to Mr and Mrs Douglas Boh blns are shown following their wedding at St James United Church Stroud the bride Iludy Anne Lockhart is the only daughter oi Mr and Mrs ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Lenders lily sil ters husband was salesman Artie knew all kinds oi people few days ago Artie dmpped dead at heart attack The to Teraiwsryssterusyaozrthe tuneral several people came by the house to be with my sister and sit aiound the way they do when irlend passes away Two men whom my sister had never seen beioietook her aside and told her that they had loaned Artie money One man said he had borrowed on when he had gotten over his head in crap game The other iellow said he still had $300 coming irom the second ListonPatter son tight My alster was bewildered She knew very little about her husbands gambling and betting practices She had never seen these men before and they had nothing in writing At the mo ment shes plenty short ot cash but she says it Artie owed the money she wants to pay it Wha is your advicelTEYING ro HELP Dear Trying The timing oi these bird is interesting Since they have nothing in writing and ahevnever saw them heioreld advise her to ignore the pressure WEEKLY BUDGET Dear Ann Lenders auctio year old daughter complains that we never letnher use her own judgment or make her own decisions She put on great big sell pointing out that she must learn trom experience how to handle money and be independent on her lsih birthday which was exactly so clays ago Shewas to buy her own clothes lunches do whatever she wanted the money and six months la ter she was to get another $400 Last night she asked or the second MWnow because she doesnt have dime to her name wasnt surprised be cause saw the foolish things wants ST JAMES UNITED SplitiSecond Timing To Grab Widows Cash We agreed to give her r3400 Frank Lockhart oi Churchill The bridegroom is the son oi the late Mr and Mrs Lloyd Robbins ot Bell Ewart The newlyweds are making their home at Bell Ewart Photo by Favero yearold numbsskuli another $400 you are out at your minds tor sure What do you mean another dvlhebassisuhes economy Maire out budget at her normal expenses and give her exactly thatone week at time and not dime more RESPONSIBILITY Dear Ann Lenders Our teacher was called out ot the room by the principal last Thursday She put me in charge ENMJEB am the classpresi Eil Two of my best iriends began to throwerasers and chalk One eraser hit girl in the face and knocked oit her glasses The glasses didnt break but the girl is nervous type and she bega to cry The teacher walked right in thernidds oi every thing She asked me or the names oi the kids who were out of line had give her the names of my best iriends They lost their privileges or one week and now theyre sore at me They called mea rat and ink and lousy stool pigeon feel awiul Did do right or magiJERRY Dear Jerry You did right it was your responsibility to main tain order it your friends would not cooperate they deserved to be reported Moreover your own honor and lategri were on the line Resl irien cant expect you to iise influence to covervup for them when they are out oi order Make no apol ogleeever Your Steps wil get Sta res llealth Mrs Aconl ridge Branch Director in the City oi liondon where Marlowes plays were regisf AND COMFORT By PEGGY CAMPBELL Home Economist North Sharin Aceordiog to lnlormstion re leased not long ago it is high time tor many of us grownan to take close gueationing look at some at our eatinghsbits recent survey carried out on youngsters iound that as per cent at those tskbtg part either drink milk regularly or take it on their cereal emery much improved picture over past years This at course made those responsible to tire study very happy indeed Alas though there wasnt nearly so much cause tor toy when it came to the adult picture As matter ot last one doctor labelled the tindingsongrownu Inttk drinking habits at STATISTICS SHOW An stunning number oi the it 30 year olds it was tound get milk only in the iooda they eat And the picture does not improve any as we grow older and supposedly wiser As matter oi test it worsens Among the adults in the 050 age bracket cent do not usemilk while the so years and ovei group 20 per cent also do not use it at all The picture all too olten seems to he bring children up to drink milk tor good health good teeth and straightstrong bones but as soon as they have turned to or 10 then we can completely disregard any need or th pro sifln vitamin and calcium rich it could be we have been em phasluog the need or the glow ing child for milk to such an extent that we have overlooked the need at the adult it is true that aim growth has been reach ed our bones no longer need cal cium tor growing longer or larg er We tail to realize however Crown Hill WI Elect Ofï¬cers The annualmeeting Crown Hill Womens institute was held at the home oi Mrs Aconloy The president Mrs Aconley opened the meeting The Motto The man who It only tor himsell runs in sited on by Mrs it Newson vlbe conveners gave their re ports and the election ot otilt icers took place as follows President Mrs Dumont iirst vice president MrsE Gough secretary treasurer Mrs Dunsmore Conveners Canadian Industries Mrs Gough Home Economics I31nd torical Research Mrs New son Citizenship and Education Mrs Handy Public Relations Oiiicer Miss Hickllux District Director Mrs Ac onley alternate Mrs it Part Mrs GeorgeAtkinson pianist Mrs Tuck and Mrs Gough Pennies tor Friends score tary Mrs Atkinso Flower committee Mrs Partridge auditors Mrs It Newson Mrs Sutton MARK ANNIVERSARY LONDONtCP The 400th anniversary of playwright Christopher es birth tails this year along with that oi Shakespeare Members at the Marlowe Society in authentic Elizabethan dress gathered re cently to celebrate with toth century least at Stationers liall tered Add Beauty Protorl Your Home with READYMADE PRECAST she did during the ï¬rst week oi the Plan ior independenceuSha paid $10 for set of mink eye lashes and $4950 or pair of gold satin lounging pylamas Should we give her another chante She says she has learned her lesson and that one next $400 will last six months for sure Yes or not UN oEcmw Dear Uni it on give not to one lnstrillotien Ne Construction Tiaops STEPS and PORCHES DOUGLAS CONCRETE PRODU TS LiMlTED For Free Estimates Call PA 89642 See Our Display At 91 Anne 5L Barrie lowsz Past President Mrs Adults Eating Habits Demand Ar Glbser Look that healthy condition must constantly be mstmained we adults short ration ourselves on such substances as calcium which is liberally supplied in milk our bones more more brittle as many ad me have iouiid to their sonow brittle bones break easily and do not always mend quickly OVERLDOK FACTS There is another set we sometimes overlooir Calcium which is iound in suchgenernul quantities in milk also acts as regulator oi many at our body it but especially is this rue relation to the heart So that Is the milk drinking picture as our doctors seellt today An improved one al though itls stilt tar irom per test as far as the young child is concerned an alarming end when they look at the adults and our need tor the excellent proteins vitamins and calcium we should be getting imm milk but arent it would seem very worth while piolcci then to see what we can do to get more milk into the meals ol those grownups who are going short Now this doesnt mean long row at tsll glasses at milk whichth be drunk madly instead It means or those who do not like drinking milk eo joyabte delicious toads which can be tortiIlod easily with dared lklm5mlikfoqdl as soups salad dram assess cuetsrds milk meet losves bsktog powder biscuit snd so on Fortiï¬ed with extra rklmnillk powder this can prove simple and inexpensive to improve this Ilarming situation toned among more NWPI achievement om Very shortly the 4H Horne mhklng Clubs oi North Simooo County will be holding Achieve ment Days tor the protect The Milky Way These young people have been studying the benefits at milk and milk products or the past two monthstsnd have an siternoon oi exhibits dem onstrations and skits planned oi interest to visitors Do loin us at one at the Achievement Days to he held on Saturday April in in Trinity Parish Hall Ennis Saturday April 15 Community Hall Guthrie and Saturday May in the Commtnlty Hall Elm vo CentreVespra WI Annual Meeting Centre Vespra Womens lnstls tulo held the Annual Meeting April at the home oi Mrs Gift The meeting was opened with Mrs Fat Wlsmcr presiding The Opening Ode was sung allowed by the repeating oi the Mary Stewart Collect The Roll Call was answered by to members paying fees and telling what they enjoyed most at last years program One highlight oi the year was the pot luck supper in November held at the school Following the Ripper the Ont ario Hydro showed two very in teresting tilms one being on the St Lawrence Seaway project The other meeting most enjoy ed by all was the Valentina meeting held in February Sev eral members modeled Valen tine Hats The District Presid ghiyanï¬llbilsldcuj was com entTMriTMEgiiirévlalEditlhia Meeting giving demonstration on how to make beeswaxrcao dies full report was given by all the Standing Committees Dur ing the year we helped with some institute Protects Spiro sorachild Plan FWIO Pennies Agriculture and for imam AcWW total of $4400 was spent on Womens InstitutaslEducatlonal such as delegate to Ofiicers Conterence District Annual Area Conven tion andiocat caders irain ing School To the 4H girls irecelving County Honors gave cup and saucer to each Gills ortreau were sent totheil in the com munity new babies receiving either 00 or silver spoon Donationawere sent to the llor ticultural Societ and Mental Health Mrs Ottaway presided tor the election of oiticera as tol =Wlaine Presldent Mrs Patterson lat vice President Mrs Dobson 2nd Vice Pre eident Mrs Dobson Secret aryTreasurer Mrs Dobson District Director Mrs Pats terson Alternate Mrs Wis Illel Branch Directors Mrs llickling Mrs Gltien Mrs Ottaway Social Mrs Hickllng Mrs Dohson Mrs Mama Mrs Gliien Program Mrs liickling Mrs Patterson Mrs Ken Bowlas Mrs Waiiwin Home Economics and Health Mrs iiicltling Mrs Dohson Pub lic Relations Mrs Ken Eowles Mrs Gliten Citizenship and Education Mrs Dobson Mrs Dobson Historical ite scarchcirrent Events Mrs Dobson Mrs Patterson Agriculture and Canadian in dustï¬waMrsrtkillciding Mrs Wismer Resolutions Mrs Hicltling Sick and Visiting Mrs Dobaon Mrs Thompson Mrs chltllngz Auditors Rennick Mrs Gliickling Pltlnlai Mrs Thompson Mums $149 Bunch Yellow white bronze and pink Cash and carry sums humor snnasr GO HAND INHHAND Available In ell popular steers swingers in BOUNTY 05s BEAUTIFUL IBLOUVSES fashion ht price sotiny youilwantali Feminine hiiisond perkypollradots sure to addthat extra touch to your Springwdrdrobe 4Q98feat semi tied broaderoffshoots his Wren blousefiorf htiitsnedorhavy aisoawniiagsmsizm Vicac madmo4 rtzem Iv1vvnv 74 3r 3w9i1ralgrfiilizwcnderftt ALKERS as anyone Araei overt on in trim Pink yellowblue crimint inelasto to lo ves flaring into trilled curs 18 surahwtth ion Phiklorbiuedois on is in sizes in