ver wrmmemxmw am Woodcock oid Cronin door prim Mn Davie CAREY MRS ARMSTRONG Dont torgct ih uohn to be held in Cerely uhoob day March at 330 pm un der the auspices oi Cnriey WI Mr and hire Hilt Bend and Mr and him Robert Beard and none at Jarret Ind Re Ind Gill tom Beard oi Barrie were Sun GillJ Item Lr Robert mm mm in week end It hie home It Wu Carley Womens Institute held their March meeting the home of kin Event Johnstone last lhundny with nine member1 pment Roll roll no Answered with houtehoid hint and new in into the flower iund It was moved to sent 55 to the Red Cross Society Eindion we held cl with Ill ollicern being returned by eccinmetion Finn were made or Institute member to go out or dinner in Wnuhnushene end allerwardo return to Coidwnter or In eve ning oi bowling The indlm oi Hobart United Church made quilt at the home at Mn Milt Beard wannanu hush7 menur Mundune fluII BunIII IEAI IAlll gt7wrrvorflwwbmwmrwrwmv44qur All were school triende etherd to honor Min Mathert with Ihower prior to it merriue GOURMET CLASS Ailerie oi Gourmet Cooking chair wu held at Consumeru GB Company Blue Flame Roam ii 1mm Thronto Betty Bright Home Economist we in ohnrï¬e loowere pre sented with piomu and thats outï¬ts on the he evening Soven men from Dorrie attended We quu lormer Churchill boy being one Wu won two luck pnesmrurs man 5xaMNn roux snoulnrn lLI TIN possinrur Whitbyid van lllllAlfAnll Emmi iini nodal time Here enjoyed Ken we to men only Imnteur lt WHMW wavquWyiuurvmylnccpIQJMMmVqVy Vat gmwmwwm urqu Mummers ems ROBERT MT 15113 MIR MINER wmrmn mm Mn IheBeilvucnnbyKrI noun Buie Hellman pmieedbyMnEdspichu g1 NIEHCGIUM Ind Mn Mr Ind Mn Rel Sinclair Indwezerecentvislton with In endur my Hamlinelegant wus vi Barrie Pm bytedl mud of in not in Barrie lnnda Ill pro vided by Jack Lake WI All tell it III wrthJ um rm Rev nu oi Choik Rivor mob in the United Chm hero on Sundry ine 111pm sit 33 tï¬ law en The choir eoyoicee nu ID Predoted Cyril Space rne tor meeting at Sunday School olflcerl Chriltien Eduution committee and mr church mtum on ny eve we the needs of the Sun isdlooL Meaty hiker met in the Sun School mom of the church nredey niter noon The theme wax God in our Heavenly Father who care or Lhepherd care tor hie Iheepi Call to worship Come with hearts reimc Donne ielrhwi reed the the story and unit were en Joyed to departure at Mr And mush lea Lucas Geii one ion our community Baden neth mean wiehed themed oi honor minim in their new home and Howardllerrier pre quality and economy BHANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WINE ymmx BRANVIN Shem lie and Ellie replied All to vilit them WOMENS lNSIIIUlE The Womens institute met In the hull Thursday evening us ing Snicty es the theme Roll call Mety improvement have mad broughtlorth many euggeetto 1b and invited ALL PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE MARCH Is 19 20 mum SPECIALS THE FINEST MEAT ANYWHERE LOBLAWS PROTEN BEEF PORT HOUSE WING EIRIOIH STEAKS or ROASTS HOMELESs MANHATTAN negating Baubles DENVER ROAST ALSO FittE SEthTIONOF OTHER lOELAWPROTEN BEEF OUTS ALL BEEICIOUSLY TENDERANDI FLAVOURtUL COMPLETELY IONEJLESS AND EASY TO OARVE PE HOUSE BELMONT NIAGARA gt0 BOSTON hummus Vllb KEY ewe 9mm Parslnmrs 595cm fliiiilliiE onion moments Sprcmlt ANEV noun engine mun iMMIi Vsuonumn my in hmma um 51mm