wxflm xwiotqamymmmï¬mor trawï¬wr my awayurner was SEW perw Local Weather Ciear and colder lemmas mthmerlo mnwmï¬ Fir Numwm fullnnnmaryhmrtopuotwo Barrie County inces will have even less room You No so Iii spams YOUNG MENS caucus Spring came quietly and beautifully to Barrie and dis trict today At the tirpe most persons were rolling out of bed the sun was shining Hurl Bricks At Quebec OTTAWA CP 0n the sec ond day of the Commons bud get debate some MPs got tired of discussihg the budget and Lobbed verbal bricks at the Que ec government instead Gerald Regan Hail fax said Friday thatlif pow erful provinciailsts like his fel low Liberal Quebec Resources Minister Rene Levesque have their way the haveenot prov Gerald Baldwin PC Peace River said Quebecs par tial ban on lumber exports to otirer provinces violates the constitution and could lead to other barriers to interprovin Trade Ministerlieaih Claims brightly Later in the mom ing the sky wascovered with clouds For the youngsters it was just another Saturday These young fellows George and John Strampei wiggled clal trade This would threaten Canadas survival as viable economic unit The two lawyenMPs spoke before their parties combined to crush New Democrch nonconfidence motion by vote of 100 to 20 The motion expressed regret that thegovemment did notxcut defence spending to provide money for economic develop ment and foreign aid ONLY 20 VUIES The 12 ND members present djew their only support from erght Creditistes Lining up with the government were 102 1le Prosperiiy is IIndivisihle LONDON CP Common wealth countries are approach ing world trade conference with the conviction that pros perlty is indivisible Trade Minister Edward Heath of Erit ain said Friday gt Heath spoke to reporters at the end of twoday lttcountry Commonwealth meeting called to prepare for the United Na tions conference on trade and development opening in Geneva Monday Speaking as chairmanof the London meeting Heath said he was immensely heartened by Dragoons Get jAoqualnted NICOSIA CF Canadian soldiers today began to show the United Nations flag throughout Cyprus it will be the first time Cyp riotsioutsiderrNicosia will have seen the flagvand theCauadians who serve under it re Even though the UN force is not yet operational and not be until next week at the enriiestlt Andrew Wood cock comm der ofthe rat at taiion Royal 2an Regiment wants his men and those of the Royal Canadian Dragoons to get acquainted with the island which is half againaa big as Prince Edward Island and has highlands like those to townshipstar Capo Woodcock toldre ortcrs at the attitude of the Common wealth representatives whose vrews were moderate andreay sonahie The Geneva meeting bring ing together 123 countries would not begin in spirit of aninmslty between developed and developing countriesybut gather in spirit of cooperal Dil Representing Can here were LionelChevrfer highcone missioner in londnn and vet eran diplomat Dana Vilgresa who fiesz Geneva Friday vnrrparusfrucm here that his panels will be carefrri to avoidany incidents which may occur between TurkishCypriots nvrted install for ffeeet any oiths viilageswa will dnnk an enuai amount with eacirysideffwh aid the BENDS TWO PA The veteran of them Congo operation said two patrols will Igsritoutl today one ought tenths Kyrenla so one er west to Troodos Anothermill go to eniafSunday and two out Monday over night visits one eas gusts wheretlre air lb or for the Canadian utbtd sticks in baywhere the ice had broken away from the edge dreaming of the day not too distant when theyd be ï¬shing for perch at the same spot Examiner Photo Ps Tire or Budgere the Reno levesque llkfshould erals 70 Conservatives seven Social Credit MPs and Frank Howard NDP Sheena pledged to vote for the minority government on such motions for its first two years in office Mr Regan saidpeople in the Atlantic provinces take dim view of Quebecs demands sup ported by Ontario for larger share of direct taxes if the federal government was stripped of too many taxation powers it would no longer be able to maketaxvequaiization payments to the poorer prov inces and support national pro Fuzzy thinking builder of know hesaid that Nova Scotia Newformdland and other have not provinces would leave Com federation if the central govern mentwas weakenedwmdnly Nova Scotlans supportedthe legitimate aspirations sofHQue bee residents to inlprove their economic position and preserve their French culture But they became perturbed when these aims were usedas guise by Quebecto obtain unfair com mercial advantage Mr Baldwinst Quebecs announced clampdown on lum ber shipments to Ontario saw mills beginningjnext fail isvan infraction of Section 12 of the iiiritish North America Act whichprovlded for free mov rrrent ofgoods between prov laces1 Todays patrolswlii each vcompriseabout fromeniadeeil TRISH SWEEPS Cone dians Win $150000 Five Canadinns won prises of 50000 each today in the first lrish Sweepstakes of the year as Team Spirit won the Grand tree England Pour Canadians won prizes at $60000 each on Purple Silk second in the Grand National and one won $30000 on thirdplace Peaeetown Four of the top winners were from Ontario and the fifth was from Edmonton No of the second winners were from Tor onto one was from Calgary and the fourth from Beiieville The third place winnerwas from Stouiivlile 0nt near Toronto Only one of the $150000 win ners was named on the ticket drawn in Dublin in the Irish Hospitals lottery earlier this week He was Hubacheclr of Kitchener The other tickets carried nomsdeplume as fol lows Lct Go Bmckville Gol den Girl Edmonton Fruits Stoney Creek Out and Green River Toronto The seeond place tickets were listedas Now is It Tor onto RaspyCaiE31Â¥ Horses Toronto and Mrs Miles lieiieviiie Mrs Miles widow with llriee children is clerk in the drapery department of gen are More in Beiievilie The thirdplace ticket was in namaof Livingstone Stouffvillc In all 170 Canadians held tickets on the 33 horses that started inthe Grand National Holders ofutickets on horses that ran outof the money will win prizes of about $1700 each in addition there are some 1500 consolation and residual prizes totalling about 5300000 total of 336 Canadians had tickets drawn on the 00 horses originally eligible for the Grand National waned as the field was cut in the days before the race but their chances The winning tickets on Team Spirit Purple Silk and Peace town brought total piston 000 in prizes to Canadian hold ers The other priz who drew horses tot 3102000 while the total of enn to those ed about HERES 0N Two city chaps were discus sing the miid weather of Wed nuday when one was over heard asking irisfried What are you going to dotodayf to which be got the reply war thinking about going home and getting out the lawn mower National steeplecbase at Aln solation and residual prizes to Canadians could not be deter mined One of the first top winners to be identified was Edward Goegiein 75 service station operator at Long Beach five miles west of Brockvlile whose nomdeplume was let Go Mr Goegieln married but with no children said he has no imme diate plans for using the money never thought would win he said would have heen satisfied with the prize for holding horse Mrs Miles who had worked earlierin the morning at the Believilie store sat down and wept after hearing the result of the race Im awfully glad that at last have enough money to him home she said later Mrs Miles whose husband died sev eral years ago livesin rented house with sons Donald l7 and Ricky and daughter Linda 16 PALM BEACH SHORES Fla AP New evidence was re ported today that medicinel heavy artillery against cancer super voltage radiationcan help certain victims of inoper able iungcancer cheat death for years beyond the usual ex pectancy Dr Ruth Guttmann of Cohan bia University told about it re report to the annual seminar for science writers sponsored by the American Cancer So ciety She said thatrot resent many surgeons and radiologists do not offer their lung cancer patients any treatment at all af ter an exploratory operation shows cure is impossibleand iLthe patients are free of symp toms for the time being But new studies on her owp indicate she related that ri might be worthwhile to revise this attitude ofsupenvoitage xray in as pa tients who had undueoncyn found to be inoperableshe said 505 per cent survived more than year Sheadded that in appreciable numbers survival ranged high as eight years with ei pair is still ya ba lire lleslroys Torontogchurch nonomo cmrue destroyed the ceiling and intetior of the St Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church in east Toronto Friday Pariir priest Very Rev Basil mined and would take £00000 to replace altar which had been brought from the Ukraine was destroyed aiong with the churchsmurais evestmeotsrwere carried corms brain The essedgscr artand the mick mam sciou luesday tn the snow north of tikokan Out in later patrols 50 go each viilageajn Cyprus UN headquarters liere has an pa proved the patrols Mrs Celina Spoon for si about 45 dayi bef hear we will lieweli re mm Champloumw def ceived the Van Duos common mm der said hopawe aretnot too well received with tho 152 and 50 lred todayto win lira mens junior rubles oftire irate ofll RenIDeli and Describing use of high doses exploratory operation and were NotMoro Than Per CopyH Page eopardize onol iRights RELEASED Soviet authorities have are bounced they will release lst Lt Harold Welcb above one of three filers shot down ovar Communist East Gen many March 10 US Air Force spokesman said today The Myearoid native of De troit who was when he parachuted is expected to be turned over to Allied auth orities later today the spokes New Tredtmerrt POI canoes tween three and eight years af ter the completion of treatment The average survival time so far has been 21 monthscom pared with between 10 weeks to six months for patients who re ceive no treatment the scien tist said Premier Pledges Close Study Controversial Police Bill TORONN CP The On tario governmenta proposed new police legislation appeaed headed for the waste basket to day with only the formality of committee cnunpilng awaiting ltperhaps on Monday Premier Roberts pulled back the legislation under fire Fri day telling the legislature that helpersonaiiy would not toler ate any legislation which in fringes upoa or jeopardizes the personal right and freedom of an individual That spelled death for the so called police state bill that would have giver the Ontario Police Commission the power to in incarcerale person without trial But still confronting the gov ernment was the committee postmortem Opposition mem bers may get their ciranceto publicly decry the bill when the egislstures committee on legal bills meets Monday Mr Ro berts said he wants the bill to receive the closest scrutiny in conunittee There is no certainty how ever the bill will go to com mittee Monday The commit teesraganda was drawn up be fore the Poiice Act tempest blew up in the province The original design of the bill was to give the police corirmls sion powers to interrogate per son thought to have knowledge of organized or syndicated crime AttorneyGeneral Cass intro duced the bill in the legislature Thursday along with seven other pieces of legislationone of them measure providing for crackdown on unscrupulous nsedoar dealers This set itself would have provided headlines but the seven other statutes fell by the wayside as reporters hit upon the controversial police commission measure buried in the are biii Martin To Lead in Trade Delegation OTTAWA CP Canada can afford iovhe aliitlaselright eous in its attitude at the United Nations trade and development conference opening in Gareva Monday informed observers here believe Main obiect of the conference an economic transfusion for the lessdeveloped tropical co tr not stomach by incre nsgiveaways and tech nicsl aid as by making it ler for them to find work mar kets for their products The conference has attracted 113 UNvmembersand nine member triations Canadas de egation will be led byExternai Affairs Minister Martin but the permanent Canadian spokesman for the sessions expected to last well into June will be ear eer diplomat Dana Wilgres Informants hero made these points Friday Canada is ready to join the industrialized nations in cutting tariffs on tropical foods and raw materials but in fact this country has relatively iittleleit to offer in concessions It al ready is virtually an open mar ket officials say For example all Canadian import duties on tea were lifted last st Green coffee beans come into Canada trader free British preferential tariff though there is twncentsa pound duty for most others Beans intendedgfor instant cof fee enter free fromali coun tries Tin entersfree So does bauxr andrlnmbecup to certain stageof processln gardutles are low though the rat are complicated Mr Cass at press confer ence following introductioan the bill was asked whether the police bill had been approved by the Conservative govern ment caucus its refusal to on war other thanto say iire principles of the bill have been discussed with my colleagues of the house The next day when condemn ation of the measure reached its peak the question at Queens Park was whether Premier Ro barts himself had been entirely familiar with the contents Mr Robarta said only that the bill bad proceeded through cabinet the same way all legislation is dealt with by cabinet The impression was left nav ertheiess that Mr Roberts was not aware of the implications of the bill regarding civil liberties MORE BY REPORT This was backed up by re port in The Globe and Mali that Mr Cass presented his bill to the party caucus with no more than 10 members of the 71 Con servatives present Some mem bers said they went so quickly no one really realized what was in the Police Act The newspaper says the bill in completed form was in Mr Casss hands at least by March It says Mr Cass brought the bill to cabinetmeetings before this week but did not get chance indiacusa iL lt is certain the hill went through the eabinet either Tues day or Thursday the newspa per report adds Perhaps when this legisla tion was brought forward Pre mier Roberts said in the leglh iature Friday it was directed at control of crime and if it has these side effects of course as have said they are complet ely repugnant to all of us and we have to attempt to find one other way of dealing with the probleva crime Attorney General Cass was not in his seat when Premier Roberts made his statement demand for Mr Cases res ignation was made in the house by Andrew Thompson loTor onto Dovercourtt if theleader of the govern ment refutes the remarks of one of his cabinet ministers thar the premier has the fullestobliga ticn token that membertore sign Mr Thompson said However when Mr Robaril was asked byes reporter whether AttorneyGeneral Casr would resign the prenriersald fNo such thing has been con sidered Liberal leader Farquhar Oli ver demanded that the practice withdraw the legislation or dis solve the house foran election He was shouted down by Corr servative members and ruled out of order by Speaker Dou ald Morrow Judge Bruce Macmnald chairman of the police oommls lsion until early this year and whose th