meek Welotanm lion oi ew Tollendal Rood bridge The present eoneway structure utter years old and has been the scene runny cldentsl leoderJrom the Cobastl Construction Company oi Cooks ville was ncoephsl Thele new other tenders mm Comm tion oi Arthur Ont 21365 Stone hoist Construction in party Barrie $27138 Maple Engineer ing and Construction Company Rexdnte$ï¬966 andBot Gamer Constru ionCoBan 52mm Township Engineer llllam Ainley asked it he felt the lower tenderer ions substantial and notridiarry out the contract said thrt theirmoord was high itltlllgim on standards Tend ers tor the mist oi thewortt in cluded ï¬rmly and assembling the pipe clearing the channel nod bachtiliingrattcr installation Alter instalin on at the bridge widening oi the road will be undertaken which will olso straighten some at the curves Council by motion agreed to av eept the tender or the Cooksvilln lirrn REQUEST RECOUNT ihn vote no representatives came to Council to ask that ow lng to the ditierenres on there suit of some oi the questions the tovmship assume wipeuse at recount oi ballots on sale at liquor The argument by Frank Kati on beltflll oi the stay dry committee llls that with one nuestio in term at the 5an oi liquor in storm hya smali mai ority and the others close by oovathe costs whichmim be nsuhstnntisllomoupt The matter didnot come to noumil decislw Councillor Burton sold that he sures recounthndlbeen urnoozed by supporterso all open onuhtp lle mllulJnhn Dam chairman toeometoConncii Mrt Davis said lowyersand oi llcials had Milli PMth lor mmiittlog the ballots on QM lions twevomt tour These cover Govenunent heerstoru soothe sale ot limtor in licensed dining rooms The spoiled boilotsJust over 500 will also be recounted LIBRARIES The School Board has asked that council hive invorablexooy slderatlou to thetomship becom ing portoltheeounty Ii nry systo wing totho laetthat the cooperth cuuniy ism now supplying books tinucd owinglo granisbelng out below operating costs The Board was represented by Chairman Russell Stewart and Administra tor Frank Kelli ltir Koll sold the schools need ed anuptodate exchnnge of books that the school libraries could not supply without sub stantint syst behind them Even kmohila has been found to not till needs lie snid some special rotereoce hooks wee costly lie wasnot sure the Midland and Colllngwood would he obln to maintain sat islnctory supply Indus they be came port the county Mr Brennans orrBLtN uownar Funeral services were held lrom Stochicy Funeral Home Sept or Otielin Downoy who died intltoyal Viciorin Hospital on Sept 19 Mrs anney was born in Sunnideio Township in tent and tvasthe daughter oi the late unassumon inry Alice Shell std hllncslngtirom 1915 until the time at her death She gtwns married in 1915 at home on the 9th line at Sunni dale Township Hcr husbandpre deceased her in litamh ot tids yeah Mrs Downey was member of ltllnostng United Church and at St Peters Anglicanvchuroh itilnesing in June of was Mr and Mrs Downcy celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary She is survived by tour bro thers Harry oi imposing wood ot Stayner Gordon mvui Fras Creek Tum brothers Newman and Konnclhpredecealsetl her Rev taitor Lee Gordon Velr and Richard Henderson conduc ted the and burial was in linesing ti Come ry to the schools is likeb to be disconA county council was kit admit will require 59 oi the municipalities misty and at institution pop ulation to enable the county tom to let olf thegratuid The Jectloowu the cost at sampler lnnlsti are 109 Oodtrnne DoputyVReeVe Eben Sawyer nd extDeputy Re eve Campbell the deputy reevwhip is open for someone Councillor George Burtonhns mod avduhetomové up to that position Councillor Allan Todd and exreeve ind mem ber eeuntiliorlmony yearn has stated that lsiolther or out lorhirn thiayeormun deputy reeveshlp whlchnlso on rles the diairmanshlpot road committal would leave only onemember oi countJ1 likely tnconttnue or that otiioe Councillor William Glbhi However Russell Stewart in member lotthetnwnship School Board or many years and grinnin mnn oi thatboard this term has stated tltathe will aspire to council John Mus members this week thothe would be candidate or Cou lie was osklngtor permit for commercial building in which he will open barber shop near the Handy iaza nnd chums ho hasthe promm of many votes Smith student at York Univer sity He son oi Robert Smith who has zroporty on 25 sideroad Ray Web who has been said to be considering the matter will decide when he returns mm hunting trip The tioid is wide open and the more the me gt SEEK ACCORD 0N FISH OTTAWA tCPJ Cnn and Russia have agreed aswceyr dorLtlrodot discussion drait agreement on scientilic operation and exchangts av dance of conflicts and other problems at high seas tithing operations as announced Mondny barber told r¢ ruff North Nick may wrwv nun and Gillian early this yearn hobbled PM our list issued by the departure may inhergl vnume 10 MG OTTAWA tCii Member ot the Quebec and Guthrie bltl Jalned inttributes to Chleilluh lice Cart Ith on others goiter boundary waters common to ht trlu bolted their mu until Friday One oi the main item on the agenda lso review oithe pro lml bean madeiln pollution Itudtu particularly on tit wig PLAN mount omwn or quinr into theCsnadl oping Aetl proillsionsgovendni the owner soiaioiiiiyimfm International Union of 4118 Mill and Smelter Workers was acquitted Tuesdoylot withhold ing $136 overtime wages lrorn former business agenlr ï¬ttest irate larl WuLobem tot hurls NIAGARA Hunuce CDMPAMYLIMITED PBSteasdn SmwTsreSale Sop Where You WillYouWillNot Find Its Matchi AttsrArEPPitrMiuMrnAcrtouj 4Â¥PlY NYLONTIRES fixing extra doe trtend on re eta Ifreniiumquiï¬lgheadm life and long mileage Built withru ed mm ship and reglrtr tlouoltvesjelh willbe oneot newCtnadion t7IMULCAsrE THEY nowrnonie can Your best buy anywhere tire bull outntNtEEo 25w mourn5 against tread wesroutLNo time lint 325800 555550 14 we 550520500115 Gilli5901560 lg 776070 15 815710 16 345760 15 asnazosoo x115 71551IJ16 tubfly Stmllu sowing gt pinion snow Allstate n5 in mmn 11 noxu lu unitumult gime rerondbo tact rtoptr etion gt youof langtrend pylonoord fartheultimsie ti ï¬rm7ll=llv tinnitus OPEN WED Arrett obN it 71 said to the Softly sale small my Designed lncooperahor bd lg netoptve nice oicomiort xlra tinn or gently Princess Postuvepodle za iromt no to 78 KM King Size of tauntsprind or tim loam bher Postutepodic til Edne otderwito ends sagging ed as Din hotter eta helrsuppcrt is nrsttp ortwist ostiuepadlc ls handmade ass ptodu onvshortcuts Spocialiydeslnned gt