionalhough dealing with TElegrnph service intricate facts and detailed fig opened bctween Montreal and urea Mr Woolhnms had before Quebec him merely scrap of paper lessDistricts of Mackenzie bearing four headings these Yukon Ungava and Franklin read as go mo nt approach history internatiom al agreement questions Withthese hints he delivered the best review of the whole whent situation heard in the House in many years He spoke of the background how the for mer Conservative Minister of Agriculture had encouraged the farmers to grow more wheat and then had encour aged ihe Wheat Board to go out and make an aggressive sales pitch at Out of this advances normal ly can be expected Thus in 1959 we saw the Lib erals press for portable pen alone And the government Sentually adopted the propos In 1963 both opposition parties Pressed for medicare Also the Liberals had thebeginuings of concrete plan for commuter transportation And from developed G0 Transit But this year The government is campaign ing on the fact that the prov ince is prosperous and leads the rest of the ootmtry in employment wage levels etc All America of course is prosperous today And since the turn of the century at least Ontario has been ahead of the Tifét is you like paigns furtherby outhning the problems of the day And then theboard assurance they will be met This despite the fact mm of onetcwere existing ortprelt enable pd more tag And relatively little has been done tnmeet them The liberals They are offer ing some practical nuts and bolts proposals number of them worthwhile but there is it worth all lhelrou ing And these are times that for boldness DP Donald is talking about the plans for it But for now there has to be party are practical enough to have the floors swept properly not afraid only relieve Giidvnellevi intended for fear and faith to abide in the same droppedï¬o 10 cuts it wa disturbing to hear that vvho stand up and monotonoust nodifticultyiiklng5Slar Where things get difficult is In making awhiskythis good it means selecting whiskies from our five distilleries across US Broke Wheai Undertaking ask for more production He spoke of the earlier days before organised selling when rain asportal Wont thus cut prices dlscoura the in run countrlel rem at nn reement It the suggested her prion What assurance did liruwintsu obtain on his Visit to Washington that the buyers conï¬dence will he ran toredt So probing and damaging were Mr Woolliama Iaven questions that the Minister failed to rcphv But we can be sure that he Inspired the gov eminent to do something for SMASHING PRICE He asked what has hlpglaned nowwhy L1 there tue between the end of and the start of international We wait mor alashlng the price and dumping wheat lnln markets which were Canadaat In USA subsidizing the farmersand for Canada cars YOU BuyaBondatflan GETS YUU Buy Bond at Bank of Montreal s2 500 new ï¬uyiaBondaiBEnkof Montreal GETSYOU 00100000 5502205 Buy Honda Bank or Montreal Canada Savings Bonds 1968 Series Buy yours now for cash Or by instalments Only down balance in easy payments over year Now availabierai all branches kartanneal Canadas First Bank The Pearson government had first criticized this then find ing the Conservativeobtaaned markets even expanding had had to reverse its stand and afyou should have has5byglh weyThenblending it re endinglhem get5Sla seasytaste hie Easy icryou to find out