SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ANTEii nuts urns scan rs Anne Haiyrt Detroit visited recently at Mr and Mrs Haights Mrs elyeen Alden arrived last week lrom St Peterdourg where she has been living tor some years She intends to make her home here at iral End We welcome her back ï¬re tirst card party oi the season was held Nesdny night with it tables Prizes went to Mary Cavanaugh irons Kenwell Gladys Beacock Scott Mer vin Elriclr OHalinran Mrs Cemtti oi Fort William family Mrs Knapp and Mr and Mrs Scott attended open house party at Dr and Mrs Russel Boyds Toronto they have just moved into new home it was also Welcome home or Mrs Alden Miss Cerutti oi Fort William is spending the Winter with her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Fred Zannie APTO By MRS mVlNG CARSON Mr and Mrs Thornton and tamily ot Almira Mr and Mrs Darmos and Richard Willow dnl Mr and hits Gilien and iamily Sunnidale Camera Mr and Paul Carson and ch drcn Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Carson Mr and Mrs Gerard Moran went to Guelph last Tuesday where their cousin Mrs liill Sexton had passed away qulta suddenly Mr and Mrs Kromhel oi willowdnle were Sunday visitors at Carsons Mr and Mrs Kanis and ch dren Toronto were weekend sttors with Mr and Mrs hanis Sr Mrs Knnls is spending week in Torontowith Mr and lilrs Edward Kanls Mr and Mrs Ed Kennedy oi Thornhill visited recently at Morans Mr and Mrs Gerard Moran attendcd the Farmers Union con vcntion and dance at Orillia on Vedncsda yarul Thurde oi last wank Mr and Mrs Carson Elm vale and Mr and Mrs Car snn visited relatives in Toronto last Sunday MilliSiIELD Snday Nov was beau tiiul day or the anniversary services at the Myterian church and many iormer mem bers and iriends returned or the occasion Rev Mc Carroll MA oi Cookstovrn was the speaker The choir sang sev eral selections and Rev Town sley sang solo in the evening The congregation is preparing tor in annual iowt supper at the hallI hiansiield Saturday Nov to gun The Womens institute Mans iield held their meeting at this home oi Mrs Paul Gallaugher on the and line Monday evening Nov Mrs Carl lreland tea cher of retarded children in All iston gave an interesting talk on her work An auction sale oi articles contributed by members was conducted by Mrs William Mae and Mrs Boy Weathedreo and realized nice sum H054 tess ior the next meetingrwill be Mrs Eldon Orr at the hall and each member is asked to bring tin oi soup to be dona ted to the rschool ior retarded children and used at lunches SUNNlDllLE CBS By MR8 ll BATES ZION WMS Mrs Milne welcomed to her Stayner residence the ladies at Zion Presbyterian Vli 101 the meeting Wednesda Oct ranmo minutés silence in me mory oi MrsEd Wiggins was followed by prayer by the presi dent Mrs Ed Bale Roll was answered by quoting scripture verse beginning with the absence oi conveners Mr James Ritchie and Mr Earl IF SOMEMEJW KNOW is moving into new Lemon the program wasrprev pared by Mrs Mel Sage Mrs Donald McIntyre gave the Glad ingrprayer Mrs Sage ted he remnsive not reading The guest Sirs Ardlle Robin son Stayner capably presented reading How Should We Pray delicious lunch was served by the hostesel Mrs Milne and Mrs huhm Mr and Mrs Jaii Walker and John and Miss Joan Breok les ltorontn were recent Satur day visitors with Mr and Mrs Earle Bull Miss Della Emms oi Dalston holidayed with her hrotherin law and sister Mr and Mrs William Bates iheeuchre club is oil to good start with to tables in play last Wednesday evening Win ners were Mrs Art laylor Boo Leggatt Mr and Mrs Bil door prizes Mrs Dalt heart Mel Sage Relreshments were servey by the Sunnidale Gamers ladim Tho tirst meeting tor the short cotuso New Lamps For Old was heldNov at the hornet oi Mrs Robert Bates ii any others in the community are arrow in MR5 main Norse At the Haitoween party Sat urday evening in tho coninnmrty basil Mn Mei Cosh mtg pm hits ames nard hire it Fax and Edgar Thompson were lodges oi the 60 costume Prize winners were as allows tiny tots David Belaky Halloweeo Linda Wat son other prise ners and items were reported in another column BOMlANGABIN Congratulations to Donna Sa hhr and Selby Bowman married in Midland Saturday by interested in making lamp sha des contact either oi the lead ers Mrs MeGaulcy or Mrs Bates Mr and Mrs Earle Buic were Sunday ors with Mr and Mrs Frank Mdlurchy ihnm wny walnuttoned yours in nine Opentho do der all tie nger full of surprisesin he weeir65 Comets surround you wit the rich ass of glovesoft vinyls andelegantiabrics padded daslua ti ick pilecarpveting Sit back Relax And luxuriate rim rouslyCon1evtrsntziA tadnver vlitsattadnod to the Rev komrd Sol Mr and at all Ely PolIt heard the nth Mrs ï¬res We were attendants on their return from honeymoon trip they will no ilde in the Nit cottage on the Yurkosr term On Monday Mrs JV oOourt and Mrs Ream Toronto call ed on the lenders mother Mrs Tillie Hunter at the Bowman nursing hune later they atl enjoyed visit and alternoon tea with longtime friend Mrs Black Mter record at one month without tire calla Hominy brought newest to both Stroud and Thornton reels to quell tire to the garage of Mr and Mrs Siorti who came in Aug ust to the iormer McCorriston arm on the 1th or west Rough tho iirunen worked tor two hours the house was badly damaged by in and water it arage ccoustiis were so splend that day that Stroud rnan working en distance oi in miles by car shorter as the crow flies lie phoned his home instnud to fly the Ina and Mn Dim Van El and two children are visit lug the ionnera brother Thorn ton prior to leaving Nov by plane for Holland when they will live with nhtiltel until they can find housing which is at premium in that country low water levels have caused the following to dig new wells or deepen old ones Ferguson Fralirk Cliif Miller Don hie Nahb Norm Mayes Earl Pur via and George Goheen Pram or prosum children are runtoded of Simon Health with Mr and liri Enter Me min titanium Mr and Mrs Hinton urgee Mahatma with head local in have pardoned Ind Installed new electric stove tor the kitchen at the inunrty hall no new unruly Boohnohilo made its erly visit last week and dad 150 new books to the thrary or reading pleas ure 0m our sailor citizens says that alter ont tank to oddly dressed drab enters on Saturday nllht being out at supplies and iseling tired immunization Clinic in Sunny hrae School Nov in at am isito MixHelen Sttlltet laud Barrie with Mrs Han Mr and Mrs Lennox Bladr and Mrs Wilda Gordon North Bay Ifyau cant aflard to be sick you need PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE r0 cover income replacement and major medical expenses mall BANNER FRIDAY hittme ll shonï¬onttheliï¬ltaudll anthemm grvensa moo aheliouters last year arranged tolenvnthevlilagethis year ifthediildrenk to thdr lmediatn new itvoutdootbecomoruohahur dmtnthaolderiolk Saturday this week Oscar Bowman expects tn mnsplete the job of reaming all tract or the former Stroud kimono Oonmny lines This emhneed the removal or over In miles oi At an and ashore lines and about 3000 poles This was no small task or him and his assistant Murray Amos car has given it years oi lull time service in Stroud ilelephnno Company And mm 192919 he assistadihe armor lineman Prod Nesa onus repairs were indicated pension does not go with the temiaatinn nt thesa years of service Suhsenbera will long remem be Usurt prompt attention pleasant calla and service beyond the nail duty MW llllld Duh PALM BREElE Until WHITE GAP Whlto the Car forfpeople wholike their fun with abtouch 0f luxury at not 1300 big price ntatrotrnoou list goes on to boot Dontvjuat price lhhtls important Especially when you look at the varie gt 202 404 Célieriteland the highperiornlance ycione an extended power range inclu automatic transmission seal Drei 72665961 ty Cometgivesyou Four series mg