Photo by Faverot ME AND MRSLAUEENCE NOWACIN March Wedding Ceremony In Guthrie Unitéd Church Standards oi ink gladloli and white mums wth femery crealt led bridal setting in Guthrie Unitcd Church when Miss Don ni ltiarie Sutton was united in marriage to Laurence John No wacin Rev Jennings oi ficiaicd at the aitcrnoon cere Arnony March The organist Mrs Howard ACampbell oi Shanty Bay accom anled the soloist Mrs ATVright oi ltiidhurst as site sang the Wedding Prayer and iPeriect Love The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Newton =Sutton oi Shanty Bay The bride groom is the son at Mr and Mrs John Nowacin of Oakville BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage by her in thcr the bride was gowaed in full length dress at nylon sheer and lace over taffeta The bodice of the gown was iashlnned oi lace on Empire lines appliqued with irridescent sequins and seed pearls and featured ba teau neckline and lull length petal pointed sleeves oi ream broidered lace The billowing skirt of the gown was floor The elbow length veil oi ll lusioa tulle was held by single rose of nylon organns The bride carried cascade bouquet oi red rose stepbaaotis and ivy streamers NDANTS Attending the bride were Mrs Evelyn Moir matron of honor Miss Ann Hayden and Miss Janice Peacock bridesmaids all oi Barrie The flower girl was Miss Christine Sutton and the ring bearer was Douglas Sutton both oi Shanty Bay The attendants were gowned alike in sheath dresses iashiorn ad of powder blue taileta with overakirts oi blue organza Their headdreses were wedding ring crowns oi matching organza and tulle They carried bouquets oi pink and white carnations with streamers ol ivy Robert Clemments oi Bolton was groomsman Dennis Sutton ANN thorns Watching The Pennies ilsntPennyPinching Dear Ana Leaders am widow who has been going with very iine widower for several months We are both inour early Ills Dr is considered quite catch and many di vorcees and widows who are younger than better look lng hamshnwn more than easlt Cbarles is very rundowniirom Lpenny undoubtedly dates back tickets purchased by bargtand R7 rom Charles who sayditle ual interest in him Last evening we were walk ing from the movie to the car when he casually strolled over to the gutter He leaned over as if to pick up something and thought it was penny was only cigar wrap was embarrassed to think he wouldbother to pick up penny call wild spender but neither ishe tight What do you make at this Does it mean he might be keeping his skinflint tenden cies under wraps and thatmar rlagevto such might be in financial hefltï¬egse advise iLOOKING BEYOND Dear It DrD lsia early 40s he was youngster fduring the depression when early bought sonvethiag is reaker handiul oi peanuts or ieliy beans stick other who And five pennies theaven help us we Silflliidbe so lucky bought hot dog or double dip ice cream cone Your friends respectior to his childhood This doesnt mean he is cheap It means he hasa good memory summer Dear Ann Landtrs ur haughtcr who is 22 was engaged to young manfrom well Edo family Tire data waaset invitations sent out and parents ion Jamaican honey Six doysbefore the wed as received phone call from the grooms mother She said practising for golf tournament and the doctor sayshe must get away for few weeks Post one the weddinth The groom as unable to speak to our dough because he was too wiring the ghosts blow four weeks is my aughler receivesa phonacall completely rested endwame is not whatrI would myself ii she were your daughter arm gt Dear and It she were my daughter Id let her make the decision wouldhope how ever that she would give care illl thought toitlle kind of liie ed have with young man whoexhibited such instability TAKE CUE Dear Ann Loaders My heart went outta Mary who wrote that her mother hated her and that she went to sleep every night on wet pillow had the some kind oi mother but somehow didnt let it turn me into whimper ingseltpitylng creature told There is nothing wrong path you There is some thing wrong with your math Make use oi your brains abili and enery and amount to something pitched into schoolwork and attacked my dies fiercely ian organizations and dev opedleadershlpqualitica won honors for academics aodmu slcI told myself there must notlme wasted hatingcnn demaing or whining Ioday am married to marvelous man krlow now my mother was sick wolnan ililedrvwltb iealousy and help She had to take it out on some oneisnd was the victim Dont ask me where gottho under standing dont know But didg it And now am giving hr fine it and room bope Mary sees it could change takoathecu harilie interests stthesame time This of Shanty Bay and John xiers pl Brampton were ushers RECEPTION At the reception held in Guth rla Hall the brides mother re ccived wearing pink boucle twopiece dress accented with white accessories Iler corsage waswhlte roses Assisting the bridegrooms mother was attired in three piece ensemble oi pink shantung enhanced with beige hat and accessories tier corsage was white carnatioos and pink sweet heart roses For travelling the bride doo ned blue boucle suit trimmed with white fox iln White ac cessories and corsage oi white caroations completed her an semble Following wedding trip to Ottawa andMontreal the new iyweds will take up residence in Toronto Guests attended irom Oahflle Toronto Brampton Bolton land Orlllia Pickering Mid hurst Barrie Side and Hawke mneï¬ THE STARS SAY By cmmrra FOR froMolmow You may incline toward scat tering your energies now trying to iollow halt dozen different will accomplish nothing Base your days program on essentials only and complete one project before you start an other FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is your birthday Your chart shows line indica tions which should net mono tary gains occupational adj vaooement and increased preo tlge below the end of the year To acquire all this howev you may have to work little harder than usual and shoulder few more responsibilitiescc pecialiyitoward the end at this month but the extra eiiort should not prove too burden some and should be lightened by the steppedrip results Best periods for advancement along the alorementioned lines the latter half of April Ma July and September Conso date all gainsvin November however since your next breakswont come until Jan uary 1965 Sentimeotnrll meats should prove cxcepo happy late in April May early July Au gustand the latter half oi Och and you may have lmexpected chances to travel in July and or Septemberi Social matters should be particularly enliven ing this year and you should make many new and desirable friends child born on this day will be klndiy eornpanionahle and romantically ardent ferries Legs beaten until loaf is brown Removalan tbsp ilour Mr and Mrs Duncan Do berty are shown following their marriage at TrinityAngllcan Church in Barrie The bride is the former Lorna Horton daughter oi Percy Iiortnn of Blake and the late Mrs Hortoh The bride groom is the son oi Alexander Doherty Tomato and the late Mrs Doherty Tbs newl weds will make thelrhome Barrie lea Cowper Portrait Bdre Look Is New In Miladys ShOe TORONTO CF Canadian womcn are adopting new shoe styles much taster than they TODAYS RECIPE MEAI LOAF lb minced heel bi lb minced veal cup ilnely chopped celery in cup ilnely chopped onion tbsp minced green pepper cup uncooked quick oatmeal tsp garlic powder Vs LSP Pei7P tsp tarragon leaves cup canned condensed tomato soup tbsp dry mustard tsp vinegar tsp wate Set oven Jir moderate 350 deg Greas loci pan about 3inches Into large bowl put beef and next to ingredients toss with two forks until ingredients are blended in mixture into the pan and préss intn tho corners Make paste oi the mustard vinegarvand water Spread it over the meat Bake hour ore from oven and allow to stand 10 minutes in the pan Place serving platter on top of pan and invert both pan and platter remove pan To serve out meat in crosswlce slices Foss Kempenlelt Division SHEPHERDS PIE cups minced cooked meat 9h cup diced celery Vi cup minced onion it cup meatvstock water or ENVY 4cups mashed and potatoes Combine at celery onions and placein baking dish Miir flour with liquid and pour over meat mixture Pilemashed po tatocs over meat and dot with butter Bake in 350 degree oven for 80 minutes creamed Lillian Gracey Kempenielt Division NEWBUMER or as son you know just moved to shorter and rounder did before the advent oi the point says Thomas Wallace Montreal shoe manuiacturer At press luncheon here he predicted women will keep the awareness oi shoe fashions which grew on them during the giveyear relgaoi the pointed oe Even though shoes have be gun to shorten markedly and leper to gentler fingertip point Mr Wallace says women will never consent to return oithe baby doll le because it was ugly Toes may get ut ii th flatten and broaden as the bag dolls did they wlli have to be thickened which was what made the style ugly The foot has to have someplace to go he says rile defines style as the re gional adaptation oi trend set ting fashion designs usually from Europe nsnr LooK This year the bare look is the style adapted from toereveal ing Paris fashion Mr Wallace paturai garter slon oi thecurrent Paris tread forehowing as much ieraale as possible With the open heel rtoe cleavage style has become new interest in leathers Patents head the list and MrWallace says an Italian development is making it possi ble to produce patentathat will not crack Colored and irides oeat patents are growing in popularity He maintains Canadian women are spoiled in their choice of shoe sizes They have elght widths tochoose from in most size ranges In Europe he says where fashions originate and leathers are produced the store which carries double or triple Asin lb stock is so proud the usual fact it empha ladies Auiiliarr an April 5619 mmaeaiuul5u It was aaaoilaccd that Apple 33 will be heidAprll is The and Scout plants will take place May Adlmdontookplaoarewd in articles ior the Rummage Sale which will be held All l7intheiflyailnlomueflali 11 meeting cloud and the bostuaurvedlimcheoawtlha St Patricks theme Nurses Approve Crispo Report NEON CF leaders oi tom nursea organisations have Endemic reoommfl zadatiplnacutn row on so vs bargaining Jenny Weir pruldeat oi the Registeredeilimes Association of Ontario said she would seek her boards support for Dr John Crispos main recommendation lhst the proiosslon saek some form of collective bargaining monogamuachwlmram iii 5r iéiai mixed bonspiel were entertained by the to Harris rinks dance party was held Saturday eve ning at the Curling Club ar ranged by Andy Stevenson and hi minimum an os msae orgenrnSuaday altar poon the guests attended re ception held in the Ho ltality Room at the Contlnen ion followed by bullet supper in the evening Visitors were from Petcrboruugb Owen Sound Mid land Oritlia Ushridge Dundas Hamilton Newmarket Thorn hill Gravenhurst Oshawa and Bradford Bill Bradburys rink from Unbridge wontbe Trophy which waspresentod by Clues TEE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH ll Lucky BarrieResident Receives Venture Club Easter Bonnet The highlight oi the Mud huslnessmeethlg of the Barrie Venture Club was the draw for the hat ol the winners choice from the Evelyn lick Hot Shop The lucky winner was Mrs Smith Campbell 21 Newton St Barrie Miss Amy Lee surer Eastern Canada Regina American Council oi Venture Clubs drew the winning ticket pending Secretary read an in vitation rent the Quota Club inviting the Venture Club niem here to attend the Art Show and Tea being held March at the Eastern Star Rooms thankyou letter was read lrorn the Ministry ol Ilealth Itepubllc of Korea in Wylie lion oi Eastern Canada Region American Council at Venture Clubs worthy assistance to do stltute cbildren through the Foo ter Parents Pla letter was also received from the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society thanking the Club ior their donation to the Society in Mrs Anne rPecblea President Miss Rutlimaria Green read the Oiiiclsl Call to Coniorenceior the Nasty iirst Regional Conference Eastern Canada RegionAmericsn Coun cil oi Venture Clubs to be held in Peterborough April 10 to is STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and convales ent patients Excellent iacilities ior private or semiprivate Hotand cold Water in rooms Regular ed Nurse in attendance MARSHALL roar Miss Linda Dailey Cones1 1m Delegates and alternates appointed to attend the cooler cnoo was Miss Ruthmarle Green Mrs Jim OrrMrs John Walton Miss Gladys Bart Miss Margaret Goodiellow and Mrs John Goodfellow his election oi Regional 0i ticers for the IBM 1966 blew alum will take place at the Re gional Conference and Miss Amy Lea was nominach for the allies oi Regional Secretory Miss Green announced that the Venture Club had tied with the Kinsmen Club for the tro phy fat the service club giving the most trials at blood to the Barrie Blood Donor Clinic held March it Tentative plans were made to hold Spring Rummage Sale Miss Margaret Goodieliow So cial on Study Chairman repoa ted that the March social will take the iornioi St Patricks Day card party on March 17 at the home oi Mrs John Wal ton lit clapperton Street with MrsJack Etherington and Mrs llEDoa Cam bell ssi l9 ESSA RD PEOPLE all Pliers Service representative Roa Dnnphy MARCH IBOHC duale acted by Bill Judge KamaL The early Mrs George Livingston will receive the guests The social convener Mrs Lamb na sisted by bin Salter is con veocr oi the bullet luadxeon Mrs Thomas is conven arid the prises including door prizes and luckydance prizes Decorations in St Patricks Day theme for the rooms and tables have been done by the pust raider the direction oi Mrs Banting Womens Institute To Meet Tuesday Leiroy Womens Institute will hold the March meeting at the home at Mrs Stella Allard March 11 in the evening The mottowill be lilothera instill into the hearts oi their children that which the worlds rough hands cannot rubout The roll call will be aaswer ed by Nsma way in which ltJbe atomic age is changing our yes An invitation is extended to everyone to attend the meeting PREPARATIONS ARE GOOD LONDON Rotators Riel srd Hornby Commonwealth um dersecretary said Thursday that very satisfactory pro grass was being made with pre paratioos for the third Commono wealth education ccnlerencrih Ottawa to August The prepara tions were the responsibility of Canada the host government and the Commonwealth educa tion liaison comralltee be told the House at Command Brion YoaBuyFun CompareAalio Quasar Tm WDRKMANIBIP AND ABOVE ALI mics Lula Selection In In 21 Budget Wo Invite Join Inlvrb tints No Obligation OBISTYLING BlPAnING goon one latilflction Guaranteed WlliiililS runs Darrlat Exclusive Farrier who makes and sells furs only Barrie Tomato Dunlap stirs felicitqu AND OUEENf Of Sea Foods AL OMï¬LETE wml cots SLAW Magitor OMEMADEROLLS