Imprem broom ltSZWW gmï¬wmnzvsamaz REEVES DISCUSS HIGHER TAXES inmoscs in costs and higin er ares were discussed by Iossomntio Reeve Matthew Van boreo and Creomoro noele Gordon Watson Ment ly Torsorontios local rate is up two mi and school costs are higher Crccmoro council has started on budget which more says will have to be imasod over last year Examiner Photo CREEMORE Stall We have just started on our tax lig urcs said Reeve Gordon Wat son when asked about Crecmoro tax prospects or 1967 Rccie Watson said he antici patcd an increase in rate but hit couldnt say how much as yet Dar county rate is up and no will be paying more or schools We also are laced with higher costs just like othcr municipai ities he said The Crnempre more who is county chairman o1 roads said he and members oi his council nota ooncmiod abut taxi and would do their best to hold down the increase as much as practi eat We have to keep up our services he remarked SIXTH TERM Now serving his sixth term as head at the council Reeve Vat son is chairman oi the property committee as well as being member at all committees by virtue of his oiiicc He also has been particularly busy as county chairman of roads with consid croblc new construction planned Members 01 the council include Councillors Nclson Corby Alex iicAlIisler Bruce Melville and Harvey Pcitigre Councillor Fotligrcu is chairman ol the vil lage roads and streets commit ice new tworoom school was built at Crecmorc last year and new tworoom addition is being planned The school serves Not towasaga as well as Qeemorc LEGION EVENTS Crcemore branch of the Can adlnn Legion will hold ban quot on Saturday May and plan church parade on Sun day May Veterans oi the Le gion also are nssist in ar rangements for district rally and drumhcad service hcre on Sunday August The service will be part oi centennial weekend of events planned tor Friday August Saturday August and Sunday August This will begin with torchlight parade and dance Tax Rise Undvoidable Tossorontio Reeve Says EVERETT Stall Like chase in most other thitario muA noci hires Tossorootlo ratepay ers will be paying more taxes to 1967 than last year We did our best to hold down the local rate over which up had control but with higher costs and all we couldnt hold itxto last years level said Move Matthew Vlaii Lnree point lng out that new motor grad er was purchased The grader itself cost SHAWwhich includA ed an allowance of $5000 tor the 1954 Champion machine trad cd in on it and also the provin cial sales tax The new machine was equipped with snoupiow and wing and has been valuable addition to road equipment The rate for localpurpose was set at mills or homes and as for commercial This repre sents an increase of about two mitts SCHOOL REQUlsITION The requisition on Tossorontlo Today WINNER or ACADEMY AWARDS mmmmmvwmianomomnm DAVlD LEANS FILM mm DOCIOR leilAGO WWW HEW Telephone Reservatims Must Bo Picked up by 730 7111 or each performance PHONE 7234081 aranous otavrns rnura an nuntnP St BARRIE NOW PLAYING LAST THREE DAYS IMPERIAL hunt the Banting Memorial High School Board was up substantial 1y to 5601132 The increase will amount to about 12 mills it was suggested We have been concerned with the tax increase and have tried to do our bcst or the ratepay crs said Reeve Van Lorce who is serving his 11th term as rccve He ï¬rst started on tho counc in 1916 and has served most years since First deputy move inTosson notio since 1893 James Wales is the townships second repre scntativo to county council where he has been well received Councillors include Calvin Ire land Ciarcnce Arthur and Stan Bailey PARK DEVELOPMENT new modern central school was opened in the township last year Another major develop ment in the township concerns the expansion at the Earl Rows Park west at Alliston by the de Today Reserved seats arm on sale Box Oiiice open at nmn Even it pm Mais partment of lands and iorcsts The park will he tourist at traction tor the entire area remarked Rccve Van Loren Extend 35 MPH In Thornton THORNTON Siam Speed limit changes to promote satcty in Thornton have been receivin attention Essa township council has ap proved motion approving chan ges discussed with Shan non and representatives of the department or highways at the police village of Thornton re ducing the distance of 45 miles per hour and through the vil lage at 35 miles per hour copy of the resolution was sent to Mr Shannon regional tratiic engineer London Bradiord Lions Club Ponders $1000 Gift For Floodlights anaorono sum Propu The tail twister George Jack al that the Bradtord Lions Club donate 31000 to the centennial perks board to matte possible installation 01 floodlights at the centennial park is being studied by the directors and out be du cussed at the clubs out nicel ing Lion Evans Rtch to the proposal briefly earlier and it was sent to the directors tor study Len liar is the new president oi the Eradlord Lions ï¬lmed ing Jim Thompson Vlrcprcsb dents elected for 1961468 term in clinic lianit Suagermnn Cob angclo and Bob Failis with Pet cr ltlciss secretary and Wally Crossiand assistant Meryl Wood cock is trmsurer with Jim Dodds assistant son has Mayor Joe Magoi his assistant while Lion tamcrs include Gerit itol and Jim Thompson Directors inludc Evans Ken Wood Bud Robson Mac Lenls John Fernhout and Bernie Horne Waldon Mussoo and Ross Davis are bulletin ed itora Tbc largest service club in the world the Lions now have over 6000 members with gain oi 96000 last year Located beside the Bradford and District Community Centre and Curling Rink Ihc ldacro park dovéopmenthasbcm Brad lprd Ind Vcst Giilllimburys main centennial projoct The floodilgbllng would be value able addition to the parks equip ment making night ball games possible East Simcde WI Preparing For Convention lit Creemore MINE sum Ar rangements are being made here or the East Shim Womens Districx convention which will be held at Orccmorc on Wed nosday tray to with moming and alternocn mions The pre sident Mrs George Bell and secretorytmsurcr Mus Eric Norman RR Stayner have been dive in getting the pro gram roach The Vmncnk iniiiido has ar ranged or two chartered buses to tune interested members to the national commotion which will be held at Guelph on Morn day June 12 DISTRICT BRIEFS WILL PRESENT FILM BEETON Stoltt Ali Emer gency Meas Organization iilm dealing with earthquakes and coping with the disaster will be shown at meeting at the Benton Rotary Club on Thurs day Aortl 27 ADJALA COUNCIL LORETTO start Adjala township council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday May at pm it was an nounced by Reeve Fred Baxter Tanners Advised 0n Making Wills uncut oi agrimilturo and food Guelph has advised larmers at the area on various types of wills and some of the financial advantaga and disadwamages 1th at tiram in kinds mentions ed were the siiwlo will arid trust will simple will he maplained was an outright distribution of persons estate at his death that is tanner leaves his farm directlyto his Wiie This could have the affect of levying taxes twice on that is actually the same estate trust will is designed to pro vide an adequate income or the deceased farmers wile during her lifetime and distributes the constant her death While trust will minimize taxes it can have serious etv coton ettiuient operation of the arm by restricting capioal expansion unless some special arrangements are made in the will Mr litcArlthur aroptiasioed the value or expert advice when molding wills Attention also has been direct ed to the menial ceremony othith will be held at the Sim coo County Museum at iridium on Simoay afternoon June is and mains are urged to at tend new exhibit at patch mark quilts was arranged at the nnrsoizm through the Womens Tbs Gianthy Womens Institute also are planning on sponsor an exhibit at the inteniationai flowing match Maid is to be held at Innidil October 11 to 14 Annmnoanent also was made he that tho ominb Womens imitate area convmtion will be held at Soayu Noiunber and 4H Dairy Club Meets lit Guthrie GIHHRIE Staff Care and Wagontent of dairy calves was dimmed by members oi Om 4H Dairy dub at mow ing at Guthrie School here with Nonnan McKay and Ross Gough leading the dkumrirn Alan Scott ot Barrie associate agmoul lanai man so spoke Meetings are held every third Thinslay the month The hop its for Mhy include panel dis amino about farm tour made in April to the mm 0189 Sdnnriachar harem Fisher Bibi Hosonpflug and Georgia Tradition The dairy cow evalu ation program will be dismissed Beeton Council Studies Parking BEHION Stilt Reeve Earl Brown and members at his council plan to matte an in spootion of panning on Daytoot Went prior on baking up the matter at the next council meeting President attire Bordon Metal Products Limited Sealy discused the parking problems with the council members re candy and an onthetvpot inane tion was doomed advisable Besides Reeve Brown the ooumt members induda coun cillooo lemme Kenton Peter Urbanski Sieridnn McGinhy and Boynton The desk William Watson has been authorized to camrriuni moanan the departh at municipal atheists regarding the employonait at murdupal auditor orever Scoiiabank Savings Certilicatesa monthly invest ment now will guarantee you your children your childrens olfldren an income torever Its asta mot But rmmy simple Starting today you invest speciï¬c ammt every montth Sootiabank COLLINGWOOD tSuIIt mammoth parade and celebra tion is being planned hero tar Canadas birthday July and flood progress has been made to plans An appeal tor tieLs bands and other entries tor the parade has been attracting to crcuod interest Ball games panda ol antlaua and other entertainment is plan ned An art display by senior public school children also is listed Notlawa Old Boys and Ellis will hold reunion at nearby Notiona on July 29 and 30 The Georgian Bay Pioneer BRADFORD Siam Rate payers oi Vcst Gwlllimbury who were among the exception in Simcoe County last year when they received tax reduction will be paying tairly substantial increases this year Figures released show the new rates will be 7089 mills resi dential and arms and 7661 or commercial taxpayers This rep resents an overall increase of 623 tor the former and 648 on commercial Despite these Increases the tax levy in Reeve Keith Lang iords municipality is still low er than most municipalities in the county School and county rates were both higher year ago the West Gwlllim WI lit Thomton Nears Birthday THORNTON Staff Thom ton Womens institina will mark its 65th biflhday on Fï¬day May This brandi was organ ized on this date in 19m with the sponsors ï¬rst medias ot the lhmitm brand was nan in what was then known as lumpewanco Halt whim was located on the site where Hiepresent Essa ï¬reball now stands Main sweptan nus devoted discussion on umber lo loin Oookmuwn board or form new unit and ultimately it nos decided to organize Thornton brandb 000leth Womens 1nstltuta Stunt Automotive Gas Antique Assocu tion is planning special display It Exhibition Park on Aitllisttailsoueoithemnin August centennial events hly torlcal Minot is planned at Sunset Point on Aunlst bilingwood Collegiate band will be visiting Expo at Mont real Aug 50 to Sept Summer frolic parades en tertainment and sport events oi interest to tourists also are plan nod tor August Collingwooda prom Is new summing pool At Pmnguihene the attic lat spoiling ol the centennial mu DISTRICT NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMle MONDAY APRIL 14 INT5 West Gwillimbury Tax Rate Higher bury rate was 6466 mills resi dontiol and 71138 commercial which represented decreases of 16 and 125 mills from 1965 Ratepayers in one section of the township will bandit from lower taxes this year This is School Section 15 in the Cooks town district where school taxes were reduced making the rate ohm 511 mills lower The amino sedlon is now port of the West Gwillirrtiuy Towardin School Area The out regular mcctlng oi ths council is stated or Monday May at 730 pm Besides Dame the members include anuty Reeve Armer Wright and Councillor John Fennel Orville Hughes and Robert Sturgeon Centennial Celebration Planned At Collingwood scum with its many local an tiques Is scheduled tor Wedncs day May 2411 centennial pro loci Two at Canadian Navy Ships are slated to arrive at Pencisng Bay on Thursday June tor iounday stay Old Home Week will be Gib brated July to with numer ous events Parades dancing and other entertainment will mark the njng on Saturday July it imch services on Sunday July An Indian powwow with dis plays dances and parades by various lndian tribes is high light billed tor Wednesday July Helicopter rides are planned on Saturday July it An antique our display and parade in pim ned out Wednesday July to MIDLAND EVENTS Midland to scheduled to be vis itcd by Canadas Confederation caravan on Tuesday and Wed nesday May 16 and 11 Centen nial Week will be observed Midland Presbyterian Church starting June and the Legion will sponsor centennial events irom Juno to it street dance In centennial costume parade and baseball tournament are Included in Mid lands program Ior Saturday July Festival at flowers Lions car nival and Legion dance are mong August events listed with military tattoo which wil be crntmnial feature or the Mid land Iair Septumbei 14 to 16 along with the crowning oi Miss Centennial Queen CARAVAN TOUR Canadas Conledcratlon Cara van ls scheduled to visit this area soon Alllston is preparing tor its visit to Rlvcrdule Park on Saturday May while it will be at Barrie the following week irom May to 11 The caravan will be In Coll ingqu May 18 and 19 and at Shelburna May 20 homecoming reunion is plan ned at Crcemora tor Saturday May and Sunday May The Crcemora Legion will hold Ichurch parade on Sunday morna ng HERTZ RENTALS TRUCKS Save snowy Mov Yourself Economical Hates Private or Godunovrial CARS Long term loans Low Rates Gas Includod Daily or Weekly 17266474 BARRIE DRIVEACAR If Youre Gloomy About Lack of Cash Put On Happy Face By selling your dont wants through an Examiner Classified Ad on Allandalo Rerummendcd us SIXYear Sailings Certiï¬cates lts amazm what little extra cash Lets satits $200 ltcoutd be $304 At the end of six years that SSOOiswonh $4003ndyoustan Sign iitdonothonavoly How ac mom you up your exila $1003 Income and you Itsinvest the original 3900 And you keep on doing it Keep $100 Invest 5300 You never toudi yoil original savings But its always there should you need it Its startling concept Bit remarkably simple Money Form son today will do to raise ones spiritsand its also amazing to discover how many Examiner readers may be willing to pay you cash for those unwanted items you have lying around the MaMtLvlnratnnrroomuon house FUNNYTHING HAPPENED ONTHE wavromsronum oslwamem The Bank of Nova Scotia sootiabaialreavlnmcoitiflcates OnaofSooiahmRaSoventyScMeea The BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE 728241