w1 Wuflh lav34 mandala Camp Borden RCASC net to the kingston Ont apprentice lumps for the ball team The noter was part before slamming it ovcr lho ol the 10th Innuei sports To Regain Fir So now come what they lay night when the National is the hard part of any on Hockey Leagues 210 game ltruggler Ihewaiting campaign winds up in rgush Such an interlude belalls Chl of activity by all six teams the cage Black Hawks in the wake Hawks sll things out of to win over New York The title aspirations ol Billy Rangers Tuesday night Mcays gang are contingent to Between now and Sunday large degree meanwhile on nick mums connrn SERIES WRAPUP Ray Gariem Coach of Midland Flyers oyer joyed with the performance of st mght after they defeated Barrie ngqryllps 62 to take the bestofseven Ge 11 BaymfermediaterA Hockey League semifinal series We playeda good game tonight he said in his dressing room after the game But we had to That Barrie club surprised everyone They can really skate and we had to be good to beat them It was tough series much tougher than we expected ASKED FOR prediction on the final series against Bradford Expressrnen Ray replied They can be de tented Colirngwood gave them good run and we had some close games with the Expressmen through out the schedule We blew couple of sure wins but itwillbetougher in the playoffs think we can beat them Chuck Jewell Midlands brilliant goaltender said They gave us battle Thats good hockey club in Barrie law other players had high praise iorSevenUps showing in the series OVER IN THE Barrie dressing room the players changed into street clothes with few jokes being cracked and everyone apparently relaxed They had plenty pressure on them tbroughoutthe series being down 20 and 32 in games The tension was over IIDW Goaltender lied Henry as likeable fellow as yoti ever want to meet said he played hislast game His exact words when asked wouldhe be back for another season were Ohbh no IM GETTING T00 OLD saidRed love to play but youcant beat age The redhead werit out like champ stopping 50 shots in the game Conieonup to see me some time he said me knowwhenyoure ming and Ill get sixpack andwcll have party coach Clarence Smith commented We gave pod run The boys played their best and anyone can hope for It was aigood series the clubs were straightening out Mel Iryrne ownercoachmanager ofBrad round to tryto line up dates for the final SKED HOW HE FELT his clubs chances are and Melanswered It will be battle we ust finished our slumpi0 series againstCollingwood Mel Wilewere terriblelin couple of those games th wo played all season In win had in Collingtvooti was as tough game ever want to be in And in the final gam Harry Lumley Collin half dozen games lie was VOLLEYBALL ncndn or com Banner lamboree It the Royal Can adian Army Service Corps School at lump Borden ya ferduy Haurks 31an Rangers st Spot bow Montreal Canndiens make out in the two games they have in band bciorcrrcachingrflbica gos depth inthe schedule Chicagos wln belore home town crowd of 15214 lelt Mont real two points behind But the Cenndlens get chance to make up ground against Toronto Maple leafs in Montreal tonight Boston Enl ins in Montreal Saturday night and against the Rangers in New York Sunday night Sunday night game in Sos ton elfords the Hawks their only opportunity to add to their 82point total 1hesday nights gate carried the seasonal attendance mark at Chicago Stadium to well past the halfmillion mark for 85 home games Goalie Glenn Hall grabbedn firmer position in the chinn Trophy competition with Z9 stop periormance tor bis sev enth shutout of the season and Bobby Hull supplied the main olfensive punch withbis 42nd and 43rd goals at the season and an assist Stan Mlkitas 39th goal and No 23 by Red Hay rounded out the Chicago attack Mildtn also picked up an assist and ran his league leading point gather ing mark to or Hulls goals were something less than typical efforts by the power shooting winger Both came on deflection of shotsby defencemnp Pierre Pilcte New York defencemnn Barry Howell was in the penalty box or the second one and by contrast it was char noteristic type of play for Stan He stole the puck Then he swept around two New York defencemen and beat goalie Mikituelfortwns unmisled lessen Barrie Plumbers for the league mmplomhlp Dates were not known this morning Ron Edietron scored three goals to pace the winner lost plain PaulWhite Harold nod nod Larry Gibbons bad Ilnllfl Bud Cooka tallied hall of Menfordl four goals while Har old Sutherland and Dave Hindi and occupied for the other it might be the liIrt of bau bsllr age of overkill Sandy Koniu who he been doing iustgreat with In Iwe some fastball chirp curve and combination oi the two has added another pitch And although It would seem Sandy neair more mastery over but ters about as much as Paul Getty needs another million hes serious about it As long as can throw it or strike use it the Los AngeleI Dodgers burler said Tuesday after using blooper pitch three times as he gave up just two hits in helping the Dodgers down Ncwaork Meta so in an exhibition game The new changeup pitch went for rtrlkes twice duringSnndys whining stint And the rest of Sandys ar serial looked good too The Mets managed just two bits ngainst hirri 11 about par forth New re who have men aged exactly one runin in nings of exhibition and regular play against Koulax since May 1962 Seven Met went down swinging ME PREFER MILLER But they perked up bit alter former tennunnte BoblMlller tookcver from Kcufax Frank Tbomes tworun homer was the big blow as they ran uplheir three runs Starter Jay Hook took the loss Hurry Fanckdoubled home the first two runs and pitched three shutout innings as St Louis Cardinals detected Cin cinnnti Reds Hfllnde Pinson homered for the losers zEob Buhl CaliKoouoedud rookie Sterling Slaughter Eastern rononro or new rink shipped by Bill fo iigc Tuesday and toppled Sas katchewan and Alberta during the second day of the Canadian mixed curling championship Jacques Plnnte with Hunter NEONTO CPlMr Forbes Key proved to 8998 fans day that he hasnt lost his too at Greenwood Raceway The eight year old gelding owned by Helen and Garnet Weatherupof Oshawa scored neck decision over last closing Clement Hanover in the turcd eighth race trot for $1000 Mr Forbes Key was the standout trotter at Greenwood last year winning ourof sir namrthe gelding went onito pile up 11 wins in21 starts earning 37le ior=tbeseason GardKingston kept Mr Fortes Key in thtidiplnce mod of the way moving to the lead in the rtretdr and holding cit Clement Hanover driven by lorbesj Tpuch lit Fresnlléwiuever em inthice George Hawke of Goldwater Manitoba which handed the owner Allan Walker of Owen Sound Kerth Wapler displayedsome of the talent that rates him as one of the continents top driv err winning two races He won in tbereooud with his Culeys Boy then captured the fifth wrth Floyds Honor owned by Waples joy over Culeys Boy triumph was dimmed when the fiveyenrold gelding went to Don McNutt of xToronto for 15lfl the first claim of the on Longshot better clrcked in two races Josephine Lind owned by Wray Turvly of Brnnlfoid returned $2184 to its bankers in the third race Pirate PetAIpaldSlflflD in winning Routemad PitCh To List 198 Upset Win lumbis and Quebec were in mnsxn Examiner Sputum MIDLAND MidlInd Flyen test that wouldnt luv1w part In turned standout performance here int night todettat Barrte Seym UpeH and advance to tho llnnlr or the Georgian BIy interned Ite Hockey league The victoryuvs Midland the best of smiles mgr puni tunes Jud er now Mo on Bradford blanked loo Angela Angelr on three hits to help Chicago Cubs to at victory Lou Brock tagged loser Ken McBride for solo homer New York Yankees brought out their fronlllne pitching staff butit didnt impress Minnesota Nina Mu batters belied Al Downing Ralph Terry and Whitey Ford on route to 72 victory the Yankees third loss in four Grapefnrlt league starts Vic Power slammed four singles and llmrnle Hall solo homer tor the whom Milwaukee Bravos unleashed 13bit attack to thump Knu sns clly Athletics 81 Felipe Aiou uncorkcd homer and tworun triple and rookie Rico CIrtyalsohomerediis MCCDVEYS BAT PMENI San Francisco Giants bunched four singles lor three runs in the sixth inning and Edged Bos ion Red Sex Willie McCovey got three hitsto pace the San Francisco attack Homers went to Norm Cash hnd willie Horton as Detroit Tigers hammered out an 82 vic tory over Philadelphia Phillies Cash accounted for five Tiger rims with his stick work in two extrainning earner Houston Colts nipped Baltimore Orioles in 11 innings and Pittsburgh Pirates edged Wash ington Senators 54 in 10 Skinny Brown Larry Yellln and Larry Bohnnnon allowed inst three Baltimore hits Eo bnnnon won his own game with oneoutsingle that scored run in the 11th Ted Savage ot lworun burner for the Pirates and they squeezedin another run in the iothtfor the victory Rink In St Johns crew their opening round defeat Monday remained the onlyundefeated rinkJitcr three rounds Another egstern ioursonie representing Prince Edward Is land was tied with Newfound land and Saskatchewan tor sec ond placebonors Northern Ontario British Co fiitb place with 11 records Each had drawn bye to one of the ï¬rst three rounds Alberia New Brunswick and Ontario followed with one win Scotin trailed the 11 ink round robln bonrplll with um rtrsigbtlosses Alien became the giant killer in the second round oftbe bon spiel liiesda skipped by Glen Grey of Ed pronton 98 insn extra WK BIG LEAD Dean vof Weyburn Sask fell Victim to the New foundlsndonslaugbt in the third lead in the first four ends and wenton to post an 118 victory Boustry of Winnipeggot ond oimd against nstubborn Quebec crew skipped by Bill Tracy of Bagotville Tracy tied the count with two stones in the ninth and but gave up one in eï¬nalend and lost 57 In ictory overKarl Stronnch gston NS in the third and ï¬nal mindof theory ecdonnld Charlotte oi the second day honorswith pair of wins alter first round id Monday mums rnmnrv Testing narrow write gibbon Monet edging Alberta round as Allenpiled upAnn 80 his itfest opposition inthe sec Bonshy coasted to uneasy town camelnior nlarge piece Macdorinld followed the pub tem set by Newfoundland de skipped bv men winner ovr Colllngwood in tho luau final This will be another but cf seven IliIlr Flyen were heavy fluorite prior to the series They won Jill of six Icheduled emu against Sevar Ups Ind liter taking the first two Moll grmu looked headed for sweep Seven Ups come back to win the next two Flyers harmed Barrie in the ï¬lth gpmc but Sevur Ups bounced 4nd ISIirr in tho ï¬rth to even in let ibortagodor lut nights game Seven Ups smrcd the Hm 01 but Flyen bad lead bciors the period ended promised to 511 in in the final melon FEMALE HENRY Georgc mom was the sum log hero for Five Mile three to run Illa total to 11 ortho series tied McLean checked in with pair and defencemnn Murray Yorke tallied the other Bob Garner and George Boon man were the Barrie goal get Vters it was the eighth goal for Garner in the reven me and he also set up Boormsns gonl Only reason lycrs didnt run their total into double figures was because of the goaltending of Red Henry who announced alter the game that he would hung up the big pads for good But Henry went out in star ry role He stopped 50 of 56 shots blasted at him and it was only his perfonnnnco that kept Sevenrrvpscloserlntbe some for over two periods Garner and Doorman teamed In Tilt med er first goal at 1355 ppcd ill puck into the corner while Henry was sprawl ed on the crease Ifter null rave Him BREAKAWAY Seven Upr missed line chance In its the score when pickBertrInd nvenknted the puck on bruhway from his ownblueline gt Flycn fired seven shot In the firstthrce and half minutes oi blond upped the Beirut to is lbotl in the lint 10 minutes lone goal of the period came at am when Westllil rip icboimd behind Henry th Connor and Nicholisben drawing assists Henry handled 1c shots in the first period 17 in the Second Ind was in forbls busiest per lod in the third when Flym peppered more shots at him Flyen moved ahead 61 when YorkeI long slap shot deflected in olf Henryr pads Bob Garner got Seven line back in the game at 626 bent ing Chuck Jewell with back bander but minute inter West lnll completed his hat trick to give Flyerr szmnrgin Final goal of thergamécame at 1750 when McLean scored from close range SUMMARY Pint Pfrlod Bankfloomun Garner 71W Midland Mclean Dorion Lawson 910 Midland was OConnor Penalties lawson it Book nun Smith Second Period Midland Westlnll OConnor Nlcbolisbenl 821 Faculties Weeks Forbes Westflll Bertrand Third Period Midland Yorke ioConnort 39 Ishtrrie Gamer Edward Thompson Md Midland Westfall Nicholishen Forbest 15 Midland Multan Lawson Yorke 1150 Penalties Lawson Weeks Shots on gonl By Harris 92 Midland 21 56 PetesDeleat Iunior liabs iim Patterson rifled home three goals Tuesday as Peien borougb Peter with their backs to the well defeated blonlml Junior Canadians in in the fourth same of their bestof seven Ontario Hockey Associa tion Junior quarterfinal ss es Oshawa Gcncralsk their quarterfinal series 11 Igalnst St Catharines Canddci ScOtland Tied For Lecldlfign Bonspiel CALGARY GP chunky little farmer irom Scotland who had never played before more than about 300people in hislife until he arrived in Canada is the darling of fans at the 1964 international curling champion ships Alex lhrrnnce of Perth beard cheers irom nearly 3000 tans luesdny night as he led his rink to an 115 victory over the lilniterlh States in the third The Victoryleft Torrance with Lyell Daggs Canadian representatives from Vancou ver with two rounds remaining In the relimlnnry section of ltine affair which ends Thurs ay Scotland and Canada meet in the final round Mniéht Dogs who won theCanadlen ourhng championship at Char lottetown early this month kept pace with Torrance by downing Wild thclhirdrou rway emerged from the win less ranks with 13101 victory over Switzerland tocorpplete the draw ABSORB BEATINGS Norway and Switzerland ab sorbed resounding detects in the second round mesday alter uoon Canada battered Norway 192 and Scotland trampled Swit rerlnnd The United Sister dumped Sweden Min the other second round test The US loss to Condo cre ated Ibreeleam deadlock be hind the ersleaders The United States Sweden and Norway each have one win and two lossesland Switzerland In Win less in three starts Scotlands victory was abort of the all time international championship record The prev ious bigbwes 254 victory by Ernie Richardson of Regina over the Swedish entry two years ago In Scotland Torrance eleciédto blank the ninth cnd against the us quar tet led by Bub Magic of Du luth Minn andtbe rtrntegy paid oilMaKle missed take out in the liXh to allow Scotland to count two tor 75 lead Magic and his partnersthird Bert Payne second Russ Bar ber and lead Brltton Paynh lost theirpolse after that and yieéded deuces on the last two en HAY CLOSE or rsun of Are remained close to Canada until the seventh and when Dagg picked up pair for an margin Dagg fol lowed by stealing one in the eighth and cruised the rest of the way Norways victory was the countrys tirsl in international competition Norway and Swit rerinnd are both entered for th first time this year Norway skip Per Hclairer of Oppdairwer unable lead over Gerold Keller of nglKsllbad until lifter the mid way mark at the game when he began forcing theSwiss to use takeout weight The Swiss were unable to Idlusllnd fell behind rapidly Both clubs have been unabll to hit Iuceesclully all week and they provided an interesting demonstration of the old insh ioned draw game in their but tie to escape the cellar in the prelim new round Tbe preliminnrywinds up to night Semifinals are scheduled for Thursday night Sweden laces Scotland Switz erland opposes Canada and Non ow wow meets the US in tourtb ro games Besides the Can test in the night Switzerland meetr the 35 and Norway meets Swe en Biron WAHERS our Non