PC Campaign folio Dieienbaker TORONTO CF Actions of iohn Dieienhakcr and on Mr behall by others indicate the nicerold Conservatirhe lain plans tight to in at his partys national leader ship convention hlr Diehnhaker who hasuot said publicly whether he Will leek another term at the con vention here SepL 59L has made moves recently that con tirm to Conservatives here hes In the running Reliable sources said Thurs day one such step was request to convention headquar Iers tor lulllist oi voting delegates and alternatesmore than tooo names addresses and telephone numbers These lists under convention rules are supplied only to lead crship candidates and the party leader The request came from the Youth tor Dleienbaker com mittee here and convention oili cers were given unlmpcachahlc evidence the group acted on illr Didcnbahcrs authorita tloa JOIIN DIEFENDAKEE Visits Old Home NEUSIAIYI Out Conservative Leader John Diet nnbaker paid sentimental visit Thursday to the old yel lowbrick home here where he was born 72 ycars ago next month Mr Dieienhaker chattcdtor tow moments with Mrs John Losch who has lived in the old Dictenhalter home for the last 32 years He expressed his pleasure at the trim wellltcpt building and and apologized ior dropping in on the little white haired lady without advance notice was born in that room up there the armor prime minis tcr told group of friends accompanying him to Hanover or testimonial dinner Thurs day evening Neustadt is an miles south oi Owen Sound George Hees TORONTO CF George Bees Progressive Conservative leadership candidate in his penultimate policy statement Thursday outlined plans or new program to solve the world hunger crisis la the sixth of seven policy statements to be issued by his Toronto oitlce prior to the Sept 59 PC leadership convention here Mr llces proposed freedom from hunger cam paign which would bring togeth er all the Canadian public and rivahe experience in develop successiul world food pro grain The program wnuld assist dndopiny milled to devise wry to iced Ihenuelvm and explore necessary new mum at node and tood supplements or the future The statement dealing with lorelgn also called tor reorgnn tion oi the depart ment oi external alialre to co ordinate iorelgn delence and economic policies along with production or White paper on Canadas obioetivss abroad it also called or program or assistance in conlunctlon with the provinces to establish graduate research institutes to undertake specialized studies oi diriermt regions oi the world Davie Fulton MONTREAL CF Davie Nton one oi nine Progressive Conservative leadership candl dutes said Thursday the lead crship is already within his grasp iciory is here he told an enthusiastic audience at local club Mr Fulton said the Liberal party is no longer acceptable in Quebec and that he expects lull participation by FrenchCtr nadians in the Conservative party ltlr Fulton said his victory at next months leadership cun vention in Toronto is guaran teed by the hundreds or discus sions he has had with Quebec delegates during the last six months ltlr Fulton discounted the idea that he had been on the political scene too long He said delegates he had talked to didnt necessarily want new men but rather experienced men with new approach Donald Fleming HALIFAX CP Donald Fleming candidate or the leadership or the Progressive Conservative Party said here Thursday he hopes the Social Credit Party will withdraw irom federal politics ltir Fleming in Nova Scotla to drum up support tor his lead ership campaign told news conference here that it the Social Credit Party withdraws irom federal politics the Con servatives would succeed in extending munit more widely the basis or its political sup port He said he had been told that II he were elected leader of the Conservative party his party would draw support from pcolt ple who are now members other parties Mr Fleming said think iederolly we have too many political parties he said You can see the elieet on this in Parliament where the multiplicity of parties otten retards transaction of perha mentary business Mr Fleming expected strong support from Noun Scotia despite Premier Robert Stan iields entry into the leadership contest He said two Progressive Conservative n1 emb rs in Ontario had uttered him their parliamentary seats it he wins the leadership He saw nothing disturbing in the news that France wanted to enlarge iu investments in Canr ads and said its decision to do so should be welcomed oi Dalton Camp TORONTO CP Dalton Camp the man who started it all will have only brief public role in the Progressive Conser vaiive party leadership coaa ventien Sept so Convention sources said Trail Thursday Mr Camp the por ti national praldent will be Introduced to the ddegetes along with the president oi the womens association the Young Progressive Conservative and the PC student Federation liis public partlclpatlon ends therein rrent convention Mr Camp successfully can palgned last year to have the partys annual meeting call leadership convention Since then he has not been active publicly on the leadership ques tion although he is member oi the convention planning com rnitiee Cochnirmen oi the conven tion are Toronto lawyer Goo dm and 1th Roger it at ArgcnlcuibDeux ideologues Sen McCutcheon TORONTO CF Scnntor Wallace McCutchcon said Thursday the Progressive Con servalive party must revive its organization At news cnnicrenee he said the party should periodically reassess its leadership to avoid hard icelings lie recommended new constitutional method for the party to case the transition irom one leader to another ltir lticCutcheon said he was delighted that Ontarios Pre mier John Roberts had called provincialindent coniercnce The British North America Act Is document tor on cmcrg ing colonial ioderatism he said and new constitution should conLiin bill or rights The leadership candidate said Canada is one sovercign state but it has two nations or maybe more just as in Great Britain there are Welsh Irish English and Scots The senator said he tavors cultural exchanges between Quebec and France and he would reco mme nd cultural exchanges between France and Ontario Canadas foreign policy will never dilier substantially irnm that of the United States because Canadas interests are the same as those at the 113 he said PLAN QUAKE TESTS MOSCOW AWThe Soviet Union announced or plans to drop bombs in the Paeiiie Ocean daily Sept to to so scientists can study earth tluake eiiccts wears noun mum RENTAL ausnmss CALL 7266525 See How Quickly We Answer JOHNSON 107 DUNLOP Opposite The Queens dolworth DEPARTMENT STORE lBACKTOSCHOOL Tron CANDY rev APPLES PORTAGE ROOM FEATURE occp BAKERY FEATURES SPECIALBANANA CAKE Fresh Tasty Treat Compare at 95c ASSORTED COOKIES Pick and Mix Dozen Only rLATEI 77° 99° FRIED CHICKEN it no more misty license no msrmcr winner Partly Cloudy On Saturday The weatherman is calling tor runny weatherbut with some intervals on Saundoy post ility or shower on Setun day The overnight low record ed downtown at The Emntner ofllm up 58 dogma The tarry peraturo at 3am was 66 de grees T0 N70 cmPortico forecasts issued at 530 am EDT Synopsis It southerly new at somewhat molsler nlr lrom the Ditto River Valley caused some cloudiness in southern Ontario dmingcdthe night butodthis is owed to ppcart ay0n Saturday few showers could develop above the upper takes as cooler air begins to move south and east item the North west Territories Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lotte Ontario southern Georgian Bay tielihurton regions Kil laioc Windsor London Toron to llnmiltnn Sunny but with cloudy intervals today and Sat urday little warmer Light southerly winds today south west winds to to to Saturday Northern Georgian Bay nigo ma southern White ltivcr conauth FIBERGLAS 26x96 PANELS 10 seal Fence Patios corporisl AT Lowssr PillCES anuer sstrcno limulml regions Sudhury Seult Ste Marie North Bay Mostly sunny today Variable eloudiness with tew shost or thundershowers Saturday germ Southwest Math 10 to Northern White River Coch rane Western James Bay regions Mostly sunny and very warm today Forcest Temperature Low Tonight High Saturdily Windsor sa St Thomas London Kitchener Rinunt Forest WLnghern Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Pcterhorough Kingston Trcnton Killulbe itiuskolro North Buy Sudbury Enritnn Sault Ste Knpusiraslng White River ltioosonce Timmlns seagsaasssssssa R$828$$$$$$$$8238$2fl88 BUNNY skies and mostly torecast tor all or Canada to dlcate expected hightemperh warmer temperatures are day Figures on the map in tures CF Virephotoi Resounding taste at Quiet price DISIILLED MATURED AND BOTTLED DY ChliADtrtN SCHENLEY OtSIlLLERIES LID VALLEVFIELD CANADA HURRY PRICES REBUIIEDI Hut Qlfl nyt In Clllldll vettia HARDIitiARIl in Save On Any Quanliryl Stock Up New Good Utility Grade For Fencingl DEDAR any quantityl PANELLING Strictly rim on puns smut MAHOGANY iÂ¥x8$ Ungrooved RANDOM VEED hell In Cutest Smaller Eeautiiully 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