foam No OFFICERS or an advance party of the Canadian army group slated for Cyprus duty with the 1m get lastminute RCAF transport plane in tawaPrlme Minister Pearson announced in the Commons that Lisa soldiers and airmen would leave in the next two weeks From left Flt Lt Tom Wilson Col Edward Amy leading the advance par ty Lt ColJ Vincent Cools Maj Joe Croweaod Capt Robert Murray UP Wire photo briefing before boarding an Revenue D1es In oimwa tCPt Revenue Minister John Garland 45 died suddenly here early today on train in Union Station ltfr Garland attended the spe cial Friday sitting of the Com mons which authorized the gov ernment to send troops to Cy prus and later boarded CNN train which left Ottawa at 1220 am today for North Bay He We found dead appar ently after suffering heart at tack after the train had left Union Station The train re turned to the station and Mr Garlnsdsxbody was removed Thehody was taken to Hulse andPlayfalr Funeral Directors An official said funeral and other arrangements would be mide over the weekend her of the Commons for Nipis sing since June 27 1949 was gt one of the youngest members in Prime Minister Pearsons cabinet Aa minister at national rev eoue he was responsible for the douhl ioh ofroollectlngthe oa tions takes and running the federal governments housing pohcy Barwaa born on New Years Day 1915 at Smiths Fails Iii miles southwest of Ottawa and was related to the late William Cyprus TensionEdses 1me Brink Oill was an NlCOSIAThe tense situation gzer troubled Cyprus appeared case from the brink of war Qday following Turkish state ment welcoming urgent moves set up United Nations eacekeepingforce for the is xland liii mmmflemnt issued miter cabinet meeting late griday superseded an earlier warointho Cyprus of Turkish Eriilateral intervention it sweep nng measures were not taken hive Killed In level Accidents Garland Liberal memV Nsunrl Minister Ottawa JoaN it cannon Garlaud who held Carleton rid ing for the Conservatives from ioziio 1935 Mr Garlao wasa political heavyweight in size as well as in experience He stood sii feet two inches and weighed more than 300 pounds He was even hettier when he first arrived in Govt To llid Flood Victims LOUISVILLE Ky AP Flood victims along the Ohio River and its tributariesmost of them now waiting for the water to go downhad personal assurance from President John son today that federal aid would he on theway soon He flew over the area and saw what they had lived with for almost weakisolated towns submerged homes and roads and other devastation from the third worst flooding in this century As Johnson made his flight Friday the riverwas receding at Louisville and upstream not its crest had yetfopass western Kentucky and southern portions of lndiaoa and llllnois it already has left it dead more than 0000000 in dain ages ahdalfected by lied cross estimate 110000 persons HERES ONE in remote Carolina commun itya country editor called rat the home of the countrys oldest resident He asked the usual question To what do you at tribute your great age Its very simple said the old man Ive been taking vit Ottawa in 1949 to restore peace and normality to the island Reports that 10000 lurkish troops had embarked in ships at Iskendeniu seaport on Turkeys southern lfcoast facing CypruS had hacke the Turkish warning anLheightsnedsthemlL ready sizzling tension in the threemonth crisis In Athens Greek govern ment spokesman expressed sat isiactioo with the Turkish state ment Following twohour giooi CNRmaintcnance firmlall reconnaissonceï¬stT lively earmarkedfor thapeaca peace force is contingent ho at amin pills since was 99 emergency cabinet meeting government source said the Greek armed forceswould be in state ofpreparedness until the UN force arrived in Cyprus and guaranteed the integrity of the island ofCanadiadsoldiers and men was expected to arrive in Cyprus later in the dayto ar range for the landing of about 1150 Canadian troops tenta force wows one OTHER Canadian participation in the least one other country besides Britain which already is on the island joining the UN group Atthe UnttedNations the Se curity Council Friday unanl mously passed resolutionth all members totclrain from Asian sugzmted that Bid lieve hehad ever described about four per ce ney said Friday about 10 new wmaxxaï¬ wmmuuznmstmzf Vivirt nflfJm Sending Peqce ForCe Satisfactory IoTurks UNITED NATIONS CP The United Nations Cyprus force got off the ground Friday as Canada acting urgently in the lace of threat of war in the eastern Mediterranean de cided to send contingent of 1150 mm to embattled Cypnis The Canadian Parliament ap proved dispatch of the force while the UN Security Council met in emergency session on charges by Cyprus that mrk ishinvasion was imminent Darkey had warned that it would intervene unless the gov ernmeot of GreekCypriot Pres ident Makerios halted man sacre of the TurkishCypriots But the Turkish delegate scoffed at Cypriot charges that the invasion might come within hours The council meeting ended late Friday night with unanï¬ Hint Bungling Drunkenness Early Stages 0i QUEBEC CP assuggutiona of bungling and drunkenness early in the investigation into the 1963 slaying of three Pm sylvanla hunters were made Friday by Crown prosecutor in crossexamination of Henri Doyon former sergeant in the Quebec Provincial Police Youthful Crown Prosecutor Jean Bleovenue acting as coun sel to Chief Inspector Matte ot the OP and Deputy AttorneyGeneral CE Cantin Day had broken his oath of discre tion while detective and had withheld evidence inthe Wilbert Cofï¬n murder case Coffin was convicted of the murder of the hunters and was hanged Feb 10 1955 royal commission into the preparhtion and presentation of evidence fo the controversial casewas ap pointedby the Quebec govern ment early this year it followed publication of book by Montreal author Jacques Hebert called Jaccuse les Assassins de Coffin ti ac cuse Coffios assassins in which it we contended Coffin was railroadedto the gallows lldr Bienvenue asked Friday vvhetheiieerEo DoyonI hadflflgtx en in repor era the trial and also whether he had given lawyerslnio tion about which he hadnt advised hissuperio Mr Dayan he didnt he Spask Planning Build Hospitals sh Saskatchewan plans 23 hbsp tatprojects and provision for the costs in the196465budge spending estimates by Health Minister Blake Cainnin no Hebeoi sea OrrAwA ca servant werekiiledio the0ttawa hospitals will be built However mods resolution calling on all parties inthe dispute to refrain from any action that might worsen situation Cypriot delegate Zenon Ros sldes said this meant it coun cil had warned hirlrey not to invade Turkish delegate Orhan Eralp said it meant the Greek Cypriots had been ordered to halt violence directed against the TurkishCypriot connnunity Eralp denied that Turkeys warning amounted to an ultims tum There was no time limit set he said and it does not contain any measures which have to be put into effect im mediately Rossldes told reporters after the meeting the invasion threat had died down as soon as the emergency council session was calledat his request Earlier in the day Eraip had Collin Casefi erous cheerful man who would give illend the mist off his He also testified he thought both Wilbert Coffin and his brother Donald were involved in some way in the slayings and he at first suspected Donald who never was charged annalsAsa Defiance Speedy nouns or 41m Robya latelife or deathwas placed in the hands of the jury in his trial for the murder of Lee Har vey Oswald at 105 am CST expect speedyverdlcty Ruby sat through five hours of argumeom Friday unmoving nnd witha face like mask Whe Judge Joe Browore tiredthe jury he saidl pre sumo you will want to be deliberations in the morning reach nines handed copy ofthe nirkisb statement to Them together with note saying his govem ment had decided to take ap propriate action if the government did not comply with erkeya demands Cypriot RUBY TO on BULLETIN DALLAS AP chk Ruby was convicted today of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald Iadlentenccrl to death in the electric chair See Itory below TellUS TSCram uaoaviur tAPt as scheme campaign is spren loge among flhe=Frdnch comma olty in the IllllVllllWell African nation ot Gabon where tilt Anterlcaos liver grenade and shotgun attack oh theUSEmbaasy last week was meant to warn Americans get out Nn culprits have been found French embassy officials say mire mack walnut the resolution in the Commons expats Verdict did not expect deliberations to begin before am CST In Texas the Jtl determinesguiit or innocence but fixes theexteot today and his lawyers said they al not only of the pen ty Ruby faces death in the elec tric chair if the jurors decide onthe maximum penalty Four pro ution attorneys in the long grindiognlght session asked for the death penalty The other possible sentences run from two years to prisonmimt years suspended and then writeyour verdict on th dorms provide for that purpose The jury then retired for the andJiidgeErowo be works pe verdict liveualthoiigb he had burr Judge Brown grantédthe netI lesion to televise the will be liv re broadcasting of the decision local Weather Pï¬sibiiiig meageran Sunday 41 For complete surn mry please turn to page two Not More Than For Copy16 Paw Pearson Feels Intervention In Civil War Is Necessary onion ice in dra matic show of speed and near uoanimlty both houserof Par liament authorized the govem of indie and British officers to secure accommodations and ve hicles for Canadian advance party of 150 iotantrymen mentgtFridayto send 1150 Ca nadlao soldiers and airmen to Cyprus to help restore peace The Commons approved government resolution in two hours at an unusual Friday night sitting and the Senatescon curred so minutes later An infantrybattalion look squadron and 100 HCAF officers and men will be airlifted to Cy Ths advance party drawn from the lst Battalion Royal 22nd Regiment at Valcnrtler One is 91wa to leave dung ing the weekend or Monday The advance party will be Joined to Cyprus later by more Van Dons and tank oaissance squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons based at renun spoke out against the resolution pmEsTaermallrraoouoais wvuldhewzeakeoed lean Camp Oagetown BNDDRSE MOVE Opposition Leader DiefenJ baker New Democratic leader Douglas and Social Credit spokesman Patterson all endorsed the governments dos cislon All three warned however that the operation willvbo danlt geroua costly to Canadian tax payers and drawooott in all probability lives will be lost said Mr DWKlll Mr Pearson said the UN force was constituted Friday by Canada Sweden Ireland Brit aln Greece and mm his statement varied some what from one issued at the United Nations an hour earlier by secretary charLU ihaot fares not At another pqin flilnt laid the force will be estab lished withoutJurther dday and elements of it will soon be deployed in Cypnia Alource close tothe cabinet said outside the Communists Friday night that Canadas swift action may have averted an invasion of Cyprus by Turklt lsh forces nymphs music The Turkish government threatened the invasion Friday morning but abruptly shifted emphasis in theovening with statement welcoming the im pending dispatch of the UN peace force tilCyprus The inforniant said Turkey changed its position alter Fix teroal Affairs Mioisterldartin talephonedlthe Ihrkishforeignr ministry to inform them that Canada definitely would tak part lathe UN force Mr Pearson said in theCom mons heihasno illusions that the force will notbe required after the initial three month period epnmved hy the UN Se curity Council It was imperative to appoint mediator soon to workfor or settlement of the constitutional dispute between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots which has gaused bloodshed since Decï¬n prus within the next two weeks to form part of Tubman United Nations peace force Prime Minister Pearson flushed with emotion said Ca nadian intervention in the Cyp riot civil war is necessary to prevent hostilities between Greece and Turkey which would threaten the peace and security of the whole world intervention also was justilied for humanitarian reasons and to preserve the authority of the United Nations Only threa Creditiste MPs and three senators expressbd reservations Gilles Gregoire Creditiste Lapolotel broke with his leader ResiCaouettc and supported the resolution TRIBE TDJWUK 1r gt Mr Caouette tried unsuccess fully to block the emergency de bate until Monday thenflew to iroislllvlerea Out to add so party rally in theeveniog Two of his colleagues CharlesArthur Gauthier Rolr erval and Antoine Belanger Cherievols stayed behind to registerjhe onlyvotes against No hours before the Com mons special debate began at aanceparty lefl Trenton Cat by RCAF Yukon for Nicosia to pavethe way for the Canadian contingent The army and air force offi cers aboard were to meet to day with the UN observer in Cyprus Lt Gen Gyanl hsks Decentralize Federal Govi HALIFAX fCPA decentral lzation of the federal govern ment would allow it to play its own role more efficientlyhstate Secretary Maurice Lamootagne said Friday Mr Lamootagne in aspeech devoted to EnglishFrench rela tions the last century said hedid not share the view that tbe central government drew iromrsorne fields and con centrated on others gt Specifically he mentioned cul ture where we have followed the American policy of non intervention too close wlth the result thatJCanadlnn culture is weak and too closely Amer Diefenbakenysaid NATO is in serious danger are result of mounting hostility between Greece and Turkey Rec on other patio in the United ations has made thesame contributions and sacrifices to the ideals of any motion that might worsen thesltuatiod ioCyprus Meet nnVernergcncyses consld Cypriot charges that Turkishlnvasidn was im thocouncil called on General Thant to continue the peace force Eerlier GreekCypriot Presi deot Makarios htrk attended the iuneial of King Paul said if the Turks landed in cyprus the Greeks would come too lie sold the Tur warntng constituted further untenable interference in the loternalaf construction will not necessarily goahead in the coming fiscal year at alias centres British Columbias proposed new mental health act won the approval of opposition parties but some New Democrats an 31 glstrict Friday in two railway level crossing accidents The dead NR employees were identified as Willis White Goulhouro Town ship TonyPerrier Mouse Creek John Passaw Renfrew and Jam McLean Bells Camera The civil servant killed was William el 22 an employee of then out revenue department pea keeping force today road coupon onr ca Herbert aobaos father of Premier Hoharls of Ontario diedstodayin hospital hereA former bank manager in Western Canada and southernOntario he had retired in as Israel Fears War to Come TORONTO CF Abba Eben deputy prime minister of srnc said Friday hostility between Israel and Arab states could break into war at any tim Never under tirnate the strength of explosiveness of this confl aid in speech at Beth Tzedec Synagogue llaks ll Queen avian Good HALIFAX CP State Secretary Lamontagne asked at public meeting here Friday it the Queens visit to Canadain Oct obar was good idea said hewas quite sure she would be we hi membership come when she visi Western defence alliance has th msalhl been regarded as po tlally noosuNATo robinm tion Leade urged the government to give utrnostg consideratlo to brief recommending lishmeot al