Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1964, p. 7

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arm nw vir 2llENlAlsw APARTMENTS TO RENT HOD MantraII WI UM mu Ind dlnll Inn kill with It And mullet bedroom hath la and pub Ln llclllllu Collin location Telephone mm William Illa thre roo lvuimenl metric lPlIIlnm AM It on antimu All uuliun Ii Nnr hospital and Barth lru Suli billion enlivll It Pblinl new lawn norm or not Qunna rm anon nitcontained brim an all Entrance in bedroom lam pim um ltou and um tutor UM IM IN nanmi Telephone refuse or mom ileum unlumuiud Ihm room lpirimonl round floor nun and am entrant1 puma no laundry lucillliu ineludlil on No loanmu North nun Available tnrll pann mean or mom MODERN lit LIVII fluted but leonl up eni two bedrooms lam double ciouu lllilidry minus hot water private uni rlnce mommy Telephonl 715M llltr pan on neck Om leu rmlsnxn Mod mm 1mm Iii mejrnnmll Indérdu LI Ill In on Alec Two rammed aplrtmnl with bath noun or mum MOVElTYOURSELF Call AVls Truck Rentals 7261412 APTS WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MAN Muir Elem lu nlabld Inlflmut with bedroom 1an room and Ditch El II Intnnee pmnnd lo Ind e1 lilrrlo or quiet loot 15 could town or 360 month ooon noem extension in ROOMS TO LET BEDROOM or ml Cu Ibo rated Goonnun promred lr Phono 71PM IBM CLEAN Housekeeping noon linen Iup lld 0n tho our route rol who 71 BEDROOM tar nail on block non downtown to nonna lenllznuiilulqhorl meet two Liam nowrpm room or rent mmhhod ielonnon new granny oi as homo Siml II pan ruumam bod liming rum nan houmaeplnl suit or pullout Fallon cm to down town Apply so imio AVII No phone 7mm FURNISHED Bed SINIn Boon mryinin auppUed or light houleheplnl Contnl location auunen woman only Iihpbdlo meme ROOM BOARD BOOM AND ROARI1 Lucile naked Home LII INflllL loca onI Puklng mm or Teinphone 7257M Iltor pm Room Arm BOARD In ery st vicinity chad to downtown Grn tlzlrun protoned Lnnohel packed Luht laundry done Parking in driven1 Telephone 7156665 Every day thousands mild th classiiied page thats vzhy you can be sure oi quick no tion SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern Equipment ROBERTSON An PHONE KEG5595 HANDY HARDWARE HAS LINCOLN WELDERS AT NEW LOW PRICES Slab amp with Acceasodel 135 215 amp with accessoriu 3150 Federal and Provincial In Ira YOU CAN BUILD MODIFY PA AND MAINTAIN YOUR EQUIPMENT QUICKLY CHEAPLY AND CONVENIENT LY WITH YOUR OWN WELDA ER HANDY HARDWARE Alcona Beach Rd Stroud PHONE 90m smoun PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner NOW 4B HR SERVICE II you would like to have re printa oi any news pictures taken by our stall photogra pberi please call aI our Busi antllce GLOSSY PRINTS 51x IO pilu lax CLEARANCE Seumunlaisolmulnn CleanerWendi Limited quantity Repairs to all make of 17 rats and vacuum Eleonora ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE 725864 14 Muicaatar Street USED REFRIGERATOBS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN FURNITURE APPIJANCE PARK HIGHWAY 27 NORTH are sorrywo cannot accept phone orders 125 150 CIMIMI Erflmfluu Nah IIIIlOmIDI for an Vlalu ilt ml in um on new funnel IAN It Ill Illa lb Murat flihle 00 MIA Vib aa unne Milan MM 70 HUI onmn Nylu ml 71m Hammad lard HI new tiru an ll unlitI cob Alum 7th mm DRIP AI VII loll vuionl other Hilde mill tor mutual quphm MIN bo lIIcn and umflmlo coal in one co Lhi ntid tL mo mal an flunkmutton Hrutonl Slum on Burner lad an Inn hill Oil MIMVIII ago no Bunnlur Colt all Mu lull Vm nun MI IIIVICI SMLIII Bnh Into lull Ind 11961 wind 01 Monday thaw Tall by It an can in mo my sumr IIDP Inhibit at but Ind Emir all out on old SILLIH Tough MI WASHING Mn Itch tau hillid new will as proved ind Tuna nil bo arranged on In flown Storu FLOOR min Olahi Ille Ill Than limitd quanutf Hnnd new only 10 mlnlbl PHII Toma to DO rantd Iona Marla TELEVISION llfl Ind Inlnl to thaw Ikes Alide can run Ttfllu an lrnuld tn lull your bridal Iiiatone atom mmrrm be told ml one smuflioniu mu Km 33 II pool 5L wan meal on AC nnm an can ms sell or 30 Emblem rum one tam cost up an an hlvhonl enin mile 11mm nanon whul RIF In Mr BIA In with Imenhrlow cultivator and now plow aw ondlunn Anni barrte iron ll at in man good enodltlu Brand new Moiun Ontboud llolor and um on Plan Chain saw Sail nr tndl or no other car reen also sooua lOI SATl Singu lll lll SI in Muhlnl inllu batten lulu don dlcontlvu Eula Tlh our men II month cm Den Ir LI Fox BinII klminu To unun noel trout our In 13 Mild Fm dau cut ndmflplb may be mod Guaranteed Ll anl Mixuht l2 clinic roar mom in nod condition iwo Chet Miller in Raoul one Lam Hutur7 with no ovuu Rangu mllahll for Iumar cotterl TIMth ivy 17 mean AMPS AM Nullbum llahlnu Ill lino land In cider Dopondabiu nrviu In pinion enliven Conter roe Examiner COMM Mum Service ll hullid sum Bum mum Incinflnl dryer and shill whmtflvarvmn rleeuide box jtwAiSONi vx 41 an mums wagonnap 737435 trrwr IPA MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLETOIDSMOBIIE 1962ch 1131 Am cyl automatic radio lbia ii In exceptional car right dead or looted catiloand bones Small animals removed tree Fortt lee PHONES collect or ask tor NICKS DEAD STOCK inn Elwin on RE Foxmud MID canoe Nolm Nick will l10P FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cue New Holland David Brown 393th Farm nullneat sumon AVEI 7mm CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 25 faster new 130 Laval 100Serlu Mllkorv Barrie Holly Hwy 27 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALESAND SERVICE PHONE 218 MISSING INCOME TAX Rum MM Earle hard plinatlona halved Kidd manhunt an Du IOD Skirt Welt TNIIL POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old eblcka Order now for earv order discount For lervioe or help on your poultry problema call Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTm POULTRY FARM TD STRDUD PHONE 77 comm Photo Studio equip rnant nun be nlo nwinl to or pfloiora death his round Elli nnnlr mi one BOIESSIONIU DIRECTORY LEGAL REID ANDHINTON Burmap solicitor and Notaries PnhIie JOHN REID QIC WILLIAM EINION BA 35 Owen Street Conn ol Collier no Dwen PHONE 776M439 BOYS SEAGRAM dc ROWE Em SOLICHOII Branch ILLICI ELEVIIGE Our own ll cm at Barrio EL EU 111 on DWI 9mm CONDER SUGG BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTAR PUBLIC GI CONDER BA SUGG EA mill Dunlap 51 mt 7256497 COWAN COWAN aAnnlsrmls ROSS COWAN couazn sr mu CHARLES WILSON Ohules LWli5on MA Stun Labour Hartman SoUcltmi etc OWEN 57 W50 LIVINGSTON MYERS COCKBURN hAlililslms SOLICITORS 13 Collier St 72643408 uvinmon MugI an Cockburn nan inns VJ WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER do SQLICITOR r17 OwenSt 7280235 SMITH McLEAN OWEN sollcitnn nooniv Smith oc Arthur noun Ich Dunn Notaries Publie Conveynun an 20 OWEN ST PHONE 559 Giadéione Currie sonarroll 0mm at FUNERAL HOM STECKLEY FUNERAL AT MODERATE COST Convenllnt Term III Wunlly SL Birth ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Clutterd AccountantI Toronto Ind Elmo Euric Omn Wilma Bldl Grmt Shut PHONE 71193897 It Nledhl CA Und CA Irtn hm uldlnl It ROSE dz HARRISON Chlrtored Accountnu Samuel lieu CA hustle In Bulimika BO Collier St MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Tucker H1110 SIXWill Th Pnpm prale lo THE DAVIES of CANADA VOICE PIANO gt DRAMA 117 mm STA 3m ANGUS ROSS BIA Rendered mule 1mm linkno Llon Plum Theory Hamillill hunch LI othernhooIm leil mo 31 must Barrio MEDICAL MASSAGE MEDICAL MASSAGE 11mm WASTES DANE ILI Gradulto mum Como ed or and ray1w rem 7mm 105 maul on by augment OPTOMETRY Noel Stephenson RO OSTEOPATHS mwnl wnson innumcsn lruttnocx nocroiis or orifaofillllv FredGrnot Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 728 mean Faun 7754M 8M 10 mm CAGES or file nib lble for do And litter Rabbit Funeral as rut Galvanized Pipe and rot or do well any Apply Mr Archie rvlna the not of LIIIIII H111 Elihwny II EEIAVIB IBM Singer III am no LEG benuh nLoPofi Cable Inch pomhlo bolt nonr now awn Jobbili Houston ms OP Good Und Clothlnl In in boy ltln Sport mm and such corduroy Pints unhi r1221 Windbruker HINGE luwmue dulsn in selling lnll model mar knellat condition No no anilinean needed to butlnnholu win on buttons scallopa blind hem etc null pm mall or no or month Dealer Verte ox Barri amine nave rm commie sum and tom Kitehell Suliel two Electric fiddlertors mo mldll sawlnl Machine China Clblnetlnd pine or Iiuoituxe loo rlumeroiil to mention whim is been tfldedlrl on our Mo nonu Coin4nd Burton Avenue Ind nun ii In one Emu mama nonu Eon mitt USED leood Gondltinn 1W pllnlld vmlto double French Door wlm man and hud were In II lndde liIriI door 11de Whltl WIN llmh elk trim Ind hlldwlu Four window eminent unitl Emulate with hardware Iwo 16 window cuenurit unitl CDEPIA with huuwm Several lenient nub Tllmonl Strand IR nl ARTICLES WANTED warnan smnoiu knivel in romanon Runnable Pnon 12 2e PAP mom blurted thlmrflfl No amidInns USA muny mud Shep Id MWSLNII Blirlc nuns Emil lldh twowheel trailer needed in en earn Anson lam be reasonable phone mew qunnn or reoc Rails alto mod Prlnun Tank Imit Apply to Homdclmmfl nlr tolepholu 7238350 WANTED Dull Horul end can We iron 15 to no comma to And Nudltiflnr Telephone ZEnItIISWrNUtn cbflrfi Pecan Ind 8011 Collectors Lianne emu BOATS Morons lonNaoN PA lIberllIl But l1 Illa Sail 10 EP JOHNSON WILL Mott Hegemom run spa itfloo Cad trio Bent Al condition all room 71a 1351 AIM as or INTKIOIPKOIanoud Ermine naw70 honflrunnlfll no direct drIV imminlon Ind lnatrmnnnta willn Vu an gearbox Ind om flittinn mono stroou Wa camp aor Pflu IT err WyhEidle 1y Ilnd 1mm mi GOLDEN iourlol an ru IrllverPn pm 55 ExcellenI eld up may woman fitun FEED SEED GRAIN GOOD BALID EA and straw or uh TelDillin 7M7 nAuD HAY andstnw Geoin Willa Conrednn ll IllnllAi 125 IT HAY NO Md Clover leellent coneiunn 1000 halal can Cm man 11in Goon on mm or lain round bllu Thiephonu III or apply Michael Yulhow SLrnIId ND MA or sale Ill balsa elinrcd Ln men non mum nun Lliti Road Telephone 7mm nouns shun oars lor dulled Ind truted li aeuea Apply Norman common outn rIa Mention em Oro CLIVESTOCK FOR SALE In EEUNKI or rina loi sale Iba Telwhone MAN rilmwaiun BOARD or sale sen vlmhla an no Leonard stroud Telephone 111m strand TWO Konsmco do to Mahonln Humid Oner 7M6 ABERDEEN ANGUa bull or lain 15 month old Apply Errol Jobm lion Elwkutniie Baum Kellen rer Illa land and open Telephone no 7370 Elma Rabllallll 3mm Finn Mldhnd Ont zovonxanrnsvchunn or Pin Pin raven week old Holltein Cow aix yam old due in April Garnet My Mu coonlm nsmamxn Aiindun Anglia Bull for n12 flu yam old Rue glblo Telephone 1182917 any or nil elephant 0333 SMILK Cow mfll Cfillvla 1mm DEL 11 an im hillurflf Mixed Huh Telephone mzm onion rum mum to our in llll null ho dhmlnlleil Ind nun Away as ye pie Agni Goaln Aiela univ telly mini run nsmvnn Seme vrloul colored oonler wbll broken And IIlHanMOdloll mAlsormvcrll WWuddlol Ind laneral 2min ment Apply relopnon moles VPASTURE WANTED Pnnuu Plum wnntcd his phone 718934 AUTOMOTIVE CARS URGENTLY NEEDED Highest cash paid Ioroieani automobiles Liens paid oft Trade up ordown ORV MOTO f176BKADFORDST SEE usNow MOTOR CARS FORSSAL mm noun iIh Tndillég marl agrihit in IMIVCHEV 16 NN Radio brand new tires mo FALCON SEDAN automatic radio Economical tramportonu and priced 1959 CiIEV SAN cyl standard Shift Motor overhauled very recently 1957 ronn STATION WAGON cyl automatic penance mechanically sound and very good ap ans rimsno mayonn alumnaequ our 8qu lot lino olau India wmga beam 77 BillV ASEE VIAU For RAMBLER Check below or the most in economical transports Lion 83 Volkswagen green radio 62 Hillman super maroon 61 Since hardtop blue 61 Hillman door bluo 60 Hillman Convertible red radio etc NOVVolkswagen red radio 80 Hiiiman4 door green 53 Zephyr radio etc Ex 58 Austin door green 58 Karinan Ghia ied radio 58 Volkswagen two black 58 Hillman door blue 55 Austin door beige Viau Motors Lid No locations 17 Gowan St 111 Bradford 7266488 728477 1157 cnvnour mach two door hardtop Hunt llhllL TII ll non on man um mun nu ma Pontiac V4 Iiiifilmc n°°i New all our one for lurflur dehlh ml manna am up sedan EIIIIPIIIIX radio all bllk low mllolll haircut Wilding Tulbphone more SVNBIAM RI ler HIM boom lull flaorp null dig ln exceptionI con er inrorniuon lm ROVER lolli door ledlu 7H Illlmlnunl body rel whellliu walnut dun low milun tyi lnrllr In lllts 7151136 im momarm two door very well fed flr Inst llnlerl red and nanlmeo 5400 our our tom radio undard rum Grnuina blrllin Pflvlh In 7234755 Nun CAI INSURANCE 311 inn or pullerred om InsureIn mm maul or or circumstances Pull cover All ElmI3 do 141 II Collier SI Phono mun IIII FALCON Dulflxl loll door nandlrd tranmlsion collon dio Minxjrlln ln color no on Ilh new new orlllnal miles usoo 1mm 7mm lflll PIfl collier um loud and on ion ear equipmentdiscount pri cu sum so or utllonll no decll to Speed oumm Ontario CILIJIIInEI onurlo WREEKJNG 1551 Air automatic Motor $11 Trem mluloo Ind 11 on pm vnlonie ma Ford Calch 0115 Telephonn Strand MRI TRAVELTRAILERS War Minivan Todayi glue unmlny ullerl av roi EELS Chevrolot 31 15 two Snow Tilea viii THEPHONFS East Did Sula lot Minion It CARS wmrlo ro liliv CHI roll your on non iii hormonal 7mm Imam men old truth and my will om If Pam Auto Wreck Md liin common or manor Emiliv Nme ill1161 VOLKSWAGEN tinted Ilult In God condition Reasonhi or IIIr MI or Ir LI lion FOR SALE OR SWAP VOLKIWAOIN til we con dluon deal to magnolia unplug com nu Ill me lo an trailr or to Etnautbom ilolox lulapnonu TRUCKS TRAILERS UIIO THICK Ind Illd Nflr UM IIlIl Mel nildilnl Darts Ind III llndl ol 1m Tm3 IE undo ISO466 rumor OMC Tow Truck complete with Ibll GIL bl gill some amm nmu union on °il 71601 altar pin in onN bu duty unmo let mm mm lniln con gluonéih rang dual Igorl3 er uvy ayrinll flock min Ind platlnnn Idal ruin truck Apply 139 males IL Wat Tellphonl more MOBILE HOMES RUSS CHURCH Mobil Home and 7511701 Trailer will Imam am It on new And land In all an and wlll lumntu Allin 1m 11c lnmnel Pdell 1hr It CIII TIAIBM or MI in It 110 Barton Armor Barrie 10 recounts noon Homo nIYflnIIiit IIEd lacted on on eonuulon on mu noan at Hinway as Ivan Wilh nil clnlulmu Phone an Tildlnhllly as PERSONALS WOODLAND NURSERY SCHOOL have two programs to offer Full day for working parenis $55 monthly Ii day morning 25 monthly Transportation available Telephone 7284515 film de inmy own home lnbel mad man om vmm nn Anna WILL EXCHANOR Dominion store ticketI Need Blue Jack Bllck III Green Queen Intelqu telephone 7mm TRANSPORTATION WIDMIT Iron Oakley Park room in downtown dvr am betwan i=1 lm and In Taiwhanu 776 om Alter nu INSTRUCTIONS JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL at Rose St learn the safe and courteous way CALL TODAY 7261277 WOMENS COLUMN LEARN RAIRDHESSUIG Government fluttered School normal training in all bran cbes beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 wonswv TR XAMINERWANI ADS TELEPHONE DIRECTORY PHONE72ml Lmlrfiburlo EVIOHlLPWANTED MANS III HIM III II lib IIW ll win no mam loinu In HELP WANTED FEMALI HELP cm 1137 mm mm WI mu Magda3235 LADY rum um handbo Mfinloizfiniin um us in Inaon woman our in alter navy ymuu in not 3o III WED tier h173u735n Wm mud and Filmed hilHInu expert mull ant Ilnhonu OM Orv Inn art no loll mm Ln tin or my hm lnd Ulric children LIV In flood mu Llhrll till all glvmflin Doom on Toronto unnuun IIIIILIII MW Imamtau Also hav openina In on Amman IALIILAIIIII at BMW lldlfi maytowur aloe hill or an Dn Nit uraoca nun IL Apply non Wm MALE HELP LICENCEOA BODYMAN and EXPERIENCED BODYMAN or year appreniioo Eligible for Group Insurance latter Months APPLY MIDDELS BODY SHOP RR No Barrie Phone 72641601 CARPENTERS Experience Preferred FOR INSTALLATION OF ALUMINUM SIDING mum EMPLOYMENT AppIan person After lo am Monday March 23rd DOCAL MEV PREFERRED Ross STREET BARRIE lineman MAN wanted to work lurky lam Hound mnlhd Telephone 7157M arousal innl able to all me do Infill worL In lion vlncerunt for Hfllt nlln APPLY Barrie Second Hand store as Don lon at lOMlONB Io uh In ten I191 ol OnLIrIu terflioorgwdth pub lic rellion Munin or billion slid Indmtly kdelknt utlul Il liired to Jean with lamtin Brier nllllllnu Box harri linlnvr TRADE SCHOOLS REUTERS Névi CAR NEW POSITION YIN CAI IAIN IOII PAY la no It Sum Null Ill Ind Ill If ALIVE St Write tor scuooxs DepL II Charles St Toronto sates HELP norm IALIIMKN Wanted Ill Br Dlflr on or eonm inoet pro I11 I11 ol Clllndlrl and AIM Navalill 1112 innn 99 In all on club Lino Mn IPyilulill only All letter IIINd WrILI Ilu ll ll larch mu Clubr an lunch Montreal ll lEcAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons Iilvlnl Cilllril Inian the lktala oi EFFIE YOUNG hie oi the Tawniiip ol Innk Iii in the County oi Simeoe Widow deceased who died an or abut the both day at Alig usi 189 at the Township of lnnlsili are required to Ilia prooI oi same with tile Width algnzd solicitors or the Admin Istratrix by the 151 day of April AD 19 alter which data In estate will be timed DATED It Barrio Oiltuio thil llfll day of March AD 19 CONDER AND SUGG Box 646 Barrie Ontnin Soildiofl Inr the Admlnktrltrlx I2 TENDERS FOR THE RIGHT TO OPERATE THE CITY OWNED MARINA Sealed tenders will be received by the underlined up to pm Monday March 11 1964 for tho leasing of the City owned marin operatiou right for the 1m boating season subject to cer tain conditions Tender envelopes Ind condition or lauinl my be obtained from tin City Ollrkl Otllce at the City Hall Lowut or any tender not nmmrily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk liturraannmrr termini no no lien in Oraonvllle at imL momma Indstimuli and Illnl of III type build in mienn nooilon alien good am in mnluou nun Ionklnl for Andy emflwmoni an noulrlu treated one confidence For interview ull SIOPIIAISW Ind ask for Ml Boiler or write mun upon and nllry required to Edllbrolzk Erul Lia Po Box loin Orangevllie MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms available at dmcUIiAllONV DEPT Iora TENDERS 3FOR RENTALIOVF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Sealed tenders wili be receive by the undersignedle to pm Monday March 23 1964 for tho rental of road building equip ment to the City of Barrie as required Tender urine and specifications may be received Irom the Clerks olfice Box 40013 or 84 Collier Street Barrie Lowest or any lender not necessarily accepied Tendersmllat he returned in thr tender envelopes supplied STRAUGHAN Ciij Clerk TOWNSHIPVOF INNISFIL TENDERS FOR TRUCK Sealed tenders clearly marked such will be received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noonngrch 25 1554 fora on truck 19509 noun DIIIIIOP St Wut

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