Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1967, p. 1

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Win Your No 95 Barrie Ontario Canada Monday April I967 Cilia Norrie Examiner WEATHER ifainly runny and cold meszby Wind 53 IN toulfirt 23 fit grccs Riga Naday t5 degrees Not Moro Than 10 For Copy Page SOVIET Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarvv so was killed today when tho parachute on his osp suo foiled during landing at tempt This photo was made bleby TASS the Soviet agency and shows Ko mnrnv in October 19 AP llircphoto IN NORTH VIETNAM US Jets Hit MiG Airfields SAIGON AP US Air Force and Navy planes made their first attack of the Viet nnmesc war on MIG tat air fields in North Vietnam foday he US command reported command spokesman said US Air Force Fie Phantoms hit one airfield at itao Lac and second field at Kep Eoih strikes were made late this aft ernoon lathe ground war US ma rincs and army Infantry clashed repeatedly with scat tered Communist forces in the northern portion of South Viet nam The US command said the Americans killed or Coma munlsts The new escalation In the air Qwar came after week of un usually heavy MiG activity in which US flyers claimed to have shot down two Communist Jets and said they probably got five others The loss of one US plane to lifle also was re ported Advocates of an intensified gnaw1 urno ICAPSULE NEWS Thousands Pay Final Respecis noun or Thousands of persons lined up today file war against the North Viet namese have long favored at tacking IiiiG fields around Hanoi contending while Lhe number of US planes lost to iiiiGs has not been high their presence has often reduced the efficiency of American attacks strategists who opposed at tacking the fields argued that the cffect would merely be to drive them north of the Chi ncsa border to fields In China and the result might be clash between US and Chinese forces if attacking plaIIM were pursued north of the Chinese border Spokesman saId there was no report of how many aircraft were hit or how many were on the fields when the attacks were made The strike planes used frag mentation bombs against planes parked on the fields and on air craft service facilities there Pilots reported both missions sucdcessful Saigon headquarters sai past the flagdecorated coffin of Konrad Adenauer former Wm German chancellor lying in state in twin spired Colome Oath rodrai from which the state funeral will be heldniesday Foreign Ioumalists PHNOM PENH Reuters Cambodia today announced blanket ban on all foreign journalists entering the country Says Root Of War In lied China MONTREAL CPI Dr Yuchi Hscuh newlyappointed Na tionalist Chinese ambassador to Canada said Sunday the Com munist regime on mainland China is at the root of the war in Vietnam There wuid be no change in the course of the war with dirt change of government in Peking ivEIectecl To East German Party gt EAST BERLIN APiAtom spy Klaus Fuchs and propaganda st Gerhart Eisler ones regarded as the No Communist spyin he United States were elected Saturday to the central oom mlttee of the East German Conumrnlst party the official news agency ADN reported Iordans Caretaker Govt Resigns AIVMAN AP Jordans caretaker govamment headed by Sierif Hussein Ben Nasser resigned Sunday new government was formed by myal court minister Sand Iurmna former Jordan ambassador to the United States Iran and Syria tPolice Bullet injures Men ORMSIOWN Que CPI One bullet from the sun of an Omslown policeman today pierced the necks of two mm in scuch following highspeed highway chase and killed both 1th dcad men were Identified as Andre Girouard 32 of Vlateytiekl Que and Roma Desdrambault 22 of Beauharnots Train Derailed Near Sudbury SUDEURY CP litcar freight train was derailed shortly after midnight Sunday night blocking the main CPR line to Western Canada so miles west of Cartier about to miles west at here There were no lnlurics mmcrmwww Low Temps Are Recorded TORONTO CPIZero lemlt peratures both records for the date were marked in two wide lyAseparated Northern Ontario centres overnight The low at Naklna Itifl miles mrthm of Port Arthur broke the previous low of three above set In 1919 At Moosoncc on the shores of James Buy it broke low of three above set in 1916 Merchand Urges Riding To Oust Gilles Gregoire KENOGAAII Que CPI Jean Marcband federal minis ter of manpower and Immigra tion Sunday called on the con stituants of the Quebec riding of Lapointe to rid Parliament of their current representative Gilles Gregoire an independent MP and separatist Instead they should elect serious representative whether he be red blue or something in between Addressing Liberal party mil ItantsIn the riding iiir March and said little iiir Gregoire had lied and misled the people in representing Ralph Cowan maverick Liberal MP for the Toronto area riding of York Humbcr as typical English Canadian Iifr Cowan recently drew cri tlelsm from the Liberal caucus for allegedly accusing Prlmc iiilnlstcr Pearson of being weak leadt and of giving in to extreme demands from French Canadians Nuclear Inspection Sought By Martin PARIS iCP Canadas Ex ternal Affairs Iifinlster Paid Martin today called on the ma jor nuclear powers to accept International inspection of their peaceful nuclear projects as part of treaty to ban the spread of nuclear weapons Such acceptance by the major powers would make treaty more palatable to the noavnu clear countries lifartin told press conference as he left Paris for Bonn to confer with German Foreign Minister lViily Brandt and attend the Konrad Adenauer state funeral think an agreement on non proliferation Is one of the most Important objectives in the in ternational community at the moment he said The Ifcountry Geneva disar mament conference will reopen May following sixweekad journment when the major pow ers principally the United States and the Soviet Union undertook to rewrite draft treaty which Germany and some other countries found one acceptable HERES ONE Shrdent Hey whats the idea of wearing my raincoat Roommate You wouldnt want me to get your suit wet would you Miles Zahradnilr of Oak Innn wearing play sols dies5 uniform leaps from IN GERMANY LITTLE SQLDIER AMID STORM DAMAGE donned telephone pole as he plays amid tornado wreckage in this suburb southwest of cuoago The home in the background wcm damaged when tornado shank the area Friday AP Wircphotol Security Intensiiie After Threat On LBJ BONN CPI President Cologne newspaper received an Johnson pianncd meetings today anonymous note saying leftwing with Chancellor Kurt Georg extremists were plotting to kill Kiesinger and other Vest Ger Johnson man leaders as they applied the funeral of Koraad Adenauer Precautions taken today were the most thorough seen in Bonn Strong forces of armed police 5W9 i964 ViSil 0f French guarded the streets as Johnson Plaid dc Gaunt Who 631118 km to me nmneside palals at time when there were still Ifommerschrnidt to pay cour tesy call on President Heinrich Luebke Police stood at 20yard inter fears of an attack on his life British Prime Iifinlster Wilson is arriving tonight for the state funeral and dc Gaulle comes in val 31 um main pond early Tuesday morning John through Bonns ministerial quar son will see both of them but Emmy named Mammal de Gaulle Is due to return to Ice in memory of the statesman Five thoiisand police were as Paris late in the afternoon and it appeared that any meeting between the US and French signed to guard foreign states presidents would be brief and men attending Adenauers fun eral Tuesday Security precau tions were inlensifird after 313324 confined to formalities it is their first meeting since Presi dent John Kennedys funeral in November 1961 Adenauers body was taken Sunday night from the Paiais Schaumburg in Bonn to lie in The Examiner state in the Roman Catholic TODAY £5 Ann Loadersd pi City News2 Ciassifierklz 13 Comics11 District5 DeathH 12 is Editorial4 it spurtsaft is Maire5 rv Listingll Womens6 Weather 14 Featherstoné Gets OTIAWA CPt Bower Ed ward Featherstone 28 was sen tenced today to years In Kingston penitentiary for violat Ingthe Official Secrets Act Iudga Peter Maedonald of Carleton County passed sen tence He said deterrent to any similar crime against the country was of the utmostlm portanea In deciding the sen tence He said financial difficulties might have led Feathercoone to at an coinfer for the Bass sians Featherst was convicted by iury April It of obtaining two copies of confidential navy chart that might be useful to Soviet submarines Featherstmie cradled his head In his hands as sentence was pronounced fie still had ahand over his face as he was led from the courtroom Years BOWEN FEATIIERSTONE His wife sobbcdopcnly after the sentence was pronounced the ones cathedral in Cologne After the state funeral there Tuesday the Snowstorm Hits US Tornado Area CHICAGO AP Heavy wet snow covered the debris Sunday as residents of tornaddravaged northcni Illinois communities cleared the rubble patched their homes and prepared to bury their dead The snowstorm heaviest on record so late in the spring in Chicago cleanup operations in Oak Lawn Bellh dere and Lake Zurich These areas were hardest hit by twisters that rampagcd across the top of thestatc and into Michigan Friday killing 53 in luring hundreds and causing damage estimated as high as tsoooopoo Four inches of snow fell on hundreds of workers at halvi dere spirit of optimism tem pered by sadness prevailed Hubert Kay stood in front of his ruined house and said The ones with dead theyre it took us years to build this house The wind tore it down in two minutes But you can build house back again Funeral services for many of the victims were planned for today and Tuesday Most schools in the Oak Lawn area planned to hold classes today but those in Belvideru will remain closed unttd Wednesday While pupils help with the cleanup and attrmd funerals of their classmates body of the former West Ger man chancellor will be returned by boat on the Rhine to Rhocn dart where it will be buried at private family service in the village cemetery Adenauer died last Wednesday at the age of 91 THOUSANDS MOURN Thousands went to the cathed ral to pay their respects The towering spires of the illiyear old cathedral thnrst upward over asundappled square as the line milived quietly lan the cathed ra Cosmonaut Plunges To Death From More Than Four Miles MOSCOW CF Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov plunged to death from height of more than four miles when his space craft Soyuz tried to land to day the Soviet government an nounced it was the first time either of the two major space powers has reported the death of an astro naut on an operation Moscow radio said ropes of the parachute meant In case the landing twisted and the ship hit with great force killing the 40 yearrold veteran cosmonaut Tass news agency said the spaceship had passed safely through the most diffith brak lng stretch In the dense layer of the atmosphere ifowevcr when the main cu pola of the parachute opened at an altitude of seven kilometres 43 miles the straps of the parachute according to prelim biary reports got twisted and the spaceship descended at great speed which resulted In Komarovl deafh Tass added Komarov 40 on his second space venture rode Soyuz Into vorblt Sunday amid speculation another would be sent up for an attempt to rendezvous The first firm intimation that something might have gona wrong came when the govern ment newspaper Izvestia da tayed Its Monday evening edi tion before the accident He will be given heros burial in Red Square MAY DELAY MOON RACE Komarovs death raised spec ulatlon whether the Soviet race to thcfmoon with the United States would be hampered The fiery death of three US astronauts in an Apollo space capsule an the launching pad of Cape Kennedy Ian 17 has set back the American program The veteran Komarav solo net was the pilot of the Voshkod the first threeman spacecraft to go aloft in October 1964 He was the first Russian to go Into space twice During television broadcast the screen was occupied by portraittrimmed in blackof the cosmonaut in uniform This was the same photograph whichwithout the black trim was carried in special editions of Soviet newspapers Sunday PRINCESS smiles SERVICE Sixteenyeardid Princess Anne of Enhain wears hat Np pod with pornpon as she at tends service yesterday with her parents in Windsor Berk shire England Her mother Queen Eildhabfiih is known for her fondness for bats They Edema Idle National mswwg in St George Wllqfhoto cable from tendon when the Soyuz flight was hailed as triumph Krtmlin statement ex pressed the lprofound grief of the Soviet leaders at Komarovs tragid death It was signed by the Commu nist party central committee the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the council of minis ters it described Komarov as talented test pilot and expressed profound sympathy with his 3th yearoid wife and his two chil dren ISyurold ran and daughter aged nine Komarov will be buried In the Kremlin Wall alongside other hcrocs of the Soviet state after funeral in Red Square Soviet news media said the cosmonaut died today but did not give the exact time of the accident nor where this had taken place It had been predicted in un confirmed reports that the Soyuz Rigid would last up to week The death announcr menu Indicated It was meant to end today and everything all right until the last moments Then the strings of the para chute slowing the giant space craft beeams entangled when Komarov was 43 miles above the earth The spaceship plunged to earth like huge stone There had been speculation that Ilakup of Komarov with secondspaceshlp would be step towardsn orbiting space that ovenoualfy would used to rocket manned capsule to the moon Komarev was awarded post humoust the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with Gold Star this countrys highest award The announounentvsaid shame in his honor wil be erected After approximately 10 min uto broadcasu the radio played mounqu music and tha televi sion screen showed the Soviet space monument and flag Toss said the official an nouncement referred to Komalt rov as one of the first space explorers and talented tester of spaceships member of the Com munlst party dyercosmonaut and hero of the Soviet Union Mrs Komarov said earlier her husband had not told her where he was going when he left for his last space flight She said she was told about the launching by annular cosmo naut Pavel Popovieh who called from the space centre 25 minutes after the launching Asked if she was worried about him she replies Pilots wives always worry about their husbands RUSSIAN SPACEMAN KILLED IN LANDING Say Several Attempts Made To Land Craft WASHINGTON AP Sm vlet scientists apparently made several attempts to land the Soyuz spacecraft before it crashed and killed iLs pilot in formed sources here said tin day They seemed to be having difficulty all the way along with that mission said one official who declined theusa of his name Apparently they tried sevv eral times tobrtag the craft downearller but were unable to do so The official declined to say whether intercepted messagcs or tracking data provided the information He declined to speculate as to whether Illness or death of the cosmonaut in or bit or mere malfunction of equipment may have resulted in decision to cad the mis sioa It was believed by some ex ports that the Soyuz was threeman vehicle and that the Russians had planned to send another spacewadt aloft for rendezvous and possible crew member transfer had all gone well The setback in the Soviet space program with tlladeaih nf cosmonaut Vladimir Koms rov was thus possibly of far reaehing nature US space leaders declined to comment on the Soviet program but were quick to offer Expreh sinus of sympathy and regret at the fatal accident

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