un Illlidvllllitvll it it ever passed heres one fellow who leaves Ontario lbiawaslhemdionolbers not Manson defeated nor candldato in the last election to the police state bill ilk reacllon oi Indignatlon was lllllcd by mam other Barrie ncltlsens as the public oootim rues to reel mm the diecta oi tun controversial bill The legislation Introduccd glhursday by Attorney General uFred Cass would give the On glario Police Commission power to jail person without trial it still mm gc baton the committee on legal bills It Is erpecled that the bill Ill be withdrawn or greatly aromded The premier has pledged to safeguard the lodlvlduals rights the bill is aimed at curb ding organized crime in Ontario CAN SEE IT cant see the federal gov ernment allowing it said iilr Manson This is the result oi keeping majority government in power too long once it gets the confidence oi the people the government begins to take lilr ertles took out citizenship here because liked the legal luris prudence if this law takes el iect leave The West likes lo point linger at Soviet coun tries for curtailing liberties This would he no diiierent KinziE rialnnan ol Barries industrial CommissionI described the bill as tools hardy piece oi legislation He suggested the police and politicians do some soulscar citing and clean up their own 1departments heloro imposing such law on the public realize we must curb tlils growing criminal element he said but we can do this under RCASCiS coins TROPHY Major General George Kitch iug presents the aggregate trophy to Mal Vlmus Commander of the Apprentice Training Coy RCASC atCamp Borden The trophy is presen w1mr vvw raid Much oi the hiama iiuiwlth anachronistic or olddated laws which can not retain mm wrtiulnulauio DERRICK HANSON existing legislation indivi duala freedom must be protec ted he laid T00 FIRDNG Heher Smith for North Simone tell the bill was too stmnzl but blamed its intro duction on the publica indiffer ence to the Infiltration of or ganised crime The government will not pass any legislation which will in triage upon the rights oi the individual he assured lie sug gested the bill was introduced to draw the publics attention to the situation and that the pro vince had no intention of pass ing the legislation In its present form Strong measures will be neces sary to combat crime though he said it people had coop erated with law enforcement agencies in the past these men ted to the team gaining most pointsnut at seven events In lhesoldier apprentice sports tournament that was held at this week at Borden Exam iner Photo GooDEVENINGf By STEVE Well sit down must say am receiving really courteous reception from across the way it is typ lcal oi the old line Grit gov ernment of 1956 Same old gang Same old hull Can you guess whatgrcup of penple is involved or credited with the above quotations Its pretty common talk some of it lit only for back alleys But thats not where they came irom The quotes came irom the otticial report at the House of Commons debates tor Tuesday SENATE T00 Some similar bunk is report ed in the debates of the Senate for the same day it inflows And now should like to of fer my congratulations and my thanks to Hon Maurice Boln et whoï¬comes list like me and who is our Speaker once again He is es pecially well qualiï¬ed to hold that position might add that be tuitilla his social duties Very well also since he has mostvcharrning wileby his tidy it certainly isnt the kind of taikone would expect to hear tram two such important birdies is it But dontkid yourself it goes on allthe lime li you can forget iromw re the conversation emanates comes out most entertaining Youd picture the speakers in blue Jeans and teeshirtsrather than oonservative business suite andwell starcbed collars Fromancther angle points out thatthese elected members are lost hlnnan Some have made thugrade through slick talking and nothingreiee Some Turbo eh to Quebec JONESCU less cordial hutmore Object of the ï¬ery the bill introduced AttorneyGeneral good patties also exhibit terriiie senaesot hiuunr mectrlotiroudminalcodem needed toiauiisc loch thins Isionoeeotblngos Incurohiilmysparkthe introduction at these amend meru he said its felt the police maid bait orlanired crime once it has cum complete public support lnek Garner vi resident at the Ontario Bro ve knur vative Association also gifted cc to pdlce atatet WONT WORK fl know what Mr Cars is trying to do but it wont work he said fibe problem is not with lhc legislation but with the dlï¬lcolwa controlling thl use of such legislation he said He thought Mr Cass imm duced the mucous leg lsilon to make sure It would receive clue examinationirom the members lie felt the led isiatloo would he sent to coin miltee for amendments and more out as In eliective and work able piece of legislation lie laid he didnt think Mr Cass would lose his pod bro cause oi the controversy He also thought organized crime could not be fought under existinglegislation and sugges ted the government seek strange er measures rho syndicates are trying into Ontario he people to at it honored in the and It coilld happen lie said the harsh measures suggested by Mr Carr were oc cessary to curb the criminal element but tllat the aide Vei tech oi the law would inlan Irpon the citizens freedom outlined in the Ontario Bill oi Rights Believe Children Started Small fire Barrie Fire Department eir tinguished minor blaze in vacant house on Collier street last night Fire Chlcl Roity lrwln says the fire at WI Collier St was started by children playing with malches The tire was reported by neighbor PliliMERS MARKET Produce was in good demand at the Farmers Market this morning with prices remaining Iteady in every department Potatoes brought due basket $175 bag beets 15c qt can rou 15¢ package celery two for 85¢ turnips 1015c each rhubarb 25c 1b parmips inc pkgwitblooi 29c 1b cooking onions lit package large sweet Spanish three tor 25c cabbage two or 25c teat let tuce two for 29c Pickles in cluded dill 35c jar sauels irraut 29c pickled red cabbage Eggs sold at too dozen tor medium 50c or large and 55c for extra large Apples were too basket for Spys and i5e basket or LaSalles large Variety of choice home baking included but cross buns ttet tarts 70¢ dozen rolls dozen tea biscuits use dozen inlit loaves 40c cookies 30c dozen Childrens hand ttiug was also gt An accident causing anéstl mated $1100 damage occurred slast night when the two cars involved pulled out to pass the car ahead of them Ontario Prnvincial Police re port that William Maclness oi Toronto pulled out to pass and eut in irootota CalJlllVEll by larne Roberts of RJR ii Newmarket Roberts at the time was attempting to pasrthe carin front oihim Maclnesshas been charged with careless driving Tbc mishap occurred onfligh way or 22 lnterchange hasa meeting called for Tues south oi the It kiaslng the Blarney Stone involve the assistance oi three handsome gentleman it may become more popular with the oider set their the Beatles are with the ecn agars ii there is any truth LOCiiL neuron FARMEIE NIGHT Barrie Kiwanis Club will en tertain farmers as guests at dinner on Monday at Communlt lty House n15 pm The speak er will be Wile Hennans asso ciate agricultural representa tive for South Simone His topic is Reclaiming the Zuyder Zea in the Netherlands EASTER scars Dr George Deggctt announc ed at the weekly Kiwanis Club dinner this week that 700 re turns had been received tordate tor $138836 in the local Easter Seal Campaign SCOTTISH RITE Easter ceremonies will be ob served by Spry Chapter of Rose Croix Scottish Rite on Moon dy Thursday March 26 at 380 pm simultaneously in Barrie Collingwood and Midland Mas onic Temples Easter breakfast and ceremonial will conclude the annual ritual on Slmday morning starting at nine oclock TURN SOD The ï¬rst and for the construc tion oi Grace United Church Barrie villi betlnned Slmday Representatives from many or ganizations in the calmly will participate in the ceremony consent The Canadian Academy of Music presents its third annual Accordlnn Concert at Central Collegiate auditorium this even ing Guist artist will be burnt Cingolnniof Tomato The per iormance beginsatHS school bonito BarriePublic School Board day evening at eight oclock it will be held in the board room in the PublicUtilities building nnBayiialdatreet Earrie Agricultural Society directors will meet Thorsdayat the Departmentoi Ayiculture ofï¬ces on Coliier street The in stingwill begin at More it will pay you to put your iii In wartrMotor Here ity need care at prism to aid your bid paintaud equippedmt er raaln automatic non and turn Indicators is an exceptionallylcleaul low miles ntomobil Drllnal Pl wuva Ifiyn viKMtï¬ys esnwyaMWwwqwflqn flaw7 in tradition Mrs William Mo Aieer oi Barrie hopes to he come more proficient in Blan ney after kissing the famed alone She is assisted above by her husband Mr MeAlcer who holds her head James McCallum who holds her hands hit TIS ii WONDERFUL THING and Charles Calder hangs on to her feet The nlamey Stone was the centre at at tention at the St Patricks Dance Party held by members of the Barrie Thistle Social Ciub last evening ilkamlnar Photo Sheba Shrinérs Hold Craft Night The Shriners at North Amer ica are building three new hos pitals or burned children Sheba Shrine Club was told at its monthly meeting in Barrie Community House by George Handle chairman oi member ship committee ol Torontos Rameses Temple These hospitals located in east central and western Un ited States will have three phases dealing with treatment for child victims oi burnsI re search into the subject and plastic surgery for restoration The Shriners branch oi the Masonic Order already have built and operate 17 hospitals or crippled children in North din America No or these are in Canada at Montreal and Win nipeg Mr Hendle described various methods oi landraising used by Shline Clubs Sheba Shrine Club will be sponsoring circus at Barrie Arena on May 21 Till Is nonstand twoperformance deal it will not lay in Oriliia or Dolllngwood year program was the annual Cratt Night of Sheba Shrine Club President Frank Taylor oi Barrio presided Each meme her was urged to as guest member oi BI Masonic lodge and some 50 did it was successiul allair An hours reception was allowed by tha In addition to the president Gem Study gt weeks Work Study theiGoorgianBay Region will get underwayAprii in Barrie Pioneering th ï¬rst of ich comes to be held across the province is the Georgianwa Developmuit Association which is presently conductingtbe pre lilrlinary work oi obtaining the 25 applicants lo which the course 53 Elm According to as click of Trout Creek president of the associationtbe GBDA was the iirat oi ninc regional develop ment associations to agree to undertake this project in coop eration with the Economic Coun all of Ontario andthe Federal and Provincial Governments The courses arsopan not only to industry but also to utilities and institutions and are design will tindtnp qllal Course ed to give to supervisory slatt lhe necessaryknowledgeto im prove production methods and working conditions Cost per person attending the twoweekcourse is $130 This course states Keefe general manager of the association isnot only practi cal for the large industry but canbe oi immense beneï¬t to the small industry the local utilities corporations the hospi tals the municipal clerks and otherflltlaplzations involved in handling people or materials it is expected this course will be ovensuhscribed in the next two weeks astbe association has recently sent detailed litera1 hire to over 200 indus es throughout theRegion THE BAR EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 21 ll in ilskTéonnnf Rename Cily Council will be asked to rename 100 yards of history The planning board will r9 commend deviation mad he cliotiuuathi at old Perman guisbeoa lined coaches used deviation HistOry will deal with seven bylaws These nrovrde or the widening of Sinwoe street the establish and laying out oi lrskuhore ve and the preservation oi trees on public property The in communications include requests lorgranls iron the Board Park Management and the Barrie Agriculturll Sow ciely mlutlon irom Gait eel term to indicate roadway which is not 011 proper road allowance At Mondays meeting council will also be heard This asks support for its campaign to have car wash businesses licenced Four committea reports will be received and tenders will be called for the rental or construe lion equipment and or the right to operate the oily owned marina Council Successlul In Cutting Costs 0iKeeping Roads Clear Everything point in another good year tor Barrie Aid Smith said today The alderman chairman oi Charge Motorist Careless Driving Shanty Bay resident George hiurray Anderson was charged with careless driving by Ontario Provincial Police inst night Mr Anderson iu control oi his car while driving cu Shanty Bey county road The vehicle hit the ditch veered cross the road and rammed int tree Damage was estimated at $1 500 The driver received only cut lip Motorist Charged On Two Counts Barrie City Police charged Christopher Kankaln of ï¬gure avmue Torauziotlth driving an car are drilling this morning Shortly after midnight Mr Kankainena vehicle struck parked car Damage was esti mated at $150 The accident oc curred on Collier in root of Tile inferno coilee house and guest speakerthose at head table were Dr Frank shannon John Dohson and Terry Harris at Barrie Christie Colilngwond lfen Me Auley Elmvaie lioy Cline 0r illia gt NEXt meeting will be at Grillia councils Public Works Commit tee said his committee has been successlul in keeping costs down again Equipment installed two years ago to facilitate the suiting oi icy roads has saved council nearly $10000 in operating costs He predicted possible rav ing this year at one or two thousand dollars on road sand ing costs But it all depends on the kind at weather we get in November and December he said Mild weather in January and February has kept costs down up to now he said Total snow removal costs tor 19m ware $24194 1964 mstl so tar are $3500 Sanding costs in its were $10000 this year the cost is $5000 Last year sailing costs were 315417 This year sailing colt have only amounted to $5300 This could lead to saving oi $11000 ii the weather is good attire end oi the yearAld Smith Said You Can Help CRIPPLED CHILDREN by Supporting the EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN April 15 at ShangriLa Restau rant special menu of Chinese Portals nlieltrclnntodrnuwliiyouc enintoo helpimn ltetadivnlrmdimh oneness armor Mail Contribution io KIWANIS CLUB OFrBARRiE lNSURANCE SUPERVISOR APPOINTMENT Smith Campbell Realtor former warden oi Simone Collnty has iarged his real estate business to in clinic general insurance and is pleased to announce the appoint ment of blason Donald Camp bell as insurance supervisor cover ing all forms ofinautance includ ing life general and annuities Don is member ot the independent in surance Agents Association Donald Campbell SMITH CAMPBELLREAiTOR Groindpo hot lncmoui guy ther an Said he hear all those