Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1967, p. 11

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T0 GOOD HEALTH Many Factors Cause Black Blue Spots By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Mother am over to and for about two years have had black and blue spots all over my body and arms and leul should describe them as broken elns such as might be caused by severe bruise They come and go Sometimes there is pain but usually not Several doctors have observed this but made no suggestion as to what might be done except that my regular physician augr nested lemon Juice in the morn ing Could you disurss this MIIS This doesnt sound like ordiry ary bruisingalthough that is something that rather Irequinn bothers folks who aren getting enough calcium or ila in their diet The lerrion Jiuoe pro vides viluiriin it doesnt sound like mutter broken veins viiiiui uvuii up primarily in the legs and wassociuled with slinging sensation This raises suspicion Irom your description at some Iorni ot purpura or hemorrhaging in the skin or other surlace tissues Purpura may result in de crease in blood piatAleis or special cells in the blood whidi have to do with clotting Drugs certain toxic condi tions or even allergies can be actors in this So also can deliciency in Vitamin it your condition is purpura and il it is bothersome enough to warrant more elaborate in vestigation complete blood study including platelet count and prothrombin time test may provide the necessary clues Dear Dr Molner am three months pregnant My doctor has given me blood test Will it show whether have syphilis or is special test necessary Yes blood Itsls show that disease and testing or it Is part ot good prcnnlal cure Most states require it by law Dear Dr hlolner lily husband has very bad case or emphy seJna He has 60 or 70 pigeons which he races When we are away on vacation he eels very much better but when we are home and when he is anywhere around the pens notice he has much more trouble breathing The doctor has told me this is bad tor him but my husband says the doctor hasnt told him that He thinks am just trying to make him get rid oi the pig gods but this is not so He quit smoking seven years ago but has taken up chewing tobacco and wonder is that helps him amenhills Pigeons imply dustand dust is bound to inlets with the breathing at anyone with em physema hum the health potut certainly would suggest that he stay away trom them but irom the psychological ride dont know it is try hard to give up bobby to which one has become attadied Considering just dust it is pos aiblel suggest this but do not guarantee llvthal ace mask or filter used when near the pigeons might help him He may also be allergic to the dust or leathers Chewing tobacco does not re licie him from the ellccis ot nicotine but at least It does not irritate his lungs as smoking dots so doubt that chewing will bother his emphysema greatly in this case wouldnt make an ism ot the tobacco but the pigeon dust merits some thought on his partr Dear Dr liloluer ls bcduob ting inheritedtyE No but attitudes of nervous tension habit rather than her edity sometimes run in families and this is mostly an important part at the problem current By MR5 CAMPBELL Mr and ltlrs Huggins cnlt terlttiried their grandchildren Easter week and drove them home to Brantiord Aprr Mr and Mrs Doll food had their three Lewis grandchildren ol Kitchener with them in the holidays Misses Gail Pollock and Shar ron Lyons are visiting in win nipeg Miss Carol Anncils spent the weekend with Miss Karen Chis helm at York University Tara onto Major Donald Creighton ltlrs Creighton and iamlly oi Toron to wcre weekend visitors with Mr and hire Stephenson Mr and ltlrs Joe Brown Kathleen and Susan at Toronto were Sunday visitors at his sons ltlrs Riddols Orillia visited ltlrs Walker CnlduclL Mr and Mrs Bruce Lounds visited their soneinlaw and TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON MONDAY APRIL 10 EVENING 114mm stuns Walther spurts humrally or the oCountry Ernie this too no use 2star Douriu prim Wu er Homhsunlcate inat mm 7f°5 tscmt 6185 35pm oni Valley LG P0 llSupcr Conach orarnity Altair mm mm nGllligana bland mm 420 aKtngr Outlaw 710 znnn For Your Lila Hmrtyshow lMonkces 37Oscar Awards Gallant Bees soon um ero Tell is True ritwin 4Gitlinris island San Antonio 7imn Hana alnaebail are with Lucy Show lit30 11Dkur eeuwnrn 500 300 ONcw Heart roe Mm ZMovto lHilliway that true tiarriau llhlovte klrl um use or the Justin ktha Stine sen khir Territin 2Pmm Two Filewitchea News Weather Sports INm 830 coo rm rm Show me sGllltganl island DAndJ 511th iNw our 7mg Lifimhshirmr IrWaa erpenari 11 km 5mm 7iiovis 900 PM we are ears were Im amt can TMovla 11 wm Three strtm in and sum liMyatcry TheIn uPicm Berton itretmne Junction TUESDA APRIL 11 MORNING AND AFTERNOON erso tooedit Cmen Loo alga tlria Allen Hm 8hou esunuuac Semester fiff 1wtnnew on the 1930 lMeétthi uiii World sCnncnnrrncinn 13 mg onnunnuou llrieodly Giant 941M itNewr HEWfly 1115mm tonne the on 7Datellne 41m BPrlctufld ruenu zroenr uHomlslg run Mm azarly Nun 1wath an 1100 ZMatchea and mm 217 730 5131 oi anyway dAalytha wane rum arnpeye orar Dreaeup lEoclteltshilp 1fl 15upcrmacket glam 33 mm the artists near icptnin ismm TNrwlywed fistula no and Squlfel 230 33 Zoom Prudden irac nocten Fame 0° onlelr Vari Dyh lHuuse ram liAlbut steed HM Gm 7rirenn Girl 900 rMngismtctn Court teeepla tn comm Prick Show 120 3N srai Allen gt 1420 no zA to Poll ll Educational Tv 74m mm ovnclc Bobby lllJttla People 938 twmrlne Her Way Through College oToronu roeay twoeoa and Music Hack LaLanna Mu sontnrin Schools 121 zYou Dontsay 41 of Lite IMm Grillin smte or night llOntario Schools zNiac um irne can or rum sNoonany rte art 15upennua Show Hench or man oiin Your Move zsm runrnwnt row llMsnllle scnnaain serious 11 Match onntiucnnni TUESDAY APRIL ll EVENING 400 530 900 auiirq Doullll soon tieNew sru am Hnmmunicm Weather Sports zuovie urn secret Storm ucnnnni ll Nan mum Tim Love Lucy llPilm amen uh llSuper Comics 4Potttcoat iuneuan no antenna osatnn itevier Wm iiMerv oritrin fiflgdarnglndfih sretumt Junction 1000 LHnneymooners aNm special futit=h VI 94 Troop 7mrluve Jar 34m mom son zrubue Ey a4Lituen Hobo In le llhway Yatroli Hamlin Cm aDaktrut llnmily mm Lev flock Hflbhm mo 110 PM raring Show Ln Vlfllll Lumen 9° antnvie 1News 31 Look in Any Window coins dNewl and sports mo um lMovlo swmau oDick Van bycire 11Myrttry Theatre TLarlmto 74m Invaders tCome Out mutton llmfluvo IThu Anal ulroo Horse CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable 103m mae quot awn axosras extrs us satinI 4A Qfi A93 AKQJIOOI Thetaddhig South Wad Put on has TNT was oneness us eat an North an 14 Pan Pass Plan Opening leadking oi spades This hand occurred in the match between Sweden and Fin land durlng the European chama plonshlos staged in Ostend Bel glum in 1963 At the first table the bidding went as shown when Swedish rein the rtorthmih card and staggered into seven no trump utter wild and woolly sequence Norths pass of seven apadcs was an invitation to South to contract or seven nntrump pro vidcd he had the are or spades and hand sulticiently diversi tied to Justin undertaking grand slam in notrumpr The daughter hlr and ltlrs Jim Forsysho of hiitlgrovo the week end oi Apr The Junior Guild met at him Douglas Wilsons April CANTATA Sunday April the choir oi the United Church were hosts at oclock hiiitct ior Ilie choir of St Johns United Church Bclwood It 730 the the visiting choir presented the Easter cantata Lite Eternal It lurge crowd attended to enioy the line music HOCKEY NEWS On March 31 Guthrie hlidgels who had won the On cup en joyed turkey banquet at Guth rie Hall with their parents and Iamllies Larry llastings was playing hockey last weekend In St Thomas with the Barrie ItlId gcls Mr and ltlrs Edward Has tings and hlr and ltlrs Ilobert Campbell were in St Cntharinos last Thursday when Frcd Has tings was playing hockey with McEacliern and Flynn Barrie Bantams red is Freds team lost two games Friday they won two and Saturday they went on to win the consolation grand championship cup Oro AllStar Midgets went to Elm vale April to play hockey ISSUE MINIWARNING NEW ORLEANS IAPlThc PanAmerlcan Lite Insurance Co personnel depArtment sent this directive hiday to iemale employees rrt its executive at iices With the coming warm weather we tied it nec essary to remind all employees of proper office attire Ilo be quite honest ministyle dresses and skirts are hardly the proper attire or maintaining proper business atmosphere OFFICE HOURS men sat in the chapel and erdoy In rm antu mt his full mus Your chances to replace your superVisor are pretty dim understand it was the guahty of your work that got him tired ACROSS Murmur 15 sting r51 151pm handle ing or Matte insects Ei Devonch uowu mm Lweuson lPeimut wallug Propelled Auk genus gar raft Dissolve land 10 Attempted Name 20 Open 12necllnes sakes poet up so 13nelgian otMr 215eize marble suiiivnn zzPeraian 141mm Drinking weight sghxdar acne 151mm aid 23Epoch 1664am ass Brmuw 25Teat 32noth polo 7Aawnattu 26erms 35er 17 Naenign herb guht so Pieced 181valcld 8Withtlrow 215mm out prefix Heavy vcnt B1 Songbird so Danish timber 29 Western as Mythical coins strong state warrior Appear cotton 30 Outer to Constel zawmslow cloth garment inuon Homer torono rum filiiifiiilifi no IIIIIfiHIIII scrstfle HI Ififlllll slExcinrnn tion 32Pigpes easements ttouai nyiiatrln us stalwar coins V5 India s1 nutter allsummon rarer lt 40 Tapestry ALRIVerinto In Notthsta 423amboo I0 turn granas mtnland Chinese BECKER Swedish South was pleased to accept the challenge having nine tricks to start with and duly scored 1220 points or mak ing the grand slam The hand was replayed on BridgeORama More large audience but this time course Finnish pair held the NorthSouth curds When the bidding started the audience was as usual aware at what had happened at the lirst table and wondered amidst much excitement whether or not the Finns would be keen commit to duplicate the successful Swo dish cIIort They were not tell long to ponder over the possible out come because the bidding pro carded rather quickly in this iashion South Welt Paul SNT TNT The bidding was perhaps not as elegant at this table as it had been at the that table since North instead it douhlln seven Ma plum mi permit South to make the final decision in the matter But when the Finnish South exercising tine judgment by overruling his partners double contracted ior seven noinimp the hand tunicd out to be an exact tie and no blood was split As Will might have said there was much ado about nothing STltOliD By MRS BERT IIIULHOLLAND ST PAULS STAN Womens institute are sponsor ing cuehro Jamboree in Stroud Hall April 20 This is can lcnnlai project Numerous prizes are altered Tickets may be bought in advance from any member hirs Iiarry Horton won the electric mixer from Youngs iGA store last week Congratulations to Lakelands hockey team under the coach ing of Mr Ellsworth on win ning over Thornton in the Ilnals Wednesday night in liradlord SPRING TEA St ames United Church Spring Afternoon Tca bake sale bazaar items and takeout salad plates in church basement Saturday April 22 to For orders contact 4353645 CLUE Slruud Centennial Cooks 4H Group held dinner at the home at Mrs Gordon itix Apr The girls mothers younger brothers and sisters were invit ed to sample foods which the club members had made Sume ends were from Germany Eel gium and Canada ENTERTAIN The Bert ltlulhollunds along with Brenda Gundry Barrie entertained at Oak Ridge Hospi tal Penetang on an invitation from the Mental Health Associa tion ol Barrie About so young JULIET JONES Nadia so as HENRY DONALD DUCK secur AGENT x9 GRAN DMA ed lively program at oldtime music instrumentals and nov elly numbers TRY EXAMINER WANT ADDS PHONHWZEHld BLONDIE =1 AND EM 51AM ElPLlSSlY Will our wanes mu marries svrs was WANTA RAISE AND li DONT etsr ILLTELL EVERYBODY fifél 4t sislolzt tatttflsp new oo coins 39 men lncustadyand MeanwhuetrttheCartbbean Marinavladcnek back IAINITAKIN rr LIKE THE OTHERS YOU TRICKED ME INTDTHIS JOINT NOW YOURE GETTINME OUT ELSE ai herJobX9 returns to headquarters AccoMMooAnoNs Distest you LAST NIEHT DREAMED AND FORGOT THAT YOU BECAME NOW TO BAK BEAUTIFUL ca PLEASEPLEA5E6RAN5MA STMASYCUAREI WELL 60094555 ltNOWS IM DOING EVERYTHING Ilil oaswoou NEED MONEY WHATS sows 0N iN THE WORLD REMEMBER DOROTHY bounce THATOLD cruel FRIEND or voucsr NEVER FORGET FACE HES THE IMAGE OF HIS HAVENT SEEN YOU BEFORE DONTTHINKSO THIS IS MY FIRST DATE WITH ETTA EEI HELL BE LIKE All THE OTHER CREEPS MENNOIILL DO WE NAFTA EAT HAVE TO GET GNP5 COOKING DINNER FOR YOURSELF AND IIIE BOYS TONIGHT MOTHERS GOIII into Your nuergs CROSSED MEETAVERV ATTRACTIVE NAVAL OFFICW QUITEA COLLECTION or use mew YOU LONG TIME WNTTHEYT MUCH WE WHAT Dto serum GIVE You Rare your terminal GRAMPS

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