Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1964, p. 12

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Harris Mann Wanted iosrs rcuuu BLACK runs and remain that lost in area Tainan inn io HELP WEN TED FEMALE HELP SENIOR SECRETARY required by large Barrie man trianiurer shorthand loaHEtPWANTED ventl il with of mm Deln up Tilplfll TEACHERS WANTED We School aim cooz in September poi and null MI tnlottr In duel Plans IWU silt In that um um In IIIH rum nth with some or tut ilnrceeior or in PM Write Box 71 Barriemamlner EVENING WORK FROM HOME We have openings ior three ladies on our stall We ureter married women over with Grade xii or equivrflent in barium experience This Is dignified snlrs position which involves no canvassing collect ing or deliveries iise oi bus bands ctr three evenings week ly essential For more iniorma tion and coniidential Interview call Mr Dixon at Wit Thursday only to pm only xxrlnmrscnn cook wanted lee due only Tillphonl mam FRIENch WaitrIII Wanted Apply We Tun Rational 38 Dunlap EL What LADY wltmu uni bouncer in and can or two mall child nn Live In Toiephone 713M uicr Ian pm Wm Wanted Mm helpful but not necessary All Dr tween so and to or mu miy Telephone mam hsitrims Woman vented to took my baby parttinae In all and home iiturt have own transpurh tron Telephone 72506 LIABLE Pusan to do bum lupin meals some child can lgttireti not time lament uéuoxrt pretenhis Tsiep nus fillbl WANTED or motel wutk Must be depends Apply in per Dfln my lime rum to Hondly rhth Friday to rm am Continental inn Dunlop it uusblmtu or modern ildlet mdrtowur salon hill or Part time urpenlnl lot experieuc in filling coals dresses Nel Inn clientill AWI ll West MALE HELP DRIVER SALESMAN Age 2130 day week Salary and commission with guaranteed minimum and beneiits Apply WILSONS WAREHOUSE John Street Barrie LICENCED BODYMAN and EXPERIENCED BODYMAN or year apprentice Eligible for Group insurance after Months APPLY MIDDELS BODY SHOP RH No Barrie Phone 72641801 numb MAN wanted to wort on turkey mm House supplied Telephone woos Aply cu admits3 lace oi 35pm Epsom mu IEIPONSIDLE men able in ii Iltd no general wt in start Asl vlncetnnnt or flat nun Apply EnsHt Second Hand Store as Dan Iop St IOMIONI bu Lalo convicts cor trni oi Ontario territory with ptlb lit relatiqu pronms or business and Indtutry Excellent iuture lured to man with initiative lsiiar relum Box 7a lamlo mi acumen MALE Ir FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS tor BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT 16 BAYFIELD ST TELEPHONE DIRECTORY EMPLOYMENT WANTED PAINTING All WI It Intrib lilo Illl lMflnl I06 mull Mpbgnn mom wooLu won otter lament cations in an bonts white mois ns worn supper mom sun on tramon prelqu it experienced ru ill le slephonl It LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS iN THE NATE OF WILLIAM WBHEART oi the Thwrtthip oiOruintthountyoiSlin one Retired ianitor deceased All claims against the above state must be filed wilh lira undersigned on or helm April our loss alter which date the estate will be distributed so cording to law DATED at Toronto ibis 1nd day it Mercia 1984 JOHN PEZZACK QC Admin lstrltor 61 Richmond Street West Toronto == 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR THE RIGHT TO OPERATE THE CITY OWNED MARINA Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to pm Monday March Li 1964 tor the leasing of the City owned marina operation rigth ior the 1964 boating season subject to cer tain conditions Tender envelopes andconditions ior leasing may be obtained item the City Clerks cities at the City Hall Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted STRAUGHANP City Clerk TENDERS 0R RENTAI ®F= CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to pm Monday March 73 1964 ior the rental oi road building equip ment to the City oi Barrica required Tender iorrns and specifications may be received irom the City Clerks Oitice box 400 Barrie or at Collier Street Barrie Lowest or any tendernot necessarily accepted Tenders must he returned in the tender envelopes supplied STRAUGHAN City Clerk For Want Ad Service Dial 7282414 rob msr Emcmmsramcn you AKEJOUT TASTY ron AND amass AND CANADIAN TELEPHONE 7265729 SERVICE amorous roan ROY LEM CAFE rm Speedy EIiiclcntSerslcs VISIT Olltt MIRAMAR CARD ans weddings Blnoueu Private Parties Telcpltunl mmmnumum TAXI For FAST UptotbaMinuta COURTEOUS SERVICE CALII VALLEY TAXI 72824 urive ourscli momma SHOES SHINED GETS SHOE SHINE WES GEN ilats Cleaned andBincircrl TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL TENDERSFORTRUCK Sealed tenders clearly clinch will he received by the underdam until oclock uooo March as root ior lou truck GVW 1w oom with dump body and One ices liemry model no to traded it Specifications and tender arms may be obtained irotn either oi GRO Its Stroud JOHN COWAN itoad SVPL Stroud I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday March 21 at siisarp HOME FURNISHINGS WAREHOUSE 3i BAYFIELD Sl Sale at good and used iurnituro appliances and hooks JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FOR MR EARL ITUTCHTSON 10 CON COLLINGWOOD TOWNSHIP on County Road between Thorfloury llli Feversbnrn 710 miles south or Thoruhiry and 12 miles west oi Coilingwood 31 miles south of Ravenna ON TUESDAY MARCH 14 AT PM LNENCK Hereiord Cow years due April is Here lord Cow years due April is Roan Cow years due March 11 Remind Cow years bred Nov Roan Cow years bred Fri call at Jan 24 call at side Roan Cost years bred Feb will side Hereiord Cow years bred Feb 15 call at side Herc iord Cow years due April lieseiord Cow years bred Feb call at side Hereford Heller years iresh cell at side Hereford Halters loog yearlingo Hereford steers Baby Beet Fall Calves Sow thneiinotsnld IMPLEMENTS Oliver 71 with independent PTO and straightening lever Murrow iHC Plow like new 144th disc MH Grain and Fertilizer Drill like new it Ml Bind er like new rubber tired THC Side Rake Oliver it Mower like new New idea Rubber Lired Manure Spreader 7o bu 32pinte MJi Double Disc wheel Trailer with stock ruck Wagon libs new with hay radr Buzz Saw tscction Harrow eSeotimi liarivws sit Horse Mower Turnip Drill hitter heavy sleigh Walking Flows Apron drain or Cocbshutt spreader Chatham Susie 2000 lbs cap Vessel Grain Grinder 70 it in endless drive belt 75 it in belt or it in belt Trac tor chains is 26 lIiC Stain less stoei Cream Separator Simbeam Cow Clipper r500 chick electric brooder 12 cohmyhous thirtiak nag Hoider Hy ic ram Quan tity used pipe Sap pan and buckets Set heavy harness and collars 200 gal gas tank and pump to it bais elevator Log ging tons HAY AND GRADI Approx 300 bales Straw Approxulsot bales Mixed Hay tons Rod ney Oats REAL ESTATE Farm con oi 100 acres more or less with large hank barn and brick house spring creeks and acres oi hardwood bush This bush is extra good To be sold by auction at it oclock day oi sale if not previously sold The owner and management will not be held responsible for accidents on the day oi sale Doug Hammond Clerk GLENN ANDERSON Auctioneer ltlt Wasaga Beach Ont 50 Who Doesni Read Small Ads YOU DO i4 PUBLIC Norices IUBLIC Townshi mm or Amavrsriou 1N rTIErNDCONcynssmrror rowannr or ESSA NOTICE is hereby given iii side Roan Covert years bred with litter boroFeb mutter Pile ready ior market by soil THC Cultivator like new is vwxzuvwavnr urvkvanw Irvvvvn 57mm wannanor From Anachwitz mt oi the ashes oi Atlldt wiis gilmrners tiny no em ber oi hope or the newGen Inlay no hope is with the young the hope is with the rising larcratinn looking critically It thelGermau put this is tbs solace that emerges from the court in Frenkiurt West Germlw where men charged with nick log brutality their daily busi fia on undergoing belated They have been one com mentator notes fished out oi their respectable middlefled jobsin postwar Germany to answer ior crlrnu that numb the mind WHAT TO FORGET The same hicnmpreheosinn the same urge to forget the 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MARCH II AT SHARP cameras WAREHOUSE LORENA ST BARRTE To sell the iolluwing tools Beaver Table Saw tr hp motor Shll Saw blade black and Deder Saw blade Sunbeam Saw Power Bench Grinder Black and Deck cr Sandu Electric Drills Blow Torch Sump Pump Eicc tric min and accessories Air Conditions Typewrita Hand Step Ladders Ladder Shovels TlioWsshiiiMai chine Quentin Floor 1110 and many other articles loo num to list Terms Cash No reserve JERRY COUGHLIN Auctloneer AUCTION SALE nil Household Furnishings Electrical Appliances and Tools Fossil EMORGAN UAMPBELLS WAREHOUSE LORENA ST BARBIE on Friday Evening March 20 at pin sharp to sell the following Frigidaire critic it Refrig erator good as new Westing house cubic it Refrigerator winch 4burncr electric lungs inglis Washing Machine with automatic pump good as new Popup toaster Steam Iron General Electric 17inch ryrset gnod condition Chrome table and chairs Droplea Table odd kitchen diairs utility table ironing board Va poriser chests ni drawers Mirror Steel double bed corn Steel single bedwith mattress and springs Childs 4Man crib with sprin tilled mat tress Play pen Childs table and chair set Rocking chair Utility clothes rack Odd wall minors Sole bed Stereo Hi Fi with radio combinatlo Election redia Electric clack Quantityoi stereo reords 0d lamps Cedar chat Card in bios Sewing Machine Vacuum Cleaner Steel elves Child rens toys Qu ty of lkincb plywood shelves Steel shelves odd Vkltchenv utensilsgfi it Rug 7gelion aquarium com plate with fish Small sewing bicycle Youths bicycle 100 it oi garden hose Garden tools 98 hp outboard motor Ford 15inch veiieeis with new tires sets of skiswiih poles Set oi lli golf clubs Boxing speed bag Boxing heavy beg Quan tity oi tools hp cycle mo tor hp cycle motor on portable garden tractor elec tric heaters Car lacks Quan tity oi nuts and bolts Automo tive vise Bench vise Bench grinder Vi hp electric motor bathroom settles girls bi cycles boya bicycles This cycles and many other articles too numerouaiolist Terms cab No reservees owner is going overseasior years Nothingtojberemoved until settled ior ior rranir Webb Cleric JERRY COUGFILIN Auctioneer NOTICE Of Essa ROAD THROUGH LOT 30 at the Coilicil oi the Corporation oi the Township of Esra pmposeaail8t the 6th day at April 1964 being the date oi the Council meeting for the month at April Noland being one month from the date at theiirstilubti cation and posting up ni this notice to pass bylaw to stop and close that portion or the deviation road flrrougtipart oi mum in the 2nd Concession oi the Township olEssa and being as iont strip oiland immediately railwayiheing described as follow Being part oi Lotto in the bid Co melon Essa in the County oi Simcoe and beings as loot strip oi land 33 icet inperpendicular width on either side at the ctre line dioining to the casein the it he Township of which mayhefdescribedas iollows COMMENCING at point in the Easterly boundary iii the said but so m35ieetSoutherly from theNoth Easterly angle oi the idiot RENCE Wedarly Von excurve toibeiight halving M1775 ieet moreor Icsslo the Northarly limit oi being the deviation road No radiusoi 11440 feet di the sat thibugdrtiieaaid lot opened by aw will hear in rte or olicitor any person who KcE child may Germans at In smut Observers otths Auschwitz trlcl whtdi may urn tiaurlor another year agree that Gerrard motions reflect ooniiictoi gerieratlanr the young eager to kdow the older ones impatient at attempts to rake up the past Auschwitz celled Omic cim ones was peaceiui vil lage in somharn Polid Ia wartimeit becamea gigiantic human aboltnir where some 0000000 personsiron ta coun tries mostly Jews lived like animals until the moment oi merciful death Nith alter night the sky wssredsndtheeirwsspol lutcd with the smell of homing bodies newspaper nine in Krakow recalled recuitiy The Poles have preserved mr and speak oi it more In sorrnwithsn in anger When this reporter visited the camp mind reooiis at the sight at plies human hair oi ponds glued over with grey scum iormed by human ashes of other relics oi time that makes all adjec tivesrsecmvlrrelevantgwu HORROR T00 GREAT The scale oi borrow somehow ireczes out companion forcing the visitor to concentrate on single poignant locus such as pair oi childrens shoes or the photograph lull lace and profile oi an individual victim The same Impression oi dazed disbeliet nnd unreality emerges at the Fronliiurt trial As Anne snameimrwrlteo wiailiondans Evening standard It takes some shaking little Item to get behind the guard that the mind puts up One such statis tic is that seven typewriters were in constant use in day and nigbtaitiits merely ior uilicial repnrts on those who died at AUSllilwiIL The trope emerging tram Frankiurt Is that the younger generation in Germanywiil re iuse In ionktbe other way will examine dispasslonsteiy what happened and resolvsthat it shall never recur worm NEWS IN BRIEF FERN SENTENCED thur inhn Ferin oi Montreal piete with mattress and springer table Ladys bicycle LhIids and Oshawa was sentenced Tuesday to sixmontbs in jail aiter being convicted March or abduction and assault Ferio was charged with the Dec abduction oi his oneyearold sou Jamie GrmtFcrInp irurn Shirley Degrace at Kinghurst Nll and with common assault on fliEW0lit8ii astrs monitor LEAD maonro cm The ted reseatctiundepmvidedhelntnv inccs with guidance in the prob lem of air pollution Dr Bernhart an assistant professor in sanitary engineering at the University of Toronto said Tuesday Addressing the Tor onto Jnnioi board oi Trade Dr Bemhart also said Ontario needs commission similar to the Ontario Water Resources Snmmission to control pnllu on tPLAN SELFHELP MOVE TORONTO CR The On tario division at the IndianEs iriino Association or Canada Tuesday announced it will launch sellhelp piogram de signed to better the iivesni On tario indians Mrs Tracy ciation saidthe project named Wicinathewshumew we hunt together will involve tacttind ing tours to determine educa tional social and economic conlt di among Indians was second WEEKLY TORONNVICPVIH LAlouettc Tuesday ltmwnuiLbecomo weckiy next mum and sequin French language bookshop iir book ion Libraire Francois in downtown Toronto will be managed by JackCain publicity director oi LAiouette He said LAiouettals expected erai govemrnent should conduct chairman of the Ontario asso Torontos montny iirenchdang gu gs newspaper announced into weekly publication Auschwits as museum oi hor two years ago iound that the TOPPlliG sr PATRICKTS DliY Piiriiinr window washet on the taller Center looks down on Patricks Cathedrallhispla 35th IIoor oi the international St Patricks Day paroders II zth Anthony mum Building in New Yorks Rocke they pass by the spired St AP Wireplioto It5¢$i35¢ ture was made by AP photo veriising Tommnyvpsm at this newspaper are lull oi news at many things News at people and their doings in nearby plsccl and tothe far corners or the earth And most recentlyvla the upper reaches outer specs gt HAMPTON Nil cigtiAr But there is another kind oi news that you hold in your hands as you read newspaper Not the news at people but of products and services the news oi advertisements inner session emotion Lungs improve the standard oi iiv tlongtliut it must start necessarily with the manufacturers who snake the products What advcrtising does is toteil people about new and better thingsand new iestures of established favorites and where they can be bought in very real sense to increase demand and lead the wayrtn lower prices it is literally and actually true that practically everything you buy woirid cost you more It there were no advertising Without advertising in iniorm the public there could not he mass production as we know it today with all its economies and advantages People cant buy thingsor want things unless they know they exist gt The big problem inthis cnunlry at this moment and likely to be big problem ior some time to coins It not so much overproduction as underconstanpliun Advertising is the ideal technique rm mass communication because it is the cheapest quickestand most responsith Emmi it is thatcdverlislng will speed up this us he valuablc goodwiilyior brand or store Witness the uctuai money value at welladvertised wellregarded name It is equally cert that back ulthat name orthat prm duet must he honesty tabdealing and full value for the pric

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