Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1964, p. 10

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wnVa amourwonqu WIWN WV WWW gt zrmr pm jflllmms 2411lllrlcissronzsALE tomclEsronAlE 5rur¢M°nVE up nmu no mam Re Emmiatlmjnmw in Mm 3me FEED SEED GRAIN URGCfiRSENTLY AUTOMonVE moron cans FOR SALI Illlmlxhtd tla mxln mun am not nun Small um no£°nmnnllnln $53 wmnm ST 31 Wm OPENING SOON NEEDED firmurn now me fiwéummlum oonuuu FRUITSVEGETABLES PHONE 7731 Wero filllng our bithls Emufi$ madgflf Trade In or dawn new APPLE BARN msuogggfim days all onv mm morons STAYNER mznwlnxlrl 41 me l$si from Pomswwx AT THE mm no men llmmklllslmlkllsav 3mm CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE low HIMIn or more GRANGE HALL SEE US NOWI um rumnu boom lold not IIIIbIe the finest fertilizer tn e4 wreaked anneal uniII ram 06111191 5W Ddldm all Filmud 001MB 1962 ClEV BELAIRSEDAN neunml mm3 all nlé°l°nnn° ever enloyerl in T° radio seller locally owned can llonnl an hol nter hello 384 Dunlap St Wm such count Cfflwmgjful ml UH MM 1961 CHEV BROOKWOOD STATION wAGON rul End cloak In Pllll Ind MIL 100nm nmr CM Ul dal All unburvic puree pull lowed Cloaed Wad pm Nolon llod Euriu an automate electnc tall ale Excell Hazelnuqu mme mun lobllu 113 sleeps ML sandman pm 1m gamma mm THE huh Am Aw mm NI Mmanlfpnnll PLKXl wlln Salli nor Hm own nu or yen one gull HINT F0 or old em 196i HEV BIS AYNE SEDAN Iour DIece nun lion unu rem GARDEN moron our lll BRIDE AND GROOM Wm Ilubour Inuit venlnu TD Parkway Auto Wneken ml CYIr amount 31531 0K Used 031 IAN BANNER FRIDAY MARCH 13 ll llur Com um 21 IW3I°rorfififufile$mne 1135 Wu 355313 53ml Watch Classified Ads for cwm ADS ulrnm TnlJrInnfmnzlsoe 1950 BUICK DR HARDTOP mag mgnflugmgy terrific furniture and ap Alllsion MOBILE HOME fully powered very low mileage very clean $33 nuiflammféflm Illan fin and Numbem bug mung PHONE 4357681 luascmmcn Nnou Eomu nd 1959 MONARCH SEDAN mm mm Truel Tuner wul mun dune lull owered low milea new fix on 71 gm manual lnrluoes but Dwemllhlo not mull CON ESSA mm can own an dellvn oonurl loo nunnu Since new glenunlebzllgslgr fiiflnmsnfflfln PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY We ll ml new or ult Tduzhonl W1 SEE THESEfilm many other chnlco chumsn on 5m lIlNruansllzo nuled sum mm load eonoluon MR romeo ln 521 LEGAL erreon WHOM Ellnllichfizltklgnixanltplllfllludr rang clulnSuw Seu or lull or ACCOUNTANTS rlfighggyg Lllu Ila4 Alain 011m 737 and 753 lu burnan Yarklnl pace wlua nlor thn um smud um On or no enlldren REID AND HARRIS NEEDHAM am mom or sale Kenton tel llrnl April Ap CHKHBEHILD und coulr mumr sollel WEIRfield scum Toluphonl nude excellan condlunn Boyd nd Nam1 muff WRIGHT fihdam ml ll ml cuxvnoLnT momma door lI°l°l $321 mm oc Chm rm fireflmn zone 12 lllllzlcllliz in $353ng 5mm PER5°NALS MOVE YOURSELF Nom noun Telephone no WILLIAM lmnoN all mymggugngflgogfllht sandman Televhnnl 7mm mi 35 Owen Sam Grunt Strut LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1151 PYIIOUIR suny lllinmlllc TRUCKS TRAILERS can 101 oullun and root on Corner or Colller and Owen PHONE 7285397 zood mnlor and um Need Ilc De nlnd qurrlen no lb PHONE 7154539 dlNoodnamCA unam ence Runnable Tklephnno 11L Pr oeuvé culum one any Resident rum hr nle Good luriher Imaminn Governmenl Chartered sang pm my gamut mama BOYSI SEAGRAM guru long Tollvhon Mlnlelu PICKUP TRUCKS Thorouyl lralnlng ln ollblan Truck Renlak nown ROSE HARRISON condfllon mo um new lnp 55 beau Wilm Tlum lllmAND ram on new ulncjoa uoo Ink 196 MERCURY 5H iglll DERWIN HAIRDRFSSING Ch mud In over 61412 nrhéll$fl nfihlfm will flnfnnvli Elizafinvrl loll Ml mm call will om mun APTS WANTED To RENT £55 rifefrlifmrnriufi 82ml cellr an roun uwo th gzzmfilfimmggggwh 53 rear axle low mueare sun Vllllll Clem m9 QC CJlfflmml ammonlolnr non ror ule APplv flve door north loll under new truck warranty zl Zn Sewlnx Mlohlno ln an Heb Kflmfifin3thhfl 15 um av youI old qllloi not broken Mum slrnud Telophonn mm min mun no ruenen Sepann SewInl Cenlxo3arrio Tolzphono CONDER SUGG MUSIC LESSONS 5mg Tlennnno 311375 CST in FOUND nlnne preicned ln ml and 7157m nullr lully powered Nmplelely um nnowu anon lm or null or qulei relecz 5H fififislfigfi mrunl Throo Am cullhllrzls rcrondlllnmd 1mm tardiam 1961 Chem mml Em vlclnlly at me Polntl Telplank $inldegghlorifiomgnlg ela mllmedwllwflll mm comm JESSIE BRYSON 32 IllIx érubdl onl gallons my Servlce PR 54 box law mlleage In excellent mm alter and ND lunch Dnnrl wlur Jlmh und hlrd sum all Tmlnr Plano Elana new on in f°f cIleuoLnT or me very condlmln Corned our used WIN lv ll ln hold all mm Dnnlo hr Pllollx laxllama lol cuminu emu nod Ire molar ROOM BOARD doon Filmed while with jlmb ew hunk warranty gm an 72554 lungmu cxflnrukory or uznarolm IDLI purhred lflr mics load nfllo Telephone 723 I0 HELP WANTED Nooll mNew llnme0rllley pull wlndow casement unllr complnu Ann Modelu memogzdeawmd hllmo old mm wufll Ellmy my Tele 1959 FARGO léion eightfool EMPLOYMENT WANTED um nurrd dulnd Tellphnne wlln hardun Two wlnduw and 71H use CHEVROLET lr sol uel um IllI353 22l$rl13lirnfi cowmnmwm Pm 77 All four or llualial Iniu boll low nuleage Va englne PAINTING All inland nunv smear Vicinity Room mu Telennonu slroud 4a IIIBr Ross cowan THE DAVIES of CANADA POULTRY CHICKS mm menu 5m CHM our Nd Wk Willlall nrlnunn Ilw WIlIDvpcdnx law uld noun Genuenun nrelerreo pm 5675 rnlu mu Telnphnm mam 53 COLLIER ST 725611 vlll nck lunches Light laundry v0 HAND mum Elonoplarkinl ln dllvnwly Tole TYPBWRITBIK Roy In Kaila scar EXAMINER WANT ADS um clur and control No cm More and marepoultrymen are EM men men in cummlan In pwmen rd phnm news ulonulle mnnln Iqu He no vCHARLES WILSON in mm an BARR ROOMS To LE1 color rlonnn 15 Andi rlllcrr sun Loloeln ANGUS ROSS 3A 1le DEKALB PULLEIS nLum Iizlegm pllln nvallable Tradelns nc PHONE 7mm Illa logical growl01mm tElfin UWBENmEEgn Enudloln Ola5 emiend uurlc Teacher lminlo Stoned rendy lo lny nnrldny an valWNW cepled ruulennn nan slulnn unnrn report we Encyclan edlu nrlun 10 Tilml mm In oln dlicks Order now or eary French Lilla other school NBIEOII VIIGI owned very ROM tondfllflh llaan nl pllea rnr ugh nlu recent enlllon volumer mm dlscomL For service on hm mulrnfrgyeleenlng paenlrrl location ncsl nller Guru lrpe pnone LIVINGSTON MYERS Ron at aurlo mane up isAnllln darn women only nun cone Mn no mm COCKBURN hailpémlogl poultry problems ggy°nl° 5231339 See riflfi II nARRlsjrms soucrrons gmgnngTER Tam mm Km hm MOTOR SALES LTD mwynauu1l mm hmZ c1 snnno Nl nomnle 44 ml 13 Come 51 7233408 MEDIcAL MASSAGE lnecnrnlully new onlyum mo mm rulerlull chlnzer rpu POULTRY FARM In Aummmd Ford Canada lrzzvlllxmtdefilms percorseerrogl IKE nnellelly new so Muvl cun lenlflvll file vsl or lrny on STEOUD PHONE 71 vnllu Rose mm slrecl or Iele Kodak mm never mod no mm anIncl MASSl0 mam Dealer Sieel and Blake Streets enrlluIuémlgnrzn III powered Spacemlslcr Telcs Cotkhnm BEA hLB mum BYMNMHCJ on PM Wu FARM MACHINERY 1961 FALCON lvnnn uulnrnnlc anGer clcln neuroom lor ren luenmenlr lo lny men WI SON MOORBY MINES ML lranlrnlsslon tuslnm mlln lwo ngilwny ll nollh ln dnwnl wn Iron Wllh ovl ulu nvu mllc range or lone blue and mute ln um elm SEER Inclllllcsnnvzllhle Telo 3km ncloseup ol unllnalr hlrdl BARRETER SOLICITOR Imm mu c° CHARLES CHURCH condlllon Turn over pnymlnh ol Lulnone 7247315 or tumor lnron dlshnl unleeu Elm can on com 17 Owen st 7260238 ol Hui1e and power anriny Farm Supplies at service as monthly Telophon 7mm TRUCKS 8r TRAILERS nu an rigidofllfsetilcggncfioie lull Eu mm 71m Case New Holland less ZEIIIYB May no mo ny WANTED uansnnn healed mm lam mu we lrlnshior Rndlo sls SMITH McLEAN OWEN mm phonlnl Mn lodlen Illllslon clnllm semenk Confil ln ml sundurd Purlole Record Playnr mafia mum Dggmsrggulmmlgggyy gasloud atria lxlerrns Fem will PAY CASH for none used uunonre wee ly cannon nuum Sharpe phone Cockle new 5mm owner es or lzun um mm mm no 51 run ullor nu nnyllme weakl lawn 4584413 no lnlwu all Am mum Em mm 176 BURTON AVE 7282373 lnulee us Queen Vexi Tnlonla up llurl be ln Al candlllnn Will anrler Puhllc convoynncen one CASHTRADETERM5 Mm Telephone evenlnls 715ml METEOR Nlllln Conch cu WE HEW nil film WE mm EZTrlnl2rll°l Eildléille ll ml In 13 min Sexual beds brukiaat $52 rnrfZInl Jere ln Gladstone Currie Noel Stephenson ILO HANK BROWN be run lo bu lppmnllled Apply PERSONALS ml lunch ll plclemd Downlownl bunulul mlhnhny illllsllcd ub 37 Mm 5L 3mm Telnphonc mom Wm mm om mg QC amalan DE LAVAL will sell on yrs cnmnlnruon re Dunlap EL Em enm SALES AND SERVICE lau Nan30 do ml WOODLAND NURSERY URNISIIED Bedroom WIIII largo one BARRISTER neuronal der mndud Innamlnlnn uunm aloores clnree mull mom or 313fl°llfi1 33 mm Law OHan mm mm 25 aster mllklng new mlm mm my ml mum SCHOO fluslkullli SIM nrree aneed mam nlyer nnd re Wllson Eufllllnl End Gnnl Elm De Laval loo Sane Mllllers bluo lnlorlorr Gonulne one owner have iwo program io olier 1d run rpm EmirHI lo lnw rnllegn our Tulepnnue 125 can saw zum Am 33 mm unnlacsnlnn run ca whom Barlle Holly Hwy 27 Full day for warklne parents so euoluel 315 Model rlullrnud lenno 7m $55 month day moilungs Bradlord strut elwulc controlled complain OST ATHS Nnnn CAR msunnncm nln nv $25 monthly Transportation ndcam fulfiwIIllIanruIllsI mwm wusor BEA no PBDmd drlvmv ll bl ll ll 1845 ygmlllflglgg mm um um mock We MiNESiNG MOTORS Insure my new hurdles or lumilble mllchuflnllnah FUNERAL HOME nocrons or osrnomm Ford Trade and glglggglglbmmgfigg mcone our menu prepqu ml nauc uncnllplers Incl COR Fred Grant Skeet Kidd Moonnllni 232 Dun unl mud SEPTICTANKS an 35 gd loo freely Telephone mom PUMPED IrulllllrI muer enlrllrIEeglIVEl HOME RAL ngggnaoggnzguw SALESqirilpsngéRVICE 1952 FALCON Deluxe our door iilndaxd IllnmIssInn cuflnm In Modern Equipment Ellarlzllllnlanzlrmct WILSON ll no mm tall 45mm summon slzllVlcn OSTEOPATmC CLJIIC 213 MINESING 59° MI Mu mm Apr mml East End Sales loci in Wmagn Bead Hill Rllierlun In In allure expenses erle Box ROBERTSON AT MODERATE cosr flfiflusifl mm so Banla Enmklzl enl lTem Angus lo WonlfynvSLfHBIrnn moss Copy AUTOMOTIVE 135a onnsluonlu roul om me II 3mm FERGUSON pHONE 4495595 nummlm Cnrlop an wlln lnllle blue no whllu in color 0mm JV PM loi rldu From all urn luvlnl nd lslfslssnll Snnnfnéfmll Uni PETHlCK Wamdmm ltTRAVEL TRAILERS F°€€fi2limlélnmi £21 gggnxAgpglmézwggrggmfi PMENT PHOTO l2€fnili° FUNERAL HOME in Annrvnn no 7mm we T0110 er cm ARTICLES WANTED Chapel of Thoughtful Servlce ay In an lruvel trailer Imps rollenfnr lose CADILLAC Coupe De Ville 24 noun SERVICE up 111 vfggongfghqgt gurggge Elm gllfgaggngggncggdllggg33 Same day canceflallolll EQUIFMENT LTD available at WANTED sullluln lullm 127 Baylield street urnmm Coma ind when urdoy Aplzly Handy Hardware an em Hwy 11 Barrie Terrler nredr Reasonable Phonn Ch bu musl be phoned In between The Barrie 72min Barrie 7mm PHONE 7284414 Hagan fguuetdnnuerlefhzlfisonsagfl WENstrain mm mm 830am arm Examlner NOW 48 HR SERVICE 11 you would llke lo have re prlnis of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi nesll Office We are sorry lye oannat accept phone orders GLOSSY PRINTS 125 8x10 L50 plus tax 7er CLEARANCE TV Sou $35 up also Vacuum Cleaners 57 and up Limited quantity napalm in all makes of TV BL and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE 7253648 Multista Street USED BEFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 MCFADDEN mmunn APPLIANCE PARK meow 27 NORTH EEINIZMAN Sqfllll Plano ID nnuln wllh hunch Rum bly prlcarl Tllophom mull QEA Ill MINNDWE or 151 perbuket hono mom rururer lucomIIIInn mam Space Healer or Valle Inlla molly Ihn 100 ll no Iuel Link und nu salvo con fir mcllonx Tnlephnnn BY OAHRIAGE Ilkl IlIW eon no car lull or uroller MIL rear and mosqulln ml lnulud elupllon 7mm ell Senior for hnlthl alumna1mm ASmNB SOAP I0 Ibl or unu onunel snowen nndlr Donn Ed Spflnn Momor wrennllone mam

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