Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 1

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commonetc Nance not Clio Earriciixamincr learn if No l86 Crowds lined Collier Street yesteiday afternoon as smoke and flames poured from Odd Fellows Temple The 30year old landmark was under dom olition when fire spread from Barrio0ntcrio Canada Friday August lii9d7 CEN RE 0i HANOI Chinese Open Fire Along TenSe Border liONG KONG eu Cfiincse troops fired two burst of machinegun fire across the OLD BilltllIE LANDMARK HIT BY BLAZE rubbish pile at the rear to the cedar shingle roof More pidures and story on page Examiner photo Attract Better IVIPs By THE CANADIAN PRESS John iilachaii first of nine candidates for the a1 leadership of the Progressive Conservative party to enter the race said in Quebec Thursday young persons find it too costly to enter politics The ioyearold hrockville Ont businessman attending the partys thinkersficonier encc said in an interview that salaries should be boosted to $25000 year from $10000 to bring ia better crop of politi cians to Ottawa Manitoba Premier Duff Rob iin also visited the partys poll oy advisory conference Thurs day at the start of brief Que bec tour He will return to Winnipeg CNR Locomotive VEngineers Get $2000 ilnnual increase MONTREAL OP con tract settlement providing wage increases that would add an av erage of $2000 to the annual salaries of CNS locomotive en gineers was announced Thurs day by officials of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers Thesettlement was an nounced at meeting of the Ca nadian union of the brother hood it must be approved by union committees The agreement calls for pay increases totalling 28 per cent for engineers in yard and trans fer service and 22 per cent for those in road service It is ef fective as of last May and ex pires April 301970 About 1700 engineers employ ed by the CNN would benefit from the new settlement Negotiations for CPR Iocomo tive engineers are continuing Road engineers are paid by thedayand according to mileage rate system Yard en gincers arepaid by the hour withan allowancefor the weight being carried Wright assistant grand chief engineer and head of the unions negotiating committee said the contract to be ap proved by the union committees provides that runtbroughs or changes in home stations or other material changes in work ing conditions initiated solely by the company and which have significantly adverse efA fects on engineers shall be sub ject to negotiations An appendix to the memonan dum of agreement detailed safeguards that require the compauyjo give six months notice of any proposed reloca tion ofengineers T331 CAPSULE NEWS finestllK Black Muslim leader IpNDON Reuters Police todeylarrested Britains black Muslim leader Michael the Freitas under law that forbids Ferry Reported ilgrdund VANUJUVER UP The ferry Queen of Prince Rupert was reported aground today on reef north of Alert Bay on Vancouver island Sketchy early reports said call had gone out for all available vessels in the area to converge on the scene about 230 miles northwest of Vancouverto take off passengers the Dogs To break Demonstration SALlSBURY Rhodesia Reuters Police today used dogs to break up demonstration by 200 White Asian and African students staging sitdowo meat Nigerian Town IsBonibed demonstration in front of the Rhodesian Parlia Lacosmr vAEiafren pun bombed the northern Nigerian town of Kaduna killing one person and injuriiig several others sources in Lagos reported today Saturday but will be back to make major tour of Quebec before the Tory leadership eon vention in Toronto Sept 09¢ All leadership candidates eit cept Michael Starr attended some of the sessions at the Que bec conference during the four days of policy discussions Party leader John Diefenbaker did not show up despite rumors that he would make last min ute visit in Edmonton Thursday Pro noer Stanfield of Nova Scotia called for more systematic to policymaking based on party research and feeling at the leadership level for grassroots thinking ltlr Stanfield touring the West arrived in to Wednesday after stops in Nanni moand VictoriaHe meets conA ventlon delegates in Calgary today and Lethbrfdge on satur day before flying to Ottawa Sunday The 53yearold premier Enid the party must develop an ap proach to give young people feehog of challenge and in volvement He was not disturbed by suggestions that his political ln fluence is limited to the Atlan tic provinces and is counting on Western support Alvin Hamilton former Conservative agriuilture minis tertold Toronto press confer ence Thursday there is no lead er the race at the moment Says Military Is Interfering In Vietnam Vote WASHINGTON AP Senn tor Robert Kennedy said today there is mounting and distressing evidence that South Vietnams military re gime is interfer tree can tha pfisidentialileclion The New York Democrat said sunk interference would be betrayal of the cause for which 12090 Americans have died His New York colleague Re publican Senator Jacob Ja VVllS said the South Vietnam cle Ions should mark the he ning of an end of our com moment there He said new elected government should set to ork to take responsibility for Lsown security and the ited States should look to ward disengagement Hears our Why dontyou move info more condortable apartmentl cant pay the ironton even lhlsdrearyhole fWell since you dont pay reotanyway why not get some thing better gt fidZSi rfefi tcnso Cblneselloug Kong bor der today as Bridah troops and police forced buck in workers who had breached the closed frontier government spokesman said the Chinese fire splattered harmlesst into paddy fields on British territory The firing was the first across the border since flare up last month at Ha Tau Kok in which five Hong Kong police men were shot to death Todays incldcntfoliowod an overnight clash after more than 20 liritisb troops and police were held captive by mainland workers for six hours in the British border police post at Man Kam To Urge $25000 Salary Police and Gurkhas used tear gas and baton charges today to force some 40 Chinese workers and peasants back across the border The Chinese had at tacked police and troops with stones and wooden poles TRIED TO MOVE ACROSS Gurkha troops were ordered to carry out encircling move menis mound groups of several doaen Chinese who repeatedly tried to surge through gaps in the fence at the Man Kain To and Ta Kwu Ling crossing pointajrflm China Earlier Communist Chlnese workers temporarily took over Hong Kong border police post but later returnedto Chinese territoryr The Hong Kong govunnient Sinner Lots Offered In Bramalea BRAMALEA Ont CI Five thousand more govern mentowned building lots will be made available at Bramalea through the Ontario govern ments Home Ownership Made Easy Plan it was announced Thursday Suters director of the Ontario Housing Corp said the lots will be marketed as soon as possible in response to en tbusiastic public reaction to 621 lots offered for sale or leasing at Bramalea Diesday The 5000 new lots will bring the total of HOME lots at Era malea satellite community on the western fringes of Met ropolitan Toronto to 6666 of these 621 are the serviced lots marketed Tuesday 1045 are unserviced lots which will be made available as facilities are installed andthe rest are the 5000 announced Thursday Some 460 of the original 621 hadbeen sold or leased by late Thursday lidCHARACTER MONTREAL CWThe prin cipal oereGill University has suggested thata new reharae ter alphabet which education ists meetinghere have praised may reduce dropouts nota bly at university level Dr Rocke Robertson was addressing 215 delegates from all parts of the Englishspeak ing world meeting this week for conference on the initial Teaching Alphabet first intro duced in England in1961 Dr liobertson raid research on failures among flrstycai studeaosflatdtchitl had indi cated in some lack of interest and that obviously someLblng hasdampenedthe students de sire to learn closed the frontier at Man Kam To where the incident took place but left open two other crossing oints at Shoo Tau Kok and Lowu rail bridge llong Kong spokesman said the Chinese who entered the po llce post forced British district officer Trevor Redford to sign declaration at loiilepolnt He said the Chinese surround ed the post disarmed its guards and seized their weap oas cmNese ENClltCLED British troops it turn encir elccl the Chinese but no shots were fired The Chinae latcr handed back the seized weapons and returned to Chinese territory HIPPIES SCBUB STREET KEEP GROUP FROM IilIL TORONTO CPlAs group of derislve housewives looked on about three dozon hippies scrubbed Snoltard et Tluirsdeyto save some of their number from jail They were removing slo gans of peace love and wel come palntcd on the street to avoidbeing charged with as facing public property The painting day resident complained to the police who took several youths to the College Street station and later released them Apparently as protest egan Tues large group of hlppics re turned early Wednesday morning and painted the en tire street Police returned and took several more to the station Afterlhe hippies made an ineiiectual attempt to scrub the street the policeasked theDepettment of Mlle orig to simcrvise the oleaolt ing The works department provided the equipment for the lab Dozens of hippies came to scrub the street but few showed any enthusnsm After staring for while they turned and walked away Speeeh Assails De unlIeCritics PARIS Reuters Presi dent de Gaulle mode vigorous counterattack against bis crit ics Thursday night but several commentators suggested today the 76yearold general was on the defensive for the first time De Gaulle assaded his critics as apostles of decline who re no French independence and experts in disparage enninn meow The Examiner TODAY Ann Leaders6 cityNewsZ Classified10 12 Comics1 Deaths10 Editoriali Sportsa Theatre5 TV Listings1 Womean Weather14 main could be that he had ac quired distaste for reading and writing early in the educe tionallpmcese due to the idio syncrasies of the alphabet Anything that would fri crease Die love of reading and writing would be of great aid in the educational procus Dr Jr it Block of Hofstra University Hempstead NY said the initial teaching alpha bet which makes use of it al pthabetlcal symbols instead of thetreditional 26in the English language Weanot igned to replace the standardvpirdiaoet studeoie taught with mine duincd as Jehovahs Witness year or two were then easily merit who oppose the develo pment of France Yesterday de Gaulle came down into the arena the Con servative newspaper Le Figaro says in frontpage editorial on the generais unprecedented midsummer television broad cast to the nation Similar views were eirpressed by the Liberal Coirfbat andthe rightwing LAmre The newspapers in giving cool reception to de Gaulles pronouncements suggest he was trying to justify himself in the face of mounting criticism over his domestic and foreign poli NBS Fiftyeeven peopi Not More Than SEE PAGE THREEl WEATHER Sunny and little warmer on Saturday It coollop tonight of 4a degrees is forecast High to morrow will be 72 degrees to Furl Copy Page IeisVStrikeWithin17 Miles Oi Heart Vietnam Capital SAIGON iCPlUS planes struck within 17 mils of the centre of Hanoi today and pit oLs reported knocking out key bridge linking the North Viet nsmlse mun with rail lines running into China The US comand said four direct bomb hits dropped the centre span over thoreast chan ncl of the milng Douiner highway and railway bridge The long bridge over the Red River is avital link in the lia crashed and burst into flames at the edge of village less than mile from the DaNang air base today as it returned from combat mission Both crew members baled out but the pilotdied of injuries soon afterwards spokesman said military spokesman in Sai gon announced today thatthe flnol death toll when helicop tervborne US troops landed atop tunnels full of North Viet mmaidwng answmuan namese troops Vcdncsday was system that john on with the rnllway facilities China spokesmen said The raids were canled out by US Ab Force F105 Thunder chlcf and NC Phantom pilots The command said complete bomb damage asessment was not yet available US Navy planes struck Hanoi porter plant 11 miles from the centre of the capital May 19 Todays attacks reprcL sented renewed intensification of the air war over North Viet pain HIT nan panes Thursday US fighterbomb crs streaked through heavy Commimist antiaircraft fire and heavily damaged th big North Vietnamese rail yards north of Hanoi and Haiphong US military spokesman said that in Thursdays raids on the rail yards US pilots did not attempt to engage three ltiiG17 iets they spotted over Hanoi ihey flew on pad the North Vietnam capital to raid and yard at Rap on one of two main raillioks with China and the Thai Nguyen rail yard serv ing an industrial complex con taining steel works Two navy Phantom Thurs day shot down two MiMls so miles south of Hanoi This brought to 82 the number of North Vietnamese jet fighters downed bythe Americans the spokesman said Air IONE pilots reported de stroying 15 rail freiglitcars and damaging 30 other pieces of rolling stock ESTIMATE DAMAGE other pilots said they in tlioted heavy damage on tracks and installations at the Thai Nguyen yards 35 miles north east of the capital The spokesman said no v5 planes were lost in the raids How ver Phantom ict pool of the BrookdaiePa introduced to the standard at ministerethismor agat their before acrowdotthflpcre diabetr fourday oooveoii in Barrie warm the immersion leading to ll Unlcss actionis taken to stop infiltration of Communist troops and supplies through Laos and Cambodia ecioss South Viet nams western border the war could last another 20 or so years LtGcn Cao Van Vien South Vietnam defence minis ter told news conference ltenewed War Seen In Mideast President closest confidant predicted today that renewed war with Israel is virs tually inevitable and King Hp sein warned that Jordan would fight again unless the Israelis give back Old Jerusalem The belligerent notes were sounded as Yugoslav President Tito opened talks in Caiio with Nasser in an effort to sell the Egyptian leader peace formu la for the Middle East illohamrued Hosseoelo rHei kal editor of the semioliicial Cairo newspaper A1 Abram said in signed editorial Onlya miracle will prevent return to the battlefield and do not think we live in an age of miracles Heikal generally regarded as Nassers spokesman said the first task facing Egypt is reslt toratioopf the army to its fight ins readiness Hussein said in Amman that Jordan is determined to die before it surrenders the Arab sector of Jerusalem to Israel We are determined not to cede any part of our beloved land nor any stone of our sa in speech Thursday on the eve of the 15th anniversary of his becoming king He said Arabs had been pro tecting the Holy City for centu riesand we will not hesitate to sacrifice ourlives in order to remain its protectors visiting cam Wife storu on page cred Jerusalem Hussein said

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