NEWS ROUNDUP CHICAGO tAPl Toronto rabbi who met with North Viet namese leaders in iianoi in January said Sunday he is try ing to arrange personal con versation between President Johnson and Ho Chi hllnh out sidc North Vietnam Rabbi Abraham Feinberg 67 US citiron who is rabbi emeritus at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto recalled that during his visit with Ho the North Vietnamese president spoke oi President Johnsons statements that he would meet anyone anywhere for peace talks on Vietnam Ito suggested iianui North Vietnam capital the rabbi said Actress Dies HOLLYWOOD AP Asso ciates announced Saturday the death of Anne ltiorrlson Chapln actress playwright and screen writer at her West Hollywood heme allowing long illness She died Friday Alter stock company appear ances in Baltimore and hill raukee Mrs Chapln went to Broadway In late or appear ances in such plays as Why Marry Dear Brutus The Bat Within Four Walls and Proud loman Rap Education LONDON Ont lCP Two education department otiieiiils say Ontarios educational sys tem tails to train teachers and stiiles student individualism Voodruii director oi the departments teacher educa tion branch and Norman Siseo illreetur oi the applied arts and technology branch joined slu dents ltugli Stevenson it oi the Allhouse College at Educa tion and Mrs Sheila ltubine vth innan Tuamers Col lege in panel illscusslon Sa turday en the ireedom ot teachers to educate They charged teacher train ing schools unwillingly tail till the job lite Weodriifi arid he couldnt recall single lesson lreiri Iceaiers college Mrs ltabiiiowitch said library lacili ties are restricted as well as are opportunities ior discussion 101 Years Old YrlVOMiS CF Daniel Tiirimtts tn der than Caro cc was born in Carrdoe Town lived in the Duttun for many years belore niuring hero to live with his daughter Iis Anne Goodman llis main love is television ilr Giosebeek attributes his long lite to hard work and lack oi worry never worry about any thing and just take one day at time he says Lake Deteriorates BRANTFORD CPi Lake Eric is deteriorating taster tiinn any other ot the Great Lakes Proiessor Edward Pleva of London said Saturday The lake has been seriously damaged by pollution and ae tion must be taken to restore it because his critical part ot the Great Lakes system said Dr Pleva He said the main pollutants are manmadesewagu indus trial wastes oils sills sedi ments floating solids and nu trients Dr Pleva said commercial tishing in Lake Erie is dying China Appraisal LONDON iiieulersi cit rias armed forces and its weap ons industry are not strong macadamia rnnrd lflmtltt Tut2 GREATEST SFECTACULAR even SEEN IN CANADA TATTOO 67 stars hundreds Di Armed Forces parsonnét In two hoiir pageant at Canadian Military history Poekodwlth action music colour thrills and taughtori Superb entertainment In the whole Iamlly Get your tickets howl April 13th at i4il1 TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE THEBARRIE ARENA DAYS It WEEK Call 7283901 Prlecs 31154150 and $2 RABBI lEINBEHG enough to support prolonged war the institute for Strategic Studies said Saturday The first ot series oi yearly strategic surveys published by the Londonbased instilqu which has an international memborship ot experts said this made It highly unlikely that China would start on ad ienturlst lorcign policy The only exception the survey added might be lim ited war outside Chinas iron llcrs in which its own industry would be invioloble It said this was an unlikely circumlt stance Drinking Problem KiTCllENElt iCP Joseph Conncil general secretary at the KitchenerVaterloo YMCA Saturday tht teen age drinking is greater problem today thanat any time in Canadian history Speaking before the annual Western nta rio Newspaper Awards dinner hit Comieil said alcohol is more at threat than drugs like LSD He said playing up the iailurcs oi odd habits ui teen agers In senshtlonaistories can paint it picture litany teens hev ieel Lie przss the cause they ieel the to lic ti the creates sznsz olial sea at trig Mr Connali urged newspaper men to present the good with GShi Say arid Quench your thirst Trying To Arrange Talks Between Leaders the bad and the dull with the exciting Eight daily newspaper were represented by reporters and photographers who were pre sented with eight awards to citations prise money total ling to trophies and certlll eatcs Losing Momentum MONTREAL CPI Former Justice hilnlater Claude Wagner said Sunday that the battle against crime in Quebec has lost momentum and Its eitizens are threatened by return to the good old days Mr Wagner said 92 dossiers on irauduleiit bankrupt cies which tad been readch that Judicial proceedings could be taken had been removed irom the hands oi Crown pros ecutors who had been working on the cases or several months and scattered among other law yers Would Halt Bombs WASHINGTON iAPl The United States would halt the bombingoi North Vietnam ii ceaseiira proposed by South Vietnam goes into effect state department okesmnn said Sunday At the same time the do once department made it Fclear that US air andnaval iorces will be turned looseitp stiika swiitly it the Communists should try to use truce pe riort to flood arms and supplies to their iorecs in 50th Viet nam Happy Godchildv VliiY France iCtl ittavor ie rna nil Tirtalna snysthls oneedevaslntcrl Iittle northern Frenell town is happy to be gotlchllt vi Torontot lle itl tiic remark Sunday at it wt lidrnrenaiy lot lowing the main obscrrance oi llIG5tli anniversary at the hat tle oi imy Ridge 11 accepting Ontario act Ca armor 0n Tirtaine recalled that Toronto has heengi henetaetor or this town ever since Canada took the ridge iron the Germans halts eenturyvaga with the neWlntérriatidnalBeer now brewed tothe same exacting Standards ali roiindthe World andalready top seller in31 couptrieS Say SKOL and discover the satisfying flavour sparkling lightness and true ruling angrass Party ricellie 113 ll TEE EMU EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL By Till CANADIAN DRESS At least 16 persons died accl dentally across Canada during the weekend Thirty one were reported killed in traiilc mishaps one in tall one in hunting accident and three by tire to Canadian Press survey from pm local times Friday to midnight Sun day Eight persons died in troiiic accidents in Ontario seven In Alberta our in each oi British Cdlumbia Mdnltoba and Que bcethrectn Nova Scotia and one in Saskatchewan Newioundland reported two lire deaths and Ontario one An Ontario youth was killed when he iellirom railway bridge and British Columbia ll yNow Brunswick and Prince Edward vtsland were viatatu tree The survey does not include natural or industrial depth known suicides or slayings The Ontario dead Sunday Larry laeko t7 vindsoi Got in hospital oitaiuries sut lcred when the car in which he was riding ivasistruek by CNN box carbeing shunted across level crossing in Vlnd Dwight Elder 22 Windsor out when his unrwent out or reported the lone hunting tatal WeekérFMishap Claim 36 Lives Saturday Wayne Stewart 21 Windth MIL hen the car in which he was riding collided with an other auto and then ran into light standard in Windsor iad Vaneman 7a llam ner 0at when struck by car in ilamner 16 miles north at Sudbury Dennis hieCann is Dasha iood 0nI when the car in which he was riding left the road and struck ii hydro pole nearDashwood about 30 miles northwest oi London llcnry Joseph illehrirds 1t Parry Sound when he tell 85 feet into the Seguiri itiier train railway bridge while trying toavold an oncoming train Corporal Robert Aubrey Peta on Canadian torcos hospital oi injuries sui his car overturned Friday Villiam Marcotte 703 when use destroycdion old log build an he used as repair shop at Stinson 15ndles east ot Sud hiuyt Clayton Stevenson sox Mos cow 0nt when struck by car while standing besidehls vehicle on llighway wutpl Kingston William imy is Part Deter Ont rhenstruck by car while erosstng ii road near Turkey Polnt about 15 miles Ieontrol and tflSliiiiifiiltoVil ditch in windso passions It NEVDELHI APllndios iodny to nominate VicePres dent ZakIr llusaln tinfowl be president oi predominantlyg Hindu India ll elected heavonld be lndias tilrst ltioslein president The decision was announced by Prime Itiicster in Gcng dliivunl Congress partyPr¢g dctt KlllllltliiSWilmL Rumors alter lllCCDiliilcili parliamen part cholca iorpresidoot an rt to Mysore land labormi tcr under the late lnwniiarlal Nehru The sate npne set for the qouniryp tirstvo on presidential hoard met tu dlSCthSlttfi itifSKGL refreshmeIitot really good beeLSay southwest oi Simeon Party iioiriiriates Merriam Eresideul airtion in Parliament has said it Ili nomriate ict iysttee iaSuhba ï¬nd in he resident liAli annr iliit vintli president since 496 Sid rvepalli itarlliakrlshnan Jinn need Sundaydhit it was ï¬ned to retire been ot his heallli ro MEET titran MNth UilTlie ihllip ted South Vietnam match Sunday so lead and earning to inset Japan in the It Do Cup ltil Japan completed 30 sweep oi indonzsia atiairta Sunlriy irithvictorles in theme two conlest since an opposition cot singlcs matches snort the international Beer Brewe in Canada under licence3granted toIabattsOntario Breweries Limited by SKOLIiiterriationalLimited SiiySKOLioddy Ar regiilar prides Hwherever beerissold SILHOUETTE 0F VIETNAM Whit ltiarino Lt Col William Itice oi Macon GIL is silhouetted in the setting sun as he peers through lilgh power binoculars into and the demllifar ietl zone be con North and South Victnim ic is atop ioat watchtower at Camp Carroll an artillery hase Just south oi the rlemiiilarized zone Itlcc is rnnimander ii the euro itincti US Army and Marine llatliiliun at Camp Carroll and Cio itineh tAl lireohotoi vouvevom TO Msncuaur rariiiiw Everyone knows that it pays to advertise but to make ads with professional eye appeal youjneed professional help We makerthe finest artwork illustrations and seing headings available to all our ad veriisers its iusi like geitinga iopiéam of advertising artists and march ADDITIONAL CHARGE Just MEI me time jiï¬ramim additional cost show you our andisingspeclalists Working for you at NO Drop in soon or ask our advertising representative to call and advertising services They ads SlNGI Headings illustrations themedcopy ideas and completely prepared adver tising campaigns are available to all Examiner advertisers WITHOUT ANY phone 7266537 Display Advertising Depart