Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1964, p. 2

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wrr wrm vrmrvp rm MCanadiin unanimous no Ramadan who look so healthy this process of athero sclerosis begins to be laid down The average man In America settles down at about 15 to ills of yslcal indolenca though tea with great dervous activity in his profession or bar incu In the third ago to to 50 the bounds tolerated earlier be gin to ripen into heart attacks and strokes But there is an antidote throw mlddlcaged illness Dr White decism And what MARCO PAULO People Often Gullible Records Clequy Indicate There is surprising number of gut lible people in the world This is evi dent from the number of people who lose money to smoothvtalking gyp art ists by those who play long shots and hunches on the races and the stock mar ket and other who buy sweepstake tick ets all their iivgs and never win any In comment on this subject the Kingston WhigStandard recalls that once upon time in the army just about every recruit was tested for his gulllbil ity One of the favorite games among the old sweats was to tell the new comer to draw bucket of slot from the quarterrnasters stores an paint the last oat variation was to take shove and dig holefor the same As we recollect not without some ersonal embarrassment many recruit spent the bettergart of day searching for someone could tell him where to find the last post Exaggerated guliibility Not bit of it the writer declares and last anybody believe that people are too so bisticated to fail for such practical jo es today perhaps recent incident in Morgan YEARS AG tForest Wilson lodge of l8M by train Queens prelt DOWN orner Lilia YMCAs bysix delegates Editori town West Virginia will serve to pull him up short radio announcer in that town durv ing regular broadcast warned his lis teners to cover their telephones With hgavy towels or sheets betcaflusu the tele one com anywass prln cleaning arefully he lained tbagt the company periodically ows out its lines spraying clouds of dust and soot out of the receiver and that using the telephonein the next hour might re suit in black faces Needless to say the date was April and the announcer was just having some fun But the company wasnt particularly amused for it re ceived hundreds of calls protesting the impossible not the announcers sense of humor People are gullible indeedperhaps even more so ln Morgantown Wed hate to think what field day confidence men would havethers if this incident is any indication of the citizens cred ulity And politicians must have an easy time of it during election cams palgns for obviously there are many people there who would believe any thing saloons John Marks Barrie imple ment dealer disposed of carload of sep arators and ranges in one day at New Lowell The Robinson House at Big ay Point opens for season next week Cornerstone laid at Craigvsle Pres an Church 35th Simcoe For Regiment will camp at Barrie fair ds June 28Ju1y 10 Barri ade arranged better service with CPR Pasesnger trains from West ern Canada will now stop on flag at Utopi Jim Barry typical western his brotherBillin Barrie this week He will demonstrate his skill at cowpunching tonight at ir grounds Allandaie will be repreEented atSt Louis Missouiti conventi ii iii Railway TheLaurier Liberal nt Ottawa has been on th defensive its Iicy of refusing inve gation and def gpubiic opinion ha been maintained more than ever housecleanin peratl were fined atCraigvalecourtb Magi trates Warnioa and Black for using im Mrproper language on the Kiring High lrlntty Church choir directed nail presented Evensong at St Allandal Solosvwere rend Arn ma Won medals éduating Ontarr College of Pharmacy buster from Billings MontariahTo wadoirorniotodflwlildeeido what will happen to us in the next two ages so to so and than so and bayopd Young men are not immune from heart attachBy age their arteries contain deposits oi cholesterol and into Coronary artery disease takes aboiit one in of all Canadians who dis between the ages of 15 and so and almost one in iorir of all those whose lives and ba twcca 35 and 40 WM ili comer en our ends and the need for food da other but the old habit oi hull lood intake continues After sdioolirlg most young men drop out of team sports and 1sz have lob calling tor heavy work lhese are also the years when the smoking habit becomes fixed so that our man sequins tha grim triad so com mon sinoog us eating too richly and too much sittlolgntoo much and exercising too tie and smoking too heavily MARRIAGE DANGER PDINI second danger point cornea mifonl rir Pi youngmeon on better but and in there lock time or money to continue regular exercise lake home pay rises with promotions and seniority but takehome poundage can also creep up it last call is put upon muscular energy and more is put on brain power and dsci slon making Labor raving tools and devices are very fine th but what do you do with the salyingal ll 1M any young men it our most rapidly in thefi 10s and 30s Half of Canadian men up at least lo per cent our desire able weight when they are only 00 years old One fourth add 20 per cent to the pounds they were carryan when first able to vot With youthful years being time senaralgood health most young then never seek physical checkup or readings on blood pressure blood cholester ol or incipient diabetes With time the young or tour or 50th btrthdaysnniversa rise come along This is time concussion inrlly there has een acti nd goodjaction water Etté ii in both an the heart attacks unless they hava lived sensibly More danger flagr begin lisp plog at this time this such la is resigntion to the idea that heart attack is tnsvitatzis mag internith causs or up ity While we may inherit some ulscsptibllltlcs to high blood pressure or high dioleatcml or diabetes the outcome depends how wa live to give them slices to be waive or to blunt those risks Iliskai My Ilia is iuii oi there says one middleagar mart Ha irrlglit but this same man provides insurance against risks and as tire and automobile accidents By rniddla age most men have gained weight lengthening belt spans at heavy risk at reducing life spans Carrying this extra weight around might be considered bitwof exercise in way Dr White remarks though Its bit hard to bend down The iat under the skin is nottha real problem its the iew ounces of fat accumulating in dangerous placeain the arteries In the third stage of lilo he adds much oi the disease that has been slowly building up he comesapparent by symptoms signs or sudden dea Hecathft whom bottom spend upon happened not in childhood but in tha yours 20 to Be sidea physical fitness in child hood Dr White urges physical fitness in middleage You can eat heartily on diet lower in saturated fats and oh ostarol without overdoing on uh cries and you can lose weight sreby You can seekbctter physical condition recovering the young feeling of being lit alert and Vigorous But of course dont rush olf into some sudden and intense change or habits Youciin work gradually at activities you like to restore the verve andendurancs you once and the sense oi physical well being and atdyour arter sisir riiollollr lbe gilt of God is eternal life through Josuscbrht our hid Romans ms Away with human striving of far grayer average risk at book to Jesus and live WaterSystem NeiiiMove Govt to experts that the prdvince would have to take over directly to meet the problem The existing policy has been cedt will build pipeline from Lake Huron to London Aod it will sell water to munl clpalities along the roots at Thlsisani on trombone of tho mostsigniflcsnt is government Foul young Irini lmen And nowwater will be Till hasnt ed knowing the way our muni ol itier with their verse inter ests and outlooks ardly ever can loin to ther it never would plied by the water resources clomirdssion another pu utll catch up to Hydrolu in But still dayllt wt The commission may never gt lhls situation Hobarts home town turned the tabl And newlys practical Wat wzgu sun we yzMwmrvevrvmaerq pyramids monomer lUIMWA The is and your heart in tbs process The key is Iortart new habit that undermines and rqllaeea the old deadly habit oillie We seem to delightlln the absurd balls that we must avoid drains either physical or men tal that we must pamper our selves and not walk upstairs or work physically hard or more tally either whereas on oc casion the midnight oll should be burned Dr White says Early retirmsnt too short week at work and other seem ingly wonderiul attractions may penalise our arteries unless we are carotid he and others warn Many intelligent men in all walks oi life thinknothlng of continuing in their 70s to row plfitmnis climb mountains or vi many miles daily And they continue to be more msmslly alert than if they were sitting in an armchair waiting for an end to their retirement in life Morrow Hearts and Wo 00nd iroin Your Heart Has time yes published by Prentice Hall copyright 1001 by Alton Blakcsleel Paris Delegation lias New quarters rials or we pro manart ddegalim in Paris is moving to new quarters early in 1865 Its present offices on the Rue macho opened in 1001 have been sold to French corruiany for about twice the price originally paid by the Qunbec government and the tundsthus obtained will roughly cover the move to larger prem ilfis at so Rue Eugolese near Etolle lhs building on Rue Barbel deJouy once belo ad to the Murat princes lbe ebec gov ernminit obtained it for 3200000 and between $0000 and more was went on ranodclllng it the new offices have dozen additional rooms and pflklnt sperm for in cars Strongseli abla to rs in Grade 9W lion from dty hamW an dupe Iorkcn KERLb raewWrmrm 300 madeoamflatale for on or our oil Mr Hon considersory tall he recently found availabletiot Duids farmers ever 80 Mn Ibsrbortsgaoiiarm told inaccsildbemetwg migration Ha himseli harlot milked in ms in MI and now raising cattle and wheatpn his acrel hirer between an and helper They have workut him for an average or is Ibidi emphasises his pod nosi tile as an employer am convinoedthstahlari Ind working well in an eighthour not hoary Calgarian cabloct minister is no atrsnger to farming millionaire ranclier and farmer himself he knows the subject fmm the hiredhand to the price of cattle He has ready tongua to ex fires his wellinformed ideas at in his parliamentary salad days he was ultidsed for say ing lbs right thing in the wrong way Starting his career In fed eral politics last year on the top rungas cabinet minister he aiiiiered irvrn rookyitls in his ear days in Parliament But performance latterly is regarded on Parliaan Hill as making him an outstanding candidate ior the award for the most improved cabinet minis HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Harry Hays said that todays average farm represents an in vestnient oi more than 360000 This includes 300 acres which la the smallest unit that can be farmed economically and build ings and mechanlsed eqrup merit combine coats 010000 or so and this is essential to replace His dlaa aring iarm help one and canto oper ator Harry Hays considers using welldesigned machinery can do the work of five farm helpers using their hands Most young people who would like to take up farming as lifetime career lust havent got that kind oi capital to flnanm their start the minister says they are forced to borrow and the bonnet terms mlaht be 10year payoil at five per cent interest or higher Thus the farmer Ir payinl out 15 per cent on his 560000 investment or $9000 per year which is crippling There should be fi duadilrvuasmuch asamay through labour anym be told me Farrpm must not miss the competition with ii dustrlal Soils and think in tennl two it irh III III 0M D1 cl dossdown in the plith oi Willi lair PM uguose gran his farm and iolind them cacti Ha ruggsata that Canadian farmers mid wellreuuit from those countries and from ww Tirolnations of western ope dont now want to ba their iann labor drawn oif tho lbcrian peninsula and hi loo have surplus labor What about our Canadian employedl asked him litany oi these might well be lufld to the land it farmers otter them living and working condition mlcblns those anloysd Harry Hays own ariiploy bed and board plus $150 per month tor single men moch em home iree iarrn producer and MOWM oar yeari married men TODAY iii lilsronv Syriann rinse any old former president South Korea lied with wila irom Seoul to Hondlul four years ago today losetor an indefinite uty itnanoe mlnlsttr cased hlrn of misappropri sting 3000000 in foreign exdiangs during his three terms as president amended his charge to Apr proprlatlog 0000000 with outpiopcr procedures EDITOR LIQUOR 0m Dear Sir As supplement to the ques tion of more liquor openings would like to submit the allow ing sth When was on night duty at the Hospital For Sick Children Toronto stopped by the ward on which friend was nursing since we usually had breakfast together Going towaid her came to an abnlpt stop in the room and last in nine were two lltti rla swatbedin bandages an nearly defying dcv acriptlon On our wayout rny friend told ms of their injuries The less severely wounded had an arm thorn of its flesh lrom elbow to wijlst besides multiple other in juries Her twinaister was im possible besidey bad leg irac tures she had bead Munch hall the brain matter removed was in convulsions and ii dead While leaving we kirls lather walk to don the room his big shoulders pad in the most dejected her have ever seen tor The cause of the accident drinking father whose car dnnly went out of control through his misindgment pl ing into ditch The mother also was victim rent to adult hospital Yet this is just onslsolated case in tbelarge lists of accl gents or anguish caused by log Perhaps this cevera incident willrcausa soma oi us to think about the safety and barn at our families when voting gardlng more ileum oprailog Wu advertisements ions men haves Shanty Bay It ader ewrey was ayoror been elected Edition on June ries oidsti

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