Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1967, p. 5

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my WWW community followed by Thom Colduater Reeve Ernie ltllli er lefti talks over effect of possible changes in county rc Sunnidcile Council Holds Down SUNNI Nuts Statll Average residential land farm tax rate for Sunnidole township for 1967 is 6051 mills up only fraction of mill from last years 5958 rate The general rate over wltich the council has control was 22 76 mills down over two mills from the 1066 rate of 2492 mills For county purposes the rate was 1393mills in comparison to H312 The council was helped by the public school board which rcduc ed its rate from 9711 mills in 1966 to 1111 mills The high school ralcs varied In the area in the Barrie 071ch ginic area the rate was 2107 up from 1532 last year For Colliugwood it was 1449 mills Angus II DISCUSS cantor IN couorrnrnarasriip presentativu on mailer rnurrl cipsiitiec with Reeve Russell Creighton of hiatchednsh The up only fraction of mill from the 1381 rate PER CAPITA GRANTS Per capita grants helped to re duce taxes since they amounted to 127 mills in comparison to 292 last year Commercial rates which were not helped by those per capits grants totalled 6687 mills for this year while last year they amounted to Mar mills Reeve Lloyd Prid and members of his councl hrncsn McCort liiartan Bayer Wesley Bates and Stuart Miller have been having busy terror Well attcnded centennial celebrations were held at New bowel and re novation of theformer Eelhci School into municipal build ing has been the chief centen nini proiect Zoning Extended Into BAXTER Siaffl Extension of zoning regulations from the ngus area where they have firm in effect since approved by Ontario Municipal Board on May 2964 has been made in include the entire Essa town ship it was learned from muni cipal official The zon includes nine classA lticalions including three for re sidential and three for comm cial R1 residential restricts buildings to first density resid ential homes and RM allows mul tiple residential buildings Mob ile homes are covered in Rl zonc it was explained The commercialzoning covers local general and highway com mercial other provision is made for industrial and light indus trial greenbelt and agricultural Most of the township is rural with Angus the largest builtup ton Essa extends to highway 89 which runs from Cookstown to Alliston and westward ADJACENT LANDS Harold Bell clerk said resi dents in the Angus area concern ed were furnished with particu hearing and then had an oppor tunity to object The bylaw it self explained For the purpose of this bylaw No 953 this area shall be referred to as the Angus area and shall include the police village and certain ad iacent township lands which due to similar degree ofurban develop ment have become identified with the said police village of Attention was directed to sec tion whichsaid No person shall within any zone of the Angus area use any land or erect or use any building or structure except in conformity with the provisions of this by law PUBLIC SERVICE Nothing in the bylaw shall prevent the use of any land or the erection or use of any build ing or structure for the purpose of public service by the village of Angus or township of Essa provided therp shall be no exter ior storage of goods materials or equipment except as permit ted in such zone that yard re quirements described for such zonesshall be complied with and lars before the mtinicipai board Urge Recreation Commission To Help Vespra Get Grants MlDHURST Stall Vesiira sportsman and women interested in obtaining grants for recrea tion equipment and lacilitos we re urged to organize by Coun cillor Gcorge Rule Councillor Buie mentioned trequest for grant for ball team in Craighurst but Vespra Civ Building Approved For Top VICTORIA HARBOR Stall Work is to start soon on con struction of new municipal building for Tay Township as centennial proiect With the awarding of the con tract to the Rei Construction Company ot Midland tor $44000 the way was cleared forthe pro jeEirlIlllch will qua tcirnial grants The building lit by 35 feet will include municipal offices and council hall It will front highway 12 east of this village The councilroom will be 24 by 132 feet Action to proceed with the building was decided on by coun cil which is headed by Brave Ralph Dalton after revision of plans and new tcntlcrs Deputy iRecva Gordon Webb and Counl cillor John lllulhall moved the motion for awarding the build contract which was assed by Tay couoc that any building or structure council delayed action because names of the officers and part iculars were not received Im ball fan myself and like to see it encouraged said Councillor Buie but he sgreedwitb Conn cillor Allan Johnston that if grant is made to one all within the township shouidbe treated equaltyw No request hasbeeo received from hlinesingyor lilidhursl it was pointed out Deputy Reeve Cdrl Dorao said recreation commission was set up with Douglas Farts as chair man but itywas difficult to get enough representatives to attend the meetings By applying for recreational grants through the commission 25 per cent of the cost can bsrecovered Councillor Ruic mentionedthis an ince vé to get groups or ganized tarostcd AtrCraigburst it was stated money was sought to build bail screenr Fibs and Mcdonie had given approval for $25 the Ves tor similar amounts More in formation was asked Grettth community had spon sored weekly euchres andhelped their own recreation clubs it was stated However arequsst will be made for 15 per cent grant toward well for the community halt the estimated ax Rise pra council was told and Bro and Vespra also had been asked Il county coundl to deal with report on the subth at meet tng tuuday August 15 The current term is for one year after which tmyear terms will be adopted as approved by the ratepayers in the civic elec tion last December There were 188 in favor with only 52 oppos ed in light vote Nomination meeting will be held in late November with the election the first Monday in Dec ember no council then chosen will be in office for 1968 and 1969 School trustees for the area board who started new terms last January included William Patterson Glen Mumbcrson and Miss Elizabth Mathews Two applications under the Tile Drainage Act were approv ed for loans by Sunnidale coun oil and these have been forward ed to the provincial treasury for action Rules Essa erected shall be designed and maintained in general barrnony with the type pcrmittcdln such zone it was specified The trylaw also provides for maintaining in safe condition any nonconforming buildingnn der certain conditions Mr Bell was asked by mem bers of council to call attention to some of the provision of the bylaw since they had been the topic of some controversy of late Council as whole felt that zoning regulations had been protection to ratepayers and thus decided to extend the plan to in clude the entire corporation The bydlaw for the towmhip was just passed thisyear but regulations for Angus have been in effect for three years said Councillor Fred Ross suggesting that it would be public service to makeihis elm since there had been some misunderstanding over the situation Reeve Davissaid thecouncii was ready to hear from any resident who has complaint and give such representations due consideration Cooksiown seeks Hydro Secretary COOKSTOWN 15min Aooii cations for the position of hydro secretary arebeing sought by Cookstown council following the resignation of Mrs Edna Cald well which was received with regret Reeve Louis Monkman commended Mrs Caldwallsval liable services and said sha wouldbe difficult to replace She had been secretary for years Progress Made In Baxter Bridge THORNTON Staff Newly poured promote abutmeots tor thecounty bridge over the Nob tawasaga River on the Thorntom Baxter roadbave been receiving attention from persons following the progress of the development The large structu ewhen com pleted will be one of the largest bfldgesvinrthezcour the river over to feet above the moved when the new structure is ready Meantime it is being used to keep the road open to traffic in addition to reducing what was dee the new con stnrction wall stra htelt the road with the elimination of has ardous curve Dueto extremely poor foundn tion conditions at the bridge site the construction originally plan operative shareholder were don hating lha question to smalgsv ority to sell the local plant spans present bridge which will be ru mm horas Cdéop Amalgamation Decision Discussed much work that it wotrld be could he adjustedln apply only nyILGJ Vibenthefirnim Dinrietto male their flourishing mop ser vlea with the big central organ lution only about 50 the membership turned out to meet ings called by the board of dlr actors if favorable the local mp would have sold out to the Ontario Cooperative Union of lbronlo Ray tougheed Iformer pre sldent of the central orgsnlra tion went into some details of the deal Questions asked by Mr laughed may have resulted in the Voting not being in mai Discusring the meeting with Mr humced asked ll be stored the merger lie replied that as an ordinary shareholder and extensive user of the Simcoe District Coop services he was jealous of the satisfaction mem bars were getting from their own plant He could not tee that amalgamation would be any lm pmvemeoL lie said the plant was doing good Job and mstnng patron age dividend for users The mill buit It big cost about seven yean ago was now worth on paper about twoihlrds of the amount spent bunt today it would have cost at least ousr tor more The mill gives excel lent service to district farmers and mightiil it became part of pressed to keep Is with de rounds am Just back concession farmer and very Jealous of all my holding in local services Mr taughted remarked its said the deal uttered was fair and good value but the figures presented to the local sharehold ers had been pruented by spec ialists of the central organiza tion and made to look thdr beat Mr Lougheod said he was not against amalgamation but be felt that the number of shares holders at the musing was not sufficient to make the decision More information should be ob tained and put before lba share holders and better opportunity given to get both sides of the story hlr Aughecd held TAXES Ths tax bills for lnnisfil time into the discussion Mr Loug hcad whose farm is situated at Holly just east of the hamlet and church has one of the farm properties in the township it owns one of the older houses in the dismal but his farm bulld ings are modern and all are well painted The farm is show plaee which should stand out be fore the visitors who will be in lnnisiil in the fall He says hk taxes have in creased nearly to per cent this year and some to per cent in the past two years He feels that while he charged about $150 for policing and fire owls on all the central operations get so iii visors AIIDHURST SiamBy mov ing up itsvlast par tax payment township council expects to overcome difficulties which re sulted in an exchange of letters with department of municipal affairs oftlcisls over in excess of 570000 tsx arrears appearing on last years books This is more than allowed under Section 3291 of the tilun icipal Act iaid letter from the department which was read at the August meeting of council over tbcnsme of Grant Earl Richardson clerk said the lat tax date meant all taxes were not paid by the end of the year which made the 1ax srrear pic ture look out of proportion to the facts 27000 SURPLUS Further it was mentioned there pm $17000 surplus which could have been shown against the arrears picture it was suggested Mr Richardson said this was matter of book keeping and in letterot reply Premier fro Visit Midland Plant MIDLAND Staff Premlu JohnP Robarts will be Visiting Midland on Tuesday September 19 when RCA Victors new Mid land oolor television picture tube plant is dedicated at cer mony at 11 am Hon Dnrry mini er of industry and production will be guest speaker tour ofthe 5150000011 plant will follow the ceremony More bodies Found In Caracas Rubble CARACAS JAEMore bodies foundby rescue workers Friday pushed thedeath toll fmm Vene zuelas devastating earthqpake lostiSaturday to 221 and more victims were feared still buried in rubble Most of the dead were in the mists of five tall buildings that collapsed in seconds when the worst quake struck as Cara cas celebrated the 400th aooia versary of its founding ruins of three of the buildings have been cleared Payment Date Changed his lands these and othar items to the municipal affairs depart ment pointed out it was the in icntion to finance its centennial project from this reserve sur plus This meant the new build ing work could be done without issuing debentures and thus cf fact saving toratepayers few years ago we had surplus of MW and were told this was too much Mrr Rich ardson said EARLIER REVENUE The moving up of the dead line date is expected to bring in more tax revenue during the calendar year and this should change the financial picture for the future Reeve Wellington Dobsoh and members of his council Deputy Reeve Carl Doran and Council lorchorge Eule Allan lohn ston and Harry Adams approved the earlier tax payment date previously During discussionf it was pointed out that roperties are liable for tax sac after three years taxes are owing Mr igricvsoce about ths manner in NAMED EXECUTIVE The appointment of Pierre La name as executivedirector of the Association of Canadian Distillers was announced in Montreal Friday The associa tion enforces rrn rrsrrn stand ard in the distilling industry and deals with iedcrat and prov incial governments on behalf oi distillcrs on the portion of the property whim is little for such ser vice We live our borne and enjoy the educational facilities and the protactlonsthere bir farm through which big ravine cuts costs in taxes nearly $400 which includes police lodlire twin hlr Weed said He says the council could find way of sdittstiris these costs GREVANCE hlr loughwd also had Soviet wbidr the road construction was carried out past farm The front was cut but nearly to the fence line and no provision mode for entrance culverts into fields He pointed out that the residential properties nearby did not get this wide shoulder on which the grass grows high but they did get new culverts saw the road supervisor the reevo and culvert salesman along there but no one asked me if any were required have to keep the grass cut on the shoulder to improve the appear slice of my frontage UNSEIILEI Land taken along the newly extended highway to enable the big culvert to be placed property has never been paid for al though the intrusion on hir Inughceda property makes diffth piece of land to work he said Also fence taken down at the time and left down stl owed his cattle to get out and resulted in damage claim he had loisetlle with neighbor Mr Laugheed is awaiting sct tlemcrrt of his claims NOMINATION Askcd if he might he can didate for township council he did not make any definite reply If had the lime to get brief ready it might be worth getting nominated Just to get on the platform was his reply doubt if could support the pe sent Council EGGS AND DAIRY llr houghecd was busy in the egg house along with couple ofi his family and perhaps our visit allowed the hens to get ahead of the grader which keeps several band busy to sort and box This isnt my job he said but my wifes eggs were to bring what they ware worth in food value thme would be big rev urine Perhaps the members of the local COW may feel they owe vote of gratitude to Mr Doug head when they have studied the merger more thoroughly He does not feel that it was bad deal but he wanted more of the members to understand results of merger Mr Loughecd is member of the National Market ing Board ruin itoms1 Itozes CohlILETE snows or rat szrs rat napalmtwo iiiiiilliiiiiiili FOR FURTHER INFORMATIO Richardson said this comes into effect on the lst of January which often means it is nearly four years and he suggested elimination of this January lst date might help check some ar rears The county handles all tax sales for Vcspra BLIGHTX BINGO BARRIE ARENA DUNLQP sr rursniiii Pill Sponsored by Barrie Minor away governmentspokesman sum it or urns as Inni thilfvlt FJRST DRIVE1N Bth Jerry Lewis Lass TIMES TONIGHT Hockey Assoc If thTtillll DRIVEJIH THEATRE Dill lili illii sraitrsvwsonssoav SHOWING iN COLOR Deanzhfaflrln RosemaryaForaythJoeyfilsh 7IEXASACROSS THE RIVER also flinch Hudson and Claudia Cardinale DFOLD Janet Leigh tion WWILEEVAN BLEEFfilAN MARIAVDLUNiE ILtrIilnoin fiRlllllDIs snuurnurislnuirlio aney on cost of which was givenasa boutssoo gt nod for 111136 harbor be scheduled er twoysar period eosrvowtsstr Is mud to animation when on coucu rmiu Clark DISTRICT ivaws mi EARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 1961 Illlfl till now lot no on iiiii iittttllt ll IIthfluullllm lillSiS IcEClIEN IMIR SED MOSCOW iAPl Canadian Health Minister liacEachen says he is wry favorably tin pressed with the imporlalit the Union places on its sports program and the number gti p20 piewho participate to Bachen is here to watch tbs Moscow Spartaliiad nation wide sports meet blac BREAKING TORONTOS RECORDS mail liiliil ii Irrin run run iii iltlllt ititli Iraions omens NEAIII human ammonium II ma ATANDEM PRODUCRUN iliiiK All Bill ililiiiii littiilil lliilii HilliAiiil5illAli Sillllillis Dlvm 1111101102111 lOE FLYNN SHELLEY HERMAN MARTIN GABEL LEE GRANT PAT COLLiNS sTOM BOSLH as wiiieiztm alewinNiJRifAN LEARtsuinRtldtRi KAUlMAN flathEEwta mattime LEARtmi triiliD YORiilN°iECHNICOL0 stool tantalum 99 Sol Lo rt MANAGEMENT TAKES PLEASURE lN PRESENTING FOR THE FIRST TIME in BARRIE DISTRICT jrotz FEW DOLLARS MORE MOVIE We wow you WlLL suiov

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