NEWS ROUNDUP Camps Cdit REGINA CHConservative leadership candidate Don Fleming said Tuesday party president Dalton Camps call or getting Canada outoi roul la alliances la out at atep wit party feelings itir Fleming tumor finance minister told new couierence he supports international alli hnces including NATO and NORAD He said hir Camps auggcy lions do not refleï¬ct the views oi the party genera hlr Fleming also laid tad oralprovincial meeting should be held on ircal matters Edit cation spending in particular had outrun revenues at prov hires and municipalities Refuse Information HAY RIVER NWT tCPt Donalrl Taylor told onbman royal commission Tuesday that the Hay River RCMP detach rncnt regularly refused togive hlm information in his capacity as an editor and reporter hir Taylor 37yearold bachelor is editor and owner of the weekly newspaper Tapwe here lie said the ltlounties would simply give the excuse that we dont want the story in the Daren gm royal commission was sparked by articles in Tapwe which alleged irregularities in the administration or justice in this area 700 miles north of Edmonton Take Crash Course OTTAWA PiTwetvt young Canadian agriculturaiists are learning how to grow bananas and sugar cane as part at crash course on farming in Africa The volunteers with the Canadian University Servic AOvcrseos will be leaving this tall for two yeara in such coun tries as Tarania Uganada nd Sierra Leone Les Johnson 23 the organi zer oi the course returned only two months ago irom 01180 teaching job in primitive vii ioge in India He says the agriculture pro gram is important because in some countries amine is always around the corner Suffers Bums FORT LL CF Dougias Bolts 13of Fort liam was ill satisiactory con tion in hospital Tuesday recov ering irom third and tourthde gree burns he suffered Sunday when he touched hlgh tension electrical wire Police said the boy had been dimbingto roof in lumber yard when he touched the wire Study Policing MOUNT FOREST Ont tCP lhe iutura policing oi lttount Forest depends on the comple tion of provincewide study ol small police forces The Ontario Police Commis sion has told council that the OPP will not take over policing here on permanent basis at the present time The commission recom mended the town form its own musicipaiforce Milligan commission iehairman said Tuesday the commission will make recom mendations on iakHVers when the study is complete Mayor Dies INGERSOLL Ont CF Mayor Thomas Morrison head of council for the eighth year died Tuesday at Alexan dra Hospital after suffering heart attack at his home He had served longer thy Zany other mayor of the Oxiord County town First elected as mayor in l951 he was reelected for the next three years He returned as mayor in 1964 position he held until his death Are tutored one on om errA to cureman and two eightyearvoid children were seriously injured Tuesday when car struck them and knocked themthroughthe wait of at tobacco kiln The accident happened on the farm of Mrs Eliraheth Matyas or an Burtord gt Police said the three injured persons were standing in rout of the kiln when the car struck them and Rich crashed through the kiln Burford taro miles west of Brantford Still Deadlocked ALT LAKE Ci key economic issues in the countrywide strike remained deadlocked Tue and no new barge sessionsior Kennccott Cooper Corp largestrcooperlpmlucer in the 115 are next week Federal mediate Lylo Johnson iaaidthevnext meeting mpany ncgntia rs and the union barg ing commit annved until DONALD FLEMING Teacher Salary TORONTO CHThe aver age aalary gnin lior women public school teachers in Outer tn this year was between 3500 and 51000 Dorothy hlortin executive secretary told the Federation or Women Teachers Associations oi Ontario ihios day The noonmember lederatton achieved longterm goal Miss itlartin said when the provin cral government increased the minimum pensions for teachers in January it was doubled to sum The federation sent nearly 4000 to teachers in Quebec to help them fight Bill 25 passed by the Quebec legislature in February she said the bill restricts teachers right to strike Mediealod Graasetesi noXervrn SKIN CREAM DRISTAN TABLETS Freshens the Air FLORIENT AIR FRESHENER Fine Quality Pi TAMBLYN Tattoo Bil oi cancas mam OTTAWA tCPlFarliamcdt Hfll echoed to the Mr musket and canooo and the wait at the bagpipes over the noon hour Tuesday as the Canal dlan armed forces treated to ists and iunchlngetvil servants to haiiehour summary at their wring military tattoo GovernorGeoeral tlteheoer will preside when the madman cast presents the lull twohour today gathered on the lawns ol Par iiament Hill Tuesday to watch the servicemendrcssed in uni lorrosoi various periods of Canadas development give brief history at military ltia from the time or Samuel de Champlain to the present Not Running Circles OTTAWA CPLOpposition Leader Dleienbalrcr said Tues day in anintervlew that one of the nine candidates sacking his job claims to have travelled five times farther than the Can servuttre chidvdid in the 19 election campaigns There can be only one explanation he said wasnt going around in circles He did not identity the candl dale but Davie Fultons camp has made the travelling claim lttr Dictcnbaktr said the appropriate time has not yet come for him to announce whether he villsock recicclion as Conservative leader next month 40 duo ClttiiilTE ORAL ANTISEPTIC it or For Sinus Cohgestion 129 Value 99 oz Cont We Value nk or White BATHROOM ES Gillette FOAMY SHAVE CREAM Item 119 Vaina he Tamblyn GOLF spectacle at the opening ot the Central Canada Exhibition bera Several thousand spectators Bil ennm ntmtsrart PEARSON Not Favor Vote omth tCPiPrime htinis enca Tuesday that Canada will not vote in favor or admission at Red China to the United because ot the present chaos and anarchy in China Cauatla voted to admit lied China at the lost UN session He made only hrict mention or China in nideranging morning conference While there has been no latcrierence in trade between Canada and China so far he warned that normal trade rela tions could not be carried on with that kind oi chaos No one seemed toitnow what was happening even in Canton which was near ilong Kong For bad breath and sore throats to colds 109 Value Stops Perspiration Stains Odours ARRID ROLLON DEOPQRANTE L29 Value ngh Velocity 29 lliiE rotors phone 2690206 reprumoag ter Pearson told news rooier Nations in the coming session No Progress madam carmi report tion member at the Ontario legislature said Tuesday the select committee on the elec tron act has made no progress aince it was formed in July last year Vernon Singer Liberal mem bet for Toronto Downsvlew and Kenneth Bryden NDP member tor Toronto Woodbine both members oi the commit uedto move in circles when it met Tuesday for tour hours three from the rayon Red green orbinepiaidmlM more puree ï¬at veaFentpreagnuu Lotion burgundy or brown 712 tee hold the committee conttnm Features fringed scarf collar that 41 nutter over shoulder Warmly lined with half pile and half quilted $25 reser ANOTHER GLAD WOOL PLAID Dressed up with an Orton tipped collar Doublebreasted with gold colored buttons Back sports wide hnlf belt Quiltedwayou lininglicd Plan CampOut amend rtAPiottzv Martin Luther King Jr describing the United State Contra as valid imitate tamsaid Tuesday his organi uuoo considering massive Nam campoui in Washington alspart oi new campaign oi cred disobeii anca tn the racial struggle think weve got to do something before Congress adiourm Kine laid at pm contennca after proposing mass civil disobedience in to the Southern an lgadershlp Conference King said hchaalln mind lak ing people trorn Mississisz and canning in the nails and roll to move or eat unlit action taken to alleviate slum conditions and economic depri vation ot Negroes From now until the end of themonth save 10oofreshfrisity Fall 67 coats for youngfashionabies Weve sketched just dashing collection $19 1mm 180 with hope Smartiy doubteihreuated reactor 12 4111 ml EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG it Warden Dies our tomEu wood Weaaiey or Bothweli meolKentCoontyiot alarm in blooded no pl Cross Lake COLCHESIER Out CPI No tired Ohio youths were sleeping in police constabiea garage here Tu aad nilht after crossing Lake Erie in two days or hard rowing Police constable Robert Lona oi the Ontario Provincial Police detachment here so miles southeast of Windsor said the two youthsEdward Neal la ot MM Midlad Kerwin is or Shatter Heightstell San dusiry Ohio at am Monday Clean can has the lmprautoli NOW ONLY 25c Me at the coin operated CAR WASH TWO LOCATIONI to SERVE vou VBARRIE PLAZA auaroN avs