Manuals am no Sedan halal condition Dunlap at lAleInAs new mt AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE OWL his Tflcphtll hardtop Hunt INA lol Lou M7 anu Illallpgilllundg ow co Telephone name war tut onnmoanl our door ant omatic minus tum and wbita In males AI madman for IanBA Information telephone mrm tut novn rtr nodes is aluminum body free lhea walnut dun low mileage Inner twin sv curbs mild nu mamas door Very tlut painted MI miles the and cam genuine well cared tor and refinished MM Nun can msmnm his ost Luau any Artur IIllrdiua fun for mlemd driven In lichen Emmanuel ll Alï¬millylmlicolifef Pa new in nth Delusa our standard transmission custom n5 die urns men in solar ran cu In new as moo cash um pm TRAVEL TRAILERS NET ARRIVED Todsyi null trailer eenzpany offers new travel trailer to um four for ms to can out to penpla buying these Rambler Campers Terms amngrd com and on them at sun came Mobile Barnes Burton Ansms am most CARS WANTED TO BUY multssr mcss for old can truck and scrap We will pleads ortltnai mile eIIlIhonI mi Parkway Auto Wrocke Tltil Concealer of Innlsfli Highway Irvin 7MB VOLKSWAGEN wanted Must in good condition Relaunth Tired Will pay lllii Telephone 1800 III DA for lurthu information MOBILE HOMES nuss cfluurn Mobile Home and Travel Trailer will accept depol its on now and used ers and wl1l marales against not price Increases Prices start II me Call noises or as at Burton Avenue Dania PERSONALS WOODLAND NURSERY SCHOOL have two programs to offer Full day for working parents $55 monthly it day mornings as monthly Transportation available Telephone 72434515 INVISIBLE Mending wanted Iv do in my own home Isabel DudA man Baxter village hit Angus mcum TAX Returns prepared Kidd Accountant nun lop St West Tlllphone 72M day or averting TRANSPORTATION Wanted tron Oakley rm soure to downtown lave em week between an mm and Bill an Telephone 715 nm allu pm INSTRUCTIONS JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL at ms Rose St learn the safe and courteous Way CALL TODAY 7261277 lO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP mrmnctzn Cook wanted or days only Telephone mane lADY WANTED tilt bounkee lag and can for two small Ehli kn Live In Telephone HATS attsr can in Manual women wanted to look after baby parbllme in east end home Mull have on tumor Iion Telephone 72506 wartsass Wanted experienced grclemd nthum employment elphuua sons are tram Barri no toll lamina to me for my home and three children Live In Good wlgcl Liberal final all ply Cilll Spencl Til Talent Barrie nAmDnBsasg srslstnnt required Immediately Also have openinl or one apprentice Apply to Jun Garrick Batt stylist telephon VII4661 aanssnanms for modern lldies maytower urea run or pm ttma openings kpcrienccd pn rmm Good wages for right per son Nut appearance enunLIaL Apply to Dunlap West WOMANWIWCInDriVI you would enioy workinl or ours day calling regularly ch mouth on map of studio cosmetic cUents on route to be established in and around Barrie and In wiillnl to make light deliveries etc writs Studio Girl Cosmetics Dept CD 140 rns Mom mumutu Telephone travel traii mWeuawywvmwwquqw Io hmwanrro HydroTcls Kellen Brldg ditions Apply stating full CARPENTERS Experience Preferred FOR INSTALLATION OF ALUMINUM SIDING rum TIME Eurmvumr Apptylupexson March 23rd LOCAL MEN PREFERRED ROSS STREET BARRIE INTERESTING WORK TiiAiN FOR MANAGEMENT DEALING WITH PEOPLE Not an average training pro gram not an ordinary job This unique Management Training Program follows wci1planncd ehcnsiva schedule provides you the best opportunity to develop qulcltly Intonresponslbla exco utive In finance pays you full salary while you learn with Increases based on your high school graduate Liberal salary car allowance all modern employee benfllts Apply HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP 28 Dunlop St Barrie 7256534 REIAIL SALESMAN For building ntpplim store in Orangevlllo Adistrfct Experi enced In estimating and selling ofall types of building mater Iale This position otters good futura for ambitious man look ing for steady employment All enquiries treated In strict eon fidencs For interview call 5199112350 and askfor Mr Rolleror write stating superb ence and salary required to Edelbrocit Bros on Po Box 1030 Orangevilie LICENCED BODYMAN and EXPERIENCED BODYMAN or year apprentice Eligible for Group Insurance afterz Months APPLY MIDDELS BODY SHOP RE No 5Barrie LaFleut Av henna1J2 from wtilwup mullllperbour TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FORFAST namemnrsanvtca piss gt TAKEour SERVICE FOR UTASTY AND Tomlin 72 TAXI an FAST UptothrMinutg counrnoussanvrca CALL VALLEY TAXI 7282433 Drivevmnseu Cannon Trucks RESTAURANTS NORMANDY RESTAURANT Features sinessmena Luncheons Steaks Specialty 723ml fIIl CHINESE AND CANADIAN TELEPHONE 7266729 ROY LEM CAFE For Speedy MallIII service vtsrr curt mama cannons Wedding Ban Ileta Private Parties flnflltim Phone vacoaot DELICIOUS coop SHOES SHINED GILS SHOE SHEIE LADIES cams Bats Cleaned andBlocksd SKILLED OPE ma ran Milling Machines Boris ontal Baring Mills Bench Mon and Tool ltoom Machinist for plastic and die cast moulds After I0 am Monday rate of progress Age at to ZS mm rived from indirecttaxatlon RATORS Thp rates full fringe benefits excellent working con particulars to INTERNATIONAL TOOLS LTDZ Huron Line WINDSOR Ontario MD IAN noted to on tnrlay lam House supplied Mayhem Tums lllPONllBII men and do sum was reamsat for right Barrie moan Hand lap dL unto llnn or ILII will holds huLI the Canal MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT til EAYFIELD ST EMPLOYMENT WANTED TammiAGED ley would baby alt altcruoon or mm mm tall non PAINTINO Aii of interior paintIn aim we papariltl Modr trail niel Telephone HEM tuna In own home ï¬ve days walk IM supplied Tsie none norm YOUNG MAN sin is an is eager and Viilint War er Qiaufllurl licence Requires position Monday to many Dlyl only yem ex pertencs mm Cali pun satEs HELP AGENTS BALBIMKN Wlnled fllil or but time for Canldla moat prenu aiva Lina of Callndm Ind Adven tilinlNWtiliIls direct man man ulnnturon Top commissions gold weakly rh Clayhu Lino ere qu unitenu only All letters snawered Write sales Manner it Ill new Wm ll LEGAL NOTICE IN THE MAiiElt oi the clos ing of part of the production westerly of Wood Street as shown on Registered Plan Num ber 235 TAKE NOTICE that the Coun cil of the Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this notice at least once week for four con secutive weeks in The Barrie ExamEIger consider and bit cent expedient pass law to close and stop up that part of the production westerly of Wood Simet lying to the west of line drawn parallel to and distant 132 feet westerly of the westerly limit of Wood Street as shown on Registered Plan Number 286 AND roam ram nor ICE that any person who claims that his land will he prejudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heardmil be heard by the Cetmcfl of the Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his counsel soli citor or agent THIS NOTICE is first pub lished on the 7th day of March AD 19M STRAUGlIAN Clerk of the City of Barrio By his solicitors BOYS SEAGRKM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors of ELMEB MATH EWSON CALDWELL late of the City of Barrie in the County of Shame who died on the both day of November loos must tile their claims with the underslnted before March SIM 1964 after which data assets of the estate will be distributed William Clayton Jacobs Exeow tor by his Solicitors SMITH McLEAN AND OWEN 20 Owen Streets Barrie Ontario EW WWI ny has rinmsorr Mr and Mrs Leighton Bch and sons of Toronto spent the weekend with the farmers par ents Mr and Mrs Oscar Bows Tam Wentden of Toronto is newspaper compnslnl Ken to titlII REVENUE nsnunha onscos revenuesVere de able to all In store Ad niiet uliili WNW cosmos Webl ï¬nd is esrtidcata Tun position offers advancemenl and ammunw to Apply Canadian mm so Bradford St hï¬ WILL LOOK liter thudInn and family of Toronto splint scour assault brotherhood He also gave hisorstressedthe importance of touotomanuemptyhm tells Peter andJohn They c00xsrowu By DAMIEN ANDERSON FARMERS DDNSPIEL SaturdayMarch it For mers Open Bonapiel was held at Cooksiown Curling Club with it rinks competing in two draws at nine oclock and eleven oclock Prize rinks on the ï¬rst draw were Spencer Thorn ton Achmyd Brampton Elliott Brampton 0n the if oclock draw rinks winning were Boss cm Beotty all of Coohstown Dongntulations to Mary Browns rink of Barb Edney Daureen Anderson and Muriel Carr on winning third prbs on the eleven oclock draw at the Linen Day Bonsplel at Bradford flirting Chg Saturday March Mr and Mrs Mel Braymsn and Mr and Mrs Jim McComb visited during the weekend in Toronto wIthMr andMrs Vern Abrams WOMENS INSTITUTE The meeting of Cookstown Wo mens institute was held in the Town ltall Thursday evening March with 22 members and one visitor present Mrs Monkman braided hall callqu What have done to further my education since leaving the classroom Mrs Riley re ported on the visit which the Institute made to Sirncoo Manor Baotou in February Mrs MID reported on the Dessert Course held in the Town Hall Feb so with Mrs Smith and Mrs Difin as leaders Mrs Trotter Is to attend the Distch Directors conference In Guelph May and Annual meeting is to be IIturm day April at whim all re ports are to barelidv These reports should be madeout In triplicate one for District Con vener one for secretary and one to be retained by the convener herself It was decided to con tinue saving Canada Packers labels for another coffee urn Mrs irottcr reported on the Dis trict Board meeting held in Cookstown in January The book Canadas Flaglfeap it Flying is to be procured Convening the program on Education weaers Monks manMiss Janfca Monkman actompanled by Mrs Mc Dowell sang two solos paper on the motto ignorance Is more upenslve than education was read by Miss Sutherland Mrs Monkman spoke briefly on Creative Arts Mrs itlfin Mrs Cook Mrs Riley and Mrs William Drapcr dc monstrated painting in olis Dis cussion ona centennial project for the village was lott to later meeting Randolph Harris has returned from St Michaels Hospital Toronto where he has been patient Lowery visited friends in Oshawa onthe weekend and attended the annual Quinta Chec ker Tournament held at Trenton Saturday March 14th Mr Dow ery was in Class and placed sixth Mr and Mrs Robert Walton and family Toronto spill and Mrs Gordon Broad Nob ton visited on Sunday with Mr and MrasDaveMcFadden Mr and Mrs Waiter Korcbulr few days with the latters par ents Mr and Mrs Earl zCarr On recent Sunday Scout Parade war held in St John Anglican ChurchpCookstowu at the 11 aTn service The parade was well Tatum andyhtnny parents of were presentllev Howard 32 corned the troop and during hts sermon emphasised that the Scout movement is worldwide brief account otthe lifaof Bad cnPawell the founder pointing outthat BadenPowell was Christian who triedio put nu faith into practice Mr Howard ragular church attendance for boys and their leaders arenas oruouc trend On Wednesday March IMrs Peter Hawkerot SLLukas An fill Thomson helped the models with day afternoonvisitors with Mrs and Mrs Ken Bush to Mary WEI flu torahb Jesus appears or sausage for the Anglican chord is able to play some small part in reliev In these conditions After the service pamphlets were handed out to the congregation and special poster display was left church further Illus Kong SPRING FASHION SHOW capacity crowd attending the Spring Fashion Show spon sored by Em Home and School Association at Cookstown Town Hall previewed what fashion rts have predicted ladies wear this spring Color trends for coming season were in pale dildos 01 pink blue yellow green and turquoise with navy blue and white still being the eevrpopuiar colors Fashions for the show were from Pinknava Childrens and Ladies Wear Hair styles were done by Miss Betty Raehurn of the Village Beauty Salon Beauty Counsellor of Canada represen tatives Mrs Beth Taylor Mrs Betty Delbert and Mrs Rhoda crating Bong facial makeup prior to going on stage Beautiful potted mums compliments of Bella Vista Gar dens gava springlike took to the stage from white Mn Roy Taylor commentator describ ed tho styles worn byth model Mrs Janet McCaguc presi dent oltha association made several draws throughout the evening with Mrs Muriel Smith Mrs Jackie Hoffman Mrs Barb Edney Marilyn GIass Mrs Elmer Graham Dianna Baasingthwalta Mrs Thelma Williams and Mrs Harry Cause being wlnnars Jayne and Janice Whiteside with their accompanist Miss Kathleen Shelton sang two numbers Models for the evening were Mrs Ross Whitcsideslulia WhitesideS Pauline Grimshaw Janice Leach Jane Elines Db ans Crawford Norma Rae hurn Brenda Marshall Ila Dcnneliy Carol McCagua Mrs Margaret leach Pat Cook Mrs Elsie Wheeler Mrs Dar lene Nay Mrs Vi Donnelly and Mrs Eileen Brayman Compli ments were extended to Mrs irma Pring who was convener of the show IITOPHl Albert Dawson Barrie visi ted his daughter Mrs Jack McCann last Monday Percy and James Robbins Ann Arbour MIcihgan spent last Saturday with Exells Mr and Mrs Andy Lakatos Jr accompanied Mr and Mrs Buck Exeil and family to Brigh ton on Friday where the latter are new residing Mr and Mrs Thomas Exell visited Mrand Mrs Thomas Tattersall in Barde on Wednes day niatt Jobnstone oi Carley Is visiting Mr and Mrs Thomas Exell Mr and Mrs John Ellis visi tad Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Vern Wcliau and Weilan in Camp Borden Mcand Mrs Arnail Mulrat tended the funeral of Mrs Orr in Alliston last Tuesday Frank Exell is progressing satisfactorily in the Royal Vice torla Hospital Barrie Mrs Ken Bush spent Satur day aftemoon with Mrs Harold Parker Cookstown Mrs Ivan Spears ivy and Mrs Bruce Miller were Tues Wetland in Camp Borden Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs John Ellis wereMr and Mrs Eiihrd Ellie Mahmud Sash Mrs Ken Conncli1AI1lston Mr and Mrs William Henden son and Mrs Ken Allison and son Baxte Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Angus Silent Sunday with their son and daughterinlaw Mr Mr and Mrs John Muir and girls Angus spent Saturday eve nlng with Exell and in tly baptismal service took place glican Church Pinkerton was the apehlrer at the Wednesday eve Tinglentensserlesnbelngconcurs led at St Johns Anglican Church Cookstown After the devotional service Mrsn Hawker showed slides and spoke about her ex petfences in More lKongwhcre she and her husbandJived for several years Mrs Hawker spoke oi the Aterrihle poverty existing In that tobacco mono ly fpoatagaend amic llittlest ot his part of theworld and points out indi relativis ms Rev on view at the hack of thc nd Mrs Thomas in St Georges Anglican Church 3° Thursday evening March 12 John sousu Joana appear to all the disciples negating homes When told Thoma McCaun gave the Bible reading Roll call was answered by members giving verses from the Bible containing the word hwy Dorcas secretary repo sufficient donations had been recebieved for tha hgaggimch to sea April Impters from The Church in All the Worl were read by Mrs Jack Mccann and Mrs John Ellis The president showed the ladies the new study guide The Parish Power house far World Mission Fol lowing discussion Mrs Frank Elphlrk and Mrs Gilbert Mo Master were asked to choose new ftnnlture for the Sunday SchooL The hostess served delicious lunch Mr and Mrs Ken Bush were Saturday evening visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert Pryrle nutty By MR8 MONTEITH Mr and Mn Jim Stowart of Newmarket aud Mr and Mrs Art Stewart of Barrie cali ed on Mr and Mrs Colic Ste wart on Friday Larry Coleman of Thom visi wlth his grandparents Mr and Mrs DAng Alice Kiliingbcck of Barrie spentthe wekend with Claire iIalpenny Mr and Mrs Brown and sons of Barrie Brown and Mrs Monteith were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Langley Goldwater Mrs Jack Fairfax of Totten hartI visited her parents Mr 3nd Mrs DAngio on Satur ay Brutalfeliaugh of Barrie spent Sunday at Victor Reids At the True Blue Lodge euchrc Monday evening there were five tables of players Pï¬zer went to Doris Davies Edna Smith Mabel Bayes Finlay Gai braitil Tom Kirk and Dick Brown travelling prise Grace Galbraith lucky number Edna Smith Next cuchre Monday March 25 Mervin Reid of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents MT and Mrs Victor Reid Sorry to hear Mrs George Pain foil Monday and broke hip also that Brenda Faragh er met with an accident and broke some bones In hand Robert Cling Mars Bobby Charles Gregory spent Mon day at the Sportsmans Show Toronto LARGE MEMBERSHIP Veapra Bardmntutal Society met in the Beforestry lunch room Tuesday evening Mrs Money president opened the meeting and is attended Roll Call was your favourite vege table and how you like it cooked it was rcported theJunior Club has membership of almost 200 Delegates were appointed to the convention in June at Guelph An invitation wasread from Barrie society to Join them on trip to LhaGarden Club show April 15 at QKeefe Centre Ihtonto Anyone wishing to go phone Mrs Russell Miss Mary McLeanv introduced Mr Bum phroys of Barrie whose topic was yegefahics He showed mov Ies anallyglowing vege table gardcn Lunch was served by the ladies There was meeting Tuesday evening in the Anglican Parish Hall toform boy scouts and cab for Midhurat Neil Bluu dell wa sappoiuted scouhrtnster Any boy who is inter ested please contact Mr Blurb deli phone menus Mr and Mr Glm Toronto and and ton WiiliamsKitchaTe weekend visitors with Mrs Harvey Recluse Mr Mrs Gallop entdrtaincd Ill airivy following teda coupleof limbs with eyes can and touch tohn on 915 week later Jesus Pt taikstoiltoln John ROUND sTMCOE COUNTY EDGAR amiaTLnavss lts maple syrup time the list book and mowdrops are he bloom Mr and Mrs Gordon Lauder were supper guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Caldwell and Wes ley Caldwell at Guthrie last Fri day to celebrate WLdey Cold weuu birthday Mr and Mrs Maurice Bayes visited Mr and Mrs Ellis Buta chlason Saturday evening Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Dee Partridge were Mr and Mrs Ihm Partridge and family of Barrie and Mr and Mrs lame Bandy and family of Dalston Mr and Mrs Gordon Lauder visited friends in Midland last Thursday Mr and Mrs Earl Cook and fondly Orlilia visited his par ents Mr and Mrs Norman Cook Stmday Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Herb Shellawcll were Mrs Arnold and Harold Arnold New Lowell and Mrs Nevins of Stayner Mrs Marilyn Sheardown and children Tomato visited Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardown Sum Edgar W1 met at the home of Mrs Cecil Sheardown Wed nesday March 11 with eight members and three visitors answering the roll call with an irisb take Mrs Stranhan commented on tha motto Theres no machinery that can substitute for good ndgbbor The touch and take realized $275 for funds April meeting will be at the home of is James Berton one week earlier than usual Wednesday April at 2pm Converters please have your reports ready to read at this meeting Mr and Mrs Merrldlth Mac Iced spent the weekend at Ab wood visiting Mr and Mrs Itc bert Huston Miss Smith and Mrs Coultcr STROIID ny MR9 DWIGHT NELSON rasntotv snow The Fashion Show held in Lairclahds Hall Mardl to was success with nearly zoo people present The little preschool models stole the show and won great acclaim as they paraded in the new look for spring They were Jimmy Ellsworth Donna BensonBrlan and Ruby Brady and Jamie Booth Smart coats andcotton dresses were worn by Sheryl and Joan Smur thwaite Attractive sifms and tops were displayed by Bach Foyent Lois Watson and Cherry James Dressed for the Easter parade were Gwyneth Wilson Debbie Booth Jackie Bockciiffe Debbie McBrlneJanet Law and Brenda Alder Gentle ease and fashion refinement seemed to be perfected in the petite miss clothes worn by Aime Steinboldt Susan Wilson SharonRockcliffa Diane Gould Barbaralaw and Helen McLeod What the wali dressed man will wear this spring was shown by Dale An tumilr Larry and Kenneth Stout enburg Andrew Wilson John Steinholdt and Lloyd Ellsworth One particularly well received display was the family group of an and Mrs Bud Martin aadltwo sorts The high styles of evening wear were modelled by Mrs Benson Mrs Aid er and Mrs Ruth Nuttall Spring dresses and coats were worn by Mrs Gardiner Mrs Ciemes Mrs Pautnn Mrs McBrine Mrs Marlett Mary Websterand Mrs Maurice Reid Mrs Ste wart Donncliy and Mrs Gen at its touches Jesus waunda and his doubts are goo believes once more John WINS GOLDEN TEth danced to Beatie music Larry and Ken Stoutenhurg sang duets Ballet was perfoer by Ban bore and Janet law Stuart and Gwyneth Wilson and Debbie Booth Mrs Webster accompan Ied the performers on the elec tric organ The delightful eve nlng closed by the ladies of the Communib serving delicious re freshmenme were donated by Mrs Stuart and her five en Mr and Mrs Bruce che have sold their farm to Mr and Mrs Camihen of Newton lin hinson We will be sorry to lose theWIces Ibeyplautelivein Barrie We are pleased to hear Jimmy Wilson was able to come home from hospital this week He has cast on his broken leg but ls using enriches Jack lbom sonlis improving but will be Barrie hospital tor sometime yet LEFBOY ay arms MACDONALD The Lelroy Womens instit ute met at the home of stalls Allard for the March meeting and we were each presented with number and sham rock when we arrived We sang the Opening Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect The rollcall was an swered by the different ways we think the Atomic Age is changingomlivee Theme tea were read and adopted and the Treasurers report read stating we have approximately $19100 on hand We are hoping to get Home gs as our project for the year The Institute la giving tes 00 towards prizes to be divided among the best students at no troy School again this year Eacb member Is sending card to Mrs Harry Wight at inntswood Convalescenco Home She will he at on Mhrch 19th The Fehntary meeting with Mrs Frank Corncri as conven or was voted as the best meet ing of theyear Tita nominating committee for the new officers are as follow don MacDonald The meeting was then turned overTo Mrs Stella Allard con vaner for Citizenship and Edtk cation Mrs Joyce Morris gave an interesting account of Gun rant Events The Leimy Young stars Lucille and David Allard Kathy Thompson and Heather Blister gave versions or Row Row Blow Your Boat in Walie time 24 time and Twist style andaiso number in Beetle styla Lucky numbers on the ahamrncks were drawn by Da vid Allard Beathar Baxter ghvaa read ing or en amt GlrlsGo Travelling Kathy Thompson gave reading on Adelaide Hoodless founder of Womens in atltuteand Lucille Allard gave reading on the Centennial to bechcld in 1967 We sange few irisb songs and enioy delicious lunch GOOD CITIZEN KAMLOOPS EC CPIMrs Gus Gottlrledsen mother of 12 has been named district good citizen of the year for her work on thaA Kamioops tag llre serve part rent er gym chlldrcné slllro conducts essmaldng an om aking classes on the reams instructs native dancers and was coach of girls softball te Isartmo SPECIAL my EQUIPMENT