Considers Tenders For Phone Service George Reynolds sent liia foremost to Township Council to make sure that the ion park tables to be made would meet the approval of the Parks Donn mittee The tath will be made of spruce with cedar tops and finished with two coats of paint on the lopeand tents and one on the frames FIVE TENDERS Council opened fire tenders for handling emergency phone calls for police and fire depart merit The amounts and names of the tenders were not tabled as it was felt that considera tion should be given to olferl GARBAGE REMOVAL Ratepayers will pay 313660 annually for garbage removal it was suggested ttiat an old mattress or unused piece oi furniture would not constitute garbage and that only kitchen waste be included The above sum does not cover dump care which could add over ozone The sum does not oover all the township Before an area can be added residents must sign petition and agree to pay with taxes the required amount to cover the cost year ago it was decided the dump at the will line was litl tag was resorted to flu rcv stilt is that pail of HM drifts lama with the wind over the homes or many simmer mideita It had been rug geated that more suitable aite could be found in more central place However no one wants garbage dump In their vicinityaud pressure was brought to bear to prevent Ibo removal of the win line donut We learned from Canada Calling news that blluard hit Ontario on St Patricks Duy Tha news items said that car users as far north as Bruce Peninsula were warned to stay off the roads We only hope this does not get as far down as where we are as runny NOMINATIONS closed for the county offices and every post from constable up Is open Nominations are offered by members of both the Republican and Democra tic arties and the electors must deci the best man even if they should change their party support which is unusual One of the candidates running for tax assessor said he felt his qualifications sh ul warrant the only place that garbage was to be delivered This was to be on the cover method but unlortunately even with paid attendant in charge it was found to he not practical and burn hir election as he hadeirper fence in valuating md was of the opinion that continuous ad iustments to assessments was necessary to conform with mar ket values 24 Fatalities Over Weekend Accidents in four provinces accounted for at least 24 deaths in Canada during the weekend No fatalities were reported In the remaining six provinces survey by The Canadian Press from pm Friday to midnight Sunday local times showed 12 persons died on the roads six in fires five in un classified aceidents and one person was drowned There were eight deaths re ported in each of British Col umbia and Ontario and seven Brighton when the car he was driving was in collision wtih an other automobile is miles west of Betlaville Mrs Pearl Ella Cory 39 Oshawa in fire that de stroyed the home of neighbor with whom she was spending the night Ezra Gordon Thompson 50 Durham of waunds suffered when he accidentally discharged rifle he was cleaning William Edgar Harrison 35 Petrolia when struck by car weather is nice on the beaches Down In Florida nominations insomn To Control Show ronomo cmm Re 3mm has mnacsc to oauedoprwoaed mlevlstoa Pnlram wins version IIof how the would in covered rirta Crucifixionand Mmectiou the bishop has sent tele grarnto CBCPraaidantAi it om GIRLIS TRIBUTE Seven year old Julia McCarthy pausesfor mom ent after placing her first comrnunlon bouquet at the grave of John Kean to day In Arlington Na onai Cemetery She received the bouquet shown In Irontot the open gate at her first communion yesterday at St Josephs Roman Cath to Church at West New It Standing with Julie is John Phillips of the honor NI guard At rear are Julias parents Air and hirs James McCarthy of North Borden and her sixyaarold brother Joseph almost hidden mg Wirephoto Unruly Mob injures Liz 111305th Hotel BOSION APlA press agent for Elizabeth Taylor com plained today that the actress was injured by an unnily mob of youths who stormed Logan international Airport and Bos ton hotcl Sunday for look at her and her actor husband Richard Burton in Qiinbie in New Brunswth one died of carbon monoxide poisoning Six persons died in traffic and one was drowned in Quebec Ontario had four traffic deaths and two fire fatalities One man accidentally shot himself while cleanin rifle and an other died on pinned under car which slipped off lacir Fires claimed four lives in British Columbia No pErEQIS died on the highways and two in unclassified accidents The survey does not include slay ings known suicides or lndusb rial accidents The Ontario dead SUNDAY Robert Hill 50 Preston when struck by car in front of his home Percy Mathews zo Orillia when car jack gave way al lowing the oar under which he was working to drop on him SATURDAY Gordon Murray Christmas 28 By Portuguese LUANDA APlThe bloody tribal uprising that erupted against white solders in North ern Angola three years ago has subsided to smoldering bush war kept in cheokby 50000 Portuguese troopsu Firm hnys recruited from Portugal and tough looking African soldiers wearing aplotched camouflage UltlfDillIll patrol the red dirt roads tafths north making them safe at least for daytints travel Together they have flushed out warriors therrebellioua Bakongo tribe who once con trolled areas within 40 miles of the capital of Luanda an trouble spots rcmai and off the roads lie thick rain ests where junglewise guerril Ins can travel at tected by the Portuguese When the rebellion exploded liflmhjï¬erï¬lJaJakm vwhilewalking along amad about lomiles east of Sarnia FRIDAY Vincent OToole 71 Hamilton when his flouting caught fire while he was trying to light fire in awood stove Claudette Lavnlee 18 Stun geon Falls when the ear in which she was riding coilidef with CPR train near her home Bus Disiaster Claims 22 Lives SAIGON tReutersNenty two persons were killed Sunday when Communist Viet Cong guerrillas detonated miner an der bus outside the capital of Long An province theofficial SouthVIet Nam press Inewa agency reported Among the dead were six children and pregnant woman uprisingsnsned if Troops year old Holden Roberto slim bearded Baptist trained Bairongo The Portuguese any Robertas It position to bioomlng untenable among his own followers They note that he promised three years ago that the Portuguese would soon be booted out of Angola 11ta whites still retain all the cities and there is little evidence the Bakongo revolt has spread to other tribes ii ï¬IImSV US Policy Discussing Ham rat Ibrshar aton Plaza Hotel upon the stars arrival from Tomato in which the Burtons were jostied as they pushed their way through the lobby John Springcrsaid Mrs Burton required the title tions of doctor alter the inci dent She wrencbed her back and amt and was almost in state of collapse he said ive never seen such an un controlled reception be com plained Ihe Burtons wanted to say hello to their fans but under these conditions it was impossible Hotel Manager Daniel Nyboe who ran interference for the famous couple to get them in side the hotel described the ricnce as the worst thing ve been through In my it The couple ate ped into the crowd from imousina and were shoved antitdpulled By the time they reach the elevator Burton was In rage and his wife near hysterics The Burtons arrived here with the company at Shakespearean players who will present Hui Iet at the Shuhert Theatre openingrlnesday An estimated 3500 persons waited at tho airport for glimpse of the Burton but were all ed for honey WEAR Wd APublic AOIIICIY Againstfiovt mwgltcpkau II Sunday it In the immediate effect oi the public ottry agahigt the OD of ASpedal It ramihe0pen Grave Didi presentation could only be aerlleglous anhtrto float and offensive to all Chris tians the telegnm rays The bishop laid theIprogram one not subrrutted to the religioul advisory council oi the CBC The program written by Otarles isr has cast of I50 and filmed at cost In and around hirnntn in cluding nightalmting aesslon ata cemetery complete with open grave The film will make atro vesty of the Resurrection Blo hop Wilkinson sai pose can It serve Indians liear Noted lluthor PETROLIA Ont CWREG ogoition of the lndian as hu man being not just an anthro pologlcal study was called for Sunday by Mrs Ethel Brant Monlure noted indigo author and lecturer and member of the Tomato staff of the Cana dian Council of Christians and Jews Mrs Monture was speaking to at delegates at the first aliin dian folk school held Saturday andrsunday the delegates rep resented indlan bands with membership of more than 0500 We have been the object for years of research and investi towed off the airport apron to locked hanger The throng at the airport was one of the most unruly within memory at the field Many were young and sgilefliey pushed through doors trampled police ropes and raced out to the field following the planeall the way to Trans World Alr lines hangar Some even got into the hangar before they were heaved out However no one was reported injured were married in Montreal week earlier remained out of sight all the way bus wheeled Into the hangar to carry the Hamlet company Into the city disappointed when the Trans Cans Air Lines piano waa dro and the Burtons presumably va Buying new Car erepaymehtrlane WASHINGTON AP rm Ident Johnson made personal moverSaturday to try to get US falls on the tra anama back of 50000 It was that at scentJ that pur mm ntisalaylarand Burtonrwho powerstatheon Patti Commission haa ahdved byPrernier Ito of Ontario lathe waheof storm of protest One pro poeedahanga would allow per sona to be detained In lIiI virtually indefinitely with outtrtal the but shows the Importance of public vigilance to prevent ar action by the state it shows the value of alwaya being on the alert he said The retired fudge said he in tends to study the contents of the bill and then send it to the Geneva headquarters of the ln ternatloriai Commissionrol Jun Ists with comments on what happened and pointing out that it Was demonstration of the value of constant public vigi lanoe gatlon Wehave long felt it was more than time to turn the spot light on the other side said Mrs Moisture Another important need is revision of all history texts and citizenship department publica tions to present us accurately as people struggling to hold an homelands and our Idea What we usually read In bli tory book In that we are la vage peopleof tha stone age and that our reason for living was to malts war and heroes out of the settlers out more the Iotuaatloaal ess mlduharszna star at Heartening ii elplea tong established for cardiac five Killed In Plane Crash rind CF the Individual AINIREE En no womni Journalists were killed Saturday when light it crashed near the come for the Grand National Steeplechase has new er persons In Apache alrcralt en route toil ctaulc horse race spone of the vlctlmsldisguising1 no to year who was to have covered the race for the mass circulation Sandi mu News of the World She was an author and literary critic and was known widely as television and re dlo personality in Britain With her was Mrs Ioan Wetl ner Laurie editor at the worn ens magazine called She Others aboard were identified as Mr and Mrs Leon Goodman of London and Owen Stevenson the pilot 24HOUR SERVICE SALES and SERVICE Of All Types Of HEATING EQUIP BOWENS Beating and Air Condltlolifl Adelaide 1W ONLY BUIGAIIDIGA FLY DIREBT FROM TIIRPIITO If Mill LONDDIHI EUROPE Never before has iccost so little to jet across the Atlantic With BOACs new 21Day Econl erny Excursions you save up to$208oVer last aurnrnera regular aeonbmy fares Yonfly by RollIRoyfl 721M and grooming gos armedwith rude weap ans rampag througli Angus Ias rich colfee white settlements cutting down dehildren ass bloody fashion slaughtering blacks vindiseriml midy it was good thing thatthe army finally arrived have goneon ntil all lite whites and blacks were dead Tifalned and supplied byuthe Congo theybelieve operate from earripastiort dilch Item Leo ldviile with theblessings of or CyrillerAiioula Leader of the rebels as rw cat disiarlcea lies an All es my at rp edsup to bull lantatlons and Johnson walked unannounced briefing being new PIEII seore into routinaf held by his tary George Reedyand our prised reporters by reading detailedstatement of his attilt tude toward the Panamardip pute Johnson said We are prepared to review everydssue which now divider lus ond everyprobletn which the Panamanlan government Wishesto raise We are pro PETQcho thls atany time and any place Although Jiihnson described the statement as reaffirms lion of US policy phrases appeared to be ufii vague toleave ample room for man in any settlement talka initial Panamanian reaction aptly