Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1964, p. 6

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BOND HEAD summersm Hand Head Wonrens were met Oct In the WW Hall with good attendance of mantras emutag the roll call current avert concerning bthrutlw Mn Sioddart meeting In the rural institute 0m and Mn Wetland sec retary assisted In the Marinate Volunteers were unrelated for each week to visit Beirin Ham Nursing Hnmc Mr earn consented to care for the lilr irlry ArrenganeoLs were made ior memorial wreath lor Arm are new ciatinn or her work with the 4H Garden Cilia also one for Mrs Edwards who was unable to be resent litre James Belo man old little at her Visit with Alice and Prado lbran andahwedebrnncholahlon icy Tree she brought from their BM The committee Mrs Smith Wu Lloyd and WW Show iii gave on dtlzendrip and education and showed short interesting and enligbtening IIlm Mrs Lloyd Conducted who am we test Mrs Hannah read letter from lady InmNeW Roldan which was out erecting tqu of their institute work them prom convenae lor Nov nnd roll call is guest and 1mm ha HEAR WONAIHV The Unlicd mudr Womcns embed their thankntletlnl and World lilsssonr bereavedeel if islory tea lrglate Min lintedited eppolntad to Jun in use Ease liar Stems amused thanks and gratitude oi the congrega ilom to Miss McLachlan Man leg was remind by Mrs Cantrell and Mrs William and Rev Jackson pronounced the benediaton try Walt Mrs Glasdord Mrs Andrews Mrs Taylor CREEMORE By MRS EIEAII Paul Duggnn returned to his home Sunday alter spreading the past five months patient in Colllogwood hospital Mrs Jeri er hiavam meat Night with Nowton mum and Bond Read mmva mm in Bend Head chumlr The mankotfennx service was conducted by Mrs mmlmwtxmlhtfl The vine read by Mrs ll Stoddart Rev fund Mrs Jackson sang duet accompanied by Bill 5835 men at the organ Mrs adher Iand led in prayer of that Dunbar flying and suppllcation alter or World Missions Nigel was MISs Annie May mustulnar Miss unusual was born In Pipestone Manitoba l3 AUCTION SALES CREEMORE BEEF CAIILE SALE Tuesday Ndvemher At 130 pm 15 Herelord and Shorthorn IBulls consigned by Breeders oi fSImcoe County Many are qual ified bulls under the Ontario Bull Premium Policy For cat Tslogues contact KEITH Mc RUER ALLISTON AUCTION SALE Sat November at 1230 sharp the estate or the late urns JOHN eovas fit OLD MIDHURST VILLAGE turu east at Reg Linton Texaco Service Station olf Hrghway go lr mile on the lelt hand side Sale oi all household fur hiture including some antiques garage equipment and carpenter nels erms cash No reserve Owing to Mr Boycs death Mrs Bayes vlng up the home 1k JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer See lull list November AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 14 pm sharp ForDOllG spanner AtLot 17 Concession Mad ionte Township lit miles east of Orr Lake Sale of rmvrsni stock use elass term machinery and scene household effects Norescrvansthe owner Ks giving up lamina JERRY COUGELlN Auctioneer TOMORROW QAUCTION SALE dns trucks boats fumi ttrre livestock grins and musical instruments will he held LSAT OCT 31 AT pm sneer for Hollywood Trading 334581 our norms Auctioneer Temiacaslraruiforboaunars andtruckscashorfinancevdth iron down The UscdCar Depot neMemorialAven Orlliia few days in Tomato last week Walling her dmghter Willy Mrs Horst Echrlct and grandchild ren Mark Luke and Peter Robert Smith enlhln Smith were In town last week and spent few days with Mr and Mn Alex Wilson Mr and Mrs 3111131 and family have moved into their new homeoa Edward st and Mr and Mrs Frank Hartt and sadly have moved into the Butcher home on Carolina St recently vacated by Mrs flrer csa Mersden end tensity Congratulations to Mr end lilrs George MnConneak on Ihe birth of their daughter Patricia Ann 10 1b ozl at Coiling wnod hospital sister for Gear gina Mrs Bob Kitchen has accep ted position with the Tomato Dominiorr Bank Another recent cuipioyee is Miss Linda Cook sey hcernore Mrs Baxter rpent last week in the General and Marine Hospital having minor opera tion while there Ray leighton has been hospit alized or couple at weeks in the Collingwood Hospital with back trouble Larry Weir has returned home alter spending few days there Mr and Mrs Ruaeell Royal have announced the engagement in an Hilliard Ferguarm altllt iii of Mr and Mrs Hilliard Ferguson Honeywood the man riage to take place in Knox Prea bytenan Grinch Dimedin NW bngretulatione to Mr end Mrs Roy Filer nee Marlene Joslyn who were married Set unray Oct 17 at StLukee Anglican Church Creemore Rev Douglas Gill officiating Mrs Pllleatt attended ban tismel service at St Lukes An glican Churdr Weszwood Ave Toronto Oct 25 Amongtbe babies baptized were her grand daughter anemonthold Kelly Leigh daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Corker DoulnndsAve Toronto Sponsors for the baby clergyman was itemH Sur divall BA LTh EA rector of the church lo his address Mr Surdivall mentioned the chris tening water used had been re cently brought mm the River Jordan by member of the drurch MrsLaura Muuce Mr and Mrs Vern Wilson and Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson spent few days last week on motor trip to eastem Ontario and the St Laurence scaway NEW LOWELL By wars neoplasm Thank offering meeting oi Un ited Church Women was held in the Fellowship Hall proceeded by ing Mrs Arnold led the de votional Mrs ill vlrsoerilm vale Preabyterlel president was speaker and her theme centered around thoughts of thanks giving and how to use Godsgills Mrs McQuay gave an in sight into the workshop at Cree more and rally at Collingwnnd Mrs Bates told of allocmlm and it was decided to pack an other hole of clothing articles to be brought to November meet AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov l4 12 oclock sharp PROPERTY OF EDWARD McWATTERS At hot Concession 11 Taytgwnshlp Vatvlherintyersentlon oi Highways 109 and 12 MW sac of 90 harassment grade seem cattle no hay graln andij No reserve on outdamhayand grain Farm will sell strbiect to reserve For further particulars contact the auctioneer ARCHER COLWILL Barrie mom oi their daughter Doris Maxine were Mr and Mrs Donald Dal im ton of Barrie lhe In pot luck dinner Mrs Day opened the meeting with read Rev ind Mrs are visiting in ca Mn hows masseu Area convertion oi Womens institute at Guthrie MI GILFOIID The October meeting at We mens institute was held in the Gillord Hall Mn flushes was named delerue to the area carnation in Guthr mes gilt ll to be sent to the WI adopted child In Korea The courseewilempsiorold will be held In the Hall Mrs Cannon and hire Ross allly are the leaders The tint service at errchm will start Nov in Giiiotd hall Mrs inch Hughes gave re port on thedlrtrlct board meet lnaidli in in Oookrtown donation ol 10 is to be given to Wat 6wa llmbury School No and Inale iii Central Sdrool toward books as prizes or students in the graduating class bobby Mr will be planned latcr in the year Mrs Owen couvarer ot citizenlhip and attention had phoned the prom Larry Keil played two coins on the ac cordion Guest speaker was Mrs Floyd Grlesbach who was lent with her husband to Plfiatln by the United Nations hire Grioirach showed pictures and gave In interesting account 11 the two years they spent in Pakistan With her was Sottar tron Pakistan who danonstra museum or his native our KNOCK The of community meeting club was held at the home oi ted Innd1 Mrs Gibbons with eight members present Mrs Pope read the motto spoils more meals than poor cooks and inter conducted contest which was won by Mrs Bowman The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs 3055 Sorry to report Poland lr in Royal Victoria hospital We wish him speedy recovery Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Shannon medl were Mr and Mrs Odenlt kimhcn and son Eddie ol Bow ie Maryland Mn Petrldr oi Saskatoon and PetrMr oi Toronto Saturday evening friends and neighbours gathered at the home oi Mr and Mrs Hogg to honour Mr and Mrs che and Mr and Mn Gibbons on the occasion of their 25m wedding naiveseries Hank Cowen acted as chairman and Eddie Weblr and Tom Bowman mailed the glitehA gossip was presented Mr and and Mrs Gibbons Mrs Erma Webb will be visit Ing Mr and Ms Bill Webb for week following an operation in Ibronlm ST PAULS runs Prion Flowers on the altar St Pauls Anglican Church Oct 25 Were in memory at Jennett Sproule placed by Bill Phyllis and Lynn Slrnpson The Paulettes will hold their November meeting at Mrs Earl Warntcafr ears pm The 12th line out otlllgh way ll is being inprnvedaiso to the rellel of travellers on that portion of the road is the govement over the CNR Nov an Saints Day will mark the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the present st Peuls Anglican Church Preaclr er at both 11 oclock and 130 pm services will he Rev Srrryth rector of innistii 1m 1944 who now is rector of Diur harton social hourwiilgbe held otter the evening service Anyone having any historical recordsor pictures of interest of this early church contact Rev Peter Trent Ward Godqu Barrie has be ganhuildinga new house on the 12th line Welcome is ex tended to Mr and Mrs Godlrey Michael and Craig cnuhcuut By MES sevurair Pleased torqrort George Hart by was ableltggrfiurnwt his gum or er Victoria Hospital Barrie Sympathst extended to Mrs Riggs in the death of her mother Mrs Huhbert had the misforoune to break her iét Mr nadMr William Town send and iamly the Third Line have moved into the house owned by Lee on Churchill corner Mrs Graimer Pratt and Mrs Wil ern Johndon attended open house at Simeon Cotrnby Mission ednead turdaw ev Molly Lnoeby oi Unlonviile mthe demonstrator Miss Lillien SlobnandMrs Jedi Comtoble attended the remain mow at Allister tarot he WW9 vice at St Peters and Next mndsy Nov will lely dumb Rev Weller middle marbles There was dimlay and sale uk mining The In met at the ban ofDavidConstableaurdayeve rues people armed out to the ermine party of the season enamored by the Warner in stitute Oct Winners were Harry Todd and Mrs Thompson Keith Coulis and Konneth Sturgeon Mrs Men formerly Man leneIBaldwin has Wed positron as teadrer of re elreadinginharrleechoo materialism to John Land tonne ptnnl nl Fifthllnl Shool who placed second at the in theclmtorbcystmdale Friends and neighbors met at Edgar Grmnenrlty Hall Satur llllay refit Hires honor newlylweds Dougles ayes with miscellaneous shower presentation at two end tables and euliee table and dancing was alloyed lowed by Irmdr ho grain Tlmnresdeymmflv di me wood Girlie Tomato where he has been patient or some weeks Mrs lrene Henley and Doug issHealcy Port Perry spent the weekend with Mrs Mabel Everett PRECAIJTIONS Motorists watch for the litti ghosts and goblins Saturday night Halloween The drildren are apt to be running across the road in their excitement of tridr orltreflti Motherst nicks sure your eve somethirmwlrite to show in thedark and that they cornea clearly thtouglr their masksWe dont want any accidents to mar this night Mr andMrs Ralph Hayes and familyrvisited Mr and Mrs Mums Toronto Sinrdny Edgar Womens Institute held therr meeting at the home at Mrs Dalia Oct 14 with an attendance of seven members and one visitor There were some donations to the birthday and anniversary box Arr invit ation was extended to members and caters to sea pictura at Gullule Hall Nov of the ACWW convention at Wollviile NS by Mrs Norman Irch Crown Hill who attended Roll call was answered by How makerw head save my heels Mrs Stradran read few current events as thememher who had the motto was not pre sent The topic lllealtbfl was taken by Mrs Howell who read somepapcre on the all Iect mutest by Mrs Sheliswell was enjoyed and won MrsW Howell Luneh was served by the basics The Nov ernber meeting willhe at the homeof Mm Bidwell Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Bill Parr were Mr and Mrs AllenVerley and Lori and George Wallngo Georg town Hank Wallngo and and MreZeke Laws and lamiiy Brampton ow had toclenn Ihemit would an midnight fol gm coroners Mn Harry Baker th week with Toronto trim nibiluihidf Burbidge Nashville Dont target the annual Mrs Mellie 0mm The onto and Wayne Omniuhm Mn James McDermott attn ded conference on Bible mea lng in Paris Ont this week Mr and Mrs Glrnet Camp bell Barrie Bruce McVeneIi and Mrs Harold Arnold spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Keith McVenel Etoblcoke Mr and Mrs Jack Banting will be at trans to friends and relatives cvarhg 0d 81 iron 512 on the occuion at 5th wedding anniversary Ntiflglitbrpleare as one Btrnnlil mart the filmed with lriandr in liter RUGBY by Mae ronNarou miuaianeoue shower was 3111 fillet Itng in honour eureen errington and Charles Method who are to be married in Ewe Presbyterian chinch At lececnvered table th centre piece of all flow ers coupe accepted gilt carried by Misses Elaine Mc and Don McLeod entertained with piano music duri the av was servedl am Luna Ladies are reminded to go to Guthrie Corninth Hall flrure dey Nov at pm to hear Mrs Ilrck president at East SlmceeDstrictof the Womens institute give report and show slides oi the triennial conven tion of the Federated Womens lnstitutesoi Canada which she attended In WolivilleNS last June All ladies oi the commun itynzre invit Cereal arias or are having box racial In mm day Nov la at 816 All girls and ladies 10 years and up are askgd to bring box lunch ease ornidnole boards and table 4H Cereal Chics held there sixth meeting at the home of leader Mrs Jim Langman Te grrlsmsde ginger bread sweet and sour sauce and lemon sauce Achievement Day is to be is at rm so Collegiate suuurmur cits By MRS ROBEJIT BATES Mrs Mac McGauley anLMrs Robert Bates attended the lead ers training course for the project fNcw Lamps ior old in Steyner Tuesday and Wed nesday of last weds Mr and Mrs Robert Roduck and Charles of Bolton were re cent Sundayyvisitors with their cousins Mr and Mrs Ed Euie are at the eucbre re high go and William McEnehern low Mrs EdSpicber and Fred Male and door prizes Mrs John Mor gen and Robert Morgan speedy recovery is wished for Gordon Buie who is hospit alined in Collingwood Norman Gilfeo who was also recently hospitalized is wished speedy recovery The first meeting at Senior High was held at the churdr Sundayevening Olficcrs hr are president Greta de Garter cc president Cather ina Sage secretary Shirley Bale treasurer Ann Eute steweNship David Ritchie lowship Donna Patterson mis nos Kadrryn Wood worship Peter Nell Mr and Mrs George Buie and Jimmy of Dalston were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Wil llern Bates RaleiMah Died Accidents puy Inquiring into the Oct 14 death of Delphi La rocque oi Eepanoia found Thursday iredied acddarially when crushed between an ele vntor and gate at theJKVl Company paper mill he The hay recommended ex pert ndvicebe night topro vide gate tolpreventanmei authorized personnel trom 211 terlng the freightrelrvator lt also moomnlmded warn employees not to ride thev Iignition onvthre or dismissal were posted nroun in device th DIEF Mucus murmur SPEECH mince Didee baker makes telephone mecchtotbelmgreselveCm aervative Association of Sn kaldrewen ln Refine from his Ottawa dflce ihurndey night Mr Didedraker cancelled his North Simcoe 4H cub Team Wins Judging Competition By ALAN scarr Amdlte Ag Representative North Show lIria week it gives me great deal of pleasure to report on the 33h the 1961 4H Inklin ging Cotrmetltioas had onFlday October to at the University at Guelph This annual event features competitions in each project wrth teams of two lrnm the var ious cum and counties across Ontario competing or top Pro vrnciel Honors winning team highligth the 1961 event or North Simooe and it was indeed proud and nppy moment for the North Simcoe team members when it was annotde that Didr and Hank VanVoorst had defeated To other teams to bring home irinnors in the Field hops Sec on Dick and Hank sons of Mr and Mrs Hank Vanlloorst Sn oi ER Stayner are certainly to be congratulated for their el forte at Guelph In bringing hon or to their Club and County in competition which is frequent ly dominated by clubs lrom the cash crop area of SouthWest ern Ontario The placings oi the other North Sirncoe learns were also very pleasing with good standing being made by nearly all at our County Teams The Vasey Calf Club learn at Allan Mosley and Sheila Ed wards made strong showrng Parliament At li Glance crimsonme is rose The aromas heard the re port oi the flag on ttee by lot vote recommended log with red maple lost on white field with vertical red bar at each side it also recommended by vote of to with live ab slentions that the Union Jack he used as symbol of Com monwealth connection newspaper article by Grant Buchanan Van couver Quadral outlining the ting committees resolution lwas made question of pnvr ege Donald Mnclnnls PCCape Ereion South said thnstory the Ottawa Citizen was violationot the committees secrecy rule Mr Deaehman apologtzed saying he did not know the newspaper would be cilCll lated before the Cormnons sit tlne started The Conservatives lost by vote oi no to 50 In an at tempt to bring the matter up during interim Emil debs CRANE SERVICE Seaman ironing steet Construction Clem Euqke DP 13 xqavarma cannula More Flume in the Bee Competition by lia lshing 6th out of 41 teams They were closely followed by the Elm vele Bee team of Pol Miller and Brian McGrath in 15th puitlon The Mineeing Beet Team oi Bill Arnold and liar old Cook who finished 15th and the Huronla team from Goldwa ter oi Barry Downs eadLanny Hambly who finished 40th in the same competition The Dairy Section again prov ed to have the strongest com petition with in teams striving for top honors in this section the Elmvele Dairy learn of Greta DeGorter and Sam Lang man finished Lard with the ir lllia team at Glenn boynton and Wray Burton finishing in lath place tie with the Our team oi Sylvia Rattle on Bill Drury Twenty eight Swine teams competed in that section with the Etrnvele 4H Swine team of Doug Lambie and Mike Jacobs finishing in 13th position In very closely competed section GRAIN AND FORESTRY fire Grain Section also teal ured strong ahowrng with be Drillin Collegiatee Grain Club team of Jim Hewitt and How ard Payne llnlshiog ninth out of 24 teams The Forestry Section complet ed North Simmes team stand DEAN SAYs tripto Regnson short ndtice becauseof the Cannons flu Winona Wire 00 Inga Here the Barrie North Collegiate Ierm oi Don Siddall and Bob Flock Placed 6th the Elmvaie District High School team at Rosemary Vasey and Ray Wilcox placed ninth out oi the 12 competing team medal word of congran lotions and thanks to alloi our or team members and their Club leaders who worked so hard in preparation or this event We trust that the experience oi re presenting their booty has been rewarding one and we hope that they will encourage other chirmembereloetrivedora similar honor in 19st flii Wlliilii iiiiliiIIUN tenuousmoo er NEW llfliilli PiiiiiCllllN MYERS If we cant save you money we dont deserve your business poseihlé assures thedriving pub otmng lheEAllanshope equipment 1th shred medr takes all

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