marsa IImeAy awayW rrorrinrorc opium gt PM Says Government Scorin OTTAWA CPIPrime Min ister Pearson candidly admitted Sunday night that his minority Liberal govemrneot started off by trying to do too much too funichly and has made mistakes Its first year of office however he added in hockey language if you play defensive game you are not likely to get so many penalties but you are certainly not going to score any goals We are not playing defen sive game in this government think we are scoring some goals In ï¬reside interview In er office broadcast by the 080s English and Frenchviaoguagc radio and television networks he counted what he considered the scoring highlights including on imminent agreement of are vised pension plan We are on the point he Iieve of bringing into effect nation wide contributory pen sion scheme which wiu re sult in every Canadian getting roughly onequarter of his salary at retirement think this is putting Can ada on new course and it is new course which think is going to be helpful to the people of Canada MAY MARK TURN Mr Pearson who suggested it the recent pension developments may be turning point in the iederal governments relations with the provinces also iodi catcd Ottawa will be giving them greater access to the per sonal income tax In social security he said he will announce today in the Com mons very important and very satisfactory conclusion of talks with the provinces leading to pension plan the provisions of which will be applicable to all Canadians and meeting the increasing demands of the provinces for additional revenue by giving them greater access to the personal income tax and other shared revenues If it means change in our pension plan am quite willing to make that change it it will bring about contributory pensions which will be applic able to all Canadians from coast to coastthe same kind of pension scheme even It province wishes to administer it within its own province think this is very import iION PEARSON ant and these have been very important discussions They have been think successful QUESTIONED IN FRENCH The prime minister was quee tinned almost entirely In French by Gerard Peiieticr ed itor in chief of the Montreal French language daily La Presse and in English by Nor man DePoe CBC Ottawa cor relslpondcot He replied In Eng Simultaneous translation oi the English was provided for the Kashmir Leader Injured in Parade SRINAGAE AP Kosh mir5 independence leader Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah was in bed Sunday recovering from the effects of an overly enthusiastic welcome on his re turn from it year Imprison ment in india One of the triumphal arches erected in his honor in Srinagar Saturday collapsed on him dur ing homecoming parade se verely hniising his chest and right side Healso developed fever From his slclrbed Abduilah issued statement saying In dlan rule was oppressing Kash mir and that he would negotiate with Prime Minister Nehru about it April 29 DAYSONLY mun nu SAT APRIL 23rd 24th and 251k Some Goalsf Frenchlanguage audience and us the French poflukalna fordtilte nglislerpeahng cone Ingthe 31minute program re corded Saturday Dealing with federalme ciai relations and the claimant Quebec Mr Pearson said every province was equal in its rights to participate in or stand aloof from costsharedprograms If province wanted to opt out it should not be hurt iinlncialll But Quebec has special po sition in another curse he said as the homeland of people the Frenchospeakinl People of Canada and we must recognize that Quebec has special sltion in protecting and guard og the rights of Frenchspeak Ing Canadians as guaranth in our constitution The prime minister whose government will have been in oft iice one year on Wednesday said he did not deny for one minute that it has had failures and that it has made mistakes rarer roo MUCH Of course we have we tried to do too much too quickly We called Parliament to gether at once when perhaps we should have taken little more time to workthings out before we had platform to submit to the first session oi Parliament We made mistakes but look ing over the record am satisfied that we have made some very important achieve merits Among these be listed Nine pieces of legislation which he said have helped to reduce unemployment by very considerable amount al though there is nothing to be smug about irade figures reaching un paralleled levels with efforts now being made to encourage European and other nonUS sources of investment to turn to Canada new defence policy aimed at reducing costs and integrat ing the forces Meanwhile re gotiotions have opened with NATO authorities to move away from the air forces nu clear strike attack role in Eu rope Mr Pearson also said he hopes to encourage six to In other countries to earmark and train special contingents to serve in United Nations peace keeping forces DONT MISS Air THEGREAT TRANSgCANADASAiEVALIIES Mucus iraific accounted for so of the as accidental deaths during the weekend It Canadgï¬wgu may Nm mo midnight Sunday local tiara rtiowed Newfoundland Prince Edward island and New Bnrnslrlck with fetoiiwlce records Quebec led the other province with It deaths eight on the CHRIS PLUMBER Critical Acclaim LONDON it Canadas Christopher Plummer walks away with most of the critical honors In an ambitious produe tiou of Hamietat Elsinore by EBU television Several TVcritics feel the production shown Sunday night suffered by terng shot in Shakespeares original setting KroohargCnstia at Elsinore in Dermark because the acous tlcs were unreliable and the frowning grandeur of the and ent fortress distracted attention from the players Drastic cuts in the text were also criticized But the Montrealbani Plum mcr as the agonized prince of Denmark receives bouquets all round Says The Daily Telegraph Christopher Piummers prince was strong as well as sensitive and very clear interpretation of the clinracterlf Subtle and sensitive is the verdict of Gerald barrier writ ing in the Manchester Guardian highways two drouoioge and one accidental shooting Ontario registered six deaths wee in tralilc and three by tha Smile recorded three traffic deaths Bntish Columbia also had three duths all on the high ways Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba had one traffic death each the survey does not include natural or Industrial deaths slayings or known wicldes The Ontario dead SATURDAY Patrick Behonong 22 of West Bay on Manitoulin island when car overturned on Highway 11 Christopher Plummer in fact was aanew modern ilamlet with sense of humor near ma liciousness and an ambiguous delight In his predicament which he seemed to accept and wear as his own right PeterBlack of The Daiiy hfnil calls it no attractive study of sensitive cultivated and humorous drop In the last act extremely touching The anonymous critic of The iimcs praising Plummer for wit and elegance establishes his interpretation In noble tra dition fundamentally he is the Hamlet of Goethe and Coierirle the gentlespirit broken by burden too heavy to bear amidn wypAM pm Warsammwmmlwrwy awrwwic absKilled be Honours Provinces Fatality Free aboutmmliuuatofSeuitStn one Brothul Dale and David Edgar of Joyoeville when their home burned In Joyccvme Harry Cowetl Shot Lea rnineton in tween willsion near Essex Ont Castro Charges Marines Throw Rocks Insults HAVANA AP Premier Fidel Castro charged Sunday night US Marines have been throwing Mia and aiioutingsin suite at Cuban soldiers nioog Guantanamo Bay He said these were provocai tions against hrban soverciznb made with the full knowledge of the United States and that he would take the issue oi thrhns being provoked to the United Nations for an airing before world opinion Using an angry tone Castro implied he is ready to use force to stop further his cidents f24HOUR SERVICE SALES andeERVICE or All Types or HEATING some aoWrNs Heating and Air Conditioning Adelaide 72H like ye hhfldin quortsedrT And this yenrweodded more hers eccnd carburetor Ncwyycugcin acreie scan Yet 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