0me nv new Viiiéh°lhivdafisodéo nelent writers were aware of the evils which could befall men who lndulxedtoo heav ily too frequently in alcoholic beyensu The need for such warning is even more nec hv VViolence wary indexProverbsnm as Jesus warns of tbs punish meat awaiting those who lead children astray either by an ample or teaming Cldldren have His special protection Rocks tIoronto Plant TORONN CF Violence broke out Friday after strik ing union local selected the terms of an agreement endorsed hy its international officers 21yearold nonunion foun worker was taken to hosph ia alter he was attacked by so angry strikers when be com pleted shift at the American ifstandard Products Limited plant in another incident an no identified striker was taken to hospital complaining that he had been pitched through the window of shank by fellow workers iiie nonunion worker Ron aid hiscDonnell iilcrae of heap hy Brampton suiierad pos lvllbie broken spine John Joseph Thchee 57 of Tomato was chsrged with assault causing hodiiy harm and police said lather charges might be laid Heirs MEN snnow nut The striker involved in the send incident said he was slope in shark when two men waited in picked him oil the around and tossed him through the window while several strik iersacross the street looked on The agreement which would have settled the fourmonthold strike was signed by rWhastlcy international presi dent of the Brotherhood of less CLC and the inte ttonii vice president €Ciawges after three days of discussion with company offi cisis it calls ior return of 175 strik ars within to days but provtdes Cthat some of those who replaced the strikers will be retained as part of an expanded work force Wage increases of about 17 cents an hour are provrded for those whose job do not come Ewitidn the scope of arnew incen tive system cLarMssrnsour Clflming they had been sold out liyMr Vheatley members 1of Local 231 said the incentive pay system would cost them 82 cents an hour in wages while ey would be forced to work inn LANDERS Plus Skilled Dear Ann banners What shall We do about our lsyearold slaughter Last year Josephine ajtarted to run around with 19 yearayid boy udioworked the night shift at filling station down the street The boy is no load husband and both told Josephine dozen times that she sriust not see him but she used io sneak out the bedroom win tdow at midnight and even later Mos my husband had to go down to the station and bring erhorne cash register and torginghis boss name to cheques We were relieved when they earn had got him osephine is taking this aw haivi Her appetite is poor and site eriesall the time learned this morning that she hsdbeen sleeping in the dress sti5wore the last lime she was iti him Shesays it smells of gasoline and route This girl is out of trot and has been for ti ftisoe She needs the skilled iidp or piofmlonai counsellor dSTiE needs it Csil tity health department for side by side with strikebrelh art Donald Rondo puhlic rela4 tions oliicer for the local said union delegates from the seven Americanstandard locals in the United States will arrive here today for meeting with local oiilclals Sunday Govt Plans UN Peace Force OTTAWA CF The Cane dian government is already planning new moves aimed at forming an international peace keeping force before the iirst step has been taken lniermed sources said Friday The first step will be con ierence here within the next two monthsprobably in Julyoi representatives of Canada The Netherlands Denmark Norway Sweden and Finland to ex change views on creating an in ternational ioree specifically for United Nations service when called upon Alter that the government plans to call conierenee of all nations which have participated at one time or another in UN peacekeeping operations These would include not only many countries from Africa South America and Asia but also Communist Yugoslavia which contributes troops to the UN force in Egypt itrime Minister Pearson has said he hopes that eventually every continent will be repre sented in the force T0 EXCHANGE VIEWS the six countries which will be represented at the meeting here this summer all have car marked military uniLs for UN duty they will exchange informa tion on the raising and equip Parental Control ping of such units and discuss Help three of my good friends with whom he has had affairs was so shocked at his lack of in tegrity that it made me iil iveelosed the door on that part of my life for good but how can be sure he will not gossip about me as he did the others Thank youbessonbenroed Dear Learned You cant be sure but you can hope that man with nihig mouth Vwill not he believed damaged reputation is often he the result when people operate outside the framework of be havior that is acceptable in oin society You say you have learned youriesson and hope its true Consider yourself fortunate ihe prr you paidis relatively modest measured aghinst the number ofwosnan who have lost everything for doing the same thing emanrsnamai Dear Anntandem My pan ents are fine lit9ian limited means My husband are wciitodo and veniana it oiesrthat they sic nothing in eonunon wltirmy arean so we do not have them over to gether lour little girl who is flammabla liquids they said there are no recog stnictlon of such containers and breaking the law wwupflmg gtmgwtrr rivers Miabic symptom at the mine mmoiept dependence on Vlaereivmpalmosttohoaida mt tom he says they will holy n9 moinit our 14 Paul outlines the life of true believer citing heiiavior which is unbecoming Chris tlsn if we fail to providejor vanish from our though livesRomane il aiiould not ittdgs other believ ers iii such matters as diet fsith identiï¬esus with Girist andsainsui Gods kingdom Romans Iii TEXTrPinverbe on son administration nnsiu taidltwill donated Start Talks MONTREAL Repu leotativu of it Hit lime and tiiesufmrs niernatiooal Union of Canada God will start contract talks involving most of Canadas Great Lakes and coastal seamen this month it was amounaed Friday ihe announcement from the SN and Greater billion one oi the federal board of mari time trustees who is in merge the problem associated with putting such units into the field The six will also discuss which countries would provide what mine at unit and equipment for an international force and command structure for it External at rs Minister Martin at the NATO council meeting at ilie Hague liesday urged more NAN backing for UN peacekeeping operations He said the experience in prus shows the value of organi slngstandby contingent for UN SElVlCe Fire Marshals Suggest Ban 0n Fireworks OilAWA CWUniform en orcement legislation Canada on sale and use of the works is recommended bylthe Association ol Canadian Fire Marshals This was among resolutions passed at this weeks closed an nual meeting here the associ ation reporth Friday it noted without comment that the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs has suggested ban on sala of fireworks in Canada in another resolution the marshals urged that use of plain tie and glass containers forlo flammabla liquids be prohibited moluded twould be approved type plastic and metal contain 8T8 They said it is being adver tised that plastic containers are suitablerfer the handling of in However nized standards for the mn that many on the Canadian market are made of combustl ible material with low melt lng point StrikersTry To Stop Train GEORGETOWN Ont GP Strikers placed themselves on railway tracks Friday nightto stop CNN locomotive from picking up four loaded boxcars at the Smith and Stone Limited electrical manufacturing plant re One man throw himself in front of the engine but was car ried out of the way by ONT police The locomotive withdrew alter group of women then sat on the rails few of the strikers swung wildly at police They tensea to move even after FrankDaly assistant regional manager of the United Mine Workerstoi Arn erlca ind said thay3weto Last Saturday Hie strikers whnwalked oiftlieirJeba early April demands sa said ltwlii be the firsttime the poridrlepemioa plah the firms will luvs formed united first ever audit for shipping host in negotiations Industry workers in Canada EARRACUDA PERFORMAle Bernardo pram that this is the space agetSlantSix or booming V78 power up hootin back i44 sq it 01th lastbask rear view You make your choice from high speed transmissions Mmtlal 3specd antemata andï¬ truthsdoor Bermudas backseat foidsdewninseoonds to ot carpeted stnwdge areal Room for Spelt clubs loottallpaSsengerswnstretdsontm caseiNosportsbuiicverhsditthisroomyi laid 1DAYSAWZEK OLILMIIJI mama room mnmiuisavanaaas ï¬shing polareven men so SPARE Besides menacing parole earpuedtrunuahin gui ppto In maintain lockable compartment has pie moor weekend or 1meurlbï¬ï¬ï¬08tolm sod oornifllllonl in Ontario lie