my arawmmm coerr noNona run cats and pins were received by than in this Sounds at Hi gisis homemaklng club adriewmant day Stroud Achievement buy homIetteleiandsliooae Holly cno Anne Ellael Stmud No lab Mala Beetty Thornton No Club Goldie Keunen Simud No hwoneheoues We should have mi con amountsapent by this committee Reeve Coch tlhiofth Tender ofMtller Construction wasaccepted farbasie mater ials needed for priming and chip surfacing of 10 miles of town ship roads The Miller prion on oilwsazncentsagallnnoillng Brings 4H Top Awards STRDUD Staiit Kathy lmemheroiStroudNo2 Club to the girls homemak hg program for South Simeon was the only girl receiving pro Vindni honors at the achieve geot day held here in the com unlwhaii Saturday Kathy re solved her diploma from Miss Jean Scot litirooto supervisor were made These went to Ar lena Beatty Thornton No duh Lynda Moore Holly Cluh Gerdia Ketmen Stroud No Club Anna asses Stmud Na it Club and Jana Sander ihoro top No Club County honors certificates and pins are award ed to each girl who aatlsfact ily compieta six dliferent pro at Junior iixtnnsioo Ontario De is partmeot oi Agriculture pro vinclal honors certificate and pin go to each girl who com Lifetes lz dltierent projects sat actorily Five county honors awards Home economist for South Simcoe and Dutierin County Mrs Bette Miller Ailiston pre sented the county honors Aa sisttrlg Mrs Miller with the days program was home economist Itmior Partners Entertain British Visitors May 1529 By KEIKH McRUER Agricultural Rep South htrnooo ALLiSTON Effective July 1964 the provincial subsidy an agricultural limestone will only he paid on iimstone used tolls with pH at 62 or lower it will be necessary to submit soil analysis indicating this and subsidy of cents too per mile will be paid up to maximum of 53 Fr too alveolar DELEGATE Rodger Fletdrar ot England will be guest of the South Simcoe Junior Farmers from itiaylstozsdurlngawurot this province which he is making with other Juniors horn Eng tandilawillbostsytngpartof the time in the county with John Van Dyir president at the hon Junior Farmers Rodger hopes to study some oattle iat toning units and potato growing while in this county andwa hope no show him some of these er terpristz while in South Shoppe HUMOR AT HOME lhe South Simcoe Junior Far mers held their annual At Home dance in the immunity Centre in Allister iafl Friday night number of inrmer Jun sible for pubiicib mmmlttee will be respomtbie for long distant planning on site and arrangements for same on com cause Six dllferent varieties of seed turn was passed out to the 4H Corn club members at the thi ierent areas included were Pride Coop 0105 Deiieih DeKaib 45 Warwick 76 and Pioneer anal Fertilizerrequirements plant spacing and insaot and disease control were discussed with the manners at their May meetings War Pensioners Seek Govt Aid calrho War Canada Sammy the federal gov unmentto huild convalescent hospitals for tips eatsot aged inr Farmers were back to enjoy hospital the fellowship and good time midst the present day the coming the Queen was damn born the five Prim nesses eadrliunior Farmer Club in tha booty Joan Kneeshaw as Miss hitti WilliJuniorFarmerWasaowm ediand presentedwtthahtxs ofredmaesiheoomndt oust hectare to be commended tort well planned evening with Ioveilye iloos termed around $31019 wove macs warn the international plow Match tattle film sooncommie vitao dratamemngtblsï¬ast John Black of Burlington president or the association sax otivabednarespaceoosts Mrs Marlon Nohlatoo Theme oi the achievement day was Cotttm Accessories far the Bedroom Club exhibits ill duded articles made by mem bers timing the musesuch as dresser scarves bedspreads gown up ash its and artlb iratlon in judging clasarsphlgh igltted the morning roaram The girls voted on action of projects for the spring oi 19 Mrs Miller introduced the club eaders Montgomery tltla prm urdllii Mrs John Mrs Ronald Ai Gllford Mrs and Mm Grenville Hughes Ho 1y Mrs Fish witlberespon aodtheothar Im don iii and Mrs Nelson Wat son Stroud Mrs Craig Hunt er and Mrs ViCkle Hamilton ï¬mdfliymrgeilyames Ross and re Thornton iï¬nlrheiner ande Ray Napiergjnd Thornton Mm Reid and Mrs one There were 00 members in the nine citlhs represented who com pleted this protect Prosentation at club exhibits was ieeture of the afternoon program Cotton Accessories for the Bedroom was the topic by Karen houtch oi the Defroy club Danna Jean Watson oi Strand No club and Arlene Beattyihomtoo No club Linda Moore narrated the Holly clubs presentation Four clubs Stroud No Churchill Thornton No and Knock participated in club demonstrations and skits Cot ton accessories for the Bed room and Selecting Materials and Colors for Bedroom Aceess urine were the topics they il lustrated This achievement day was the second of three of the spring series in South Simcoe The third one will be held at Stayoer Collegiate institute May 23 MECCA HEALS sons soothrip Antup oi roads costs approitlmately $900 per mils and dripped sur face rinse to 8000 GRAVEIJ CENTRACT Schwlodi construction Comp any were awarded the contract tor crushing and delivery of gravel tohe placed on township roads this year sure as stock piling oi gravel and sand The delivered price to roads and tovbtilship yards is 12 cents per on decision was made to pur chase bulldozer to replace the one burned at the township garb age dump recently Aiter inspeo tion of machine at Barrie dealers yard on offer at $1 050 was accepted The mach ine has had two years less ser vice than the previous one The old maehine will be salvaged or parts GOLD CORD GUIDE felt honored to have been noaof the invited guests pres eat at Stroud Community Hall Friday evening when Girl Guid es and Brownies assembled trom Bell Ewart Stroud Alenoa Beach leiroy and St Paul nrvraroN COMM15810N ER Mm LillianvGracey Ear gtrle Pamela Beatty recip tent of the gold cord the TONIGHT ruasnav AND wen ROXY ago €223 lflhhhtlllmgddlwbecmm am am an old tor the vBrowniea and went opp totha Guides MH tha shits portraying Pams work from Brownie to qud Cord status Mas Lillian Gracay Division Commissioner read the rumor voi Pams achievements an pronounced her eligible to receive the bone orwhlch was presented Mrs Joyce Halsey group iea er Mrs Alice Booth was MC for the evening Pamela thanked all whoirad hflJfld hertn her Guide work iii 33 ii iii en ass re lowing the wmnlrgwï¬ne and Go as too song fmm thur circle on the floor They were led by Mrs Booth Over to parents members and visitors enjoyed bullet lunch alter the ceremony in cluding Reeve and Cochlt sane and Rev and Peter Trent of St Paul Anglican Church innislll ROGAHON SUNDAY Bogatim Sunday was observ ed at St Pauls Sunday morning wlth blessing of seed and soil and prayers for the elements that help to make auccesslul arvest Meat girl guide honor and Mrs Joyce Mniaey right at the presentation made in ad lay evening ONE EVENING snow EiciiMANN or 115 SEOQKAT 995 OPENS no noon to stem stilt YWVE nmsuuaargnst wwmmm nurALeznooaawnutq BAHAMTUHNIR fluent ibe next at meeting of thme owned is set for June taughtan Robert Bo carhert has resigned as secretary manager ot the Ontario Federation of Ag rieul His saturation holt comes effective May in makingtha announcement President it Musgrava paid warm tribute to Mr Cur berta competence and ability secretary manager and to the valuable contribution he has made to the agrlcoluual indus try and term organisations Boh Cnrhert Joined the flail oi theOntario Federation of Agriculture in April 1962 as dis ector oi lnionnatlon ieb nlary list he sun edil Arbuckle as secretary man agar at this organization which repéesenla 100000 farmers in no Before joining tile OFAMr spent several years in Ottawa as director at farm thin and assistant secretary at the Canadian Federation ot Agriculture not eno ooor eyes were available more than 1500 at Canadas 15000 hlind persona miart have the chance of re gaining their vision BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND Phone mm BARRIE Uphoilterlng is than Boni neaa Not Just sideline 65 BRADFORD 5T Harriette Maura Neonatal nots WERECit son ohm tarnu THE DEATH flail Ml AWWMKEEVENNIGIITI Private Stock ran inner MonanN DRIVEN Nears owmom when it comes to wedding gowns CANADIAN RYE WHISKY memrMAmrMMVMZZ viiioiir SHIRTS evening snows an 700 and to snowman onionnon eon ran some The anmnsvutm morons or nae auto