Iy losses atoms an Dear Dr Mailer Years In Llwastoldibadnlukinl heart molly what Is this and what can be done about ltt Fl Some oi the adjectives ap plied to medical conditions Iound awlul and are not to be interpreted in the usual sense ot the words Yours is one at them We ordinarily think oi leak as an escape oi the ma tentIa leaky hot water bottle or garden hose or punctured tire lhisisnotthecasewiththe heart Iba leak doesnt TELEVISION Channel Barrie WEDNIIDLY APRIL too gun Kldpw Mlll on on Prvvtnttsl Altair IV Dllh New Weather SM Cand Elmira Phil Silvers Show lied River Jamboree P1 Mason he vllOthllln CIC News Weatblr Sports Hall Elvlhth Hour Tumour APRIL MI Tut Pattern Inn no Ailnn Tuna loco National school Iona Chas Flatam NIHMr School mom £33 itd mm imam Scarlett Ell Tell flirty Friendly Glut IiiItmlItl DDIYII Rlsila Dania Tombstone flnitflfl News Weather Spar Ktldlrl Naw York Conï¬dential cat TV News lvldllxiiilh Spam lel Borvnn from Planet Matt FRIDAY APRIL re ans Test Pattern no as Allen nnu tom National Schools roao Cher Belem Nomiy School Romper ltnom Pcpeyas Party unonoy flamrt Mayt om mm lnnu ouch rnuwonr Scarlett tuu rm so Friendly Giant Murmur sPlr Franc 5an over1 hauls Dania Huckleberry Hound Frontier Doctor News Wramnr lporu Vllon Train Cnuntry Hoenown Th no it lit inn one to 32328232228 Movie flMIlteu saloon Channel Buffalo wsowssnAv Iran on CapL isoo sopman The IItrienaan Tnday ma aunueyarinrloy Nan Death VIIIEy DIyl Worlds Fair Spendl FIPIWII uneoeo sour News Weather Sparta comm snow Ans anon mutant APRIL as Capt sno Backlome Hound tha Rillcmln may 19 Huntleyarinkhy NI Bishop Sheen 31th Precinct Dr Ktidsra Hazel Jun flantn Nle Welttilt host night Show AJL ttlwrt A1 APRIL Capt sob Mllllil Mia The llLflemIn tndty 19M Huntleyflrtnkiay New Prlctured Tuckm lnternlflonll Showtime not Bop That In th Wllh That was Jacr Parr News Weather sports Tonilht Show Ass Report unnoupï¬gppa 3232223233 PPPFP sezsss go g=5 sPsq 828 my EXAMINER mm ans room mm Noliledication Vi lorlleart look that blood lI escaping lro the heart It you were able to look directly It the hurt the leak wouldnt be either seen or tell it can be heard with stetho scope however as certain murmur Remember that the heart In pump it Is divided into iour chambers and each time the heart muscle contracts blood to souoesed along lmm one dumber to the next thmush Elva which connect the tuna rs Iheso are oneway vIIies iheblood has to mow torwud because the valves open In only one direction Normally that Is But suppose one or more at Chennai Toronto wannasnu Arm too licks Ilnuaa Club can mono so caannu Nine Theatre moiety GearsI no spam Weather nm 100 am or amucho uo Dick Van ms aoo My mom Martian no VgrdnesdllyuNtfht Moria eannl toao imam zon uoo crv mu ms ltiltrn mar nos as am and announ run or Barton snow Tuvnsnav arms no Focus and ammo moon Cartoon lrlenda urn Helen ltnmper Room um Playtime with uch annot looming Maurine Noonday Report have way Daumber sno soon i°rii ougIa resen Heres Looking At You People Conlllct nuns noun crua Yogi Channel 11mm Man Iron Del Rio spam WsIthcr News Dannl Reed outer units To Tell ra rruta 2m One Bob no pastll sporu lot at crv National News Metro rlnal sports Beets Ind Bouquets Flam Berton Hour FRIDAY Ann 20 Mo Focus arnnnng neport Cartoons Miss Helen nonmr noon Playtime with norntn Maria am Monday Report Love Lucy December and our mum The Millionaire new Fairbanks Presents Heres Looking At von noon In Conflict Micro Home crna Kiddo Channel Nine Theatre llmcr Sweetheart ana Weather Soon To Great Advanqu ram at Word Andy Grillilh lack nanny Lets sum not Gunmen crv National News Metro nnai Sparta He no Eouqults Film no snow math Vlllay Days Channel Buffalo wsnuasoav arm 22 too Tha Semesterm Leave It To sum Oclock Show Hannah my Headline News Sport cas Evening News ra Honeymooners Chronicle Film aurponaa The Baverly lililhtillel Dick Van Dyke show Danny Kayo show News Weather 5130111 The no Show Highway rnnnaoAr APRIL too on Secret smnn Leave it To sum 11 oclock snow in non Manon story Headline News kSpnrt cas amino News BIG MutarIon Password Rawhide The No New The it On tits Iran The Secret storm Leave it To Have The oclock snnw Lent oi the Bldmcnl fleIduna News do sport CBS Evening News Pewll Arthmny Till Great Advantura Itoutn The Twlltlht Zone Alfred Hitchcock News Weather Sport Till tilt Show Uncle in by TIMESAS MUCH TO SEE CHANNEL HAMILTON rats owawvoaa BARRI CA cousinsright 7283644 receive 514 DAY Home oauousraanou tflal should rumlr Metricb luhltflhllJflll all only utlr latttllr lnltIllltlnfl lea ammo and no month commenclnl ati till canal in demonv 1mm oNL IS Day nnmranfrma us no not cmlï¬oiflr orif In is Siegfried Munchausen ins rm manuava Lnnrnberillvm hers notor ed in April in Aneurysmminnow and also at the Ieshll itis severe than the heart will have to work considerably harder than normal to pump the same amount oi blood ior you II the leak is small the ellect on you la minor There is no Medication to cor rect such leaks However either vae at tech in valve or In one oi the partitions olten can be cor rected by surgery it It is se vere enough That is theopen heart surgery which we now been so much IbouL ii valve has been Illccted by rheumatic lever one ol the important causes at such dam agel prophylactic doses ol penis cillin or lulia drugs may be given over period at years to subdue any subsequent stepto coccus infections lthcse are the terms which cause rheumatic lever and prevent lurther la llammation and damage to the valves And as with anything else the lamlIIar ounce olrpreventlon is worth the pound of cure It In your cue the leak was tram rheumatic lever your doctor can Judge whether lhesopte Vcntiva drugs will he sale guard or you ll aornoudng else was the cause some pin are born with these leaks he likewise can ludge the sever Ity and decide whether anything at all needs to be done Dear Dr ltloiner Some doc tors have said am overweight and others say no am leet to weigh 210 and take care ol the lawn and do other work am years oldBI You are little overweight but it you are as active as that at or all can snyiathat on you it looksgoodi Why worry about it so long as you are not continuing to put on weight Dear Dr Iilolner read cently in book that cancer cells cannot grow In blood ae coumcr BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer North South vulnerable wont 4AKQ ylooaoa our swap my on Iaool iii it is AKQJIU so It soura armors AK sroq has he blddinz North our South Wm 11 as Pass Pass Opening lead live at clubs Dear Mr Becker My name You will recall wrote you on previous nccasioncalling atten tion to the great teats at the bridge table accomplished by my late andiliustrioua lather Baron Munchausen realize that his name has uniortunately gone down to literature as the great est liar of all time but can assure you that his memoirs which have been duly recorded ior posterity are accurate In every respect Not only do you have my as surance that his extraordinary adventures were entirer true but you also have the word of his publishers as well as his estate DOWN Access 10mm Young horse Rolls lobe 10 Join 12 similar 13 Becom ready to eat as Nit 14 Greek letter ill Ever poet 17 IAN Japanese sash Ashen Veronica ttï¬dyv peremuala Prickly lnrit Regulation outfits Indian VbLMInérIl aortas Sonth and my youngest soro age threeled the live ol clubs was singleton but had no Iead diamond and was then er thrust oamcuosswoao so CIroliha 19 Ex snvetnpoot onmarltaiproblams inï¬ltrati lold Presbyterian Grands At new is wished or WI cLIdlan patient In Womens College It guifllhrooto llao tor Rodger patina in General limitat lnmoto Mr and Moms 1gp onto spam and Mrs it Ellison and Kim Mrs Annett and claustr ter Grade strand were Wednes day guests oi Mrs May Den any and lrene Min Elsie Klarer and Mrs Allma Kluer st Catharine visited during the weekend with their brother in law and sister Mr and tin NcAiee Mrs Mice and daughter Vai erla returned with them pm weeks holidays Visitors with Mr and Mn Mooney and Darlene on the weekend were Iilr and Mrs Mooney Barrie and Mrs liiIry lIaugb OriIIia Mr and Mrs Denney Den wyn and Dwight visited Suo day alternoon with Mr and Mrs Holman Ind lamiiy Toronto Mr and Mrs Edgar and lsmily attended the 55m wed ding anniversary Sunday alien noon April ol Mrs Bdgara parents tlr and Mrs Feb guaon Wnrndnaier Little lriends ol Susan Riplll are pleased to usher home lrorn Itoyal Vlctoria Hospital Barrie where she hadan no pende operation DONALD DUCK rum rich in Vitamin The author says the reason cancer has become widespread In re cent years is that most olour bread and cereals are relined to the point that they contain very little Vitamin In this WeiMRS liK Vitamin tor whatever rea son has been the subject oi unite lew other theoriesthat it promotes iertillty that It is good tor the heart and so on but cant ï¬nd that any of these ever has been scientlil catty substantiated Until there is more dellnlte evidencel would lorget about those no lions As lurther evidence of my lathers skill at the card table will tell you of hand my soll recently played It is pro sented to you in all modesty as additional prool ol his genius since it is well known that bridge genes are passed along from generation to generation iwas playing with my titres was one evening and arrived at contract oi six spodest was It was at once evident that this doubt would eventually make the contract toolr the ace and cashed the AKQ of spades my pride and Joy on the Ielt lollowlng to only one spade This did not disturb me because led heart to the ace and drew my eldest sons remaining trumphe is only live years old When then cashed the king of hearts discovered the hearts were divided This might have slumped to lesser layer but lound lhe solution mmedlatcly cashed the urea oi hearts played diamon and masses tho isclrand then led the ten oihearts anddlscarded the ace ol diamondsl Asyou can see my son wao forced to take the heart and BLONDIE able to discard both club losers on the king of diamonds and nineol hearts Most cordially yours SMunnhnuaen Tomorrow flarurt and count Juuer JONES LES CANADIFNS Gnome 41v wï¬krmnxrlta I£IM murr wgyflajp 75 mun5 flWWWIMWfl Ls mm Les roux mots Kutï¬EAttX M65 El RM um wasIi mamaum or Mls awvwmmmi awus soWWuvnuoJo AMI mm summerimmovqu surl commImamm on GRANDMA mm utlte rrJtIT WHAT lOVELY JDYJM NOT REALLY VERYISOOD AY KNIYYING v44 an rIaqrb an ms E1auoourosurm=louus Amvwrr osmium taunts HAFFAMES taoéwwmvroeoours mum uncmcroeseuoumz mmvmu MIIM awaits man BWWMIKI it Ii av wmmeawvm 16 soon flax clamp tion 211IIEI 22Llltely 23qu attated 25111+ late 200mm neat Wt 21 Moisture 29 yer hrlayl Anuan 801de lndoneatl ILLGHIII Jarto pm Jarmere 32nlocesuavx hm center LSahaped 85trllrea worm 370btained 0er Ur BUZ SAWYER orgsou Mr TAKING HER COME cursive WELL some nus MAN 11 MANI Oil mu um sllï¬ W10 Whit VHLLSE 5ST IFAKKFDE momusl