new lichen Children Toll Fa Summer Parks Program School Ito chomp in Bar rle aha wish to take part in the Barrie Recreation Commlt tees summer parks program will be able to register at their parks Friday June as trons 330 to pm Membership cards will be is sued at the park All school age children up to 15 years may register ten oi 25 cents per child or 50 min tor two or more children in tamin will be charged lha program in the parts will run from to It noon Mum dayto Friday in all parks Splash pool pronnu tor child ten lrom live to seven will be mattered In the sltemoans Becreslloo headquarters is in Queens Steer and Lion troni llto porn TORONTO mm sauna meninges ltgtlstlcsl madam on weak am last Insuri mans lit Aura It id Ban l0 Prclamd and Sloth es Cannon ind as hllnlfl Norunda llllnu Llrnltcd The Company declared quarterly dividend at 05 cents payable June is 1004 to shareholders oi record May is 1964 The Com pany previously paid 80 cents quarterly An extra at 10 cents was Enid December 10 1901 Conso dated net income tor the that quarter ot the current lo cal year is estimated at 50 cents per share it Bradford President at Noranda Minna told President oi Nornnda Mines told the annual meeting teen Mine Limited govt ara Gem Mines suited Net rar nlngs tor the ltrst quarter and ed March 31 1064 amounted to 91073000 or to cents per share as compared with SIM000 or st cents per share tor the corn arable period lost your Paterson President at Geoo Mines told the annual meeting lower grade at rulll teed and higher operating costs United Keno Hlll Mines Ltd Net earnings tor the six months ended March 31 1904 amounted to $1250000 equal to 50 cents pershare as compared with 94000 or 20 cents per share or the comparable period last year The improved earnings re fleet sharp increase in lead production and increases in base metal prices Qnsrnoot Mining Corp Ltd ltlet earnings for the first quar ter ended March 01 1904 amoun ted to $510000 or $020 per share as compared with $009000 or $080 per share or the corres ponding period lastiyaar Mscltliiisu Blocdelsnd Paw ell Elm Ltd Net earnings tor the quarter ended March 1064 amounted to 010901074 or 50 cents per share as compared with $8259970 or so cents per share tor thecomparablo 1063 quarter Net sales tor the period were $901000 compared with $70000000 for the some period lastzycar Hudson Bay Mining Ind Smel thig Co Ltd Net earnings tor the llrst quarter ended March 311900 amounted to $3042166 or $110 per share as compared 0153059400 or 5111 per share or the some period last year hwy Industries Lhnlted Net asrnlogstor the ï¬scal year and ed December at 1063 amounted to caisson or 5177 per com mon share as compared with $1900461 or $173 per common share tor the 003 fiscal year Sales tooth or amounted to $54118610 as compared withMb 017510 son the 1902 ï¬scal year circuitshes per Conrpany Limited th earningll tor lha ï¬rst quarter ended lttiardrsl IBMmounted to $030800 or cents per share as compared with 44000pr si per momma period Cash flow tor ï¬rst at current ï¬scal ear theoorresponding period last year Sales in the 1904 quarter amounted to 58000501 as com pared 1003 period Despite thodipdn newsprint shipments in the ti quartar Great Lakes Paper expects ship1 mentsrtoimpmve considerably the nthn ahead ma oil company RA Broom Jr President otiIome Oil eatilnated hetearnlnga tor otthotnrrrent 0051 Term Insurance on the best terms Plus 487158l amounted to $49950002 as on blah in lithium tortho swtm magmatic chlidrenlmm eight to 15 wilibe conducted ancestralnionoramersu oaru uooslooléi Kinslneus Pond Ind rooms Beach piny AI ottlperswlmmeror uloflwaormoralnstsinily will dinedwbapaidon the olretlstration enurdswihbeondutyat sBeadlnndsthns mens Pond trorn Jim 21 to Ieachdlytrunltod pm and horn to prn Prince oi Wales School from June to sunset 00 Dunlop us an really paid annually The initial higher dividend on both classes at stock amounting to 11 is expected to be paid July lost Aluminium Lhnllrd Nathan sel Davis President of Al uminium estimated not earn logs of his Company tor the first quarter amounted to 010500000 equal to 32 cents per common the previous lircal year Mr Davis termed the earnings im rovement encouraging and said resulted tmman improved price realization on healthy volurna oi sales Aluminum pric es were increased by Canadian and US producers esrlierthls year Canada And Dominion sugar Company Limited The Company declared quarterly vidend at io cents payabla 1004 to shareholders oi record May 1004 The Company previously paid 25 cents quarterly Industrial Acceptance lorI porstlon Limited lhs Company reported that tor the ï¬rst quan ter of the current fiscal year net earnings applicable to its common stock amounted to 01 mass equal to 89 cents per share as compared with $2101 all or 37 cents per share for the comparable period in the previous ï¬scal year John Pennetather President of lAC told the annual meeting time were 7270 fewer shares outstan ding in 1963 Oshawa Wholesale Lmlood Oshawa Wholesale plans Man split of its authoriaed and in ya ï¬gures on th the incllltles at the Edgujrsdar will To 33 one new university were dead In TwentySix Barrie Branch at the National Employment Service has spoil cations lrom employers tor peo pie in 30 categories 10 lot men and 10 or women it Lawrence manner uld today The National Eln rloymnnt Service requiras the allowing categories at workers to till needs or employsrs la Burris and area Male help is needed in the touowing cstegnrl carpenters lolly experienced butcher summer employment cooks urgently needed tarm hands urgent auto body malrmsn licence auto mechanic licenco hank clerk Grads rules clerk Grade 10 automstici scrow machine EW5 protmasl engine endow Greetings were enchanted at the HtvrPotnta the 0th IIW betweul din sued Class Aiand common shares in addition the Company has declared semiannual divi dend of 25 cents on its present Class shares Payable Jime May 15 1964 The company pre viously paid 20 cents semian anally The inward also de clared divi at 121 cents on the split shares PBYflble Da cernber 1001 to shareholders of record November 10 1904 Paciï¬c Eelmlemns Md Nei incomaot Pacific Petroleum Ltd or the first quarter ot tiï¬s year was31050000 up irons 51721000 in the corresponding period last year Earnings both periods include results Bailey Selhurn Oil and Gas Ltd which was acquired last year by Pacific Pctroleurns but was not included in the parent corn panys first quarter earrdnga in 1963 Based on 0000050 shares outstanding at March 31 1904 net income in the latestperiod was equal to 64 per cent share compared wills 5819 share in the initial three months or the 1900 fiscal year Dominion Fonndrlel And Steel Limited Ne earnings tor the itrst quarter ndcd March 31 1000 amounted $5704100 or $151 per share as compared th 54185974 oration per share for the comparable period lnE1003 Sales for the quarter pared with$423001l0 torllta same period last year Sherman President of MEW said all departments have shown significant increases In production and ship ts over llinealno period nc demand ally ao oolmta ior the marked implovoi mentstn results Ha added that this additional capacity available only during thalast nope at 1003 it snot his Has Job Opportunities categories excellent positionuh required drsnsnisn Industrial his insurance salon and salsrwoman Earnsls help it required in tbstollowialcategorluzwsluee we rut cler wpist aspen ahead Those who quality for any oi the above lob op ties are sted to tha Barrie libs cities or telephone me All students seeking summer employment are urge to rsgls rtsr at the Nonnal Employment Service ottlce torn and not so conlldent kitten More the W011 ung JIOHMMMWI rm on marine some Can Expect 1964 to shareholders at record is annanzvons or no PIVE polars thearled the homo WWW 0110 Dip In Temperature There is no immediate pros pect ot reliet from cool weath er ol the past tew days lhe forecast calls or increasing cloudiness and conth cold Many points in the Barrie area reported light least over night In lblonlo the mini mum et the international Alr port as Melton was 04 degrees Coldest place in Ontario wu Armstrong 135 miles north of plunged to undersea There is prospect of trust agaiu in Bartla tonight Synopsis low pressure area centred in nultheln Quebec tiuues to control the weather Cold air is being eedxaouth wardfrom Hudson my into on tario low pressure area nea tred in estcmTuaa is es peeted to now armordiesel raln to titersuilhwestern regions ciolliy late tonightzhioihswed by noon and venting Continuing cold Winds unit becomlngvurt is Sunday 17 Niagara halo ton Clear and cold tonight with rink of animation increasing eloudrnes 15mm wndnllsh Port Arthur where the mercury thmrniout Enatargn Canada ward and may bringsomellghtv amnion rain Simdayjatter Georgian Bay Hallbintonï¬li going Noll Bfl ear ear is eve Clear and will with lost to night lncraasln cloudiness simdsv Winds Algnma White Riven Clear mt Siniday sunny and cold llsllh Oodirane law scattered abowcis or snowflurrleabeoom tngmalnly clear tonight Sunny with cloudy periodssunday Gambling oold Wail1y on sun manual se yin so in rim Baptllt alumna Intrmant Ban1a Union Cam In this as slam oldan nuns donations would as Mountj Forest na assssasssgm VANDERSON Gesuillns sues as is nonaw smalls 7266085 notice riasrpisrtmsnror an convsmsncsaun 10 1964 Taxes is nus BY WEDNESDA JUNE 10 AFACI lTAIE LPAYMENTS THE GITVOFFIC WILL BE OPEN séssssagrsss seconds roa sirloin SCilOOl lorxbdsrgn tan scum whldi stat ln Wanner mbddnuusryssap osiru GERALD le Gerald Stone or of Elnivsla died in ihrooto 0111 Hos ptlli MI 10 Requiem Mass was celebrat ed May 13 at St Patricks moron Pbelpetoo by Father OGrady Intermentwss in St Patricks cemetery Mr stone the son at the late Joseph Stan and Hannah Han nessey was born April lain on the sixth concession ol Flor Township He lived there until 1914 and then moved to the sev enth concession living there Ini til the time ot his death Mr Stone was member at the Holy Nollie Society He wss also an ardent curler Mr Stone is survived by his wile Blrdstts son Pat at horn dsudiurs mils Mrs Larry compon Elmvsh Loretta at home brothers James Flor Russell of Meat ie Helen Mrs Grant Miller at Eimvsle and three grandchildren Dean Michelle and Karl loo Simsoa Pallbearers were Bert Mould Bait Meta word 011 61 Prnners Acu wean BETTE eanly Strength Nylon bearingsvnaver need orllng give smoother action1 ante Sister Mary Mmmmdi Mdlldsluhlerdltrs lllllliS wuusm Johnston Lawrence llsnneruy and Gerald ONeil WILLIAM room William Henry Tooth Conn tre street Beetoo died in St Michaels Hospital Toronto alter lengthy illness Born on Dec 13 1000 to Craig ville he was the sun ot the late Charles Tooth and Elizabeth Parr The lamlly Nturncd to England in rm and Mr Tooth was educated there its retum ad to Canada in 1910 and in lull commenced work with the Canadian National Railway with which he remained until his ra tirement in 1054 in 1015 it crawlerd oi lanlrtll nworhlp who predeceased him in 1005 they had one daughter Hilda who died in 1000 in late Mr Tooth married Alice Maud Kelli Bowman oi Barrie who survives the sur vivrng are two stepdaughters Ethel Mrs Weldon Elliott at Barrie an Mrs Helen Coburn 01 etc one brother Chlrlaa oi Florida Ross Eurasian who she brought along Csltlsrlna tannins Photo In loss and Mr Tooth enloyad ills with his employment and his varied interests in Earth culture and poultry raisingJar which he received surname prison at the local flower shows and Fall Fairs At the time ot his death M11 Tooth was member oi Nelly United Church Beeton Spry Lodge 305 and AM Bee ton and 10001 lodge Mr Tootha body rested at the Anderson hinersi Home lhtleo ham where the service was com ducted on May 11 by Ray Willis at Trinity United Church heetnn Burial was Beeton United Cemetery Pallbearers were Beverly lino ver Thomas Little William Watson Frederick Dermott nu wood Nichol and Jacob Sooner lon MADE MORE CHEESE WlNNlPEG CPllhe Man ioba cheddar cheese lndustlv produced 021900 pounds in 1003 an increase oi almost 100000 pounds over 1902 and rev ot soyesr decline in prodip tlon The provinces lirst cited dar cheese lactory ned in 1082 Stooowï¬ aI spwlxo tion pa pounds to 1m oeiora plunging place that has the finest GARDEN Tootsi GARDENING GARDEN SHEARS steel blades do slot with less loosen Light and strong designed for perfect balance Hollovv ground forged swordsteel blades for effortless cutting Rustresistant finish for minimum rooms inoculation SHEARS ODIEEERENTTOOLS srrcur Ininbaucronvriorrrn omen tourth pa snoooNJHsruncHAss or ANY WItKINSON root orrsn rlnssJuNssih unsn on SHEAR ANIi We monitor