Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1964, p. 1

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finWUpmrv 96 WV Continuing toupand with BarrieandSiasooeCouU 100th Year No PRIME MINISTER PEAR dON and Finance Minister Gor don walk down light oi stairs leading to tbe House oi Commons where the report oi the Royal Commission on Banking and Finance was to bled Friday The report sets Farris Lawyer Files Appeal TORONTO CF Vancou ver iinancler Ralph Farm 53 was sentenced Friday to nine months detlnite and three months indelarrniuate on con viction oi perjury Mr Justice Dalton Wells indicated he did art agree with the jurys ver have to impose sentence rite irrespective at my own views said Mr Justice Wells who could bane sentenced Far ris to two oi up to is years What has led me not to make the sentence more se vere he said lsrthe iact oi the very casual nature ol the question and the very casual nature of the answer It seems me potlury at minor na ure Tbe question referred to by Mr Justice Wells was asked oi ti llction Sought Farris during an Ontario gov ernment Investigation in 1058 The Nor ern Ontario Natura Gas pres dent raid in answer he did notwhnow who received block oi H000 NONG shares The allmale Jury iound Far ris guilty Thursday oi one charge oi perjury but acquitted hlm oi the second Mr Sedgwick illcd notice ap peeling the conviction and had ball act Mr Justice Arthur Kelly oi the Ontario Court oi Appeal set ball at $10000 cash or property with two suretles under the condition that Farris would not leave Canada Meanwhile Attorney Gen eral Arthur Wlahart said in the legislature that further charges are being considered in connec tion with NDNG stock transac onl To Improve Plight 0i Eastern Farmers OTTAWA CPlAivin llnmll ton called on the government Friday to take some drastic ac tion to improve the plight oi Eastern ianners Many oi them he declared are living in circumstances no better than city slums The farmer Conservative ag riculture minister said there is report prepared under his ad ministration to months ago that is shocking in its signifi cance lie challenged Agriculture Minister Hays to produce it and show the rest oi the nation the desperate condition at term families in Eastern and North ern Ontario Quebec and the Maritime There were two main prob lem areas in agriculture today gflre Eastern farmer and the dairy situation But the govern ment had shown itself to be in capable oi coping with them Mraflamiiton MP for QuAp cit Accident Scene Man Charged ransom Ont iCPlliarris Ontl was charged Friday with leaving the scene accident which peilc spoke as the Commas opened its study at the agricul ture departments spending pro gram ior the 106005 tiscal year Mr Hays introducing the $100000000 batch of estimates saidhe is stressing the dev opment oi research and ways to speed its application to prnc tical iarming think the importance of re search and its contribution to agriculture is widely under stood and appreciated herald But it was equally important tiratresearch be brought as closely as possible to the iorm ing community which it is de signed to serve Harold Winch NDP Van couver Eastt complained that neither the Conservative nor Liberal governments hasbeen able to come up with real na tional term policy Instead they had useda bitsand pieces encroach resulting in subsidies plied upon subsidies ot Lonl manor Wight 3a of an liamilton man was killed Thursday night Dismiss Charge lindinst Parker ilAMiLTON or as former heavyweight boxing chem ion missed in against George Parker Canada was dis Nine Teenagers InjuredBy Truck psilaws car tiy seriously mesa truck at nearby Picker gers were inlured hone appar night whentbay warahlt by small while walking homeirom rear zoo Killed In Landslide on remand theaters disndalidewhich guiied coliiinhn can rspo rea Bahia Abou 00 persons were tossed ytllag in eastern Brezlly1ae today irom coastalztowo at leit onihe eastern oalaityren the stage for parliaments once decade overhaul oi banking and ilnancial legisla tion CF Wirephntcl Doctor ildmits Wifes Suicide coouswua om cma 55yearold physician told cor oners Jury Friday that he lied to police in an attempt to hide his wifes suicide two months ago and had burned note she cry returned verdictv of suicide in thadeath ofM John Gear 32 last Feb 31 in the Gear home at nearby Clark aon Thronto suburb The jury was told she died irom ma slve overdose ol barbiturates Dr Gear who told the Jury of his iiveyear personal in volvement with Mrs Marjory Swan mother of our children said he burned the note he had iound near his wifes body be cause he did not want anyone to find out she had committed suicide He had told police no note had been leit 14wnumwn4rmflmm Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday April 25 i9 av wVmxwd warn Propos nterest 11m1nate Bilingual CommisSion Battered By Criticism EDMONTON CF hall slorm of criticism battered the royal commission on bilingual ism and biculiuralism here Fri day night in its that contact with the westerner on the street The commission was accused bluntly oi being an instrument to spread the French language by compulsion lo overwhelm ingly English speaking areas and to undermine the rights oi Canadians belonging to third ethnic groups Both charges were denied emphatically by Commission Cochalrman Davidson Danton oi Ottawa who attended the all day dlscusslonswlth live oi his nine colleagues Many proposals designed to help French Canadians and other ethnic minorities sate guard their cultural heritages were shed at the morning and niternoon rormd table discus alons The same proposals came un der attack at an evening public meeting attended by 200 per sons it was the commissions roughest reception in eight such meetthppeople iniormai meet ings across Canada mania iront row who de $01110 lgeotliy llrlrnselii as muny or spas eras evening my lively dcbete this way Move crooks slurp romcur Daylight davhrg Time starts tomorrow Beiore you retire to bed this evening more your clocks one hour iorward Youth charges With Homicide NEW YORKAmA 10year old unemlpioyed laborer was charged th hornlcida today in the brutal slaylogs oi Janice Wylie and Emily Hoiiert last Aug 20 inthelr upper east side Manhattan apartment The suspect George Whit Newsweek magezln ss Hot tert 2i was teacher They shared thirdfloor apartment will lormer college room ma er more in Negro stood poker laced in Brooklynerlmlual court as he also was charged with homicide in the knifeslay ing of Brooklyn woman on April it Whitrnore was arrested Fri day morning in connection with an attempted purse snatching on Brooklyn street the day hero Dur ng questioning police said Whitmore admitted killing 40yearold Minnie Edmonds Negress stabbing her Miceln the iace and twice in the chest Later he told them he had alarn Miss Wylie and Miss lioiiert Miss Wylien 21 an aspiring actress and niece oi author Philip Wylie was employed at rucosm lieuters user Cypriot iorces today mounted lab heavy attack on the rocky mountain re above the northern end oi the Nicosia Kyranla road and captured seven TurkishCypriot iortliica tions is UNIapokeaman said An ofiiclai Cyprus govern ment statement said an esti mated 15 IlrtkishCyprloLswere killed and one captured while no GreekCyprlot was wounded the iightin The Greek prlot advance dooi tbeNlc road established Greek Cypriot polrliions about Turkish occupied St thuS Thleves are often known to swallow their prldaand Barrie City Police believe that some of them are going step iurther in some cases swallowing the evidence Joseph Purpick oi Windsor reported the theit oi 12 pints oi beer on Friday night Since investigation has not led to recovery at the stol be guerrilla remark Cypriots to dominate theTurk Cypriot emergency airfield built on the plains under the sputhsida oi the Kyreola ranger Mortar tire was exchanged between Greek Cypriot and cast llmmins Mr Walkarsaid the diesel min hir Danton where in the British North America Act does it any that Canada is blob ture and bilingual countryi it seems to us that this commisv sion exists only to spread the French language everywhere Mr Dunton replied with some heat that commission membcra were looking ior ways to strengthen national unity They were not crusaders and their mission was not to iorcc Cana dians to become bilingual Alan Dec took ditiercnt tack ll my sons aspire to high positions in the lederai civil service will it be lmpen atlve ior them to be fluently blilnguali it it is all Canadians living outsldoQuebec wil be at savers dsadvantsge Three Infused In Railfi Crash FOLEYET Ont CF CNR diesel engine which rail way oiilclals say imay have ecu stolen collided with freight train near here Friday night injuring three persons one seriously it Walker operations manger ior the CNRa North em Ontario division said the engine sitting in the yard at Folcyct leit the yard going west either unattended or with some unauthorizedperson aboard But he added that it moved out oi the yard at speed ilartcdeu 53 aiiorsnubmannedenglns md that it movedupgrade iFoleyet is about so miles collided with irelght train 30¢ hound imm Winnipeg to Mont real lt consisted of tour diesel units all ot which were de railed and damaged and 60 cars it oi which were de railed Most seroust urcd was Gunther Mehthsl oi Horne payne Ontvilreman on the freight who was taken to hos pital in limmlna hospital spokesman said today he has had his right leg amputated be low the knee He also suliered compound iracturc oi his lower leit leg severe shoulder dislocation burns to lilo iace and head injuries BMKEMANVMWWM Woods alsooillorno payee irontend brakcman on the irelgllt had severe burnt to his hands and is also in Tim hospital in hospital at Hearst0at is Carney oi Blizzard Valley Out with relatively minor injuries lntariofLibemls Expected To Elect Leaderln1965 TORONTO CPI Ontario Liberals are expected to set spring 1065 data ior their partys leadership convention when the provincial association convencs for its annual conven tion next month The party lost its leaderin the Sept 25 1003 provincial election with thedefeat oi Johnwintermeyer in his home riding of Waterloo North Slaca irqubar Ollver meme Thomp then her ior Grey South baabeen acting liberal leader Liberal sources sa Friday their new leader will come irom the partys 23 sitting members at the legislature Reports that an outsider might be brought in were discounted The souroer contlrmed how ever that political action group within the party has beenpuahlng Charles Temple ton executive editoroithe Tor onto Star as the next Ontario Liberal leader One tap leersl said that no matter how politically aware Mr Templeton was theiact that he had never held political elites would rule him out as leader This oiilciai said Mr Templeton even with his knownapeakingablllty as ior mcr evangelist would be slaughtered in the house The Lib al management Perry is mandcr ot the in Royal lnnlskillin TurkishCypriot positions on the peaks east oi eKyrenia road ohms areas lullscale battle raged ior stime today around thequ coast hill village oi Aylos Theo dhoros it started at nwnbut lighting was repor died down later alter British troop seilm committee isnot scheduled to meet until Thursday May it immediately prior to theori arlo Liberal Associations an nual meeting May 15 and lo leerala at Queens Park co alder the best bet ior leader to be Andy Thompson the iorrner social worker whorepresanta the Tomato riding of Dover court Some observers suggest awever the iact that Mr sonls irom Toronto will work against him The Liberal leadershlpuis be ing put all to the spring partly ior this reasontn allow rural Ontario to become moreiemi liar with Mr Thompson and still aspirants to the party eil rann =a¢rmsnvowrrwr ram7 it In srmmwu Local Weather nun llmei low tonight 00 For the New Cempetition In System Of Lending And Borrowing OTTAWA CP New real competition in Canadas whole system oi lending and borrow ingplus more protection and lniormation ior the publicls proposed in bulky report by the royal commission on bank ing and tissues li adopted recommendations hgh in the report tabled in the Commons Friday would dis mantle some oi the iluaaclal structuresby which Canadians have lived ior yearsespecially the statutory sixpercent inter est ceiling on bank loans un changed for 20 years it would be abolished This bold new system would loses all creditgrantorr to re veal interest rates as well as dollar charges on all credit New legal limits would be set ior all personal cash loans The banks would be admitted to the iicld oi mortgage loans move that could make it easier and pcrha cheaper to buy new and houses Moreover Canadians would have tothlalt at banks in new waynot just the multi brancbed chartered banks but all institutions taking short term deposits irom the public such as trust and loan com panies and credit unions BANKB HILL BANKS The commission proposed that these too become bankswith the same banking powers the same restrictions the same ied crsl supervision and inspection But only the banks as now known could contlnuelo uls Ihat title without quellilcatlon The others wouidhava to add something to their titles to in dicate their own specialnature The underlyingphliosophy oi the report was this apirlt oi vigorous restless innovation in the li sandal systemoi dcslainl ncw ways to do things ra tbcr than oi testifying why they shouldncyer he done at Illcu ordinarily best be achieved in conditions under which the partici pants ara not lprevcnlcrl irom responding to changed opportunities in which price and other competition is too intensive to he comiortablc In which thereis relative ieraat cla es oi institution can compete with each other area equitable and open bails The public will reap the bane ilt the commission said it was the public which had paid the priceao iar ior the rigidities ln theiinanclal system the bar rlera to iuli competition it is massivarepor the iirst iull study of Ca da nanclalsyrtcm in so years all pachcdncaliy lo readable noni technical terms between two leatherette covers thatcncomi pass 566 pages and about 350000 words it is the equivalent at two novels Demand or it was reported even at ill copy Queues iormed outside KDVCHI ment bookstores in Ottawa Fri day night when It went on sale The Queens Printer had vance orders ior l000 topics Toronto and nearly as mabyln Montreal EFFECT WIDESPBEAD This is the report that will underpin Parliaments speech decede overhaul oi the Rabbi Act and other icdaralilnancl legislation it will have pro iound eliect on the current spate oi applications ior new bank charters The commission was headed by 0ntarioChiai Justice Dana Porterlt was sppolntedin late 1081 by the iormer Conservative government held on across Canada during inland into early rm collected about 8000000 words oi evidences hired zeman researelrtsem1 The project cost about 00000 Commission members are Dr Mackintosh all onetime deputy ilnance minister and Vice chancellor oi Queens only Mao sea mono vcrrlty JnmeaDouglalfGiblon 54 general mass or oi Bank oi Nova Sea Fouls Lemon 19 vlcow presidenLoi theAluminum Company oi Can ada Thomas Brown 01 president oi 0dlum Brown in vestments Limited Vancouver Gordon Harrold chairman of the board oi the Alberta Wheat Pool and Mac Keen 65 director oitha Royal Bank oi Canada and sev eral otherinstitutions not sign oi dissent The writing Job iail mainlyto the commisslon secretary 83 yearold ii They rlampson oi Toronto is brilliant young economist who once workedxin the ilnancs department and also helpedas research director to write the Gordon royal commission report on Canadas economic prospects in 105s Drinkino Teensl lire Arrested Subsequent to last weeks warnlngagainat teenagedrlnlr ing at dances police are crack log down Police said today tourist oi arrests we ado last ght Their report was unanimous gt

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