Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1964, p. 3

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rrrmw l1 wrs HOTHEADED HAVEN Until yesterday could naverpnderstsnd how women could spend an enjoyable hour under their fav orlte halrdressers dryer Andshared the masculine cynicism about women who do so But you know it is rather agood place to day dream gather thoughts observe others or catch it on reading The hot atrblowlng at your head on ting oil the hearing ability seems to stimulate the flow or hot air from your mind Tensions ot the day stream oil allowing room for new ideas Sitting beneath one of the bulbous airconditioned conhaptions it is eas to contemplate serious ques tions such as1uat at doesit mean to me person ally that the dark side of the moon is similar to the front only darker island of mine is concerned that her fiveyear old daughter is too young to have developed tele phonltis the dread disease that plagues the parents of children who have constant ur to dial the police number and holler for help under the dryer reaghed resolution have the telephone discon necte An example of the youngs outrigbt contempt for the foolishness oi adulthood was observed tram the wind tunnel The little girl sat in the chair opposite me with solemn eyes as the attendant preparedto remove her ponytail The young miss ne ther smiled nor whimpered While mother oohed and called and paid the man the little Miss Cool walked out without backward glance as if hurrying away from the ludicrous world of metalcapped adults In an actionpaclied week the visit to the hair dresser rovides chance to catch up on some read ing Bu it seems that every time almost reach the Eunchllne in New York article the dryer shuts off reaking the sequestered atmosphere and someone ushers me to another chair look forward to the rnassaglng whirr of the dryer as respite from the tensions of modern living APPLE BLOSSOM TEA The Messenger Group at Collier Street United Church has been busy pre aring for its annual Blos 510m Tea to be held in Co or Street Church Hall to ay Mrs Vector Knox Messenger su erlntendent writes This is an important event in childrens lives as the little boys and girls do all the serving themselves This year the tea will be servedin an apple blossom setting Mrs Knox notes in her letter that at last years tea members had arranged display of articles from Korea This yearas the culmination of the study of India the messengers are pre aring an exhibit of handicrafts from India These ave been loaned by local people recently returned from the East We have tried to gather household items lcal of those found in lndian villa is homes as we as filfleeless examples of the exo te embroidery carv and metal crafts done by cotta craftsmen Isi dian costumes will also he featuredI the writer states Mrs Knox concludes her letter by noting that since indie has been the field of study for so many church groups in 1934 many women in the area would be in terested in seeing this display Do try to youngsters get out and support this this group hi Craftsman AwardsReceived By Barrie Leathercraiters The Ennis Branch oi the clan adian Society of Creative lea tbercrait held their May meet higathiehmotMrsJJor bett May 27 0n the completion of the bus iness Mrs Boltreli demon strated ether Dworation without using atomizer Bottles to spray7 difierent Lea ther dycsonto the leather sur faces lips proved very inter esting Bild the many uses for this technique were discussed At the loth international Ai semhly of leathercraitsmen which met at the Park Plain Hotel Toronto the Barrie Branch bad live articles chosen or display in the Salon the articles being selected from nponsoring Guilds thosa finrn Barrie receiving this award glare aitll GkBottriii lea cell MB Glflm Miss Helen Andersons home Pratt ia purse Mrs DelJ combs Photo taibum Mrs magma MI Trew pen holder Mrs Henry Huyck leather oovered box The following from Barrie won the Craftsman Award Mr Darbysbire leathertrly Mrs Ken Cavanagh wnting case tabla cents pen holder Mrs Huyck lea ther box Mrs Heatoch lea ther jewellry Mrs Ken Cavanagh demon strated the making of leather trays at the workshop held at this convention Mr irew demonstrated the making cl table centres and Mrs Hayck demonstrated the making ol leather boxes iii is attending from Barrie were Mrs Corbett Mr Wil lint Barry Mrs iteg liick Mrs Ken Cavanagh Mrs Del Jacombs MissElizabeth Craig Mrs Ernest Cloughley Mrs Henry Huyck Mrs lieacock Miss Helen AndersonMrs Boyd Mr and Mrs irew Mrs Findlay Mrs Caldwell Mrs GiBottrell Mrs JA Coutts Plans were made for the steak barbecue to be had in dine at firmsonar panes are expected to visit us na tional parks in lDbtna000000 of them between March and August More thanioooooooo persons The oiilears of Squadmn Guy and Simone Foresters held gala Spring Bail last evening at the Barrie Armoury The annual event is bridal setting of white mania and snnpdragons with clndela bra adorned WaterlooKitchener United Mennonite Church at We terloo this aiternooo for the ex diangs oi vows between Miss Annie Harder and Donald Eros est Burton Rev Dpp con ducted the ceremony The soloist Bert Mathias at St Catherine sang bovs Di vine pnd the tinrdl Prayer accompanied by the organist dies Hedy Sawatsky oi Water oo The bride is the daughter of Mrs Anna Harder of Waterloo and the late Mr Harden The bridegroom is the son at Mr and Mn Ernest Burton oi Parkdale Crescent Barrio manmoriar GOWN ihe bride was given in map riage by her brother Henry Har der For this special day she chose traditional gownoi brl the dress leatured shitty scoop ni May meeting oi the al liston Business and Frolesslonal Womens Chili held in the Le glen Hall iiiursday evening was well attended Following de licious dinner president Norma ok conducted routine business The ciub discussed fund raising project and established an annual award of $50 to be presented to the top student oi the our year commercial course at Banting Memorial High School Members who can at tend the Emblem Breakfast in Torontoon June are fto con tact Mrs Kenny regional con lerence forOctobcr in Hunts ville was announced Hntley presented slate of nominees and the following members have accepted to fill lvacancies Joan Hutley first Avics president Dorothy Ken ney second vioe president lrene Canoe Helen Moore membership chair man Phyllis Anderson irlend ship conveoer President Nor Néw lltiirtirna in feed LIQUID FERTILIZER spray it on LETSDRESS us AND miva bananas mums BEFORE awn GUJTO oun cockram 10gb shaped dai fnlile flie mhldad bodiceor llfltrwetteeu ed neckline point sleeves with bowaccentlng thaiitted length finals of French blue penis midriii The Elnor length beli do solo fashioned with aoitiy Nominations chairman is NOW IS TlME DVYVOVUR lAWN 1NACHURS lIQUlD FERTILIZE The nicetilinljbout Notch ears genitalialearners season one of the years social him lighta ior members and their goalie in the above photo Col and Mrs Graham England lam are shown chatting with shaped ihirt rims to was drai train with Wattuu The full boutiant veil silk illusion tulle was caught in headdress crown of seed pearls and orange blossom The bride carried bouquet oi white roses and carnations AflENDANTS lhe brides attendantaJneiud ed Miss AoitaReimer oi Water loo the maid oi honor Miss Anne liureu of Waterloo and the bridegiooma sister Miss Elainelilnton of Barrie the bridesmaids Miss Esther Bah ear of Kitchener the brides cousin wu flower girl The senior adendants were owned alikeln French blue peau da sole ihelr iormal gowns were designed with fitted bodices and demure scooped neckline and three sleevcsilia controlled bell sltirts were accented panels at mid The flower girl worea floor SpeCial Recognition Received lilliston and PWClub ma will continue sswlii corresponding seeretary Lou Stokes bulletin editor Florence Blanchard and the ioliowlng committee chairrn Helen WliA lis programElsle Fitzgerald finance Margaret Stoltz pub licity and Audrey Cousins pub lic aiialrs Delegates to the lath annual conference of Business glad Professional Womens Club in Toronto last monthgav most interesting resumsoi the two days activiiies and Modtbat tiaeAiliston club received spo cial recognition as the newest of a1 clubsinthe province otwbona answered the roll call Mrs Willis has extended an Mr 3624 n9nsvwnylwlrs¥ umn1 Mr and Mrs Thomas Kerr Mr Karris director oi the Pipe Band at squadron which led the Heats in the Grand March MiissiAnnie Holder To Wed DonaldflE Burton Today leated back accented with flu bow All the attendants were head dress crowns oi blue tinted car nations and carried bouquets oi similar flowers Michael Newton oi Barrla at tended as groomsman Jini Wil gsr also at Barrie and William Mulligan al0amp Borden were the ushers neonmou Philowing the wedding re ception was held at the Masonic all in Waterloo Receiving the is the brides motherwas attired in turquoise brocade gown with matching Jacket White accessoriesand acreage of white carnauoos accented her costume Assisting the bridegrooms mother chose sheath gown ol dinty pink lace and shantung with matching shantung jacket she complemented her ensemble with white hat and arrange oi will camellia For travellihg the bride don ned brown silk linen dress wiui brocade coattiles accesw aorles were beige and brown Following wedding trip to Pennsylvania the couple will take up residence at 68 John Street Napanee Given Tea Service lit Fareivell Patty An English china tea service was presented to Mrs Sid Bird at iarawail party held by many at her Bngay Point friends and neighbors The guest oi honor will leaver the Point totaka in Orililn Nmayomh the his Bay Point residence at Mr and Mrs iDave Galloway formedthe setting ior alum Pearl invitation to hold the June meet Dobso ingln the term of picnic 3t her home Camp Borden Road TV FOB BTUDENTIi The Austraiian Broadcasting Commission andithe state edir éntlondeparthsent is introdue ingdaiiy iV sessions for sea ondarystuden our wnwl NACBUM rituntalns Nitro Mrs Helen Godyer and child ren Mrs Mary WamibaMrs Shirley Warnch and shine James hhther and GlennMrs Margo laidiiuw and Charlotte Mn ElviraWallwin ry Fielandi Leighton and bmse ireiandi Mrs Leaia son and Heather Wilfred to Mrs John Pickering senator growth Phosphorous for rootdaigellopmem and Potush for hardiness plus the Minor and pi Cobain iron Manganese Bam elements gt DINNER DANCE The annualentertainment liv en by Ys Mariette for Ys Men takes place thla evening at Clad Paylion Oriiiia The din act will be followed by dancing to music provided Bob Hun ters Band Mrs lo Howard tsconvsning the Receiv lng the guests be the Ys Menattes President Mrs Ernie Runhnm and Mr ltnnham Guests will include the Prui Essences eases seesaesai EEEE ass eras series ureh this avenipl will be Haroldllerca oi oodstock and Mr Ind Mil aPlikeypifisnty Bey ENTERTAINMENT Prinrlo the wedding oi Miss Mary Allotlsawdsley to Earl Ooehrane the bride was special guest at several entertainments Miscellaneous showers were giv en by the brides sister Mrs Earl Wu oi Duckworth Street the brides aunt Mn Garfield Burton oi Qro Station and Mrs toms Camuiers oi ivy pre sentation party was held at the ivy Community ell by cornv munityreaidents lhe eomunl ties oi ulgtaa corners and For5 ast Home held presentation case WIN rowan HERE iii mile MraneraFrsdAndest prism eisetuiismnoi on of Barila have announced Mn Etcglbahga hunch Barrie wlii tom the settin for tb weddlnl It 13 New Program Will Rehabilitate Emotionally Disturbed Children TORONTO OP pro gram to rehabilitate otionallyv disturbed dilidrnn through the usa oi untrained tor partially mined tandier moms has been outlined by ionGeorge Donahue insistent werlntendvi eat of schools at Elmon Addrcsslng meeting lthn Ontario Association for Emo tionallyDlaturbed anions Monday night Dr Donahue said theprogram involves the use oi onetonne teachers pilratio and costs about 4660 year per child gt He said the cost is slightly more than the cost in the average elementarchhool and oome iivorab with the snaps cost of $3200 or cusVr todiai care ina mental hospi tal orreddentlai treatment cen Donahue said teacher moms are volunteer mothers who have areoord oi success in raising their own children and who are devoted to the cause at sticking with the most uniovable children in the worldf Theivoluntce motheriare un paidha said when you start to pay them venistarl to lose qualily We could never begln wortb SPECIAL WEEKONLYH hitting weight Sale Pricehao Im Laurence topay them what they Ire have it done during son Games begin new pm visrr ironmean lt Mr and Mrs Don Browning have returned to their heirs Street residence allowing an ex wnwwisip MoGuinnnu era ed the trip While in Montreal the Barrie couple were gueatl at luncheon aboard the MS Eatery St Marys PTA Elect Executive lit Annual Session The annual meeting oi st Marys Parent mdiersAv sociatlon was held In St Jog sephs Auditorium MAY Reportl were read by the exe cutin and oonvenerl which in gated successful young The Spring meeting ol thaltei Iiooai CPilA will be observed June in St Josephs Auditor tum The speaker will be To Smith and his topic will deal with the New Method oi Teach his Mathematica the election oi oiiloers loch place and the new executive were niilciaily installed by Mam Clair The stats tor moon is as allows President Mrs Wilson Vice President Mr Nlahmln Secretary Mrs White Treasurer Mrs San ton Councillors Mr Man and Mrs irahan Luncheon Planned By Angus UCW The regular meeting of the Angus United Church Women was held May 27 at the home oi Mrs George Dexter Meetln opened with the theme wast lowed by reading rosponsiv psaim 743 Devotions were taken by Mrs Verna iiodgins Roll call was answered by in members Minutes at last meeting were read and adopted Treasurerg report was ven Ahsndimn will be held on June ati oclock in the church basement Mrs ltose was in charge at the study book ior May Mrs Bill irwln invited the led lea to her home for the June meeting Mrs VMeMaster will take devotions Mrs My Latlmer will be in charge at Study Boob rlhe hostess served luncheon at the closeot the meeting FREE DELIVERY ALLANDAE nauos co LTD minim Pharmacists so save storage

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