ANNOUNCEMENTS Nonlinl child is air or rm adayl child Ll lull or rracc rlilns child is lull ct rm Thundilyi child his tar lo Iiidiis child losing and gtvtnl SnLirdltI cbud corn bard tor ill tiinie And child rtllt ii born on th Sabin III iair red title and read and Lrlillilerl iiiarlnr ihii usb by Counter cultrn elkii unit to Penn Ililtttl dry or in unit In their nirin dixc bcrp thI and odor lnIIlnrtJIlt ietorniautn toi Julli csiiiii tuturc 1mm cniincr iiirin ountinirnl ulll Iilrluile me name ot iour child the day oi inc ltrll monln me my oi birth inc mm and oin ri liltil IIIIurmuIinil nrinird or ran heroine pcrmanrnt iluok or ramily Inr ilarilr Er tlcc ll out 7100 iiiionc ENGAGEMENTS IIITHIINNN Tim nrl in NH litirii iIiiiitrIne til Turn it iiiIi to announce the reel oi Illrlr Inttllitri tune to iir Don lilr run in in Thuiicr in Iago In iilc on iiiui ltai 1537 tit In st unir lltllg nni liiiuii iininrr uiriii To iiic not DEATHS slllillrlr lain our ltr Ilorii at in nM ll isle liid April win at tlcizinu throatnet hit our In Iniiiit nicnuirr tit moiiic tlridcei IJIVitUII ru nuuv drill in was int he til rc iicur mother inch In iirentiic tni iiamr Ii lki Iiiiiu ion lcrrli it or do on smilf riincnloviid Ii iltisllditd and Hillll Patricia rr vii COMWG EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Sat April 15 3111 SA RD PRESB RIAN CHURCH AlisplrcsW Liberals PCs Pick Candidates In Thunder Bay Progre To Conservative rcp resentatiles or the TlII irc nterl provincial constituency ot Thunder Bay iiere selected Sut Iirtluy nt nominating conven tillIIS here 70 miles north 01 Port Arthur Raymond Rudiak 33 was unopposed tor the Liberal nomr iiintion llhile Soppnla urnlil hotel operator won titer tvm rivals for Ilie PC candidacy The 130000 square mile Ilnin der Bny riding iaS creetcd in redistribution at provincial ridr ings last year tvhich saw three new constituencies formed The New Democratic Party selected its representative for the ritlitlg last September He is Jack Stokes 43yearold CPR conductor ot Schreiber 55 miles east or tigon 475 Stage Walk To Aid India OTTAWA ICP About 475 persons llnlkeil 10 miles Satur day In help rnise money to lead Indias starving people Organizers II the walk esti milled that 40011 mm tllmcll and chdrcn took part in the tutiilrtllsing project described by Prime Minister Pearson as one lit the most imaginative elcills in Canadas centennial 15 Laeh DI the walkch was sponsored by business ï¬rms or pl to individuals who pledged vatous tinmums 01 money or each mile walked Mr Pearson backed Grade III student 10 was reported among the 473 finishers It wasnt known how much money Illn prime minister pledged Tile sponsors the youth see Iiltrl at the Canadian Intcriid Iiflilal Development Program hoped to raise 551000 to send llcllilillitlg crew into north eastern India CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 31 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGC251 Discount Rates apply it nald WIUI in duys aide per word p¢r iniei him 01 one or two dlys Three consecutive insertions 4c pflr word per Insertion IGIaI $1138 SIX cfln seeutivc Inscrtlans aide per word per Insertion total $5114 tor ad diiionai ciliirgc it not paid within seven days Silblect to cancellation when Satlsftlclory results obtained closstilcd advertisements and unit cos inr tlicsu pages must he rc cciven by pm day preeodlitz piiblleiltton with the cxceptlon ot classlricd Display advertisements which must in in by Iiioo noon preceding day LINK LIITTEII IIOX IIEILIIIS using Blind Letter Itox Number ior replies held strictly cnnltd urinal ncplrlca to Ltilcr Boxer will he licldo iy to yuaner last dole or publication Alliarmors listen 1in Number VllIIID chargcd so cents CANCELLATtoNS 377 am to it am ror slmo day cancellation Check Your Attic Storeroom Garage Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL 10 1957 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE iltEiiH Realtor lZLIAIE AREA acre bordering tommion rand Inigo like lruntndc Wllil tiir rd riltuge gouge Gas heating nrtcsmn veil $8110 80M Christmas trees on 10 oc 105 in Orr Lake tourist centre Hydro 35 mlllblc $5000 SLSCO dodn iioini noneIi Gutrgiun tiny lot iolimntely 75 tar ster run once tidying or rolling contact Gerry MIICIAJTI Elmiale 113174 181 Eglinton Ave East Toronto 12 PETER and WILES LTD 7mm inn CRE Illili large barn new bedroom home in trunk room kitchen goott level land Iloilillt uell In Ytsprn in wrist or Barrie School times 100 yards 1100 ACRES or Funny soil ltilge liiarri insul brick house good vitIt livestock and implements miles South at Barrie VIA IIOIIES olll of town one iriili acres the other link here CORBT REAL ESEATE Phone 7282419 91 Dllnlop 51 Isl and 2nd morlrikes arranged Tiiiliie 41161731 biii your present mortriiei 1st and 7nd MARLI llilltsitAId ribitem ItAnGtnnl itnon 771235 ETARA mini 11an you mum LimitINS KER Iiiston eds7511 COUTTS AND CO OWEN ST 7712le MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo 11115 Realtor evenings GORDON II Coonsnorm WALTER II couizs77lztil SANDY courts7 Iu Photo 21115 Realtor OSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES neuritis is ownn sT 72172371 All Ruse 1105 7253115 Bill lllnckncss Res szn726 Russell Smith Res7189996 Mary Vnir Res 721101166 Dickl Hartley 7287978 ACTION RESULTS Call the Action Line 7284401 CHOLKAN CO LTD MLS Realtors LallreneenbOWJ Baker72mm Gibby Gibson7150464 We Sell Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE MCLEAN Cookstoivn 4584196 CL Potter Real Estate Broker 23 OWEN ST 7281960 lst and 2nd mortgage Iunds availablecity or rural Evenings 7261032 If GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR Barrie llvvy ii South Day or night 7261904 flit7952 PRIVATE SALI years old buck split on otiawzy Prlccd to belt at 517900 carries Iur slit monthly principal interest taxes 7253955 In tum billion on clmiiilclloNs All plane insertion orders are cccpico ls convenience in the idveruser Thereroro theclassttled Advertising Department renutrci all advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately aricr Ilrst Insertion in order tint any errni or omisston may be re ported LILore cm In order that panic may be rectiï¬ed tor Ina tol lowinn dlyl publication The flu rte Examiner Ia nspansitale rer only on Incorrectly oriritcd Inscr tlnn or my advertisement and their only to the extent or portion or ed that tnvolvci the misprinlErrorl whlch do not lessen the value of iiio advarilscmcnt are not eligible ror corrections by metroIcons The narrlc Examiner reserves the right to eiasatry revise or niect ony want ad on low monthly payments we iiili REAL ESTATE BIDWELL Real Estate Broker 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7234130 OPPORTUNITY ONCE IN LIFETIME ATTENTION ILA SEEKERS1n the City 01 BarrioBayiiew DrilTItolbe and am at land bungalow tiling mom dining room 32 It lungu Auntlabile planter dividers bedrooms family sized kitchen iC 01 the Bay unique sthiolH home Ain tin curd lot suitable Tar VLA with sermons 85011100 C311 llIrru Ridwcli OLISIDE CITY LIMITS Large lot10W taxes ZRcdroom hrltk bungalow tnnuly Sized kit chen IuII basement Principal Interest and Taxes less than $100 per month Call Mary Morrison VILAIA RIDWELL 7166321 ELAINE lNLBON 7134291 IAR MORRISON 7339911 SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 119 Dunlap St noun or 726112 NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING5162 In hellwoan mm lh spacious thrcebcdroom brick bungalow hot stone tireplaec in the living room The rec roonlis partially wished iiith acorn tlrcplacc and there is an extra twopiece bathroom Lovely bright home Call Norah Rallies 72611119 3767 LOVELY RED BRICK BUXGALOW WITH GARAGE316500 Nice bright living room and dining room Large kltmlllt liilll ample cupboards and good exiting area Three bedrooms Full basement plrlially linished rec room large lot Trim Payments $700 month PIT Call Mrs Atkinson 7N979G lo 567 CAN YOU AFFORD $2000 DOWN PAYMENT with balance on one muttgage with principal and interest payments less than $100 per month Then call Mrs Lung 7285le soon for turthrr particulars on this threcbcdrcom mingalow No 3067 STAFF 01 12 TO SIRVI YOU TO CAMPBELL PHOTO ILLS REALTOR 725W PROPERTY FOR SALE 32 HIGH 31 FLEX Close to in excellent condition all with separate enlrnnles and lmIlITDOlTb Income $10000 per month Large lot 61 171 and can tie bought with low down payment Contact this billed for inspection 100 ACRES 1M acres 55 excellent clay loam working acres built room hslï¬e with bathroom bank baili It 60 good condition 21 cow lies box stalls slccl roDI cement silo implement shci drilled well pressure system school bits at gale tlr mile trom highway Charlie Read 7284317 Ilugti Ploilrnrln 7250129 Don Campbell 41172423 Ron Allan 4555313 Doug Campbell4mm Rild Watson mounts Smith Campbell 72373119 Fde Taylor 03 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 98 Bnylield Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 72611133 Mortgage Funds Available Free Customer Parking MARSHALL STREET Spacious 4IN3dich bungalow lovely large kitdien with eating area separate dining ro and luminous ceiling lighting in bathroom Double garage view 522500 Terms Call Irene Iorbcs Iivosturey oldcr home in good condition built on acres 01 land RES 72371139 Sceni south oi Barrie highway Ironinge Priced to sell Cll Lou Goedemrndt or Illrther particulars EVENINLS CIILL CURLY KloosrlttlilN mains MILDRED iloilile 7mm MARGARET itoonI nil237i JKLDOSTERMAN Iyyazno GLORIA K05 12 77mm Lou 501nm WIT 7711an IRENE FORBES 725 ll FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 RAYFIELD STREET EVENTNGS CALL 7161403 MIKE IIAGUS 725iuls il tcllucki cuHAN nitsaid lltANK LLLls 715 695 BOB SAUNDERS coukstn inn451 CECIL IIILIS 487 its IOTEII CARSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR 58 VORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7266481 Norm Synnoti 7232537 Russ Carson 726661 Bill Hamilton 77215325 Rupert MCGrth Elmvdle 751111712 ctiaries Hepivortti 7266132 EMORY MILLER MLS REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED 67 Dunlop St West 71331 Carl Marshall 7739917 Percy Ford 7287930 Harvey Weber 4363815 Gordon Spencer Tiamo Robert Flewelling 7285833 Emerson Swain 7261160o Rita Scandrett 7214863 Kenneth Miller 7251881 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE New IloliLs an all Groic 5L No eroirya ordmoina Ilm ily Mi rtirlun single run No heliciuc Cru nil circ Irte cxrcuuic homes 09th 12 in om meninn rail Pam caniirurl Ltd 71m SPLIT LI EL bedroom rioul lounec attached ramr Slolilr buili Codrtnxton nu Nitn all mortguc niin broad loemcd complete lioriiu and scrirm 3199017 Telephone no at liva LOTS FOR SALE CITY OF OWEN SOUND 30 lots 65 It to 75 It mutants residential building lots prime locatwi tully serviced ready for registration mortgages available Excellent demand for housing Box D21 Barrie Exam incr risenTeal dents bulb culltn raiinr narrle mlles wnia box nirric rutnun PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT NEW IonIlI bedrooms nil city conveniencea nice gandcn iIoo to atone dulia only hook 143 Pcncuns Teicpnone bier arm FARMS FOR SALE lilo ileum Darilo arca onooin livuar room bunglow soluble lo iianilty accommodation Ilarn ininIinicnt ancd ebielien house car garage livestock Implements Included Vrlle Box ma tierrte nxamlncr BUS OPPORTUNITIES exesu lovesn ENT oppor tilnily tor sale lint manicre or stem with to discount on 310000 prnnerlyi Idan Rail lnrl plur intertsI llltl rilld nit In 1m rer lurincr intermi tluii IcIlPIIDM 7251355 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Isl and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 or VALUATIONS If You Need Money To consolldiie debt all lestlng martxlxll morlï¬ln eontlilg dlI um Improvement my wanhWhIln Enlist Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding nvtr SimpsonSears 129 DUNLDP ST Member Ontario IIIartiiida nroiicrr Auncldtlon WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest up to 110 or your prop erty value Loil monthly pay ments up to littccn years to rt Day For any mortgaed prob lems see COREY Real Es Inle 93 Dunlop 7282419 INSURANCE MOVING Dont target to transtcr your INSURANCE and ii you need extra coverage at any kind see STEVENSONS 111 DUNLOP ST 72011101 BUS OPPORTUNITIES GAS IIAri and Snack Bar for have excellent Inc Inn on High iiay II betveen orillia and Grov enhurit Ideal trilrk stun capital renuticd iirlie nox col Bertie Examiner MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SlLE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Traveltix Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 171 BURTON AVE motion Emory Inner 7260563 RENTALS ROGERS C7 CONNELL FARMS WANTED Photo Ill Realtor To RENT DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone mason EVENINGS CALL McArtIiur 721505117 Rogers 7283532 Ed Green 723413 OSCAR BATES Fred Dilett 72R9793 Connell 7219765 Mrs Noriiie Rogers 7283582 KEITH MARSHALL MLS Realtor Insurance 92 ommd Drive mza Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 27 Rose Pappin 72352111 Telephone Ivy 29R IIlllM WANTED to rent south or suite ivltil lease ole21m ror rurulcr details HOUSES To RENT Two BEDROOM House Ioi rent oil healing No II Highway north at Wonder Valley 10 mon aily Includcl hydro Available now Telephone mates silANTIr uAIr SllllII home rur mot suitable roi eouplz Avail able end or April Telephone 125 mi tor runner tnrormliinn Housas WANTED REDROOM bungalow wanted to rent by reputable businesi mail Coninct Dove Sproule 7251471 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT uwuiuusinzn bcdruein abortj amidmriaani lilabmdrhildru In rnon hoivo rad0m liter uni Lxrblwiailro trio bedroom uP per duplex lrlt conuimd my central Inrllion Avnlllble now we monthly Telephone moose lionuui two bedroom bellied apartment tor not Stole ruirir ntnr iterator Iariiitici puking am Apply Int Krmncnieli privr up 211 or telllinen mom Lance inodrrn two bedroom lputment slate and nrrtrsutnr supplied lliindry and parlinl ra riiluca but end Tolephone use or 7154565 unniloosi unlumilhtdi neu oonulnrd Iplrtmlnt qurenc Pl area Aillhble now Idui Ior old cr penon or retired couple rele phone viadost cicntnra our nEnitouII unluriiidhed nurt mcnr ritflloullnl Day ntrigentur Included trance out PTVI an mrkinn racilitiu Adult Available Ilay lit 73 mon Telephone 7232201 PLRRIAULT run rel tor laundry and plrhlnl racultiu Apply i7 RIIRI Si let tele phone 125001 Turin non Iuriiiati mnt nlt contained block troin downieim IvAIIAbit Iiprll I7 Also xel co ed bachelor apnninrnt ind iccoing roam Telephone izodisi Time noolt ltplflinerll ecli conilined unturnilhed in ex chanite tor baby uiung Ind light househuplnl duties netercnru required Write to nor be IIorria Eximtnei uNru incni rim bedroom lplrl am Iiilug room kitchen and bill licni and water alip piird Centrally located Adult opal 2Iur runner lnronnaiion rltinltooll unturnisncd ap ilnicni Ilvinl room kitchen nil bain Stov and rctrircraior nut and writer valild laundry and parking Priyaic entrance Cutter to burinesv om ldulu only $35 per month contact Stepheni 11111566 72315 llomzitN bedroom basement Apartment aciruinioiiicd electri cally healed rcni reduced It day care oroiidcd tor two preschool children For runner intormltton iclcniionu 12563 ancr non or on iyrckcndi Lovm prestige one ballroom anaruncni In new building cen iraily lorutctl andlbum through out stove Ntrlgentor nut and lint wuicr supplied balcony loun dn incliiiies parking Adults oiiiy iiir monthly Prcroni lcnnnt Ielv Int town Avrihbia May Prion rumba ROOMS TO RENT IUIINISIIED ROD or rent Lin cn supplied netrlrcrator niid atu Poly 59 my st ROOM AND BOARD Ilium end tioard ailtile can irai loentlon park nil racitiues innitvac 72 high Street iliiLLI Located room and board ocntlcnian prcrcrrcd Lun ciics nicked light laundry donc onrkini in dityeivay Telephone moses ROOM BOARD WANTED nooii lNu uuniul iianlcd tor retired woman In ciriy dos rIcai anl surmunuhlz In private home nrclcircd Ilcasc wrtte nox mi uarrle examiner SEW INE5£FMT All M11700 ARTICLES FOR SALE GET SET FOR At the Earl Birdie Mens Reg $1495 Ladies Reg $1295 Beginners Piece Sets Reg Top Grade Name personal T0 FRIDAY OPEN AM HIGHWAY 179 GILFORD ONT GU IXSTRUCIIVE aims NISIORY STARTED WHEN REBELS WADEB HRADSHIN CASTLE 1N PRAGUE MD THREW IMPERIAL COMMISSIONERS OUT OF WINDOW YET ILL MUSMED 5MP FROM HOLE IN ONE GOLF TO GERY AND EQUIPMENT JAY BERMA PURITAN CARDIGANS GOLF SHOES Complete size range Ldtlies Reg $1495 Mens Reg $1295 to $2995 Reduced 20 GOLF CLUBS 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price Reg $28500 Sale $22640 Intermediate Set $23700 $113960 Fora Complete Set of Pro Equipment make an appointttlent tor SALE STARTS SATURDAY APRIL TO PM GOLF HAVEN Country When the Robins Come Its Time to Sell Spring Items with Want AdS Ripleys BELIEVE IT OR 110qu 1550mm FOUNDED BLUE litD MS MEMBER IVS MCINY FOR YEARS DOZEN STAINS IS FLAINO IN THE CELEEES SEA AT DEPIH OF soon if IMiRY PreSeoson Sale of Sale $995 Sale $895 Sale $995 $3595 Sale $1351 Brand 085 service APRIL 14 Club SERVICE REPAIR IDE ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION USED LUMBER FOR SALE IN ANGUS All kinds and sizes also ply irood windows doors insula tion fluorescent lights lino um sink basins toilets show crs tubs also asbestos insul brick May be seen at the lum ber yard in Angus Highway 90 Open every night until pm and all day Saturday Ask for Mr Robert Ballannre Phone 4495115 any time NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at line broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and priced 65 Collier SI Phone 751311 Used refrigerator range auto matic dryer and automatic dish washer IvtcTADDEN FURNITURE iii APPLIANCES 7289288 Highway 27 North Photo MLS Realtor Wbiie 109 Baylield St 7231071 Appraisals Listings invited RES 7289771 RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFIELD ST moist SPECIALIZING 1N RURAL PROPERTIES HENRY New Homes For Sale 634 °o NHA MORTGAGE and bedroom homes single and double garages llvmg room dining room modern kitchen Alex Isbrandl 93 Vancouver St Barrie 7283649 TWO linoleuma bzl micer vcry central located at it Ecciea street North 517500 cosh Tele phone 715501 for runner paruc ELRICK PRIVATE SALE South or liarric MICHIE zuiï¬iom hrlck 11mins in rooms ii rco ii ii Real Estate Appratsals efnuyklmhlgil Illlivllle heurialboiiidsj Murlgages ncresTsAsRlrjlszcSlBNaW 545139 down 19 COLLIER ST 7286553 4751527 naiirss under construction Earl occupancy Split storey level one or two ear wage 571 NHA tinancinr For lilroriuaitiin telephone via6m CLASSYFRTED ADS BEDROOM brick bungalow rnr sate Dining living room kltellcm piece bathroom lull bascmcni oil Itcatcd irrugc Near narrle Plaza 1219417 tor particulars uennoont Insul brick rur ulc ileur schools shopping on bus route Available with low down APARTMENTS T0 RENT TTING R0 in Apartmcn rent to Ross St For runner In lorniziilon telephone 12111366 one AND Two bedroom apart inclIts to rant rrorn 53751 month Iy Telephone 72mm for minor inrormriton ONE unnnooiil Apartment heat and water supplied East end io eatloii neat bur slop Telephone 77mm or EDGAR tire runitalicd lpart mcnta suitable in adults Itea sunnbic Telephone 721111167 DUPLEX bed roomx iiviniimnni kiieiicn bath nmm nePrty new Adult or IIILII one child Nnrui Colleztate arca Tienail niisr PLAZA Area room living room kitchen stove and rcrrigcruter self contained Separate MM its monthly couplo only Tcicnlinnc 1254215 IIIRNISIIED bachelor suite large bedslitiiig rooin kilchcn and bath laundry room oarklnlt vary ccn trill Telephone Tutlose or even lnns mum uNPuItNIIImm apartment to rent rooms and pain equipped with stove and rcrrincrator Laundry raeiiitica and parking menu roun noonl Apartment turntab cd or unturntsried naiva decon Ied acirconuincd Verv caniral main floor Two bcd paynicnt to that immune Full price $9590 Tclephun 7760117 WILL BRINGRESULTSI Inentlon Available now Telephone 7214595 near rnoNTs 35 111 Hinds 67c lb Sluts lb Dycka Food rkct 150 ceiiter 7255311 RROWN METII Single bed and wring tor sale 57 Per ruttrier uartieulan telephone moiss usnu Tvrntvntreu DesksL i2 nuntop St West USED Poncao Air malice tor salc In good eomllLlon rar 111 123 Particular Icicpbono 121 TOP soil ior aaiz $1 per yard at until 52 deuvcmi Also mice posts and clutncsune notes miles rrain narrtc Telephone 7261671 PLAYER PIANQJor ante tIcIna man and companyfwiin rolls and bench Ilcdiuin sire excellent condition Siva Telephone 7250560 SIGN roll SAL ID in Pty white cardboard Example Apt Ia ncnt House ror Sale ett Available at lami Examiner business other WANT ADS ELL Most ANYTHING CALL so 525 mil Ienea Stationery 51 MRS MILLER will help you cxpdnd your wardrobe also invisible mending 93 ESSA RD WSW REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION snnvtcu 33 Ctapperlon Street PHONE 7184562 SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 525 any site housetunk within 25 miles at Earrie KEN WINTER CO Barrie Telephone 7250782 Looms Eon clcrn eluding ini honica nrtlcea stmsi nloul CIuIILnt Service 71mm SAUNA BATHS onmï¬s sIluNA Bauia Ind liars iize The ultimate tn helllhy relx luee Private ludlcs lenllnmen Saunas daily rrn9 nin mull PAVING SPRING SPECIA Asphalt dirvelrays and parking lots Free estimates WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIERI PAVING co Phone 7260081 PAINTING PAINTING and Paper Hanging DIrtIlmc evenin dud wcciiends No lob too smai Itost odd iohr Reasonable rates Tree cstiinnica Telcplione 771911759 DRIVING SCHOOL Mummers muva scuaoL moanred Instructor and Insuuc irear Plume 7255175 anytime CITY Ivan Driving School ruIIy Ilcenced Insured dual controls For Iniurenutiun cIlI 71mm ntouLnN onllecI scIIooL Learn to drivc Lite modern way Tenphone 72541915 INSULATION uLawrNG METHOD insulation Fran oatlmiIea Guaranteed work Telephone Scott Muir 7281257 Coly For Want Ad Sectlon accented unit 7282414 OFF STORES T0 RENT Putthllstllll nayflewmee airR These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work 1211Tlf£lisi°ililihWin On Your Job Immediately COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS HANDYMAN I30 QIIIHIE 71 If Si Al iiil alsimiflilï¬rvmi iiirrecnoiisri LADIES HANDYMAN siihoxoz gamete no 7280211 ALTERATIONS Repair anything troni leaky Iaueets to outboard motors Spring has sprungI the grass has riz wonder how my lawnmower 157 Other Home Services Telephone 4495790 MOWER REPAIRS AUTHORIZED Service and war ranty all makes air caaicd crl nines Madizan Iiowcr Servic rcar iii nurion Ave 7zrllzi INCOME TAX PnEPAnATioN or Tux ueiurns all types install nookkupin systems arm l1 Bus min 7296077 HOME RENOVATIONS REC nooiis cabinet Bottoms or mpain ceramic the 7131117 PLASTERING I1 Gnoss PLASTERING and ne paira rrcc estimates neaiionaotc rates Telephone 716nm semi11W IUIILIE STENO SERVICE Pltk II required Aecuutr prompt Telephone 4246421 WHEEL ALIGNMENT liIUltnoLKs Wheel Alignment and name repair 27 Toronto st Ralph Green Proprietor 72312112 CARPENTERS noss SUTTON will look alter your carpentry needs or yng home or cottage Call 7254614 no CARPENTER Work Remodelling or repairs to houses barns and cottages Asaincl TIIE cAleeT SHOP wa special 11 in modern kltcticiis vnilltlcd DISDIIYS II 219 Bradford TIE471 GYPROC TAPING It nunqur interior exterior paint decor expert paneling nylP ogflilflplxlz Can shanty aav IRONING motLNG per bszlaclrisastiul and hurting $150 116 shirtaii Pickup and deliver 7250551 PRINTING PRINTING PROBLEMS Scc Estelle niacinucs Commercia Pziiiuug dlylalnn The poll Ex Id nayricid St 7166317 JANITOR SERVICE PAINTING cleaning cliputtcrlml Allythlrli in maintcnonec ealt Itiiler 725nm RUG CLEANERS no rr YDURSBL it Has pm dry cleaning mttiiod Use our ma chine tree Nurthwty Rul 7761311