mflWWWmsq mvppu AN ARRANGEMENT at to es is presented to Commis sioner Booth by Mrs Tells Oi Oi Unwed Mother The open doors that are waiting was the topic of Com missioner Booths talk at the annual rally held here yesterday She explained the sa Ilsiaction she had tell in open ing these doors ol friendship service love compassion and sympathy She told her audience that as workers for the Salva Lion Army women would Lnow the feeling at satistoetlon when serving helpless persons Women of the Home league in the Southern Area of the Northeni Ontario Division oi the Salvation Army formed part of the crowd of approximately 175 persons who attended the an nual rally OUTSTANDING SERVICE Commissioner Booth has given outstanding leadership in Womens Social Service and has been interested in motor ventures aiicctlngthe wellbeing oi the poor and the needy and particularly the plight of un married mothers and drug ad dicts While spehkingtothawomcn optirnl yesterday afternoon Commission cr Booth described conditions that face the unmarried mother in France She explained that there are no adoption agencies there and that the young girl with an Illegitimate child olten becomes panic stricken and feels forced to do awavalth her tiny iniant Commissioner Bootlrwho Is herself the mother oi six child ren toldoi taking unwanted children loto her own home and caring for them until she mold Iind proper homes for them As wife of Commissioner Barrie venture Club Receive Peggy Miller Serviceitword Tna zist Regional Conference Eastern Canada Region Amer ican Council at Venture Clubs was held at the Empress Hotel Peterborough April 1042 Re presentatives attending from Barrio Venture Club were Miss es Heather Blogg Ruthmarie Green Margaret Goodteliow Amy Lea Mrs Jim Orr and Mrs John Walton Clubs inthe Eastern Canada Region reprelt sentedr were London Peterbor nugh Ottawa Montreal Wind sor Toronto and Peterborough The business session on Sat urday included the Presidents Report from the Barrie Club pre sented by Miss Ruthniarie Green Regional Service Committee Re port presented by Mrs Jim Orr Chairman and the Financial Re port presented by Regional Treasurer Miss Amy Lea Following the business session the members attended the Sor st Venture Banquet in the Imperial Ballroom at the Hotel The evening was concluded with an informal Venture Club party Cori Salmon Floundera Whiteth Rainbow Trout also in cans SkatePeriwinkle Haddock THIS WEEKS FEATURE Vihis is real eirotic treat huy itireah or enjoy it in our Captain Randall second from Ielt Mrs Booth was In the dry yesterday to speak at the Salvation Army citadel on Plight Booth LLD I1ie Territor int Commander ol the Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda the spit spoken woman has wor kcd in the UK and Continental Europe The couple spent moving to Canada to years rgo As the daughter oi Commis sioner and Mrs Peyron Mrs Booth has been associated with SaIvatlon Army work most oi her liie Her parents were Ter ritorial Commanders oi the Set vation Army in France She married Commissioner Booth in 1923 and the couple have six children tour of whom are Salvation Army Oliicers RICH HERITAGE Commissioner Booth has rich heritage of Salvation Army knowledge and training being grandson of the Armys foun der and Iirstgeneral William Booth and son of General Bram well Booth While working in France the couple opened homes ior un married mowershqrphaned chil dren and Wu an of the street in her address Commissioner Booth tried to describe the needs at these women who now no other way of life and who are forced to rely on this as means of existing Commissioner and Mrs Broth will leave Canada on June 13 for landon England where Com missioner Booth will be travail ing commissioner accompany ing General Coutts Mrs Booth will also continue her work with the Army at this time with Barrie Venture Conference smorgasbord lun Diningitoann Todaytlie couple are attend lng another rally in Sudbury at which eachClub presented skit tram Broadway play The Venture Extension Break last Sundayinorning was bos tossed by the Barrie Club wards for service membership and scrap books were awarded Club president Miss Rutbmarie er Service Award the Club skit encouraging nonspon soring Soioptimist Clubs to spoil onubehall at was presented at the breakfa by the Extension jCoinmittee One of the characters via the skit was portrayed by Miss Margaret Goodle iness session included the installation at the 196466 Regional Oificers with Miss Virginia Sink Presi dent Soroptimist Federation oi the Americas Inc acting as In stalling Oilicer Following adjournmentor the cheon was enjoyed airthe Kai wartba Golf and Country Club Take Out Beryl the rocks said goodbye to the ice and stored their curling brooms when they wound up on other busy season at the closing dinner and jitncy yesterday afternoon nitcr WilKi the we men mcmbcrs enjoyed enter mm rim tairimeni prior to the bullet sup mny Wm per which was under the con venership oi Mrs Jock Butter Peaeoï¬ presided over Ihebus 196465 is as tollows Past Pre sident Mrs Robert Peacock Presider IFirst VicePresident Mrs Chan ES dcntMrs Rod ideson Secre surer Mrs Ron Armstrong Armstrong Mrs Don Cordy Mrs Johnllalpenny Mrs Jack Burbidge er Mrs Clar Bonspiels Mrs Eldon Parker Social David Smith coconven Charles Kearscy Special events ï¬ribE Bell and Mrs Jack SOCIAL NOTES anoaoaroaur riotinced oi Miss Elsie Ruth Cole and Timothy Edwin Clcmmens The bride elect Is the daugh ter of Mr and Mrs James Cole of Utopia The bridegroom mony May RETIREMENT PARTY Burton Avenue will be at home to friends and relatives Sati day alternoon and evening The occasion marks the retirement oi Mr Haonon from the Cana dian National Railways Guests will be received Imm until oclock in the alternoon and irorn to it in the evening Veiï¬l iniinenza Ihas worked fairly we in irst uman tes re Green accepting the Peggy Mil1 searchers announced Widow day it also seems to help re duce chills achesand pains and oililier nastiness that come along nor Venture Club in their city need types 01 line will end it the dnig lives up to its ï¬rst blush oi promise it may also protect against German measles Id perhaps other virus iniecti ns Coolers Mn Bflgadiér Doug lai Sharp oi Orlllln Is on the extreme left and Mrs Women Curlers Close Season Women curlers cleaned off at ll of No draws were held in the Following dinner Mrs Robert iiess session The lnew slnte bI officers lor Mrs John Ough 0t Newton Second VicePresi ary Mrs Ray Livingston Trea Directors are Mrs Robert Cunveners are Scheduled coconven Mrs Mrs The engagemeiit has been an iect is the son at Mr and Mrs van Clemmens oi Barrie oo United Church will be the citing for the afternoon cere Mr and Mrs Hannon oi enswanna CHICAGO AFJA pill to pre en you do get influenza Tire for shots against some Dont Murry EISITHOUT CONSULTING OUR WEDDING CONSULTANT WILL ASSIST YOU IN CHOOS ING YOUR FABRICS FOR THAT IMPORTANT DAY ï¬wmmvrlr wrv quï¬véésrdzï¬ï¬mng Itgths athtrs wnyn Martinoon ers Mn nmwwmm dat evening was spent with the gallant at tbnOntario Hospital Penetaog The hall was de oorated for St Patricks Day by the patina 1nd even the oursuwerc decked out in teen the special good timewsshsdbya errAraoldNealgavearg nuns hosted port on the OrlenlaLNiï¬t Visi by the Etobicoka Javceeuu and held atthe Port Credit Yacht Club on April Sisnlthe supper oer tied to true oriental style VDawklna oi Brambridle Is shown on the right mam tner Fhoto Auxiliary To Aid Humane Society meeting of the auxiliary In the Barrie Brando oi the On tario Humane Society was held the home of Mrs Gertrude Archer Penetang StreetApril Io ways and means raising funds to assist the work at the society state oi oltleers was ap pointed as follows Chairman Mrs OBrienSaint Vice Chair man Mrs lrank Spain Se cretary Mrs Al Tate Trea surer Mrs Laura ClelaodI IPublicity Mrs Walter Bay Iss it was decided to hold card party as the ï¬rst project at Mrs Archers home on April 27 her protects will toitow The Society will welcome any new members Anyone interes tcd could get to touch with Mrs Cleland by phoning 7282734 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 723241 Mrs Ken Fraser reported that the Rummage Sale would be held at the Westend Plaza on Saturday May Noniinstions tor the executive were disclosed and elections will lakeplam in May Jaycettes attending were Mrs Wayne McArtbur Mrs Doug Chick MrsDoug Moor house Mrs Ken Fraser Mrs Terry Conanll Mrs Arnold Neal Mrs Dan MacDonald Mrs Don Allan Mrslohn Msloney Mrs Willard Everton and Mrs Bob Hooper The next meeting will be so cial and will be held April EGG MATCHES LONDON CF Threo emu eggs rescued tram the snow by keepers at Whipsnade Zoo and put into an incubator have pro duced the sons first emu chick for more than 25 years blossOms into smut IIIarm at hitter Street United Church snowsip inn Commer Jack Benny III also responsible tor the apt tistlc bouquets oi tulips pussy willows and ieroery carrying through the theme or the tea The tea table was attractive with large bouquet of the Spring blossoms while individ usl bud vases oi tulips and pufsy willows adorned the mail er tables Guests were received by Mrs Garnet matador president at Grace UCW and Mrs Ztoss Cook Tea table nonveer was Mrs Paul Evle Tea Bshlstantsin eluded Mrs Bill Bail Mrs Ralph Rows Mrs Don Bytes Mrs Fern Morris Mrs Mac Eachren Mrs McFadden and Mrs George Pearson Mrs Marlon Muir and rs Sue Mclean presided the tea table MrsW Dakes was Ich en converter Her assistants in cluded Mrs William Walton Mrs Feachman Mrs Ea TemwmqwnpnerWa Msvmux arrest770 TEE llltilli EXAMINER THURSDAY ATJL Humane Society Appoints Officers lt meeting at thoousiliary to the Barrie Brooch oi the On tarro Munroe Society was held ot the house oi M1 Gertmda dArcher Penetang Street Mon ay Ways and means ot raising funds to help the Society were dllcussed and sire of omcers appointed as follows Chairman Mrs OBrien Saint Vicechair man Mrs rIrank Spain see reiory Mrs At Tate Treuurcr Mrs Laura Cielan publicity Mrs Walter Bayl it was decided to hold card party at the home or Mrs Ar chgï¬ï¬prtljilars the initial and rais pro The Society will welcome new members Anyone intemted ahood at in touch with Mn It as cott Mrs Garrett Mrs Cobb Mrs William Vis hirs Harris and Mrs James God Irey Bake table converter Mrs Ron Chaotter was assisted by Mrs Baird Mrs Walker and run Winters Mrs Robert McColgan was In charge oi the candy IahlenShe was assisted by the Junior Choir executive Mrs Wilbur Walton was ck ct convener Lei shined stylists shape hair do to flatter your lace 27 vorth oi 00 Hwy rnitur Iii Mira 7268233 Sitcom HAIR srvims Formerly Venus Butliorer Barrie Shopping Plaza GOOD TASTEINFASiHON is NOT EXPENSIVE 726lli2 with wonderful FEEXIBLE PUMP MEANS COMFORTABLE FASHION Smooth good looks on heel height you love subs NORMANFtlM 59s out some 9f Pee PE 5°55 Tqiietos Dress iSOiin laces and Iuiié OURSERViC is FREE 127 DUNLOP smear and we prove it mice rigoin th our outstanding aeicatior ofprtceddrghb allwentliercc ugmun Redor ariarune than minimums oi Poplinthat proudly sports leatherette Bim 5i1¢9 1i ismmimosa as free wigalgamnnammrm of Poplin gayiy showing poikn dot soul anti lining Sizes to 16 inirono my Nettipi qu diode looks Cotton