not Sin iiiiiipsii or Caution PEPE Pettersen of Midland was lrliled insthnuy yesterday when his station wagon collided with vabi on lliidiway 400 extension bout 15 miles north ot Barr Mr and Mrs Percy Watson of Sebrigbt occupants of the other car were admitted to Roys Victoria Remitl with concussions 1he above picture shows irultic Sgt lin drews tleitt and Investigating ottirer hostable James Mort lcy with the Pettersen vehicle The wheel dsc at the Watson car was welded to the bottom the station wagon by the ofï¬cers knee The picture at ieit shows the Watson car The drivers door of the station wagon is welded to the right front fender The tow truck operator is attempting to pry part oi the same door flom thetip ot the hood The sta tion wagon rolled over on the highway and landed with its rear wheels embedded in the shoulder of the road The par senger ear continued across the road down an embank ment and plowed into ii lield Petev littersen Dies In Highway Accrdent Pete Pettersen of Midland Ontario one of Canadas standing sin jumpers was kill ed in twocar crash about 15 miles north of Barrie Wednes day Mr Pettersen about so was known as tltlr Skijumper of Canada He was returning to his home about 30 miles north west of Baumfrom theDn tario Ski Show at Aginciurt suburb of Toronto He came to Canada from Nor way during the Second World Varand taught skiing in tarlo for more than years He is survived by his wiie and three sons Percy Watson and his wife at RR Sebrlght Ont near Orti lia the occupants of the other car wa staken to Barrie pital with undetermined iniur 12 The Pettersen vehicle was travelling north on the highway when it collided with the Web son carMr Watéon was driving east along the Dalston sideroan and had crossed the highways hi southbound lane His car struck the Pcttersen station wagon broadside and careered down an embankment into ï¬eld Mrs Watsonwas thrown from the car She and her humand both suffered cun cusstons Upon impact therear or the station wagon swung tn the east and the vehicle rolled over Mr Local Exports Lightly The new 15 per cent taritl on Imports announced by Britains new Labor government is having only slight effect on the eit port trade of Barrie industries The surcharge was irnpnsed tem rarily to bolster Britains flag economy Prime Minister Hamid Wilson has promised that the unit will be mmved gen the economy bu recover spot diedr yeswday re vealed that Moldex ud la the Barrie industry most seriously callede by the extra tax Caldwell president of the firm said that Moldex was planning to expand into Britain but this phase oi their export trade must now wait unitl the sincharge is senloved The modest pmetration of the United Kingdom toilet seat market is now in the planning sages Mr Caldwell saidthe setback is only temporniy NOT GOOD NEWS its not goodnews obvious ly MlatPhErson sales manager ot tnrltrin Rule ud commented He said that the tax means the importer must assume the 15 per cent increase but that more time must be al lowed before ananaiysla is made He said that he will fly to tain next week to discuss the tter with Robert Hauck buf kin president Mr Haunts is in tlic lll as member of trade delegation Canadlan Gm rat Eierhries manager of finance Gordon Leighton said the surcharge has aflected CGEs export tradein only minor way ltwoul nt bo WMWtfl said the Barrie plant exports very little merdiandise to Brit merited though that the tariii would be bound to have no adverse affect on the custom er He compared the tax to the tarilt surcharges imposed in recent years by the Canadian government Peitibia Canada Ltd is not being harmed by the tax since itdoes no export tradewith England The company has two plants in the UK to take care of the domestic market there president Hugh Gibson said Copacogeneralmanager Simpson said he doubted that the taritts would be directed against meat products Mansfietd Rub ber Canada Ltd is not attract ed in any way an official said Industrial Commissioner Hat old Bairstow commentedthat fewof the other Barrie indus trim would be harmed by Far lands mercased import duties Wheo Britain starts cutting its 15 per centrimport tarifls they wont come off all at once but in tribe and driabs in line with periodic appraisal of Britains economic recovery This enmhaais on reduction rather than elimination may not bertoo pleasing tothc European partners who have accused Brit ain breathing international trade nts Butihcn again Britain does not acknowledge this breach In stead James Callaghan chan cellor ottheExehequer told tendonaanmvniesow one the General Agreement on Tar iiis and Trade which sets out the trade rules is too restrictive and should be changed We cannot be pilloricd he says becaime we have chose the instrument that will handi cap the flow of trade least and is in the bat interest of Brit indicating he wont be pushed iinto any hurried action Callag han said the Labor governments aim is to redo the qiecial import tarits as am intuition shows an unmistakable improve mentqI Al for complete elim ination ot the surdtarges this would be done as soon as we are contidait diet we are well and truly set on the road tna permanent Pettersen was thrown out His body was found beside his ve CE The drivers door onitht Pet tersen vehicle received the brunt of the collision it was ripped oft and weldedto the right front tnder oi the Watson ear wagon which was full of Attach NO Blame sumoi1 To Cut DriVer Coroners it yesterday recommended that the Deed limit on IbeSianty Bay road be reduced tram so to so miles hour The climate panel reï¬t it °iih° owns 15 Is she ran hand in hand with her brother John across the told in trout of has More was also killed The bearing ï¬eld in Barrie at the county The Jury stated that girl and boy only Add ren oi Mr and Mn Philip ll tailed to obssva the memoir silo The panel studied no blame to the driver of the car Harry Pen peh 31 ot Thornhitl But the members emphasized that the limit is loothlï¬h flia Juror deliberated 35 min lites before reading their verdict to Coroner Dr Farrtng ton Serving on the Jury were Morris Sielaweii itorrman Hawkectone contractor flarenoa an lnsrrence agent from RR Barrte Mervin Gould Vin Hastings retired ml Shanty Bay rown Attorney John Mur phys first witness was Dr Ain sley Royal Viuorla Hospitals assistant pathoiog The doc tor described tbe girls massive injuries oi the head and body and stated that death was in evitable Mr Campbell was helped out of the courtroom weeping during the testimony Mr Pospolita was next to talte the stand He told the Jurors that he was travelling in Barrie with his yum doom or haircut on Sept 15 As he approathed the nerve near the ampbdlbome three miles elst of Ernie be slowed down slightly be wal travelling at so to 55 miles per hour in the 50 mile none he said remember taking my cot oil the ccelerator as came around fliese two children tustran out otthe driveway as they entered the road believed dieJiri tried to op and then she went aheadair tomatlcally slammed my brak as on He said he first noticed the diiidrenat the mailbox at their drivewayathe girl hesitated god then followed her brother into the cars path2he said He stated not braked but his car skidded trapping the two cblldrenbetween his head lights its said he at iwerving to the left but the girls moment of hesitation bloc bed this path there nothing could have done he raid blr Pol pclita sald he ran down the drive way towards the childrens home andshoiledtcaladytocallan ambulance and the polices The ambulance arrived within 15 minutes and took the children to hospital John was dead on arrival Unda died live minutes later Ontario Provincial Police Cen stable Prlmmer testiliod that the vehicle had lelt three skid mark the longest of whldi was 122 feet These marks were consistent with speeds of co to is miles per hour the ottlcer stated Judgment Reserved In Charge Against TVStatiOn In Barrie Judgment was reserved Wednesday to Nov 25 in charge against Ralph Snelgrove Television Limited of barrio of contraven iog the Canadiancontent ruling of the Board of Broadcast Gov ernore The firm operator oi televi sion station UKVR her is diargcd with having less than Espcrcentflanadinn content in programming during our week period in May The case is being heard by Magistrate Gordon Foster William Mahoney supervisor of Ion examination for the EEG sold the Canadian content shown by his calculations was 5046 per cent Charles Tier netu general sales manager of the iirm said he calwlated the Caiitadian content at 5529 per cen Mr Mahoney said the board does not consider commercials promotional nserts rohupcli promotional Inserts or vpublic service announcements assep arate programs whether prolt duoed in Canada or not Delence counsel Richard Rohmer said the court mist de cide whether the stations method or calculationv Canadian content is valid BOYDgFLOBEBTSON BERT ALLEN Executive Named By Kiwanis Club Norman Synnott we elect ed preaident ot the Kiwanis at Barrie for 1565 when the an nual meeting was held this weak Anthony Decarle and Boyd Rob ertsan were chosen as vice presidents for next year Berti Allen was returned as trenstnor inItitixarlesugrtlipggefrs Wlito wastiliinl spa or cepresi en automatically becornm mem ber oftbe sevenman board ol directors The remaining ix will be elected next Mom secretary is chosonby the pres identelecL Balloting is in mpg of past presidents committee headed by Rose Stephens blr Syonott retired collegiate teacher and present real estate agent has been member of vice president in 196161 Mr Decarie native of Montreal is manager of Zellers outed store diredor of the club for some years he was elected vice president last year or the ï¬rst time his Robertson who has been director four years is manager ot Barrie DriveACar Mr Allen operates his own painterdecorator busi ness Under the presidency of Roy Madricm Barrie Kiwanis Club has added seven new mem bers sotar thiayear and at tainted its highest membership since 19$ Mr black Cen tre Simone public schoo mm tor as senior vicepresident be came acting president in June 195 when the late Rev John the club for some yearsand it model moved tolnonto ski equipment was complete iy mangled The bloodspattered car received damage to the frontcnd Corporal Fred lilac Donald rid Constable James Mortiey oi the Barrie detach ment 0ntarioProvindal Police arei estigating Conlerence Expects 200 About zoo persons are expect ed toattend district confer ence to he held on the weekend by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Mora rnonLLc The district covers the area of Bracebridgelgtarry Sound Owen Sound Drillia Barrie and Dr angevilie The conference ses sions will be held in the diurch chapel 51 Ferris Lane at in Sund can it at ay Vis ng dignitaries include Frank Pitohu and Mrs Pit cher and Kenneth Kutts allot Toronto Mr Pitcher is pr dent ot the Canadian ltiimion Both men Willbc guest speak era youthrally apomored by the mutual improvement as sotiation will be held in the church Saturday evening can on Will nappy Articles Oi World war One display of articles dating backto the First World War will be featured at the Simone hmntyjduseum at tfl Nov 25 The lay was arranged withAi1nlsticc Day in be Featured in the dimlay witl be copyol the original cease iire order issued to the Can adian Army Nov 111918 chroninneter med to keep the era time of each bombard me nursingunitorni worn by this Queen Atom tinneIal Reserve Service along with medals helmets swords baY onets plaoures maps and torrns will also be shown During Novemberqu the museum is opendurlng the afternoons fromxi to trim Tuto Sunday Mel$11 euni is open Satur me also It is closed Monday The muaeiungift shop offeraaual ofgaon at Canadian thandicralt The public Lt encouraged visit the museum particularly during the next when thewar dlgplavwllt be three uteks Ada ms GOLD STRiPE CANADIAN revs WHISKV