BELL EWIIBI Mothers Day visitors were Mr and Mrs Barry Mmbley with Mrs Trombley Mr and Mrs Forbes Brampton nilh Mr and Mrs Higgins Mr and Mrs Brown and am iiy Coldwater with Mr and Mrs Jsont th in era ay gree Ingfqgo to Mrs Anala Light body mother oi Mrs Don oott Mrs Uuhtbody gava her son liubert the gm of renewed health with kidney transplant operation recently Both are do lag well SHOWERS liiss Doreen Peacock held personal shower iar Miss Anita Switrer when some it ladies at tended 1hr commuity held shower in the hall tor Miss Switzrr and Robert Peaeoek They received many gittr GILIORD By MRS SAWYER The meeting at Giilord UCW was held at Mrs Doug liughes May ii with is present Presi dent Mrs Sawyer candan eti the rrtcatlng Mrs Nes bitt reviewed chapter on Chur chps train the study book as slslad by Mrs It Neiiiy Mrs Kirby and Mrs Owrn Bell to worship service was taken by Mrs Sawyer and Miss Mar garet Nelliy Miss Margaret Neiiiy Mrs Kell and Mrs Russell attended pro grant planning workshop or UCW In Midland Many trotn the community at tended open houso at West Gwii iimbury school No The ten chers and oidcr students worn in centennial dress The thema ot the show was 18674967 and Expo ACHIEVEMENT DAY Saturday May Achievement Day tor the unit Foreign Foods was held at Stroud Dur ing the morning club members wrote three short tests In the niicrnooa each club either put an skit or an exhibit litany mothers attended during the aiternoon The ith met at the home at Kent Sturgeon Sunday evening May 14 with 16 present lion nie Russell and Pam Allan are in charge at the program narrows By MR5 BOWDEN Mr and Mrs James Smith and tamin visited Mr and Mrs McLarney Toronto tor Mo thers Day Mr and Mrs Ernie Cook Rex daie visited his mother Mrs lda Cook Sunday and also vis lied Mr and Mrs Ray Smith and Mrs Fern Gray family gathering nos held at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon recently for Mrs William Vernon Sr who was leaving or England tor hoi iday Mr and Mrs Bowden visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Con neil and Mrs 0th at New tan Robinson Mr and Mrs Ai ien Bowdcn Kevin and Kim Midhursi were at Mr and Mrs Buwdeas home Sunday TOTTENHAM By MRS WICE the ladies ot the United Church entertained the former Miss Kaye Watson at bridal shower in the United Church Sunday School room Mr and Mrs Jerry Geovaailla and tamin speniMothera Day with the lattera parents Mr and Mrs Barnett Mr and Mrs Charles OLeary recently visited Hugh Sample in Sunnyhronk Hospitalthe occas sion of his birthdayihey met other members at the Sempie tamily who were raised on farm west at town known as the Sample Farm Mrs Earl Irtvin and sun Bar Mr and Mrs syn illlugworth ry at Fort Lauderdaie Florida Poy As You Play Par 36 3300 5nack Bar Pro Shop Tournaments New Memberships Available QSpacial Rates lroiessiouai Manager CPGA Member Miles tram Barrio Call vmmni that tdiorinaitoo STAN GOLIGHTLY Vespra liaiiey liwy as Noth to our CourseVanrl rnee harassment roa PLAYERS AND Inraaesraowstrons hara been visiting Mn Jamel Drummoad and Mr and Mrs Lloyd team Harvey Simpson visited Sum day with his brother Jock Si non who is patient in habitat Mr and Mn Vernon Wice and dluabters Smithviile and Mr and Mn Menta Dale and Debbie Sohombertt attended church service with their moth er Mrs che The United Church observed Communion service May it and received seven members who had been instructed by Rev Mr Saunders tor several weeks Darlene Johnson Susan Carrlek Brenda Kant Muriel Watson Nauey Sirrs David and Edward Culzln Mrs William Hammei Allin ton and Mrs Cal in Sr Betton spent Sunday wi Mr and Mrs Jack Origin RUGBY By hills JOHNSTON Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wayne Burkhoider on the birth at daughter Thomas Rodgers vulted rela4 lives in Hillsburg Dave Rod gers and tumtiy Burlington vis lied ilir Rodgers Misses Linda Horne and itth Morelnnd were in Sarnia during the weekend with Park Street Collegiate hand Mr and Mrs Bob Weldon Bollevilie were with her par ents Mr and Mrs Reg ituth eriord tor the weekend THE BEST mower IN TOWN LAWN BOY DELUXE ll netvcamorta the Lawn Boy line tar mic who want the quality and long iilo of hannBoy at modw price The iii in perfect too small to me ditrm size lawns By The Makers at Johnson and Evinruda Outboard Motors TRADE in your OLD MOWER roamsous HARDWARE st Dunlap St 7232431 liiillFtitlllilS GOLF ounse and daucbirn Preston at the weekend with Mr and rs Art and Jtrn Langmm Congratulations to Warden and Mrs Gear MaeKay who celtr brated the 15th wedding anni vemry SIIIInII Several la ttiawmmuuityc edonthemto express good wishes m1 STARFIGIIIER 105T HAMBURG APJTisa Veti German lAtttwatte lost its69th Starti ler Monday when In Not jet plane crashed to miles More of Hamburg The pilot bailed out and rur icred only silain iniurles it was the earth Startinhter crash this year smear COUNTY News worm NEwsm Baas MAKE TWO ARREST MONTREAL ICPDNo men have been prrested in NW tloa with the April abortive holdup at Brinks express truck toiiowinx sari oi raids in which policealso seized wea was mitten and mm third man suspected oi taking part in tha attempted robbery was captured at the time ALLEGED SEATING MONIflEAL CPISix Quo bce Provincial Police Oiticm are being sued tar $45000 in Superior Court Action tiled mesdny by totmar lineman who alleges he was lectad to beating last umuner Marcel Lorenzo at SKi Jerome Qua alleged in his drives so Kirovinch police is downtown Montreal is during an Interrogation about asrxn Accused as Marvel Marie Idd son hles Maurie Miotnae Jean made mind Jaime lane and Jacques Chatdalh CAUGHT WITH GOLD LIMA Peru AptPatten an Med tine day carrth total at zoo pounds or old to special vests this Mr Sachets An Invad gation was begun in connection with thl 8310000 gold bullion that in Mon my PM said end man carried laid bars in specially constructed canvas vest and the bars bore TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS lion that he was tortured at the mo of the Bank et In ldl uax min not aided Insured da iituy trunk III in Motion would to bars at old bullion enor ihaa 11 tone it was ain blunt bttiiion INAUGUBATE TRACK WINNIPEG tCP Oscar Moore at the University at Southern iliinotr usfly won an exhibition two mile run held madly to Innqu tha new Pan Amerinln Glaser all weather traek Moore covered the route in debt Initiates 411 seconds he track with sub tag tar H000 Is at composi tion material known as Tartan it in at the University at Mani toba 3le to suburban Fort Garry PHONE MM it rm Mull AMEND VENEER MAY BUSINESS BRIEFS ly Tilt CANADIAN PRESS BUYS Ill DIESEL CNR spokesman said in Montreal May the railway than to buy no an amount power diesel engines as at them mm General Motors Dlml Ltd In hadm ML and from Mohtrui Locomotive Works Ltd The spokesman said the dead on amidnuhn dollar tlzure AUTO OUTPUT UP Jam autrbped Wa Ga maoyinthattrntounrterotthlt year to bumnettle Wrida erratum undue ti mitt vehicles alter the United States the Japan Automobile Associa lion raid in Tokyo hiesday it said Japan made man units roanrod with West Germany 511MB units NEWSPAPERS MERGE The Paris editions at the New York Times and tba New York Herald Tribune Washington Port will Malina next Monday Into single newspaper th publishers announced in New York niesday The nanouaee meat said the new papertba international Herald Tribune will be distributed In 72 coun tries ANTISEPTIG Mouthwash Gatgle 40L sugs 896 list 119 Sugg List 119 BEAUIYII FOR IIDUSE GARDEN 169 White Pink Vatlow oz31¢ BUG KILLER Sugg List Sleek ill tall facial Saumbgsdarau Va or hsipr clean purity the of II lllitttllly nut who 5556391 Sugg listless ford 24 at Sugg list 99 i883 New wni Imam cimm Hoar 5m Conn cylinder with automatic transmission with un tim mu aim special to we whirl In rludn am to wheel man and reel drip mun Iolon with rt 000 milell month 50000 milsl yllt fll may mm 1339 Nothing to buyi on at on Ikiittutinl alien md lM complm PARIIGIPAYION RULES Mild inwt tiara Take sandy AlkaiSelizer sSugg list 53c WILLiAMSr LEDTRID SHAVE The Balm Sugg iist90e Gaits ling AD RN onwith me SCOOPADOO tnrhvrryup itiitll 139 INSECT IREPELLENT allweather tanninglotlon use su chlorTripolon Mil twatM $72M shave Lotion HairSetMist Vlicwflllr diortnvio loan1891 valuator MODESS NAPKINS Regular ariaper Susa t53c ViiiiililSliii SWDRD urea sworn roe monomers list75c SLIMMINT CHEWING GUM liliUEiiill PM 5m list 1193 Burn Farm 18 5V es ouNtor Su Va gs 198m 698 ALLIMDFF Imam narl drain must be meow answered to annoy tor euro Finn ï¬lling sag Gillette FOAMY snavmaeasavt with K34 itutulrratlilathai oz Sues iist89c RIGHT GUARD Spray Deodorant Miami 19 All COOLRAYPOLAIOID NGLASSES New srytu Fashions colours lues tram tnpSuitnln take BUFFERIN 5115393139 Sug BANDAli mun Plastic strips 25 Su iist4 egg to 71 pa 161 e9 tititnhats ENO Sparklin Antacid Jam Stupivr Single Dnss ENOPAKS 149 value tor129 liliElilflii Milli Super Stainless Stlnihladas list 79c VARRID iist95c New for Reducing RESISDAL Pair oi ADULT lIMY Otilriai GANADIAN LAD aallxnl Wuhabil ti ion third SutrIiite SUNGLASSES Values from 69c to 898 10 OFF nun saw sstas 99 plus 61 Itttllt lg Ronon ODORANT Sugg 19 sou Aid to appetite 00 ml 80 Tablets MEWS puAaMAcY 7282903