runwayans GMMMHWWYV WWI Frflflrn rmme rev local Weather butth cool and cloudy Continuing to expand oilh Barrie and Simon County room You No 96 SASKATCHEWAN Liberal leader Ross Thatcher appear ed bciore cheering crowd at supporters Wednesday night in Reginas Trianon Ballroom and said his party had won ivictory in the provincial general election CF Wirei photo settle US Rail Dispute Before Strike Deadline WASHINGTON APtA give andetakc agreement has ended the threat of United States railway strike with President Johnson victor in the tough est domestic test at his admin istration lcw hours alter the agree ment was reached two dissi dent union otticials threatened in part oi the New York at Railroad east at Bui Butrrourccs involved in the negotiations in Washington dis counted the possibility that the threat would he carried out Johnson went before televi sion cameras Wednesday night to announce settlement at the long highly complex dispute little more than 43 hours belore scheduled strike threatened to he the US economy in knots In eiiect it gave union mcm hers tinancial gains in exchange or letting the railways reduce employment Just how many jobs will he aliectcd or how much money the railwl save wont be known or ome time alter the general agree ment is translated into contract language in herding union and manage ment negotiators successiully throughia days at emergency White House talks stomped his brand indelibiyon US labor history and achieved what two iormer presidents Congress the courts and live years oi bargaining had failed to accomplish This agreement prevents we hope or all iimea crippl ing and disastrous strike in the railroad industry said The agreement ended the threat at scheduled strike at 1201 am Saturday Johnson had estimated strike would have made idle 7000000 Amer ican workers endangered the health conditions and virtually paralysed the economy Maharios Peace Proposal Rejected By TurkCypriots NICOSIA AP Turkish at spokesman rejected President Makarins oiier oi general and other peace is Wednes day night saying acceptance would be an admission at guilt Makarios told press center ence he wished to demonstrate not only by words by also by deeds our good will and de slte tor the islands paciiica tion But he nddedr ii the TurkishCypriot lead ership does not show the neces sary understanding lherecan be no doubt thatit does not wish the islands pacirication because it thinks to create partitionist conditions bythe tones of arms In sucha casewe shall have tolace the situation by all means The Turkishspeaking cominu nity outnumbered four to one Xby the 445m Greek Cypriots has emanded partition of Cyp rus resolve the canilict The GreekCypriots many of whom aid theyhought lh rmerger ould diminish Communistin nc East Alrice But they edut could op Alone Red penetr on via Zan 21 it will be able the door to ward union with Greece have rejected this demand Defence Minister Osman Orek termed Makarios proposals prolt paganda and said One does not submit proposals like these in the term ol press contor ence which is how we got to hear oi them To accept his oiier oi an amnesty would amount to an admission at guilt Orek de clared The Turks only fought to defend tile and property from attacks and are not guilty at any acts as suggested by Ma karies rios had uttered general nasty titthe TurkishCypriot nority since the communal dis pute erupted in street lighting last December The GreekCypriot leader also repeated his otter to dismantle all Greek iortiticationson the wantorn island ii the Turks ioll low suitand to heip aresettle Turkish villagers iorced out of their homesby theerDieltCe is 22 miles blithe Tanganyikan coast in the lad ents oiï¬iinngaby and Znnziba havegstgned ar ielesotordoolondcï¬whic two states would become one London sovereign state pounced President Julius Nyerere oi Tanganyika paid visitutev Zaua zibarWedoesdny nd rnet Pres ideptAbeid Karume and other mom it Was pnf greater tor magistrates Britons Wonder Aboht Spy Deal LONDON CmBritons were wondering today whether they got lair deal in exchanging Soviet spy Gordon Lonsdole ior businessman Grevllle Wynne Whitehall sources say the government here agreed to the exchange only alter long and careful consideration Apparently the argument that the exchange was lustiiicd on humanitarian groundsin view of reports about Wynnos dete riorating physical condition prevailed over the argument that dangerous precedent would be set There are dangers of this sort ot thing becoming Times in an tor pawn as they did two years ago when they exchanged Uh tlyers Francis Powers lorCol one Rudolph Abel Abet masterminded spyring in the United States gt CLCPowered Tone With Union Canflicts MONTREAL tCPtJlhe Cana dian Labor Congress has been given new powers to deal with jurisdictional conflicts between unions The thin constitutionol con vention olthe l00000ii me her CLC agreed Wednesday to the new intemotionnl disputes procedure by an overwhelming vole All butbout to at the 1690 delegates approved changes to the CLC constitution to permit mediation and im tint arhi ration ot loterumoa rivalries They also endorsed penalties that can be invokedsgainst union lound guilty attaeki an Opens the membership or jurisdiction at another unionuThey Include public censure denial oi CLC old and services and CLC pro iectlon itnlincked by another unionl Thelbanctionsgive the CLC morefroom in which to move in pinching an alitllute guilty ol riiding without imposing the maximum penalty of expul siontmm theranks oi the cen tral labor body SAYS ITS BETTER William Mahoney CLC vicew president as well as Cana dian director oi the United Steelworkers Unionhniled tho OriSchedule Despite Demonstiaï¬ons NEWYORK AptThe NEW York Worlds Fair bloomed in almost all its heralded splendor but three little words rain cold togput decided dam per on its opening Wednesday Civil rights demonstrations and threatened highway trai tic tieupuhieh never came oil apparently contributed toward hold at once to 92816 Atzienstdlimm visltorn had been expected but iit was the weather whichput dam per on things President Johnson noting the Mrs theme oi Peace through nonr ARTHUR CPiA tom pormittinglegainid law yers to obtain assistance in inI vestigations from provincial or municipal police lorces was led vacated belore joint commit iee onviegai aid here Wednes day tThis otiieers duty would be to make the investigation along the lines requested by the law yer and report hisiindings to the legal aid counsel sug gested Port Arthur Magistrate ti Cunningham Legal aid counsel musthavo access to all available interma tion he said The facts lur nishcd by the Crown in the usual spirit of re operation were not enough There should not be any realcoiiiiict oi interest insofar the investigating oiiicer who ï¬srhew given this assignment concerned since the prosequ gtionï¬oi aï¬criminalrcase is not supposedto be contest Magistrate Cunningham said judges and magistrates should be read irom acting partly as defence connselior unrepre sented accused persons since the burden becomes mung an and Zanzibar are former Eri ish territoricsand member the Commonwelath Nyerer considered oneotAtricas mo moderate leaders while the rev and ad Lawyers Steele Aid of Police judges without the assist cc of defence counsel Crown Attorney Vlbber son at Thunder Bay district had said earlier in the day that ex tension altegal aid beyond the present system might result in increased crime WILL TAKE CHANCE He contended thatsome peo pie wouid takeiechance and commit crime it they knew skilled counsel woulddeten them in court it was not true that an accused could not re ceive lair trial without heneiit of counsel cialm of this kind implies the court or Crown may take unlair advant of undeieoded personsand isan insult to prosecutors andmagistrates he ding do not question the right of evary accused person to be represented by counsel but do questionhis right lobe repre sented by counsel atsomeone elses expenseor atvihe expense oi the general public COULD APPLY He said that tree service if permitted in legal and median fields could as easily be applied to any other protusion it is my personalopinion that instead at expanding money tor the defence at those who have obviously from their rec ord embarked upon criminal careers thatmoney should be spent to prevent or detertheir cï¬mmeneement upon such acti Vl WWW bar in Decemb pcqples republic an ve loi iowcd marked antiWestern prngmmunist line in public pronouncements The merger unites one at East Airicas larger nations is smallest Tanganyika has anarea oi more square Elias larger trot Frageempd ermenysemb he can pa ation about 9000 or and Lpiéd pin under din said that peace is not only possible in our generation but predict it is coming rriuch nearer The United States the pre dent added would soon be tion in which no man is hon ts capped by the color olhis skin or the nature of his ballet among mosaiuader the Arena were formed pienident Truman New York Governhr Nelson nonreieller Franci Cardinal Spcilm item it Catholic Archbisth of New York Mayor Robert F1Wagncr and Robert Moses president oi the lair JOHNSON CUT TAPE President Johnson also cut the tape and spoke at the led erai pawbon betore llying back to Washington Aspickets cheated and shouted ahd ome youths waved placards qhn sonsaid iWe do no tryto cover up our failures we freely admit them and bendour ener gies to tail to meet them Goes To TORDNTOCF Two charges at rj against Ralph Farris president of Northern Ontario Natural Gas Company Limited will be be placed in the hands at Su preme Court jury today The jury will retire alter hearing the Midwest Mr Jus tice Dalton Wells Betore adjournment Wednes day Crown prosecutor Harvey McCullough reviewéd the evi ldehperinisupport ol the allega tion that Farrisliedunder oath during judicial inquiries in 1938 and 1962 He quoted evidence of John tai investmedts Corporation at Vancouver to the etiect that NONG shares placed in Sube scripiioa account Wasrthe accuse 000 shares The subscriptio ac count was set up atthe request oi the accused lough sai Moms Johnson spohe MeGraw president oi Continen Farrishad given him iostrue tions with respect to 140uo ncw plan as better way at working out disputes without dismembering the labor movement David Archer president at the Ontario Federation oi Labor appealed to the 1noo delegatm to endorse the plan We cant go on expelling al iillates from this congress be cause at jurisdictional dis poles he said In recent years the CLC has kicked out the lntemational Brotherhood ot Teamsters the Seainrers international Union oi Canada and the Interna tional Union ol Operating En gineersshoving more than 50 am workers outside the main stream of organized laborin the process James Black Toronto rep rcsentative at the AFL Clo building trades department cit presscd doubts about the wis dom oi the plan He said it con tained the seeds oi dissolution if not decimation ol the Employees Shave EAST KILBRIDE Scot land AHEmployees of lactory no longer shave at home they take oll the whiskers on company time The plant owners started the shave break to test their blade against rival prod uct Unmarkcd samples at both are supplied the en soap and ster shave lotion anrsaid the in snaving costs the com pany £50 3150 week but will continue indefinitely We get honest answers this way he said and the menthey love the shave break Farris Trial jury said they should reject the evidence Gordon Kelly Mc Lean former assistant to For ris and key men witness be causeot inconsistencies con tradictions and downright hes He asserted that stray dog couldnt be convicted on the testimony and added Perjury rsntinliv is hearing inlse wit ness against his neighbor Is it luncheon and not Farris who should be sitting in the pris oners box on Company Time one veneermans blade Low tonight 40 50 gt REGINA CPt TheLiherai parhv van the Saskatchewan election Wednesday on the ba sis ot the electionhtght count bringing to an end 20 years at CCF governmentthe only so cialist administration in North America While the Liberais narrow margin looked sale on initial returns bath Liberal Leader Ross Thatcher and Premier Woodrow Lloyd said it will be up to six weeks before victor is known with certainty Some recounts are possible margins are papcrvtilin Aid an estimated 25000 dectnrr advance ballots wont be counted until May it the date when all results must be tiled oliictally Final standing based on elec tionnight tabulation and later counts Thursday 1564 1960 32 17 15 33 Liberal CCF PC Doubtiul Totals 59 55 Late Wednesday night Liber als had 32 and CCF 22 The CCF picked up two seats on the completion of counting in the multiple member Saskatoon constituency Thursday and the Liberits cut one However the Liberal gain was wipedoui by new tabu lation in ReginaAEast which ed CCF candidate Walter electcdmin fiptlcetedt Western Football Conierénce reieree Paul Dojaclt Liberal An unolilciaicount Wednesday night showed Dojackhad won HAVE NARROW MARGINS Four Liberals and iourCCP members were elected wrth OTTAWA CPIFederal Lib erals were jubilant over the katchewans provincial election Wednesday night But they tempered their ela tion slightly in the face oi the slim electionnightmargins in number at ridings which might be attected by advance poll counting May 13 Progressive conserva tives were almost as happy about the election of Provincial Leader Martin Pederson the first Conservative electednin Saskatchewan in SI years New Democrats on the other hand weredisappointed at the bow to the CCF government of Premier Woodrow Lloyd No immediatecemment was forthcoming from PrimeMints ter Pearson who was reported summary showing at their party in Sas We complete weather turn to page two For Liberals Gain Elli Seats CCF Waits For Recounts margins under 100 votes in this category tor the Liberals were Eirosc Hanley Last Mountain Nipawin for the CCi Keisoy Polly Turtleiord and Watrous The election was the 10th prov vincial vote in the lost in months and the first where government was defeated The last change oi provincie ernment was in New Brunswick four years ago when the his took over irom the Progreo sive Conservatives The Liberal party has govt erned this big graingrowlni province for total of at years since Saskatchewan was estabv lishcd in 1505 the last time In 1944 when the CCF born in the depression days oi the early 9305 was voted into power The last ninnndtuck election which resulted in government change in Saskatchewan was in 1929 when Conservatives Plo gressives and independent iormcd coalition with 18 Lil erals in the opposition The house had 53 members This lasted until 1534 when the Lita erals were returned Premier Lloyd said in his home riding to Elggar the out come would not be established until iinsl vote counts are made in three weeks He said the only reason that occurred to him tor the close ness oi the vote was the ex pensive and tremendously costly teisyiSioacampaiga when must have had greater attraction than we anticipated This wbs ret erence to the Liberal campaign This was Mr Lloyds first general electionas premier and he won handilyin Blggar But lour cabinet ministers lost to Liberals to be heartened atthe upsurge of Liberal fortunes under Liblt eral Leader Ross Thatcher good many iedealLiberais made no secret in recent weeks that they expected some gains but nothing on the scale of the electionnight performance They were prepared to award Mr Thatcher lull credit since he received relativelylittle help from the tederai party during the campaign Richard Thrasher ngres sive Conservattveparty na iional director cornmented that Conservatives are delighted that we got breakthrough alter so years He read theelection night votecount as an indication the Conservatives will he the real aliernatiye to whatever party formsthe government when tho results nreiuiiyknovvn Qttawa Jubilqnt Over Election