anxras syncs rear nannsv Amazons from here attended the funenl at Miss Myrtle Fleming oi Ivy on Monday lrorn the Thomas Rome Allislon to Angus Cemetery Coonhum Io lthe honor eatltdents on Ens er moorta Sbasnxock OHara Peter Mc Larhlan Lynne DAnaio Ellen Henry and Sheila Sheridan Mr and Mrs Ruddlck at tended the luneral in Aiiislon on Moods of Mrs Eva irwin Mr Mrs ivan Leslie Georgetown were weekend visi tors with Mr and Mrs Delms ksiie Mrs Margaret Beyer is spend ing this week with her radial and daughter Mr and Mrs Clit lord Mooney Egbert Mr and Mn Calvin McAfea and girls spent Thursday alter nonn with Mr and Mrs Robert Turnbuli Miss Anna Gaulcy spent the lweekend with irlendl in Wallace urg Miss Lynne Boyd is spending holidays with her sister Mrs Henderson FAMILY GATHERING Mr and Mrs Roy Graham en tertained at family dinner on Sunday March so The occasion was in honor oi their eldest daughter Irene Mrs Block of Paynlon Sask beiore leav ing for her home after spending 0a month with her parents here The lamily as follows are his and Mrs Norval Graham Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Jack Gra ham Scarborough Davcna Mr and Mrs Henry Robinson Wiliowdaie Yvonne Mr and Mrs Den Oldham Mount Albert Mildred Mr and Mrs Bron linker Toronto Mr and Mrs Forbes Graham Stroud also eighkgrandchildren CHURCHILL By MR5 II SAUNTER Miss Camlyn Realty nurse iniraining at Hamilton has piial spent the weekend at her parental home Miss Betty Alters is spending the Easter vacation with Mr and Mrs Horace Storey at Lind with Mr and Mrs Jack iiiurray en Iertainnd at party for friends on Saturday evening Miss CarolComeauTeceive the rites of baptism and testi mony oi faith at Emmanuel Baptist Church Harris on Sun by Mrs Fred Morris has return ed from Toronto to spend the summer at her home here Jimmieand David Bell of Lind say arejhoiidsy with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs William Alters astarts saunvr rna The Messengers oi the United Church and their leaders are grateiu1to the community tor the interest in and support at their Make Believe Tea Pro coeds will go to further the With at the Messengers WON PRIZES local armors attended the South Simcoa Seed Fair at Al listen on Tuesday Jack Camp eli and Alicia Saunter captured prizes for corn silage and hay Mr and Mrs Ted Rillock were hosts to the Fourth Line euchre as on Saturday evening Win ng high scores were Mrs Gor don MacDonald and Robert Der mottConsolation went to Mrs Harry Squibb Sympathy is extended to Clif lord Spence and daughters of Barrie in the loss of wife and another Several irom Churchill attended thefunerai on Monday Mr and Mrs Joseph Tennisco oi Coqksvilie called on Mr and Mrs Gregg Davison Sunday Mr snd Mrs Gordon Mac Donald and family spent Easter Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs EJ Presser Barrie Mr and Mrs Donald Beatty Mrs Andrew Graham andMrs Saunter attended the Gn tario Home and School Conven tion at the Royal York Hotel Toronto on Thursday WI ANNUAL APRIL The Womens institute will old the annual meeting on Thursday evening April at pm Convenera are reminded to bring reports Shoemaker the Bell Telephone Co will be on hand to instruct all inths new system to he inaugurated As our area on April Thain stitute plans two euchra parties on April and iii MEETS The of St Peers rAnlt gllcan church met on Thursday evening and enjoyeda pot luck supper Betty Akers was in charge of the worship with June Fairhead assisting The theme was Easterrwith droiicali being answered with we Irom the Bible pertaining EastemGrace and Gloria Hin die presented the study on tho yyouth of Japan illustrating the tgik with picturesshnwing the manipulation oi chopsticks Rev eriey Terrell and CarolConk an flavoredwith dustDonna air ad andTrudy Davis show ed the girls how to make silver and gold paper cross bookmarks Amusement was caused by the musical quizzes made up bytha cnswera played andlsung closed with and night in the were conducted mmmmmn nwnvar lord and steam pastoral chine Communion was obser reï¬th imndmir sang two augments WW the solo part June and sells mills aadAank Kali sr as trio addWmucb with their set ectlon VAn inspirational arm Sun day message in song and word was appreciated by goodly number attendlnl Mr Page student minister waLin charts Blake Constable was the soloist The Junior Farmers hold an executive meeting at the home oi Joan Kneesbaw on Mondly night Plans were made for cuchrcs at Giiiord onApril and in and Variety Night early in ay The bridge Club had their line gettogether on Thursday ave ning and all attended Spring ihaw at Barrie Central Col ieniata Miss Donna Thompson is hdli daying with her cousin Miss Karen Forbes Willowdale EASTER VISITORS Easter visitors noticed in the community were Howard Allan at his home Mr and Mrs Keith Sinclair and con Toronto and Mr and Mrs Paris Sinclair oi Barrie with Mr and Mrs hen Sinclair Mr and Mrs The lca and son or Harrie with Mr and Mrs Allen Baldwin Miss Jean Spence oi Alliston at her home Mr and Mrs Roger Sturgeon of Barrie with their parents Miss Pressiclt oi 0riliis with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Gruhhs Miss Ione Tili man and friend at Toronto with Mr and Mrs Tillman IVY My MRS WILMER WILSON Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Parr and Mr and Mrs Bill Parr were Miss Florence McVeigh Georgetown Mr and Mrs Sam Parr and Lyle Toronto Mr and Mrs Bruce Lounks Bram on Mr and Mrs Tom Sta am and family 0riliis STRDUD WIN TROPHY Congratulations in Stroud Ju venilehockey team who won the trophy alter beating ivy 5d at Al ston Arena Thursday evening Better Luck next year boys Dr and Mrs Robert Davis Kapuskn are spending week visits friends her MlsEMa ISEvis and ohn Davis and lriend of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Ester Davis Terry Arnold entertained few friends one evening this past week Mrs Pat Cherrington and Cami are spending lewdays withlrlends in Kitchener Mrs RitaBurbidge spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs JackBanting Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson and iamiiy spent the weekend with the latters parents in Sar dinia New York Mr and Mrs John Evans and family at London Ontario spent the weekend with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Mel Money Miss Grace Dunnili spent Eas terdwcek with friends in Men or Mr and Mrs Jennett spent Sunday in Toronto Weekend visitors at the home of Mr 9nd Mrs Richard Price were Mr and Mrs Douglas Rig by Montreal Mr and Mrs Price and Heather Price Ot tawa and Harold Morton En gland Mr and Mrs Raie Long Sioux spent the weekend with their daughter and son law Mr and Mrs Glenn Ap legate Miss Barbara Gondwn and iriend Toronto aner and Keast spent the weekend wiln Mr and Mrs Ernest Goodwin Miss Heather Cunningham spent the week in Etobicoke with Mr and Mrs George Marlow Rexdals spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Ken Hughes Mr and Mrs family Scarborough Mr and Mrs Mark Nelson JlmrsndJoe Pennelton of Buckley mited Mrs Earl Hironsontha week end and =sttended baptism ot Lori Ellen Hirons at St Georges Church Utopia on Sa turday night Mr and Mrs Keith McVan ell and Ella McLean Toronto spent the weekend with friends here Rev and Mrspiienry and family spent the Ottawa iriends Miss Marion McVanell and Mr and Mrs Murray McVaneli and family spentthe weekend ianvy Newman and spent the weekendwithMr and Mrs Ilennett Miss Lynda Lyons Toronlo Joellteth weekend Congratulations to Douglas Spears whowas declared the reserve champion sheep show man at the 1964 College Royal Douglas is second year student at the Ontario Agricultural Coi ETSPROMOTION Congratulstions to William Cox worth of Ontario Provincial Pots ice who has bean promoted to Sergeant andpincod in charge of 24man OPP detachment atJHellcviiie Mr and Mrs Keith McVeneli Jack Hirons and Harper Ill and Mrs Frank Hill Tor onto andMr and Mrs Don Montreai Saturday monsoon MRS osonoaaour Mrs John Hunter Barrie liter having been patient in Royal Victoria Hospital In con Vllucing with Mrs Mr Mra Luck has relunn ed to the villare alter spendi the winterin Burlington wi her laninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Rope Mr and Mrs Robert Orrock and air and Mrs George Holt attended the Simeoe District Co operative banquet and annual meeting in Central United Church Hall last Wednesday One of the highlights of the meeting was pmeaiation ot scrolls to six of tho original board of directan In ms with special one to Stewart Pals who chose the charter bond Mr and Mrs Sander and iamily attended the golden wedding anniversary of their uncle andtaunt Mr and Mrr Arthur Thompson Totienham Saturday April IMPORTANT MEETING Thornton Womens Institute will hold their election at oitieerl Thursday April to at 315 pm at the home of Mrs Menard Vanderpost Roll call will be an awered by payment oi fees and written suggestions for next year Conveners are reminded to have their reports ready to bs sent on district convensrs Conveners are reminded to place copy of their report in common his tory book to pass on to the new convener Mrs Spencer will conduct election oi oificers Remember to hand in nominees alter contacting same to nom inations committee Mrs Allen Altman and Mrs Earl Cunning ham so they will have com plate slate oi olficars Visitors will be welcome Easter visitors oi Mrs Luck andMr and Mrs Grant were Mr and Mrs Ken Caldi wcli andfamiiy oi Barrie and Mr and Mrs Hope of burlington April did not tool the prise winners at the LOL euchre when so contestants participa ted in Thornton Orange Hall Mrs Isaac Jennett won the box of groceries while euchre prizes went to Mrs Morrow Holly Mrs Reid Mrs Campbell Stroud James Spears Osc etes and Jo Elï¬n No carioads of Thornton Holly Young Peoples unionat tended the WW annual conven tion in Eimvaie last Sunday Miss Mary Carr has returned home after spending law days in Niagara Falls and Sulialo She accompanied two other girl friends on this Easter vacation Mr and Mrs John Scott and daughters oi Toronto visited their parents Mr and Mrs Spears during the Easter hoi idays Those spending Easter week end in Ottawa were Mr and Mrs Peter Stinger and Mr and Mrs Mike Webb Mrs William Hunter had visit Sunday from Mr and Mrs Chambers of Toronto Thosewbo are interested in the Nsw Curriculum tin tted Church Sunday Schools are reminded of the Workshop on same in Central United Church Barrie Saturday and Sunday April 11 and 12 Mr and Mrs Mills and sons Collingwnod visited Sunday with their mother and grandmother Mrs Cun ningham Alired Spencer oi Staynar Nursing Home celebrated his 921d birthday Sunday Some at his family who spent the after noon with him were Mr and Mrs Altman and Mr and Mrs Spencer of Thornton Mr and Mrs James Spencer of Maple and Mr and hob Spencer oi Willnwdala aurora By MRS EAWYER JR FARMERBEUCHRE Churchill Junior Farmers held euchrepnrty in Giiiord Hall Friday evening with nine tables or players present Winners were Gladys Wright Gail Latch man Mary Neilly Percy Isaceby Norman Neiily and Eben Saw yer There will be another euchre April 10 sponsored by the Junior Farmers Ken Wright Toronto was visitor at Mr and Mrs Paid Russells for couple oi days during Easter holidays Miss Louise Neilly was vis itor in Toronto with iriénds tor few days during Easter holl days Miss Mary Nesbitt was guest on Popeye Party Thursday alternoon recently wy sited her daughters Helen snd Margsr et in Toronto for thazweakend SPRING CONVENTION The Young Peoples spring conventionwa Eimvaie April ands with tar good tt tendsneeiherewere attend ing lull time from Churchill pas toral charge andthey wonthe loup losinrgest number from one union John Ledlle of Giltord was the speaker tor the conference mm Ingchrdrse zrr vat1w wwvfwsvzozruw wist 9M9 yam5 We SHOULDER FRESH SLICED La LS BOLOGNA HEAD CHEESE GARLIC BOLOGNA IS on tins 100 success HEAVY DUTY PASTE wnx i15gs is Pilliii CHOPS ltj SIDE Piliiii BACON VALUES CHICKEN 3f°°m FRESH CUT PLAIN gt siztlifi° or not 43c LEAN SMOKED SIDE BACON 43 CHICKEN IN ROASTS snow 69 ml 37 79 iiiii€inn 89 wmos FPS100 hï¬faéfli 510 BURNS coonrn MEATS 0551s 39 sure LOAF bpillzs 00 MoLlNTAR0Â¥AIH0IcE TENDEggops PEACHES MIRAchwiIirf SALAD 33 ansssma iron 59h rnunsninil 0TF SLICED PINEAPPLE on YORK FROZEN iIIPLEj PIES plu wmos or sneeoLYous NTARlo no Homouss nan amncious APPLES