Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1967, p. 14

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news or STROUD sins amour nelson lanEAILOLD FARM The farm population in innisiii res chambers in Canada is dink lpishlog Seveml torn sold will not confirm to produce the necessities of tile as had been done on that land for three and four generations This leads us to suspect the truth of the pre diction that by 1980 less than five per cent of Cansdps popu Iation will produce the nations food requirements The Wallace Spring acres is one such sale In ItllI Isaac Spring whose par cnts had been UE loyalists and his wife Nancy Ferrier came from Markham to the 13th line and began their wedded life on ball lot III an farming with oxen They lived In the log house for 11 years raising family ot elght ohiJI ren Then they builtthe bcaiiti in stone house that stands to day or ii monument oI their skill The lime kiln in which they mixed the mortar can stillbe seen Mr Spring bought the first reaper in these parts In toss one hall acre land was sold to the Grand Trunk ltailway In 1906 Isaac took over the farm at his fathers death In 1928 Isaacs son Vullace took over the form when he married Pearl Averill Churchill the third bride to come to the land In May this year after 120 years in the Spring namo the land was sold to Nelson Parry Toronto who will use it as country estate One son and two daughters of the Spring family have built homes on the frontage of tho farm and their children are the fifth generation descendants of the original owner Isaac Spring Mr and Mrs Cochrane Mr and Mrs Sawyer and Donna Jean Watson attended the silver wedding anniversary of Warden and Mrs MncKay Coul Ion May in Mrs Grant Wallace and chil dren Chatham recently visited Mr and Iilrs Fagen and Mr and Mrs Wallace while her husband was in Los Angeles at teiiding tenday convention of llM Grant who has been working for three years in Kit chencr has been made manager of new office In Challiam for iBM While In Los Angeles Grant was entertained which in cluded studio tour by his first cousin Norman Jewisson mo lion picture director of Holly wood Congratulations to Sirond Cubs nha won itltli of the six prizes in Bird and Fcedar compe saietl by Barrie IIor July and opon to all in the Kemocntelt area Allan Graham house Danny For bird feeders Iloli Boychnif won third Stroud Cubs the plaque given for the most onch in the Sltnud cub icaccrs are and Mrs Jerry Skilliter lthliss Nancy Campbell has ac cepted position in Maple ns listing at riding school there HI CLUBS Tlie Nlay meeting oi the dell Swine Club was held at home of Mr and Mrs Mei Cook with members present Leaders of this group are Dee Chantler and Itonald Cook The tII Dairy Club held tiielrmonthly meeting at home of Mr and Mrs Boush with 23 members Iead ers are Sam French and Ralph Cook Simone County Dairy queen Marie Fisher was pre sent and gave derrionstration on preparation milking and care of milk Lunch was served at the eoncIus of each meeting Innisfits Reeve deputyreeve and Councillor Todd and their wives left May 15 to spend this week at Expo The Georgian Bay Credit Un ion Chapter to which many from here belong will sponsor Io overseas night for the dietit msI lesson leaving Dec 16 for three weeks Sympathy is extended to Mrs James leonird and Clifford Miller in the death of their Its ter Mrs Wilfred Jackson near oriilia Memorial services will be held in Sixth Lino Cemetery at pm June Id The cemetery commlttce propose to have the exterior of the vault recovered prior to that date 0n lila 28 church services in the Pros ytcrtan Church tor the summer months will be held at 930 am An invitation is extend ed to all to attend anniversary services in this church May It VISITORS Mr and Mrs Wallace spent Sunday with their son Howard and family in Drilllni Itfr and Mrs Iiaroid Armstrong and son Toronto with Mr and Mrs Shering Mr and Mrs Charles Acton who have spent the past live months with their daughter Mrs Jerry Skillelcr returned to Their home In Milford Bay Sun day Itfr and Mrs Gordon on derson and Chris Niagara Falls and Mr and Mrs VHC Ruthgt van Alilston at Nelsons The 8th line store at Lake Sim roe originally built by It slmpkin and bought last yenr by Walter Genbala has been resold lately to two Toronto men orig inally from Greece By bIIlS BERT hIULIIDLLAND DAPTISMS St James United Church was filled on Mothers Day with the junior chair in nttcndunce Chil drcn were baptized by Rev Iuan Iluntley assisted by George Mul holiand clerk of Session They wore Timothy Wilson son of Mr and Mrs Wilson Black Erin Su sari daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Lott Karen Marie daughter of Mr and Mrs floss Parker Douglas Edwin hinxrmo Denise June Earl Stanley Di anne Lynn and Katherine Eliza beth children oi Mr and Mrs Douglas Berard Gordon Mason retiring Sunday School superin tendent was presented With gift oI gold cult links from the Sunday School by Mrs ltuy Goodlellow George Muthollaod the new superintendent read the scripture There will be no church at St James May 21 owing to Pres byterian anniversary WINS ROSES Congratulations to EddieMuir son of Mr and Mrs William Muir on winning roses for him this Day by phoning GKBB and saying why his mother de served bouquet of roses Frank Mulhollantl celebrating his 89th birthday last week IIANQUETS Erownio mother and daughter banquet was held in St James Church basement Monday eve ning CGIT mother and daughtcrflbanquet Tuesday had an at bullet supper served by UCV EVERETT By ROBBINS Harold Moon commenced Monday morning to driveschool bus again after his recent iil ness Pat ODonell Toronto visited Mr and Mrs George Peacock Monday CENTENNIAL DANCE Everett Canadian Legion son will hold Centennial dance Fri day May 26 commencing at 930 Ali vacant houses in Everett are rented with many enquhers turned away each day few good homes are for sale ay JAY Norlh dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NORTH N15 chort cits pAiosz vnsr ease QAIDDSI siiz QIII3 vrssz v9 onions moss tica sourir as vha OAQozn 45914 The bidding Nnriti East Smith Wcst Pass ZNT Pass 3m Opening leadsix of spades In many hands the deelnror cannot afford to have particu Iar defender on lead and there fore does everything hepossibly to prevent this from happen South was in three notrump got spade lead and made the properplay of the queen from dummy The purpose of this play was twofold ItWest had the acethe queen would win the trck and KII would then can to stopper if West lned theiead East had the see he would the qiioen hi1 right but South thenduek the spade is holding up the king until trd round or the suitiwas playéd This would serve to non traltze Wests remaining spades if hezhnd five originally Wbén the nueen held Icashed AKQ oi hearts hopln to iind the suit divided West with four of tiliem In eithe Inter CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER event he would then be sure of the contraet But it turned out that East had four hearts and the outcome was Lhat South went down one when East won the fourth round of hearts and returned the jack of spades to trap the king and defeat the contract Actually the problem of avoid ing East the dangerous oppon ent could have been solved quite simply early in the play After winning the spade lead with the queen South should have led low heart from dinn my and finessed the eight The eight would have lost to the too but with West on lead the defense would have found it self stymied Nothing could pre vent declarer from winning nine tricks consisting of spade four hearts three diamondslsnd club gt The avoidance play was bound to be effective if the hearts were divided either 33 or andth safety finesse at the eight there fore offered for better chance crashing the AKJQ in the hope of finding favorable div ion please And Copy ll of making the contract then CROSst ByMMLAUEN Mr Ind Mrs Elwyn Coo Wil toudale were SIturdIy visitors with friends here Mr and Mrs Mac McGinnII BIrrte were Sinidsy guests with Mr Ind Mrs William Bell Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Norman Biron and Car don were Mr and Mrs Harry Graham and farritly Kitchener family Preston Miss lean Barnes Ind Vto Blunt Toronto Anderson IgIIri pa tient in Penotsng hospital George Anderson has taken over the store for his uncle Congratulations to Mac tough ced on complcthig fouryear course in Economics at Guelph University and graduating May I9 Iie enjoyed motor trip oi three weeks to Mexico San Fran ctséo Vancouver and across Ca na GUTHRIE by MRS CAMPBELL card party was held at Guth rie Hall ittay It and presenta tions were made to Mr and Mrs Speers who had fire re cently Mrs Lewis stoddart on behalf of the Junior Guild ore sented them with an electric kettle toaster and portable mix er Bert Jamleson on behalf of Guthrie community gave them slit of money to help replace some of the fumlihlngs lost DATE CHANGED Guthrie Hawkestune IfiC Variety Night will be held In Guthrie Hall at it pm Saturday May 21 Note the change in date Mrs Walker Caldwell is out of hospital and is with her sisters Mrs Gordon Clark and Miss BaflilflleeW in Barrie The friends of Mrs Herb Squires were sorry to hear of her death in St Thomas on May 15 Mr and Mrs George Campbell visited friends in Downsvlew Toronto and Newmarket last weekend Itir and Mrs Iloward Como bcil visited Mrs David Camp boil in Toronto last week By hIIlS CAMERON Sunday visitors were Mr and Mrs Norman Graham and fam ily ol Ancaster Mr and Mrs George Downard and family of Orillla with Mr and Mrs Alex Graham Mr and Mrs Stewart Aidersun and family of Cold water with Mr and Mrs James Cameron Mr and Mrs John Daniels and son of Midland and Mr and Mrs Campbell visited Mr and Mrs Barry Hrookes Weekend visitors of Itir and Mrs Huggins were their two daughters and families Juanita and Bill Latford sons Freddy and Denny Domino and Steve Elstuh and son Tommy all at Woodstock Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Mrs Ilerb Squires who passed away this week Mrs Squires was very active member 01 the We mens Institute during the tow years she lived at Guthrie IVltIS The Presbyterian VMS met at the home of Mrs Robert Campbell for the May meeting Mrs John Campbell continua ed the study on the early church in Canada The WMS are invited to join UCW June 7th to go to Penetong site of early religious efforts in this area Donations Scott Mission Fresh Air Bind More flowers were planted at the church and celebration Is also being planned wens FLATIEttEil INDEED our Theres only on Welcome Wagon imitation tls said Is the tlnest of compliments And as amuchmitated organi zation were certainly fist feted But as many have turned the reasonIbls facsimile too often falls short of the resulting So beware of Iubstltutel furthers is nolulsubsfituto for the services of and the benefits prdvldodthraugh Welcome Wagon canon MissTou um auntsanint and has not arrived by now phone 7232433 of The Examiner wru Be Delivered To Your Home by pun TIIERE Is no CHARGE ron THIS seams VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOLIRSELFCARSANRTRUCKS will be given to CampIonaf nnd AROUND SIMch country alcohol CHURCHILL or one saunran Mn Fred Morris and Miss Ioulis Harden visited friends in Sudbury last week and attended Grand lodge Mn Alex Graham Mr and Mrs Wiltiim Cooper Oshawa Mr Ind Mrs Paul Coirier te froy and Min Linda Barron Bradford were Sunday visitors with Mr Ind Mrs Andy Gra LBMMWIIMW ha hilld Carol Comeau accom pan pa of young from Emmanuel Baptist Climb Harrie to Massey Hail Satur day night jA host of golden daffodils fringe few rods of frontage of Jack Marquis garden on the Twelfth Line West bright spot 61 the cold spring landscapeon Amontha Central Collegiate honor students from our coon munity who were at Expo last week were Karen Itoopor Marie IIltlock Dale Squibb Bev erley and Bob Ileatty Alan Kneeshaw and Bonnie Ituincy Friends of Itfsrshali Rclve are plessed to know he has success fully completed his year at Guelph University Attending the Barrie and Die trial Home and School Council annual meeting were Mesdomcs Andrew Graham Don beatty Alex Shakell John Donnelly Keith Coutls John Hlslop CliiI Sturgcss and Hill ACHIEVEMENT DAY Achievement Day for World of Food In Canada was held In Stroud on Sat tor the HI girls from Gilford Lolroy Chur chill Strovd and Thornton The 14 girls at Glmbys Corner Goure met from this community all successfully completed the pro lcct and received sterling silver spoons Miss Wendy McQuarrie near ing her tgrandmothcrs handembroidered natural linen dress represented the club as commentator for Trea re Trove of Antiques boonarm ing pan well over 250 years old that has been handed down through seven generations was the eldest article shown This copper pan with long handle was filled with coats trim the fire place and used to iron the beds before retiring Displayed were dash chum butter bowl paddle and prints centuryold dishes with Individual butter dishes and salt cellars and handcarved yearn ego mill was kmirn as soon Comer prior to 150 new black display board Ill used for the first time This was purchased by the club with the money given by the Womens In stitute following the centennial dinner Club Girl EntertIIhs will be the girlI project in the hit CHURCHILL II snouten Congratulations to Miss sandrI Kneeshaw Ind John Wilson who were married in Churchill United Church Saturday Harold Garhutt Nantoo Alla called on relatives here during the weekend Mrs William Townsend enter latiied at surprise birthday party other husband Attending were Mr and Mrs Douglas Townsend Georgetown Mr and Mrs Norman Townsend Itoolt wood Mr and Mrs Murray Ilidaic Itlr Bndhln Cliit Ev ans oriilia and itir and Mn Grng Davis Gilford tII Dairy Club met at the home of Carol and Ellen Roush Thornton MEET AT EDGAR The Presbyterial executive of United Church Women presi dents of tho UCWs and tho Friendship nnd Visiting cominlt tees met May 15 at tho Occu pational Centre Edgar Busi ness and reports were dealt with at the mumlng session In the BARRIE stir rooos Restaurant UPEII SUNDAY PM TO to cLosso MONDAY For the Finest Fish do Chips In Town Bradford St mosoz You MAYioPMeKUPerv centre shorted trainees It work It play Ind It borne There are ova 173 young adults in relhlenu Mrs Ronald Allan Mm Townsend and Mrs fiscuiiter represented Churchlll kindly morning the Junior Intermediate at In presented Hrs Allen Mirth with IIrgs carton at used greeting cards for the Shetland Workshop Barrio WOMENI INSTITUTE Churchill Womens Institute meeflog in the Community Hall heard Miss Mary Sloan give an interesting and often humorous report of the Officers Confer eocc It Guelph University new Ml Homemaking course is to be introduced Working with Yeast which will teach the girls breed and bun inskiog The WI will purchase slides or swings for Innistlii Centennial Park Arrangements were mid to fill the planters It the hall ths evening of May Li tour Centennial iectl Ind to house cieIu the all the aftcmoou of June This branch will not sponsor bus trip in the iuiri Established 1871 ism inmosnieonductastcoiotias ii manners mmenssrunasr nan not user but hope to attend winter event Itn tnvltatlon from betray Wt to Garnet Pratt on June LI an accepted EDBNVIILE MES noucuis GIFFEN neuossmmon Bdenvsie Womens Institute held their meeting at the home of Mrs Bert MIN Bellevuo Ores Barrie May In The mat to The secret of life is not to tiJim youdohke but ind lit you pare Mrs flussell Mumps read by Mrs Eric Ball The WI is holding Hobby Tea and bake sale Wednesday June In Edenvale Hall The program consisted of an inlor motive and interesting demon stration by Garnet Prait oi Gar ncts Iiobblcs He demonstrated modern method of rug making one being centennial rug also beeswnx candle making and rib bon corsnges Economical MUTUAL Insurance Company Branch Offices Vsncouvsr Edntonloni Mnnlpog London Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montveoi Mormon Halifax AssetsExceed $26000000 Head Office Kitchener Ontario new iowaii ma It moorsox Special service in the Unlttfl Church for Mothers Day Includ ed the baptism of Heather Lynn Mumberion daughter of sir and Mrs Glen Mumberson Kimbers Iey Rae Stacey Inn of Mr and Mrs Rae Stacey Lisa May Tol Ilemlrc daughter of Mr and Mrs tnlflemtre Sunday Sehofi also held special program Mr and Mrs I3 Noble Ind children Mrs Arthur hlurnbcr son anddaugbter Toronto Mr and Mrs Gicn Mumberson and tarriily Barrievlsited Mr and Mrs Mumberson Mr and Mrs Norman Mck and daughter Toronto mot Sunday with Mrs Dara Dull Mis Ligflhehit col daugh ter Mrs Casey Mrs Elmore ilcouay Mrs i5 Day Mrs Cnmbouriie Mrs Paddisoo and Mrs McQuay attended the District annual at West Silo coo Wt at Crcemore IIISA Dunlap St STEVENSON co 72mm llilli AND you mow BUSTOM RUG CENTREFOR WALL T0 WALL CARPET iNSTALUtTItINS RoomSize Rugs hrow Rugs Area Rugs and Runners Bathroom WallloéWalI Carpeting carpeting by the Yard Open Stock Bathroom Throw Rugs Braided Rugs JWoolwortii Dovvnfown Barrio Lowlandsia Welcome to to All Sizes the largest storeon one floor of the 1Vileryilvvorth Family In North American Stroll over lathe Hoin Furnishings Departh merit There youiiuill be assisted to decorate your home tth way you want it by our aspen Mocha esCalder WOOLWORT itllAlibi Account ovens oars snark riiunsoavzAND FRIDAY Nioan In to an icon on 1959 723f773

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