raw reth Maureen rurn fr HIGHLIGHT of the blit quet was the presentation of the AliRound Card to Margar SPEAKING PiglflAY PAnlleflhd promptu marked the am birthday olplr bert George Moore of Millcutor Street tarniiiar figure around the Grey Coach Terminal for many years Mr Moore was bon cred yesterday afternoon by the staff and drivers at the Term lnai The celebrant received variety of gifts and decorated birtth cake WEEKEND GUEST bliss Ethely Elder and Mrs Martha Million of Goderlch will spend the weekend in the city as guests at Mrs Miliions son lnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs William Mchrdyand sons of Penetang St Mrs McCunli will return to Goderich with Miss Elder and Mra Million for weeks holiday BOWLING PARTY The Barrie Venture Club held bowling party at Holiday Bowl for the May Social The prize winners were Miss Carolyn Pli grini 10 pin Mrs lim Orr pin and Miss Heather Blogg Miss Dianne Smith guest for the evening was the winner of the Lucky Draw Following how ling Venturlata euioyed refresh mania at Miss Carolyn Pilgrims home with Misses Gladys Hart and Heather Blogg pctlng as co hostesses VISIT CAPITAL Mrs Don Grlgsby and Mrs Matilda Gysel of Hayfield 5L will spend the weekendliii 0t tawa where they will visit with relatives Mrs Grlgeby recently returned from thrceweeks vacation in lguneburg Germany where she visited with her per ente Mr sndMrs Gustav Eivv srs CHRISTENING Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennelt of Barrie entertained at dinner Pally following the christening of their grandson Douglas Nayiand Jennett In Bur ton Avenue United Church The party was also birthday eelo oration tor the bahysolder brother erry Dinner guests included childrens parents BrideElect rend lit Saturday Evenl Mrs Murray syie entertain ed at an afternoon lento in troduce her future daughter law Mlss Norma Elisabeth re and white es ntrepleoe white mauve lilacs ed the tea tabletimed by Ler candelehrswith lilac and Periomnlng the tee boners were Mrs Angus Campbell of hornton mother at the brid elect and Mrs Herold of lborntan at wuss centre The presen tation was made by Captain Does leit with the assistance 0F GRADUATES Donald Ernest Burton recei ved Bachelor of Arts degree at the graduation ceremonies of Waterloo University College Waterloo May 23 Mr Bun ton son of Mr and Mrs Fine est Burton Parkdaiecres cent Barrie will teach Physi cal Educationa Nepanee Dis trict High Sehno lie is gra duate of Barrie and District North Coilegiale Mullen it Bar mother Mrsloseph lennett of QuestionsEuiure 0n Regional Basis TORONTO CPlThe feasibil ity of carryi in education on regional be sis must be investigated Helen McArthur of Toronto president of the council of the Ontario glue of Nurses said nies heid by the college Monday to discuss thefuture of nursing education in Ontario Miss Me Arlhur said At the meeting we studied the best ways sati factory nursing care for On torios citizens may be en sur At present should there are 59 hospital sdmole of nurs ing in Ontario The other io hospitals in the province for the cation of nursing students educational activities can more closely coordinated in the care Miss McArthur said WHERE Iwillyou find KEEPSAKE weonmc lNVITATION in luxurious greatzrandi 0i Nurses Studies ng out future ours Commenting on meeting of Lt Ruben Pearce right Examiner Photo PEOPLE AND PLACE Henry Street Larry Jeonetl of acedtofapringtotheOf 1nthe The Little House Emblem was preceded to Cheryl Zlmmer Cooks Verna Miller Psihï¬ad sour Karen Peacock Leursins Marshall Cheryl Zlmmer Gym nast Sandy liligour Verna Miller Swimmers Karen Pea cock bursitis Marshall Linda Barron Athlete Launias Man RBLBarrianerJndMn sh ii William Mason it it Barrie DINNFJI PARTY gm of Barrie women who meet ea week over the Bridge tables got together at the Bay shoie Motor Hotel Wednesday evening for dinner party Guests included Mrs Hugh Mae donsld Mrs Earl McOrone Mrs Robert Hancock Mrs Stuart Cameron Mrs Robert Clifford Mrs Jack Still Mrs mum and Mrs Jim McDonald RENEWAL PARTY Following the rehearsal ol the bridll party of the Burtonlien der wedding Mr and Mrs hi nest Burton of Parhdlie Crew cent will entertain this main at reception at the hintinentsl Motel Kitchener the wedding at will take place Saturday aftert noon in WaterlooKitchener Un Illeil Mennonite and Water on FROM MlAWA Visiting at the home of Mrs it Wetterworth Shanty Day are Mr and Mrs Howard Mrs Wauerworths sonlnlaw and daudhter and Mira Coim ney Mchbb lfranddauditer ol the hostess of OttawaMr and Mrs owsid will be guests viiian has NO most part are involved in edn We wonder wbether their interest or evan better nursing Hostess badges were pm ted to mieryl Zlmmer Linda Palmer Diane Agnew Wendy Anderson Nancy Woods received her toymeker badge First aid badges were won by Janice Perkin Diane Agnew Sandy Kllgour Mary Jane Inwe Verna Miller Leuralne Marshall Karen Peacock Nancy Woods Cheryl Zimmer une Barron received her tw year service star Pieces of Blue Mountain pol Estes and IA Pearce at the Officers Spring Ball at the Barrie Armoury sve SPEND HUMMER HERE Mrs ll Haynes oi Manchest eriglandiainthsdtyto spend the simmer with her son lnlaw and daughter Mr and Mae Thomas Kerr of William St This is Mrs Hwnu second trip to Canada the visited with her dauditer in 190 Mrs Hayn es will aooorrmany Mr and Mrs Kerr to the Oflicera Spring Ball at the Barrie Armoury this evanlng Piniifis mono wvanmrms OF All KINDS rave MANY Manna LINCvaqu oAHiias PERENNIALS GlADIOlI Sirius onNroN as too mvnirnzark ers Verna Miller Sandra Kil tery were presented to Captain 51 Wm dull timing II an bessandgliesyts thuyuis theballhsibeen this coe Foresters associate meni sta Wm aannrhanQHMEYeFï¬ awnm4 vs Jules will add Ball to lieheld or ofï¬cers of dw an annual event and was called the June Ball but elnee the dance was usually held in the month at May the name was no longer appropriate new panic ie not the only than to be introduced at the bell TbisGyear for the first of sdron the Pipe Band eoe Foresters will lead eats rand MumSign Heglm entsl Bend pro vide the dance music from 10 oclocktto ans otllcer and his wife Also in the receiving line will be Mr and Mrs Snrigrove and Prui denl of the Mess MahdiLi Boyd Attes the receivln line cocktails will be served the Officera Meat LADIES GOWNS Mrs Snelgiove willwear short summer fonual oi lur ouoise and white chlfion the bodice is led with beteau nedrilnel ngtoadeep Via the hack topping sheath akin weer sinsliner white accessories Mrs Dixons gown oi sea green imported silk blend log to shades oi gold will be complemented by shoulder cor sage of miniature white care aliens An organss gown of navy floorlength sheath in gold and cream pesu ds role will be worn by Mrs Toni Kerr the high sounded acckhne ol the dreasfalls to low square at the back She will complanent herI ensesnbie with told accee aor El Mrs Marcel Racine will of the secretary of the Mess will don floor length sheath of much blue brocade The fit ted bodice of the gown is design edwlth blind neckline and tiny shoulder straps She has chosen white accessories to com plement her Issuable ialiin iw°m so it pesu de sole and white brocade will accentuate her dark hair and ï¬den tan The bodies of the is is dulgned at new de sole and features soft rounded neckline The bel abaped skirt is while brocade Mrs Wayne Stewart plans to wear short while gown lash ioned of The fitted dice haa tiny straps and the bellshnped skirt is designed with tiers of lace FOR PERFECT PROTECTION YOUR CALL with coin STORAGE vautrsv IN BARRIE AND DISTRlCT STORE wieeius runs 72844868 FOIt lROMPTVPICKUP AND DELlVEltY fashioned of to while and yellow nylon The white nylon bodice features an esnbsotdered pstlern over and is deal boat neckline lo the back RonPtie has chosen slimmer formal to while flowered print patterned roses Illldliilll from light If er corsaga be of white caroallons Mrs Wallis plans in wear summer formal ot floral rint Aseli flower at the waist the gowns only accent Honor President Oi Alter Guild ltev Joseph Moiitorls awe guest greater at the meeting of the Altar Guild ol the Little eren Cimch of the Good NIH herd held May It at the church Mr Moiitoris topic was the work and activities within the church which took place during the past year Following short business no alon social tune was held in honnr of the President Mrs hingore who is leaving the clot take up residence near Ken ora Mrs Moore presented Mrs Rinmu with In and saucer in appiecietlon or the sir tinted thoroughly it motions however addd3 ovesbosrd on wbstiee promising lobe romance is your birttteuy your horoscope indicates plepsnt ouuook for megeit plannod and cloudy managed Im especially the vale ing Job and family also creative pursuits Avoid speculation ever No dramatic rise in yarnn clai status is promised for year On the contraryg possible in July August and next Jenuary omild be easel if you dont conserve and plan with the future in mind gene ning with April of nestyear however you can look for an opnuge in monetary nutters the aspects are good when person relationships are con cerned so you should find the next is months propitious for cultivating new friends for Eomanoe mascots usnilvilties My mon these lines Jilly October Mil next May gt You may be surprised st some token of appreciation for past efforts which should be forthcoming in late October or late DecemberF uneasilyif you an creative worker but all have good chances for ice ognltion during these periods child bornon this day wil be endowed with line nuanc fuel powers and gift for imb ing friends easily valuable service and bobs has cohtrilued ho chineh life Among those attending lb meeting were Mrs it Eckhardl Mrs it Russworm Mrs Joseph Molitoiia GillIrma specialise lll hullsize DRESSES EEATHRINO Heavenly conduit and coolness for your summer look Evangelines famousiname collection of str strap bras Stretch strap bras stay in placewont slip or cuttan be worn to accommodate variety hf neckline and havethe addulcoinfort and coolness of lovely low backs and light weightiahrics We inviteyon to come in foryour fitting of these famous stretch strap bra styles that are just part of our wonderful collectionin foundations for summer wear comic stretch strap an inï¬mmne tine cotton While at jzssata ss on punter er anon moist