Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1967, p. 2

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THE ANNUAL meeting the Ontario Provincial Council oi Boy Sands was held in Barrie over the weekend urday niflu twoday prvnncini Gucs speaker at tile mimicr mce dllncr Saturday night at Collier St United Fellowship Hall was MPP tor Kingston torcnce held in Barrie tor the tirst lime Barrie Mayor Cooke left and Art Evans Syl Apps Shown from idt tn right are Rev David Proctor minister at Collier hated Barrie Police Chic lid Tschir rigtt MPP ior Simone Centre brought greetings mm the city or Barrie and the Cetmly hart Mr Apps Janet reelected provincial president and Dutny provincial commiss Shown at centre is principal speaker Syl Apps tExamincr inotoi Apps States Scout Movement Syl Apps MPP lor Kingston and the Islands paid tribute Saturday to Ontarios scouting leaders whose citorts are cur rently benctilting over 125000 boys and young men Addressing the annual mcet trip at the Ontario Provincial Council held in Barrie tor the first time Mr Apps said the need or training such as that adopted by the scnut mnvcment is more important now than ever helnre Criticizes Bad Publicity Given To Ont TeenAgers The majority of Ontario toen agers are young people of whom we can be very proud Syl Apps chairman oi the Legislatures Select Committee on Youth said in Barrie Saturday The committee was set up al most three years ago to look in to and report upon various as pects of young peoples activ ities in the province and to make recommendations as to how they could take more ac tive part in community lile The committees lengthy re port was tatded in the legisla ture last Thursday According tolllr Apps who was addressing the annual meet lng ol the Ontario Provincial Council at the BoyScouts at Canada there was not mem ber at his committee who was not impressed by the calibre lot young people they saw Mr Apps said there are many problems youngsters are faced with today that were nonexist nnt generation ago He criticized what he describ ed as bad publicity given young people in the news media Not enough publicity is giv on the many constructive pro jects young peole are doing All too often one reads or sen satianaiism and the sometimes cordid activities of young people What does great taste look like It looks like this The former National Hocch League star said that the lcs son young person learns dur in his youth arelikeiy to stay with him all his life and will be most important influence on him for many years The diaradermtmldlng train ing received by wolf cubs and scouts arc all important approx imately 40o smut leaders were told The training Mr Apps point ed out encompasses thoughtful who have gotten themselves in trouble while there have been many constructive projects achieved by young people which have received no publicity he remarked There are two kinds young people today the organized ani the unorganized according to Mr Apps The organized he said seem well adjusted take part in many activities and have wide choiu at things to do In many cases the unorgan ized come from poorer areas across the tracks No one said Mr Apps competes for their services sometimes wonder he said how much attention these young people are getting irom those who could do so much lor them To rilltill their true potential interested organizations who could work to help the young people of this province must make determined etfnrt to at tract of the prong these un organized yonng people who or various reasons are too olton being left to cud ior themfllv as he stated There is according to Mr Apps an unlortunate willingness on the part of many to take the altitude well we dont have press for others good deed every day Iaith in God pat riolism and love ior ones coun try independence rcsponsibib ity sound clean moral sland nrds and keen sense oi phys ical illness and mental alert ness Mr Apps said that the great est emphasis should he placed on training in the age bracket from eight to 15 These he said are the years when young people are to worry the government Will look alter it or us Mr Apps said the government could never hope to duplicate or bake over the work bang ac complished by those who feel Lbat it is their duty and privilege to make personal contribution to young people hope it will never be nec essary or any government to try and take over what is now being done voluntarily simply because there are not enough people who are willing to make community contribution he added Mr Apps also tell that young people might also be well ad vised tn ask themselves what they can do for someone else instead always telling us what we should be doing ior ulem WANTS YOUR TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS 7265527 See How one we Answer JllllNStlll ll3 DUNLOP Important To Boys Future most receptive have more time on their hands and are not too intcrcstcd in the opposite sex As boy grows into his teens he remarked more op portunities open up or him his education becomes more time eonsuming he discovers girls and many things begin to cum pcte or his spare time It is then the scouting move ment or most begins to dimin ish But his early training will be tremendous influence on how he copes with the many problems that are bound to came his way he said Among the many things that influence young people today are their home lnmiiy friends dimch and alumni and organiz ations to which they belong ac cording to the guest speaker The scouting mo cm ent has been and must continue to be great influence lorgood on these people he commented Mr Apps said Ontarios iuture will be determined by the calibre of all young people and the boy scout organization has through the years made great contri bution to the youth or the coun try It is vital that this work he continued and expanded so that many more of our youth will re ceive the sound training that is so necessary in there very tu at slit damage atlerbeing name HAMMER MONDAY APRIL ll 1367 Employees llccept 2Year Contract The hxtkin llule Cmrvany of Canada Limited Ind local 5109 oi the United Steelworkcn of America nmotmccd today that they have renewed their collec tive sarcoma tor the out tun years 1119 aiming took place It the companys premises on lnnistil Street in Barrie md consi tutcs the first renew of pre vious tvnyear caveman Features at the Manta are mmle job evaluation lhrwdiout the plant aimed at the establishth oi fair and equitable rates Certain lob classifications at the hint cud at the range have been Maxed as much as wits an bour on base rate Expmscd in package term whldi lncludn an adtfitlonnl la tutory holiday the ecInpnny estimates this as equivalent to lnlhetirfivaraland onehali cents per hour inaease am the board and in the record 5151 an pistonamt kr mouse across the board The twoyear contract expires Jun as loss It is the belle of both mash ageneth and employees that the increased costs reading Lrvm these additional benefits will be met by improved attic lency enabling the company to continue its drive into over seas markets Man Charged With Careless Driving Falling asleep at the wheel oi car can prove costly an Barrie man learned can ly Sunday Leslie min chazdine 27 was charged with careless drlv ing alter the car he was oper aling struck hydro pole on Codrlngtnn St The mishap which was investigated by Coast Dong Jones at am resulted in an estimated $500 damage hit and run accident was reported Siniday at Wellington and Baytield Streets car owned by Peter Andrew Home wood Scarborough sustain struck by an unknown vehicle twocar crash involving ye hicles operated by Ridiard Callus or Alexander St and Kathleen Viddiiield at 76 Tor onto St was reported Sunday at Ross and Sophia Streets Coast Ross Canicron who in vsrlgated at 152 pm estim ated dotpage at $550 Quiet Weekend lit Tourist Centre Lakeland Tourist Reception Centre Highway loo Bame re ports slightly over too parties availed themselves or travel in tormatlon on the weekend Manager Peter Head said the low number or visitors was due to the inbetween time at year Skiing is over but ish ing and other attractions have not opened up as yet were apparently scouting around for places to visit in the sunTm Will Sponsor Bicycle Rodeo As an appropriate addition to school safety patrol week the Barrie Jaycees are sponsoring Arena April 15 at pm The matea is for public sdrool drildren item dentin 14 years ol age Cpl llalph Berry of Barrie City Police will omidtmt bicyde safety lessons at schools lining the week mounts will take Muestlm true or false written test and practical test Winners will be damnlined on the moduli score City at Barrie police rilicera will attaid the roaden to make are the bicycles of all entrails are safe Ted Young of the Barrie Jay eees is battling arrangements muitous times he said LEAN LOIN BUEH capolie The Queens TUES WED ONLY Pork Chops BARRIE CREAMERY La BUTTER 65c U$A SUNKIST l3 ooz ORANGES 99c Laws inrthoruadeo Mr Head said most visitors bicycle maden inside the Barrie The Barrie Art dub is pre senting display at Early On tnrio Ardritecture at the Bar play courtesy oi the Art lusts ilule oi Ontario consists of 22 pictures dcptding ardittecture and detail oi 19th century llRT CLUB DISPLAY liT BARBIE LIBRARY homes centred at Niagaracn thobake Viewing country home ls Slaron Jenkins The aspr runs unlit April 15 nc Public Ulnary The dis Hospitality 67 seminar to be held May in Barrie is expected to attract 1000 persons to Omani wJeginte Auditorium Feature speaker at this re glons second annual hospitality seminar jointly sponsored by the Ontario Department or Toursim and lotormation the Barrie Chamber of Commerce and trade associations in the HuroniaLnke Simcoe region will be Ontario Minister or Tourism and Infor mation the Hon Jamu Auid To assist all those involved in Ontarios vital tourist trade the department in cooperation with local organizations operate hos pitality seminars throughout the province The seminan are designed to give instruction to Epcratora and their start in cv ry phase at visitor relations Slide and iilm presentations in addition to skiLs on hospital ity dos and donts by the Dr Apprenticeship Five Barrie mm connected with the motor vehicle industry will be annmt area represents tlvm alteniin the second meet ing at the new Local Apprentice strip tanittce for Simon booty April lit at the Orlllia Canada Manpower Centre Committee members appoint ed by Walter Davy director at the departments industrial training brandr include Elwood Beavis chairman service manager at Harris Auto Elec tric Barrie James Handy shot loreooan at Dangerfield Motors Barrie Byron Campbell meclk antic at Bums Garage Barrie Antth Kistcmaker mechanic at Dean Myers Barrie and Kenneth Sallaiy instructor in mechanics at Barrie Central Collegiate The eonnnittee ill be address ed by Walker motive The D09 Jet is the peppy new addition to the Air Canada fleet And take our word tor It ride on It is nothing in be spotted at The DCS has everythinga greatjet should have and some its quick Its quiet Its comtortahle And Its goodlooking For reservatlons on the D09 and lntormatlon about our Fly NowPay later Plan and Family Fare Discounts see your Travel Agent or write to in Toronto at too Eloor St West AIR CANADA Expect 1000 To Attend Seminar lllln Theatre Guild are among the highlights of the program The planned discussions will aim at lmproving the income at all whose livelihood ls depend ant on or enhanced by tourist spending in addition it will en able delegates to know the urea thoroughly and accord hospital ity to visitors through inlorma lion and courtesy Tourism the department points out to big business major factor in the entire econ omic life of this province The total value ot Ontarios Wis tourist trade to eatimntal at $16 lflflon an increase or nearly eight per cent over the previous years Out at every dni lar in disposable income 10 cents is devoted to travel and recreation TRY EXAMINER WANT ADDS PHONE 7232414 Committee To Hold Meeting llpril 12 power trad nine or the On tario Department oi Labor The comnuttee is designed to promote apprenuceslip through out the area and is patterned alter similar committee which the department has established tliraughmxt the province Mr Walker will discuss the automobile trucking transport1 tion and heavy equipment tradm in relation to study he is con ductihg on the nwtive power trades The study is based on the find ings ol the select eorrnnittee re port on manpower training and on current needs of the motive power indtmy Primary purpose oi the gudy is to evaluate the elleotiveness oi the existing structure for the training and certification of tradesmen tor the motor veh ide repair trade Take the easy way foutoftown our newDC9 jet ltiulres oil for Halifax nonslop every day from Toronto EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police 7184533 Fire Dept EdJill Dlpllll HHS OPP 12SMH NZ SWISS MAID BAKERV TUESllilY tillll Still LOAF 0F GRAINERY BREAD For Only 7c with the purchase Cherry Pie It the regular price Available at SCOTTS IPASTRY Clappertnn PINEVIEW VARIETY Cor oi Napier Nelson oUTCHERs 52 Dunlop St LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT 135 Dunlap St VICS MARKET Alton Belch Economy Fare to Oneway HALIFAX

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