INNISFIL NOTES Delay Is Avoided On School Roofing By ll We had to look up the cal endars to see what the lilay hol tday is officially called and were romeohat surprtled to learn that it is still Victoria Day 1t had once been called Empire Day then when there was no longer an empire it might have been chanted to Commonwealth Day However it is the ï¬rst holiday wmkend oi the year and was not much dllterent in weather than many in the past We can remember coming up to Lake Simooe when we lived in the big city and having to lake shelter from the cold and arrow However the grass was ready to alt and it was something to make the trip to the cottage worthwhile REPLACEZS SLABS Through the etlorls or their working architect Gary Alex ui Pendand Baker and Poison the School Board managed tn alert results or strike on the supply ct rooting slabs by ob taining steel and getting immed iate dcllvory Mr Alex manag ed to get bids on the steel at the last minute and hold the cost outside of additional labor and pointing to within $515 oi the estimate for cement slabs This has put the Innlsï¬i schools out of the stop we sltlmtion and the board is gratclul to the architects tor services by Mr Alex Mr Alex who is also supcr vislng work in thy Centennial Park says that the buildings planned there will he rcady for the date promised Everything will he in order for the oilicial opening on July VISIT OTTAWA On Thursday morning 55 school patrol members trout in nlstii tall or Ottawa to attend patrol Jamboree there They tell in good weather and lets hope this mlinue lnnisltl sent larger number this year because at Centennial Year and Ottawa as our capital is good place to lille No arrangements were made to continue the trip to Expo as the costs were considered prohibitive The pub llc cost at sending the two buy loads to Ottawa is $1400 hall of which is paidb the School Board and the halt by boandrip colrneii Additme co sts are on the Nets 0t patrol members lvho sold chocolate bars and into pareob pock ets tor spen log money No one will begrudge the kip to those who are accompanying the children Looking alter such large group tor several days is not childs play Chlei William Brown and his wile constable nnd Mrs and sdlool principal and wile have ink eo on the job in letter trom the Jamboree Committee to par ents they say rest assured that every precaution has been tak eo tor the wellbeing ot the pat rol members SPONSORS JAltlBOREE The Canadian Automobile As sociation is sponsoring the sov cnih national school patrol iam horce march past which will be held the 20th with over 8000 mcmbcrs irom all across Can ada participating Canada now has 135000 patrol members pm tccting over three million chil drcn daily The CM merit cer tillcate signed by the governor 56W noes to thean which when oil duty on by prompt and decisive action saves tile WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF PILOT BALES OUT LAth West Germany CF RCAF Sqdn Mr Mc Gregor ot Maxville Ont es caped iruury when he baled out at his Starlighter jet plane Sun day as it streaked along the runway of this Black Forest air base hicGregor to normally based at Zweihruckcn was tak ing oil on routine test flight lie had his plane up to takeoti speed when the engine tailed He triggered his ejector seat and came down solely as the plane crashed into barrier at the end oi the runway MAGISTRATE DIES PORT COLBORNE Ont CF Funeralscrvlces will be held here Wednesday for Magistrate John Henry Woodhouso oi Font hill lonnorly oi Port Colboroe who died Saturday in Toronto where he had served as re lieving magistrate Magistrate Woodhotse 54 suffered heart An athaotiorl as great as Expo 6715 bound to put very heavy pressure on accommo dations in the Montreal area Nevanhoiessyott are assured place to stay by LDGEXPO the otiicial Expo 67 accommo dation bureau LOGEXPD has listings otover 79000 roomsln hotels motels vrnurlst homes ellictenoy apartments special trailer motels and private homes Every room has been inspected and approvad by an agency of vthaGovemmentomuebec and governmentcontrolled rate established it at peak periods such as llnlldayweokonds certain kinds of accnmmndallons are not available LOGEXPO can alter you alternatives which we are sure you will ï¬nd satisfactory All you have to do to make reservation is ï¬ll outthe coupon below and mail itto LOGEXFO You will receive reply within few days tollewedbya conï¬rmation of reservation direct from the HOWmakesqle gt of accommodatlons illMontreal for Expo 67 attack in his hotel room and died in hospital SETS DAY OF PRAYER WASHINGTON iAPl Presl dcnt Johnson has designated US Memorial Day May 30 as day of prayer or permanent peace At the same time he said in proclamation Monday We shall continue to resist the aggressor in Vietnam as we must In designating May an day at prayer tor peace the president acted in accordance with congressional resolution adopted in 1950 He set the hour beginning in each locality at It am as time to unite in prayer SEES SMALLER CAVITlES ATLANTIC CITY NJ AP Tho US Navys top dentist predicted Monday that fluorides particularly in water supplies will cut cavities by 80 per cent within 70 years management of the hotel etc nrtlle homeowner Oryou mayphone EXFOVOX at 514 337839710rtuli intomlation aboutavailabilityof any of the dccommodatioris llstedbalowMakeyourresar isslnlilartothatothutelsandV various as early as possible tha soonarynu write orcall the widerynur choice Private Homes Dyer 30000 hospitable Montrealers are weioomin visitoraintothéir homes locations have been picked make it easy lot you to none and hnmthe Expntfl siteRATES llom$8 to $14 day tortwo people sloto 918 tor three or $1 to $22 for tour Efficiency Apartments Aconrnrnodations mostly in central Montreal lor10000 people with kitchen tacilities and maid service RATES $1 to $25 daytorrwo persons plus $3 day tor each eddi tiunal person Hotels There are still vacan cies in downtown hotels during some periods also in resort hotels within easy reach oi Expo 67 HATES tron $1 Zte sail day double occupancy al To lOGEXPO Expat Montreal HQ Canada rlraummoammmoaumutollewu Nam Address CItV PRIVATE HOME Prnvlnc ArrivltnlteDepmure nannumsrarua1lurnmmauTso Numbaroludulta wu12rlumouarclllumn underlzM Imsgrammarunnnmmmammmarlin APARTMENT emolanry HOTEL MOTEL TOURIST HOME MOTEL Rim lefluunmwuuMmu Amusement rmltruslrsu cougars Momth cannon trivial periods Particularly early in the double occupancy alternativeareldeallortamllies $25 adaytortwo personnsflo trailersltae within easydriving $260tosa50aday unanttransporullnnJ TM UnlvlmlIndlntlmailonllfrhlblllonotlï¬l ltanltul CraterAPRIL zeocloatlr 211 YEW Expo Set To Welcome llS Novelist Accuses Canada 01 Being Pious Over Vietnam Presrdent Of Israel BUFFAIDNY APde 118 wherever it all although MONTREAL CHExpo 81 rlnoa Iltr opened April fl nation and the dltiicultles thud Labiarah drew tingerpornt it wishes the US had not be todny spread ltl welcome mat Meanwhile the Israeli pavil mtcr commotion in interruption iroln Taylor cemeemhmllcd in Vietnam tor President Zalnlnrstnur at too was polished up and do ot the desert and development sdéihlai till it till it with ï¬ll it cocoa on ngwaror at his day In Th umbe visitors secretary olelate said Sunday but we think that despite the ceranontu flirtatious Exp secede 800006 nlght Canada stands ready to act um we are very rloea to th Satulda help bring about an honorable the US we are doing more tor dylï¬z $5433 mural tartan Victoria my holiday period peace in Vietnam theoorld andourselvae bynnt gawk The PIVWW With its will mm The woman novelist stood up MAN F1 01 atawbltetlereceptloololdont mm gidmmmï¬mgngg will mismanaged mm noun has cauplaol cross mï¬fmd €93 mlr div lull Monday mm mm mm visitors or the day bringing ings patrolled by these volua pm an ï¬x lair program tor today calls the total nunber ot visits dun teem wold arahazardous on dim WWW tor welcome to the 111 by who Ilene ma eo log the run 25 public day to an Pom Road and 10 ment Canada is neither hawk all male tort oi strum mam 5mm common circling the twolevel display gng whm mm is mu v1 par dare regarding the Unlqu lo amtett Niagara Ionian mm Mun of whiter the still or nit Actual attendance at the lair mm mm No New States Vietnam policy and Americamwtion Miu hm by gioua antiquity in an exhibit mmmmnm vim have occurred lteta alan the may he Wm Harsh tier Kon salute and Mr WWW by Bud thud prcoaenlas statistical patrols were established The ms Lahiarsh told the Shara replyln llehrcw Scout predictions Todaya estimate $1400 paid irom public iunds Willa Cotton dinner that ï¬t EXAMINER WANt ADS Pmldent Sharer is theolnlh its exhibits illustrate the called tor 129550 but it prob dm not mm em den Canada is trying to assist the PHONE mam head at State to come to Expo achievements oi the ttyurold ably will be exceeded per ratepayar We believe all wiil agree it is money well spent and these young visitors to Ottawa will prove it to be good investment COUNCIL MEETINGS bunch held special meet ing on Saturday toilowlng the return at some ol the members trom visit to Expo The mael lrlg was called to consider the applications for tire ehlet and attend to other matters or up tlnlshcd businus Clcrk Richard Groh states that the meeting held the previous Saturday wns aLso specal rowing and not committee meeting as reported in ourcolumn last week He states thot it any council merm tiers were not present it was not because they did not have no cice He says that all items oi business dealt with were lett over from previous regular meet ings and no new braincst disused and diverion was made from the procedures bylaw Special meetings are called for certain matter and may also imiude unlimited It TEE Am mm WAY 44 illl ssssss 113$ o1 4vI Idfllll Its POSTTIME or toting rightnoleConodlnnTlres can count SAtE no and runningl rim hdttlp Conodion Tires lovourila SAFEIYW HIGH TRACTION Buy Tire or the regular cotalogueprice the 2nd TIRE it FREEI Everybodys winner you cant lose because its DoublethaVolue SArrlv99l HIGH TRACTION Canadian Tires highisplrilEd thoroughrlrhd for leiaway starts or sudden stops rorin to go coma rain or shinel Oillcioily torture tested at speeds youll never need SAFETY 99 NIGHVTRACTION select tire bet you can moire it always runs to term YOUR COST lst TIRE htACKWAtl WHITE TubaTypc Ivariris rulrlerr REGULAR CATALOG PRICES WANTS YOUR TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS Ca LL 7266525 See New Quickly We Alflrrl JOHNSON 107 DUNLOP Opposite The Queens 52010 52055012 50052013 crown3 moose13 70013 500520141 56059914 73514 70014 77514 75014 32514 eonl4 assl4 35014 ass14 90014 68515 590151 73515t64015 gt 77515 l670l5l alsrs 71015 84515 76015 88515 30015 Road Hazard insured sAsvjllllus nicer sultan Motels Available in many season and alter September 4th RATE52$1 110$30 double occupancy Tourist Homes The position Iflltt institution Bonus Coupons Motels with anma vacancies in all periods MTESï¬lOtbslli Motels Trailer type1200 units otter another attractive kitchen iacilitiasand maid service included RATES from day fortour bréds day lnr eight childmn undermine Trailer sitar There are ample distance at Expo 67 all with 3way hookup RATES€350 to $5 day Camp Sites 20000 sites in 120 separate locations lhllle areasround Montreal RATES 9013 4799 Save more than on your Tire Cort atConudiunr Turnpike standard unmatched for tire afar14 lit with mosfmcdarn industry techniques Daub slrenglh DuPontnylon cdrdNo Cosh Bonus Coupons with Turnpike Tires rhunatsli3orazs1l Allthesa accommodations are governmentinspected approved and pricecontrolled 775670l5 8l57iOl5 coolo